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in the past

This was a good experience!
The world is super dreary and atmospheric. The game definitely won't scare you - but it has that classic spooky old New England feel to it and they did a great job capturing that. The concept here is also extremely unique and memorable, with two memorable leads to complement it. I loved the dynamic between the two and how you could seamlessly switch between the two of them in combat (which was also solid). Lots of cool ghostly moments along the way.
My main issue here is actually the story. And don't get me wrong, it's a good story in concept. In execution, while there are some strong emotional beats, the pacing could be a LOT better. There were times where I felt like it was dragging. It's a story that could have been told in about half the time. And as you advance towards New Eden Town, you're faced with a bunch of haunting cases along the way. Obviously, with things like that, some are going to be a lot more interesting than others. Essentially, I liked the main beats the story hit, I just wish some of the fat in between was trimmed a little more.
Overall, this was a game I was SUPER excited for, and I'm happy that it was a good game. I don't think it was quite the level I thought it could be, but it's definitely good enough to recommend!

Ficamos imersos num mundo que retrata a América do Norte na era da colonização britânica, com um design dos cenários muito bem conseguidos e gráficos muito bonitos.
Red Mcraith e Antea Duarte, dois banidores e amantes, são enviados para New Eden para auxiliar um velho amigo contra uma maldição que assombra toda a cidade. Onde são deparados com algo mais poderoso do que imaginavam, acabando por ceifar a vida de Antea e espalha o seu poder por todo o território em New Eden.
A partir daqui jogas com os dois protagonistas, Antea Duarte que assume a forma de um fantasma, fazendo a ligação com o mundo espectral e Red McRaith que permanece no mundo dos vivos. Embarcas numa estória de amor e redenção, com personagens bem desenhadas e todos eles com a sua própria personalidade complexa. Há medida que vais avançando na estória, terás de tomar decisões que impactam o destino dos personagens que encontras e o fim da estória no endgame. O impacto que tens nas vidas dos personagens baseia-se num método direcionado para a narrativa, onde terás de resolver casos de assombração tanto na main quest como em side quests. O modelo criado é bom, com diálogos bem escritos onde todos os personagens têm desejos e segredos que terás de descobrir iniciando uma investigação.
Quanto às estórias que terás de resolver nas main quests. Todas elas são únicas e fazem-te criar uma relação com os personagens envolvidos. Contudo, o mesmo modelo aplicado às side quests, aka casos de assombração, torna-se aborrecido. Isto é, o circuito é sempre o mesmo, começas com um interrogatório ao personagem que está assombrado, fazes uma investigação explorando uma área designada no teu mapa de New Eden, passas ao diagnóstico dos acontecimentos e depois ao julgamento, acrescendo ainda que os personagens envolvidos são sempre um fantasma e um humano ou dois com acontecimentos que os ligam entre eles. O facto de a causa de assombração ser sempre um fantasma e o circuito ser o mesmo, faz com que ao fim de uns quantos casos de assombração o processo se torne aborrecido, fazendo-te desligar do drama da estória de cada personagem, que no geral está muito bom, o que é uma pena. As mecânicas de combate também não ajudam, no geral. O combate é rígido e a falta de variedade de npc’s inimigos torna as lutas repetitivas e pouco entusiasmantes. Senti que o combate é pouco desafiante para o player, exceto na luta com o boss final e outra luta com um boss da main quest.
Banishers Ghosts of New Eden, traz-te um mapa consideravelmente grande para explorar a pé, com bonitas paisagens e segredos para desvendar. Contudo as recompensas pela exploração não são as melhores. Podes receber equipamentos, como outfits, conjunto de espada e tocha, rifles para o Red, anéis, broches e colares mágicos para a Antea, ou itens que usarás para melhorar estes mesmos equipamentos. Contudo, o combate pouco entusiasmante e uma skill tree simples que, apenas afetam atributos passivos dos protagonistas fizeram com que, ao fim de uma certa altura do percurso não sentisse que precisava de mais equipamentos. Basicamente acabei por ficar com os mesmos equipamentos durante a maior parte do jogo, apenas realizei upgrades aos mesmos.
Quanto à skill tree, é bastante simplificada para um RPG, apresenta-te 4 ramos de especialização dos atributos passivos dos protagonistas, onde escolhes melhorias para as passivas de Red e de Antea. Poucas alterações fiz nos atributos durante o jogo, pois nunca senti necessidade de alterar devido ao combate pouco desafiante.
Percebe-se que a Dont Nod criou este videojogo com todo o foco na narrativa, o voice acting é excelente e os nossos protagonistas estão bem desenhados. Expõem-te casos onde nenhuma das opções é ótima, criando problemas morais difíceis de resolver. Senti que Banishers Ghosts of New Eden retira inspirações de The Witcher 3 mas falha na variedade no tipo de conteúdo por trás das estórias. Se, de vez em quando, o caso de assombração não fosse um fantasma, mas outro tipo de espírito maligno ou um outro humano fosse o provocador da suposta assombração, por exemplo, poderia fazer a diferença. As mecânicas de combate ofuscam a mestria da narrativa, retirando-lhe o foco devido às mecânicas rígidas e combates repetitivos contra uma fraca variedade de tipos de inimigo, tornando aborrecido o processo. Os confrontos pouco desafiantes fizeram com que não sentisse muita necessidade de melhorar os protagonistas, e aliando à pouca novidade no conteúdo na exploração de New Eden, causou a falta de interesse em explorar o mapa à procura de novidades, fazendo com que passasse diretamente a completar as main quests.
No geral, se estás à procura de um videojogo focado na narrativa e não fores exigente com a experiência de um RPG, Banishers Ghosts of New Eden fará com que passes bem o teu tempo, com uma boa estória complementada com uma excelente narrativa.

