Reviews from

in the past

The game has some great ideas but falls short with basic weapon play and clunky movement. The game has some amazing art and sound direction.

Would recommend it on sale and if you are interested in games with different takes on the world

6/10 not enough of the twins

Damn that was awfully bad and it's a shame because the artisitc direction and the designs were so good. But the gameplay and level desing is just boring as hell, especially the gunfeel which just feels like you're shooting with a Nerf. Forgettable story and characters, horrible lockpick mechanics, over difficult arenas with way overpowered bots, useless open world and that's just half of it. Please let another studio hire the art team and give them the opportunity to create great designs for a game with good gameplay.

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What started as a unique experience, quickly turned into another blandish Bioshock / Dishonored copy.
I played the opening of Atomic Heart - where the Robots take over - and was blown away. The cinematography, suspense, and action were top tier. And then I continued to play, and all that spectacle slowly faded away. I stopped around the mark where your objective was to get orbs or something to escape, and then I had enough. I thought: "Are they really going to make me go through all these rooms before I get some kind of exposition for the main story?" And the answer was yes, so I quit while I was ahead.

The theme (at the beginning) was phenomenal, and the characters (while I didn't play enough to get a good grasp of them) seemed hopeful. Unfortunately, my abandoning of the game was caused from the subpar gameplay that I had experienced after this, and the stereotypical combat.

Maybe in another life, Atomic Heart.

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Strong start with an awesome concept, feels like bioshock on the surface. Main protagonist has less development than a CBBC presenter and acts like one too. The enemies make the game actually fun and the boss fights are dramatic and engaging. I want the twins to spit roast me.

Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut and be assumed a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt

I'm so glad I didn't pay for this game but so mad I wasted 11 hours on it, what a bad game in all regards.

Nothing more to say other than a below average shooter with some satisfying gunplay that doesn't make up for its sub-par story

far cry with new paint and worse dialogue

İkizler var. Biz varız. Eldiven var. Oyundur. Oyna.

7,5/10. Looting is the funnest thing ever

Es un Bioshock en rusia y con gráficos renovados, se nota que es un doble A, mas que nada en la parte del mundo abierto que queda como medio descordinada con respecto a las "dungeons" que esas si están bien hechas, los poderes se sienten con poco impacto, y los bosses son medio esponjas de balas pero están estéticamente muy bien armados. La historia es bien falopera y no te enteras bien que carajos esta pasando en las altas esferas de Rusia hasta casi el final donde tomas tu primera y ultima decisión del juego y ahi decidís si tenes el final bueno o el malo. Yo como me quería dar a ostias me fui a cagarme a trompadas, se comenta que hay otro final en el DLC pero inchequeable. 7/10 como para jugar unas tardecitas

Atomic Heart foi surpreendentemente uma experiência excelente, com uma gameplay fluida (em quase todos os momentos, história incrível e trilha sonora magnifica. Possuindo apenas pequenos problemas que não afetam tanto a experiência final.

A identidade desse jogo é o que mais chama a atenção, Atomic Heart pode ter diversas inspirações de gameplay de outros jogos, porém a personalidade criada por esse jogo, é algo que fazia tempo que não via em jogos novos. A história, sendo para mim um dos pontos mais fortes, cheia de reviravoltas e ótimos personagens. A dublagem em português tem alguns problemas em certos momentos, que acredito que tenha sido algum problema com a direção, mas os dubladores fizeram um trabalho incrível em trazer vida a esses personagens.

Trazendo muitas inspirações na gameplay de Dying Light, Bioshock e Doom, o jogo faz com que ela seja fluida e divertida, mas algumas vezes acabei ficando preso em alguns lugares por bug do jogo, tirando um pouco a imersão e a fluidez.

O ponto mais fraco do jogo é o mundo aberto, que se não tivesse, não mudaria nada. A grande quantidade de robôs e câmeras no mapa faz com que a exploração seja algo chato e maçante. Porém as partes fechadas é muito bem feita, trazendo uma ambientação incrível.

Vi muitas reviews bem negativas desse jogo antes de testar, mas após jogar depois de um tempo do lançamento e para o primeiro jogo da desenvolvedora, eu adorei. Nota 9/10.

Le trailer m'avait vraiment donné envie, quelle déception.

Ca partait pourtant tellement bien, tout le début avec la ville aérienne jusqu'à la descente sur la vraie map est très réussi. Mais à partir de là l'histoire est vite incompréhensible.
L'open world est sans aucun intérêt, tu butes des ennemis ils respawn h24 et donnent même pas du bon loot, donc pas rentable. Tu utilises beaucoup de balles pour très peu de récompenses. L'open world est vide.
Le pire pour moi a été la fin avec un boss finale pas terrible mais surtout la conclusion du jeu ultra bâclé.