Esse jogo tem um começo excelente, mas da metade para frente ele fica meio arrastado, sem novidades, e o combate fica chato. Poderia facilmente ter metade da duração

Todo estúdio precisa sair da sua zona de conforto cedo ou tarde, inovando ou partindo de projetos distintos do que o fez ser conhecido, e a querida Dontnod fez no momento ideal.

Todo estúdio tem a "sua cara", e não é novidade que a Dontnod tem foco muito especial nas suas narrativas, exploram sempre com muita perfeição, nesse jogo em específico ele é grande ponto alto.

Demorei muito além do comum pra terminar o Binashers, o jogo tem muitos altos e baixos entre seus casos, a gameplay tem muitas limitações e me cansou bastante indo pro final, o jogo deveria ter encurtado a duração, missões mais diretas sem as enrolações de puzzles repetitivos e outros.

No final Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden é uma boa aposta, pode chamar muita atenção e rapidamente te desinteressar, os seus problemas são compreensíveis se tratando do primeiro RPG do esttúdio , que mais jogos variados com foco na narrativa venham

Jogo que me prendeu do início ao fim. Não rushei a campanha principal por que ficaria com abstinência sem ele tão rápido. Joguem. Eu devorei esse jogo nas últimas duas semanas.

The combat system here is basically as repetitive as everyone says, and until you unlock some of the flashier skills it's pretty boring too. A lot of the quests amount to fetch quests in a way I haven't really seen in game like this in a long time. Loading the map or menu takes a full 5-8 seconds and really slows down the pace of gameplay, especially without a real minimap to show you where you are.

All that said, I thought this was some of the best and most interesting character work in a game I've ever played. I really believed the love story here, and by the end I was invested in its outcome. I thought it was really interesting how it used its colonial, Puritan setting to tell a story about bigotry and misogyny, and Antea being a black woman in that world really added a depth to it that wouldn't have been possible otherwise. The acting performances are universally great too.

I loved it by the end, but at times I wish it were trying to be more Life is Strange and less God of War.

Dålig combat dålig/ointressant story och linjärt


Tudo e muito lindo, os gráficos, direção de arte, personagens e a fotografia das cinematics. ta doido. Amei a premissa da história, e essa coisa da gente decidir quem e o culpado nas historias muito do bacana. A dinâmica entre o Red e a Antea e apaixonante, e verdadeira, uma das melhores coisas do jogo. Em questão de gameplay, achei o combate maneiro, e o sistema de exploração e evolução tbm, mas por algum motivo pro final do meio do jogo eu dei uma broxada muito boa, fiquei bem preguiça de jogar mesmo, só que a história me segurou.

Vale a pena.

La gran sorpresa del año. Don’t Nod vuelve a dar en el clavo con una trágica historia oscura de amor, fantasmas y maldiciones. Aprendiendo de lo que funcionó bien (y no tan bien) en Vampyr, Banishers: Ghosts of Eden es a todas luces una clara evolución de la fórmula del juego de vampiros. Y si os gustó Vampyr, os enamorará Banishers.

- Great ambientation
- Immersive world atmosphere
- Beautiful game
- Nice history
- Good characters
- Combat is bad
- Exploration is a great deception, walk to discovery secret places to find the same items that you always find in any part of the map
- Good side quests

Nothing frustrates me more lately than decent games plagued with all the unnecessary bloat from those "AAA" titles, games with decent ideas, stories, settings, characters, but terrible pacing hurt by the decisions to make the game 5 times longer than it should be.

Banishers is one of those games for me, and as much as I want to like it, I just can't fully enjoy it, because it feels like it just WANTS to waste my time.
This is an obvious AA game trying to do so much, but for what.

It has a great premise, great characters, interesting story, nice visuals, atmosphere, etc. But did it really need to have a painfully weak and basic gear system, upgrades, souls-like stats, witcher-senses, gathering resources, currencies, cleansing totems, corruption, chests, having metroidvania elements at it's basic form "just teleport back later with a new ability and get some loot".

Did it really need to have, I swear to God, a THOUSAND ledges and tight spaces you slowly climb and crawl onto every few STEPS that are there just to add a couple of hours of "playtime" in the long run. Countless things to shoot on a map, collectibles to get, fetching to do, but WHY..

The devs wasted so much resources to bloat the game and it's playtime, but at the same time the core-gameplay is just.. lacking. The combat reminds of the GoW, and yet it's so clunky, and shallow. The enemy variety is non-existent, as you fight the same 4 enemies for hours and hours. There's no interesting gear or accessories. No depth.

The game isn't that bad, it's just "okay", but it could've been so much better if it was a more linear 10-15 hours experience focused on it's strengths, instead of all the bloat that we see in so many games nowadays that try to be big just for the sake of it.

I played the initial few hours of it and yea sadly this game had a good premise, some great voice acting and good investigations mission design even tho they are on rails game does 95% of the job for u all u do is move and interact with things, but the decisions are urs to make, the setting of 1600's and the locations are also really cool not much explored in gaming landscape either, all in all this had great freaking potential but it all crumble down when it comes to gameplay.

the combat is Mid feel like its pre alpha or someshit, the platforming is straight from GOW on rail stuff.
the only thing that works and responsive is moving around in the world.

i wanted to like this game but I like this when I wasn't playing but watching the cutscenes the characters talking but when I got control of character I kind despise playing it felt boring so yea this isn't for me.

Full video review:

Banishers is basically what you would get if you took God of War and gave it a little bit of the Sherlock Holmes treatment. It’s an interesting combo that has both its pros and cons.

Overall, the combat is pretty good. Hits have weight behind them, there’s a few different weapon types to mix and match mid-fight, the movement feels fluid, dodging, parrying, and blocking are responsive, and there’s an entire skill tree with new moves and such to add even more flavor. For not being the focus of the experience, the studio did a pretty good job making the combat fun to play.