L'emballage par contre est magnifique : la direction artistique, le design de l'architecture est unique et l'ambiance générale avec la musique est superbement réussi. Ce sont ces deux points qui sauvent la mise et aussi le fait que c'est un jeu fait par un petit studio.
Je salue tout de même le studio a vouloir faire un jeu avec autant d'ambition, c'est pour ça que je leur en veut pas.
Je reste vraiment déçu du produit final tout de même.

Gave this one a fair shot. Really liked the opening and the atmosphere of the game. Reminded me quite a bit of Bioshock. Once I started playing the game, it was fun and all, but it just wasn't drawing me in. I think I wanted more of a pure FPS, and the constant breaks and puzzles was just chopping up the flow for me. Maybe try it again one day, but for now, I'm done.

An oft overlooked game when considering the breakout hits of 2023, I feel like Atomic Heart is a praiseworthy shooter that promises good things for debut studio Mundfish’s future projects if they can keep us this momentum and passion.

Unfortunately, with as talented as a studio Mundfish clearly is, they haven’t yet nailed down dialogue, or for that matter quality voice acting. Going into the game I was no stranger to the fact that the dialogue and voice performances were less than stellar, so I made an executive decision to use the original Russian language setting and just turn on subtitles. That didn’t fix the clearly sophomoric and needlessly edgy script, but it made me roll my eyes just a teensy bit less when I had to read it instead of hearing it. Would definitely recommend doing that for anyone being held back from playing by memes they’ve seen online of the game’s writing snafus.

Because where Atomic Heart lags behind ten years in dialogue quality it more than makes up for in gunplay and graphics. Modifying guns with elemental mods, upgrading your high-tech glove to shoot electricity, frost, and telekinetic grabs, and perfecting the surprisingly reactive movement feels fantastic once you figure out what works against what enemy. Furthermore, the enemy designs were AWESOME, and what’s more they gave an actual reason to try different strategies what with their built-in immunities and weaknesses. Sometimes that means that you have a much harder time ahead, for when you don’t have the tools to most easily take down the boss in question, other times it’s a massive relief and provides a nice burst of happy brain chemicals when you can just melt the enemies because you’re armed for all occasions and have been upgrading smartly and in a wide range of upgrade paths. The only enemy that raised my blood pressure beyond enjoyment was the Plyush, the fleshly figures. Now that might be because I didn’t upgrade my combat axe particularly far, but I also think that limiting effective combat to exclusively melee methods are a mistake in all scenarios besides prologues. Regardless, don’t make the same mistake I did: mind your melee options.

Like I mentioned in passing, the game looks gorgeous as well. Graphically, it can compete with the likes of any triple-A giant. Only complication there is the game is quite spotty with stuttering and rendering new objects and environments, regardless of graphics settings. Only once did a bug force me to restart, but it’s something you’ll definitely notice now and again. Regardless, it’s still more stable than Fallen Order is five years later, as much as I like that game. Not that it excuses it, just wanted to add that comparison for anyone it might help evaluate the stability of the game.

The story was decent, if meandering at points. The back-to-back plot twists felt too predictable for what should have been game-changing, and it was clear rewrites forced things to be rushed. Which is made especially obvious when a certain someone dies near the climax of the game off-screen. Despite its hiccups, including the at-times confusing motivation of every character, the execution of its alternate history dystopia kept me intrigued enough to stay on the narrative rollercoaster. Granted the ending was strange. The “true” ending was the one that prematurely ended the game, while the “alternative” ending gatekept probably the best boss fight in the whole experience. I can understand wanting to continue the story in the DLC, and I know most people will get the boss fight ending anyway, however It’s a tad odd they didn’t or couldn’t weave gameplay and a satisfying conclusion together at once.

I would likely praise the open world too if not for the foolish decision to tie endless enemy respawning to every corner of the map. I’m not exaggerating when I say that you’ll not have more than a minute of peace in any square foot of the open world. The enemy spawn points, patrols, and respawns are brutal with a capital B. Kill them as many times as you want, some repair bots will show up to fix them up quicker than you can say gesundheit. I only hope they learn to relax the chaos in future installment/DLCs, because I would have liked to explore more than I was encouraged to.

Not without some very real flaws, I hold firm that Atomic Heart shows enough heart and genuine talent to overcome the weight of its issues. All the same, I would still strongly advise going into this game with a healthy serving of patience. For fair reasons and bad ones, Atomic Heart is a very polarizing title in the fickle, ever ebbing and flowing gamosphere, but it’s a title deserving of a fair shake.