That said, it really suffers with its enemy variety. It gets kinda boring fighting the same type of ghosts over and over throughout the game, especially since the only visual difference between most of them is their color. The boss fights are cool, but there aren’t enough of them to break up the otherwise monotonous enemies.

Exploration & Level Design
Exploration is also a big part of the experience and something Banishers does well. The level design in particular is solid. You have this large map to explore complete with branching paths, plenty of side objectives, towns with people to get to know, beautiful scenery, and I am just kinda a sucker for medieval/fantasy infused aesthetics and the world here in Banishers absolutely nails that.

One thing I really was not a fan of was the whole crafting/upgrading element. It reminded me of games like A Plague Tale or even God of War, where it’s just kinda tacked on to the experience and there to give you an excuse to wander around more to find more grass, stone, and other random material to collect for future upgrades. That aspect was not really fleshed out and came across as tedious as a result.

I liked the overarching plot. Two banishers - basically ghost hunters or paranormal investigators - traveling around solving cases and ultimately trying to decide the fate of Antea, your partner who herself is a ghost. It’s a great set up to tie together the rest of the game, which ultimately comes across as episodic.

That can be good or bad depending on the person. You have this goal of reaching New Eden - the town where your partner died - but must stop along the way to assist with cases that ultimately have no relation to the rest of the plot. Some of these cases are genuinely interesting, some are bad, but most are just okay. You’ll get one that dives into a couple characters and raises some great questions about topics like death, relationships, and what it takes to survive in the world, and then one that has a very predictable and boring twist with surface-level characters.

I would say for the most part, the cases are interesting, but there are quite a lot that just aren’t and you’re forced to go through them to progress anyways. Oftentimes the only relation they have to the main story is the decision you make at the very end when deciding who is to blame in a specific case. Your choices there ultimately decide the fate of your ghost partner, but I feel like the game could have done a bit more in making the rest of the story feel more than just episodic mini-stories.

Length & Replayability
The entire thing takes about 20-25 hours to clear, so it is rather lengthy, but I can’t say I see myself replaying this one to make different choices purely because the individual cases themselves - given I already know the outcome - would just be a slog.

Graphics, Music, & Performance
Character designs are solid, the environments are detailed, the lighting is well-done, and the soundtrack is alright too. Performance-wise, I was unable to run the game natively at 4k 144fps medium-high settings on my 3080 Ti and ended up having to enable DLSS to compensate. After that though, no issues aside from the occasional funky animation bug.

I would give Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden a light recommendation. It does many things well, such as the combat, the exploration, and the narrative too, but I can’t say that any single one of these is anything more than just “good”. The combat has issues with how repetitive it can be, the narrative is hit or miss due to the episodic nature of the game loop, and the whole crafting/upgrading system just felt shallow. That said, you do get some really interesting cases, characters, and the boss fights are really cool too. I’m glad I played it, but would only recommend it on sale or in a bundle.

Hoje vamos falar de um jogo que tem chamado minha atenção desde que foi anunciado: Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden. Ele é da desenvolvedora Don't Nod, mais conhecida por seu trabalho em jogos como Life is Strange. É um jogo de ação com foco narrativo e muitos elementos decisão, que é a especialidade da Don't Nod. No entanto, diferente do que se imagina, Banishers é bem diferente de tudo o que a Don't Nod já fez até o momento.

Ghosts of New Eden conta a história de dois Banishers, Antea Duarte e Red mac Raith, que viajaram para uma cidade chamada New Eden em 1695. Eles estão lá para ajudar a região assolada por uma maldição a pedido de um velho amigo. Banishers são caçadores de espíritos que podem expulsar maldições com rituais e proteger os vivos dos mortos. Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden não é apenas uma história sobre caça a fantasmas, já que Antea e Red também são um casal.

Após uma investigação inicial, Antea e Red se deparam com uma situação duvidosa na qual Antea é morta e transformada em espírito. Além de lidar com a maldição em New Eden, Red e Antea também terão que tomar a decisão de por a alma de Antea para descansar ou tentar ressuscitá-la sacrificando o máximo de vivos em um ritual antigo. Além da história em si, a atmosfera de Banishers exala o sentimento perfeito que o jogo quer passar. Ele proporciona um tom de mistério juntamente com alguns elementos levemente de terror.

No geral, Banishers possui uma narrativa intrigante com momentos emocionantes, decisões difíceis e histórias secundárias bem interessantes de acompanhar. Embora eu tenha tomado a decisão de seguir o caminho de reviver Antea, ao longo do caminho comecei a achar difícil permanecer nesse caminho, questionando-me o tempo todo sobre essa decisão, o que é muito legal e mostra o quanto o jogo se envolve na história a ponto de afetar seus sentimentos. As decisões desempenham um papel importante não apenas dentro da história e dos finais múltiplos, mas também na sua experiência com o jogo.

Banisher, no geral, é um RPG de ação. Red e Antea viajam para livrar a região da maldição. Os dois devem lutar contra espíritos, mortos-vivos e muito mais. O combate do jogo é sólido e relativamente simples. Existem os ataques de estilo de combate típicos de terceira pessoa, tanto leves quanto pesados, ataques à distância, ataques especiais e teletransporte. Para complementar suas habilidades, tanto Red quanto Antea têm uma série de habilidades para desbloquear em uma árvore de talentos, além de equipamentos para melhorar. No geral, o combate de Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden é bastante divertido.

Fora do combate, existem dois principais ciclos de jogabilidade de locomoção e investigações. A locomoção é limitada a um único botão e consiste em você teleportar de uma ponta a outra. A navegação, o retrocesso e a abertura de atalhos desempenham um papel significativo ao viajar pelo mundo. No geral, a jogabilidade é bem feita.Mas infelizmente começa a ficar um pouco repetitiva ao longo do tempo.

As investigações ajudam a avançar a história e desempenham um papel enorme nas histórias secundárias. Os jogadores podem investigar tanto como Red quanto como Antea, sendo que Antea é capaz de ver coisas que Red não pode, muitas vezes precisando da união de ambos para poder solucionar algum caso. Ao encontrar e identificar pistas, os jogadores são capazes de determinar o que aconteceu na situação, utilizando certos rituais é possível até mesmo visualizar tudo o que aconteceu no local e até mesmo invocar certo espírito morto naquela situação. Eles podem usar essas informações para tomar as decisões finais. Esta parte do jogo é muito legal, pois permite determinar o que está realmente ocorrendo e formar opiniões em tempo real enquanto ouvem os pensamentos de Red e Antea.

Banishers no sentido gráfico foi impressionante. Eu, quando comecei a jogar depois de ver vários trailers, estava com minha expectativa sobre o game lá no alto, e quando finalmente joguei o game fiquei surpreso o quanto estava legal tudo no game para mim. Quando você começa o prólogo, ele te passa uma impressão de que o game vai ser bem escuro, bem dark em maioria de seu tempo, mas não é exatamente o que acontece no game, a gente tem um misto de tudo, tanto momentos de dia quanto a noite e uma coisa que eu achei muito intrigante foi como mesmo ao dia o game conseguiu manter esse sentimento mais depressivo e de terror que New Eden tem que ter.

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden é uma experiência esplêndida, um baita trabalho da Don't Nod. O jogo começa com pontos muito fortes, mas com o passar do tempo ele meio que se torna enjoativo e até mesmo perde um pouco da magia que você sentia quando iniciou o game. Mas ainda sim é um baita game e certamente para mim é uma das jogatinas mais legais que tive até então em 2024.

Pontos Positivos:
- Narrativa bem legal
- Visual lindo
- Toda a construção de mundo é incrível

Pontos Negativos:
- Gameplay um pouco repetitiva depois de um tempo

Versão utilizada para análise: XSS

Just utterly devoid of inspiration. Everything technically works, though in the most underdeveloped form you can imagine. Even the core premise is instantly undercut by your dead partner going with every choice you make for them. No conflict at all.