Eu esperava mais do jogo, confesso que fiquei um pouco desapontado.
A ambientação dele é muito boa, tem uma historia boa também, mas não passa disso, depois de um certo momento perde um pouco o ar da graça, mas ainda consegue entreter bem
A trilha sonora é incrivel.

Queria um melhor polimento, principalmente no mundo aberto. É uma premissa muito boa e maravilhosa de ser explorada. Ambientação é imersivo e intrigante... É de brilhar os olhos

A las 10 horas deja de tener gracia, pero son buenas 10 horas

The most pointless open worlds I've even played.

Should have been a movie, aesthetic, character design and music choice are god tier

se tivesse mais partes de parkour como em dying light o jogo seria melhor, mas fora isso o jogo é impecavel, e a dublagem pra pt-br ficou melhor do que eu podia esperar, obra prima, só isso.

Esse jogo tem uma história interessante mas eu não curti o combate e a progressão.

Este juego es un juego con potencial. No he jugado a Bioshock, pero de haberlo jugado no tengo un problema particular con inspirarse profundamente en una obra para dar lugar a algo único y con gran personalidad. Este no es el caso por desgracia.

El potencial de este juego reside especialmente en las bases históricas y políticas que el juego ofrece de cara a construir una narrativa y conclusiones excepcionales. Por desgracia, el juego cae en una historia que se desarrolla en segundo plano mediante conversaciones con el guante polimérico llamado Charles mientras no cesas de golpear y disparar a robots con pretextos estúpidos. Niecháev, el protagonista, es fácilmente el personaje con menos personalidad que se podía formular, y sus actos suelen contradecir las intenciones de la historia que se da de fondo. En lugar de presentar la esencia histórica y teórica del comunismo para criticarla (intención que el juego va mostrando a medida que avanza la historia), los desarrolladores tomaron la vía fácil y descarada de entender el poder político de forma neoliberal (el estado es monopolio de la violencia que contradice las libertades personales, una visión del estado particular del estado burgués aplicado a uno de los pocos modelos de estado anticapitalista) para colarnos en el proceso una historia de fantasías de poder masculinas de lo más previsible y ya vistas y experimentadas por todos en el resto de juegos triple A de la industria. Que conste que, con esto, no quiero decir que el PCUS no pueda ser criticado, tan solo que representan el PCUS como una estructura de poder fundamentalmente oligárquica, algo propio de las estructuras de poder capitalistas y que difícilmente se puede enlazar mediante analogía con el PCUS. Intuyo que detrás del juego hay tal vez una cierta intención de crítica al nuevo hombre soviético parecida a la de Bulgakov en "Corazón de perro", pero dicha crítica nunca se hace verdaderamente interesante porque parte de una definición de libertad pueril (libertad es la ausencia de determinaciones exteriores al sujeto).

Además, dicho potencial se podría desarrollar sobre un período que la historia burguesa ha enterrado bajo toneladas de tópicos y datos falsos. Reivindicar la realidad histórica es un valor positivo sea para criticarla o secundarla. Por desgracia, desde Mundfish tomaron la vía de no investigar ni una pizca de cara a fabricar el mundo de "Atomic heart", el cual consiste en ser una fantasía utópica poco imaginativa y con ninguna carga real o racional detrás. Esto se puede ver en su arquitectura, en su diseño de los robots e incluso en lo brillante de la paleta de colores. La incoherencia y desfachatez del juego está presente tanto en su narrativa como en su estética.

En cuanto a la jugabilidad, su nivel de pulido es cuestionable, su diseño de niveles es repetitivo y hace el juego innecesariamente largo (alargado artificialmente debo añadir), la jugabilidad está completamente escindida de la historia. Es divertida los primeros 30 minutos tras desbloquear las habilidades del guante polimérico y luego te toca jugar 10 horas más con eso.

En definitiva, no me da miedo decir que este juego es una vergüenza, y de lo peor que he jugado desde "Far cry 6", en el cual por lo menos podía jugar con un amigo.

SENSASIONAL!!! Me pegou de surpresa pois eu não sabia que o jogo era mundo aberto, embora a exploração seja meia boca e o único lugar que importa no mapa são os Polygons onde você pega upgrade para as armas. O combate é muito divertido e a trilha sonora é magnífica ( melhor OST do jogo: Zvyozdnoe Leto (Geoffrey Day Remix ) Recomendo!
Obs: zerei com 28h

A proposta de um lugar utópico (melhor referência a falecida URSS) é muito boa, a tensão dos acontecimentos é muito bem contada e você fica preso em saber onde isso vai acabar

Gostei demais do protagonista e dos demais personagens,