Steam - 37h30min
Simplesmente um grande jogo da Don't Not. A gameplay e level design lembra muito GOW2018. A narrativa e modo de contar suas historia lembra bem The Withcer, porém do jeito que a Don't Not sabe fazer e emocionar quem joga. Amei o enredo e a gameplay. O jogo só peca no seu leva e trás para os mesmo lugares (muito mais repetitivo que um metroidvania).

I was not ready for the sublime writing quality here. Sure, it's Don't Nod, they excel at writing interpersonal relationships and conflict, but I never really expected them to apply it to their first big semi-fantasy RPG with such easy aplomb. The gameplay is basically a GOW2018-alike, and it at least suits the narrative well. For my part, I found the hybrid-ghost combat to be more enthralling than what GOW gave us, though still a bit tedious in general. Going to be hard to top this melancholic masterpiece for a while yet.

I really try to give DONT'NOD a chance, but they always mess it up.

This one in particular has a subpar combar system, it's a GOW 2018 clone and it completely sucks, i don't feel a little bit of fun in it.

The story is SLIGHTY better than the combat, but it doesn't really mean anything since the combat is so bad and doesn't encourages you to keep playing the game and do side-quests and explore.

Red and Antea chemistry worked, i really liked the moments they had.

Besides this, i highly recommend you to skip this one if you don't like GOW 2018-like combat.

Banishers is a perfectly adequate 3rd person action adventure. The story, setting, characters, and action are all solid Bs across the board. The character choice is solid for the genre and the talent tree offers good variety in gameplay.

The problem is the backbreaking lack of any sort of variety, particularly in enemy types. You will fight the exact same 5-8 monsters over and over again, and it just drags by the end.

No está mal, tiene cosas que molan como las misiones secundarias o la ambientación, cosas meeh; como el combate o la historia. Pero lo peor del juego, es claramente, que dura muchísimo, el tramo final final se me hizo muy pesado.

Really enjoyed this one, went into it not expecting too much (because of some of the reviews I've seen) but was pleasantly surprised.
For starters, this game is beautiful. There's something really lovely about the setting and way the world is presented, so it's very nice to look at.
The combat does let the game down, unfortunately, as it's very basic and repetitive. So, I did get to the point where I was going through areas hoping not to encounter any combat, which is a shame.
But if you look past the combat, the story is enthralling. It doesn't do anything groundbreaking, it's just a story about the two main characters endless love for one another, and what they'll do for it.

Will definitely replay this to explore the other choices throughout the game.

Great story with simple yet awesome combat. Loved helping the people of New Eden with their ghostly problems by finding clues and exploring the land, uncovering more and more of the story behind the main issue of the land. I did a few side things but focused on the main story and it still took over twenty hours, this game can easily take up a lot of your time, in a good way!

Check out my entire review here:

God of War meets the order with a little bit of souls.
Very good game. Nice gameplay, very good story and characters.
Graphics are also very good and doesn't have huge problems on PC.

The main problem of the game is that theres no variaety of enemies. youll figth the same type of enemies until the end of the game.

But overall everything about the game is good enough.

Okay, let’s do a short story version of what I thought of the game and then, if you feel like reading way too specific stuff about this game, you can keep reading for the long version, because there is a lot to say about this game, both good and bad.
Short version: the strongest point of this game are its story, characters (and voice acting), historical setting and visuals. The weakest point, for me, was combat. I found combat boring, repetitive and slow. If it weren’t for the characters, their dialogues and the overall story, I don’t know if I would have completed the game, because gameplay itself can get boring after a few hours.
Now for the long version, let’s go with specific stuff that I liked:
• The visuals were amazing. I don’t mean just realistic graphics (which it has), but also the designs of the enviroments, the houses, the landscapes, the characters themselves, their outfits and accessories; the objects you find lying around, everything. The interiors of houses and buildings in general were beautiful. Every time I entered a room I kinda lost myself for a bit just looking around.
• The dynamic between Red and Antea (both in gameplay and in the storyline) was great. It was fun to switch between characters, and it was fun to hear them talk to each other.
• The gun/rifle was fun to use in combat. I think it was one of the few things that I liked about the fighting in this game.
• I loved the story and themes of this game. The game deal with topics like love, death, loss, betrayal, violence, grief in a way that I really liked, because you feel all of that through the characters. As I said, for my experience, the story carried the game. If it wasn’t for the story, maybe I would have drop the game before finishing it. I played a few of the side quest that had very good stories as well. I because of the repetitive gameplay, I only played a few of all the side quest available.
Sadly, the game has a lot of things that I didn’t like. Some of this are small things that don’t represent a real problem for the game as a whole, and others are more important.
• I found the combat very boring. At first, I thought it was because I needed to upgrade my gear, learn new abilities, learn new mechanics later on in the game, etc. But at around 10 hours into the game, I was just tired of the fighting parts. The game doesn’t try to hide the influence of “God of War” (2018). But while in that game the combat feels very real and dynamic, and fast and actually rewarding, in Banishers it feels slow, repetitive and very inefficient. In every enemy encounter I found myself taking way too long to defeat them, but not because they were hard or challenging to fight (that would have actually been great), but because the damage was ridiculously low, even after upgrading the weapons and character. It took me forever to defeat the most simple foes, after hitting and hitting buttons. The boss fights were a bit better, maybe because they look different, or maybe because you had to focus in just one enemy. The only thing that made the combat good for moments were the interaction and witch between characters. I think they could have explore that mechanic a lot more. Add more combos, more weapons, etc.
• There is not “bestiary” where you can look the different types of enemies. Maybe because there is not a lot of enemy types. But I would have like to have a section where you could read about the enemies, maybe even combat tips for each of them, and stuff like that.
• Played it on XBOX Series X and I had about three or four crashes in the middle of the game or cinematics. One of the glitches came right after I defeated “The Beast”, so I had to play that boss fight again, because the game wasn’t saved before crashing. Not a big deal, but a bit annoying.
• The compass on top of the screen is just bad. I don’t know, maybe this point is my fault, but there were a lot of times when I was running around trying to guess where the compass was actually trying to make me go, because it kept moving a lot, even walking in straight line. So I had to open the map, see the destination and try to go that way.
• In the final part of the game, it feels like they were trying to stretch it maybe? In one of the last quests you have to go from point A to point B several times, just to start a dialogue that sends you to another point. This isn’t always a bad thing, but I found the map not very fun to explore after a few hours.
• The game probably has a few different endings (I didn’t google this, but I think it does, because you have important choices all throughout the game) and I’d like to see them all, but I don’t see myself playing this game again, so I will probably look them up on Youtube.

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden is a mix of God of War and The Witcher 3. Although story itself is not very intersting, narrative is very effective. Story telling is at its peak. Side quests are as good as main quests. Of course there are things that Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden can't do well. First, Combat is repatitive and enemy variety is not enough for a game with 30+ hours gameplay time.

Pegaram diversos elementos do God of War e TW3, e saiu um bom jogo. Por mais que tenha elementos dos jogos citados, ainda sim tem sua própria identidade.

A história do jogo e a exploração de mapaé o que carrega a gameplay, pois o combate tem uma variedade muito baixa de inimigos (se repetem MUITO) e por mais que tenha uma boa árvore de upgrade, o combate também é bem limitado..

Sessões de investigação onde tudo é mastigado para o jogador, como se ele fosse um idiota.

Um combate melhor que o de vampyr, mas ainda maçante e duro. Inimigos fáceis e idiotas que ficam se acumulando pelas áreas.

A dont nod tem boas ideias para histórias e personagens (esse é o ponto forte de todos os seus jogos), mas não acho que ação seja o forte deles