Soy argentino, juego jueguitos desde que recuerdo.

A veces escribo reseñas medio largas que se que nadie va a leer, pero me gusta tenerlas acá para volver con el tiempo y ver qué me pareció un juego en su momento.
Sometimes I write long reviews that I know nobody's gonna read, but I like to have them here, so I can read them after some time to remember what I thought of a game when I originally played it.
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If I have to summarize what I think of this game in a simple sentence, I’d say that I enjoyed the game, but perhaps I would have enjoyed it more if it were a full movie or a TV show. Now, let’s go to the details. In advance, sorry for this much text.
Played this game for the first time in 2024, never played it before. If you were to tell me that this game came out this very year, I would believe you, because visually, the game is amazing. Not only the graphics are very realistic, but also everything looks real. I think that the designing for this game was really good. The scenarios, clothing, guns, accesories, etc look like they actually exist. The mo-cap and voice acting is really good also. The music is very good, specially during some cinematics.
I liked the story. It’s simple and linear, but it’s good. Nothing too original, but I liked the general setting of the story. I think that I would have been nice to know more about the lore during the game. Like how did the Order was founded, when did the rivalry with the half-breeds started, where do the monsters come from, etc. I loved the final scene of the game, but at the same time it felt rushed to end the game there. It leaves a lot to the imagination of how that situation carried on. I know that at this point, it’s almost impossible that we get a sequel, but I’d play it if it where to happen.
When I said this game is very cinematic, I mean that for moments, you kinda forget that you are playing a game. There are parts where you have a seamless transition from cinematic to gameplay and viceversa. But, there are moments when this kind of obsession with realism and trying to look like a movie, is not a good thing. The camera placement feels weird during some gameplay bits. Maybe it’s too close to the character or too displaced to one of the sides, etc. It’s not all the time, but when it happens, I find it annoying.
The gameplay itself is fun, but very repetitive. There is little to no variation. You walk (you’ll be forced to do slow walking a bit too much maybe), you go through some areas where you have to jump or climb, you get to the fighting area, you clean it up, then repeat. Also, there is little variation of enemies. The gunplay was fun. Simple, but fun. I wasn’t blown away by it, but I enjoyed it. You have to use the “cover” system and shoot, and that’s pretty much it. There are no boss battles. The closets things to boss battles are some lycans, which you have to fight using a quick time event. Now, the “stealth” parts were the worst for me. The camera feels weird, and even if you get close to the enemies you have to wait for the quick time event button to load so you can take them down. Also, the stealth isn’t optional. There are a few parts of the game when you have to do it that way whether you want it or not.
And this is too specific, but I can’t believe that there are so many modern games where you can’t change the audio and text languages. I like to play games on their original language, with text and subtitles in spanish (I’m from Argentina). And it is too often that I find that the game has no language option (like this game). Or maybe they only have the option to change the language of the whole game (audio and text). So I ended up changing the language of my PS5 so the game would play in english (both audio and text).

I can’t believe that we’re in 2024 and Ubisoft actually made a great videogame. Just kidding (or am I?)
The game is fun. I know that doesn’t sound like a great deal. But I mean is really, really fun to play. The combat is good, there is a decent variety of enemies, which make it fun to fight them. The character is amazing to control. Specially once you learn the main abilities (like double jump, the slide though the air, etc). The scenarios are full of secrets, chests, coins, etc. I’ll be honest, I didn’t care at all about the lore and texts about collectibles. I just picked them up and kept playing.
Visually, the game looks very well made. I played in on the Nintendo Switch and the graphics and textures can look a bit odd from time to time. For what I saw, on PC, Xbox and Playstation, the game looks a lot better. Apart from the graphics, the general style of the game is cool. Maybe not very original, but it looks good. Although I didn’t like the UI and menu elements.
The game has a few options to personalize the difficulty of different aspects, which is great if you are the kind of player that, sometimes, want a lower challenge. I won’t lie, sometimes I do. And I did use some of those settings in moments where I just wanted to move forward and I didn’t wanna spend another 20 tries on the same boss.
I liked the music in some key moments of the game. The general audio effects are very good, specially the background noises in the different environments. The voice acting is okay, nothing to complain or stand out about it.
I’ll be honest, I didn’t care at all about the story. It’s not bad, but I just didn’t care. I don’t think the story is the strongest point of the game: for me, it was just an excuse to play this really fun game and go from one side of the map to the other, fighting everything that moves in the middle. And that’s perfectly fine to me.
I don’t know if this is an issue only present on the Switch, but I found a but annoying having so many loading screens. I don’t know if the PC/Xbox/Playstation versions also have so many black screens. It’s not a deal breaker, but after a while, it can be annoying. Specially considering that the game has a fast gameplay (which is great) that makes you want to keep playing it fluidly.
I think this game doesn’t invent anything new for the genre, but it takes what works for this type of games and combines it all very well.
I don’t know if I will play this game again in the future, but maybe I’ll keep playing it a few more hours just to complete parts of the map that I didn’t go to during my playtrough.

Entré a este juego sin saber nada, solo tenía la referencia de que era muy bueno y que proponía algo distinto. Me encontré con un muy buen resultado, aunque tal vez esperaba un poquito más debido a esa tan buena referencia que tenía.
El inicio es muy efectivo y enseguida ya estás comprometido con la historia, ya te creés que sos Henry, te creés y sentís su historia y qué lo lleva a tomar este trabajo. El vínculo inmediato que se establece con Delilah también está construido de manera excelente, porque enseguida querés saber más sobre ella, sobre el trabajo, querés escuchar sus conversaciones sobre las cosas que vas encontrando, todo. Esto ayudado por excelentes actuaciones de voz, uno de los puntos fuertes del juego.
La ambientación es muy linda, todo el bosque y parque natural se siente lindo de recorrer. Es un juego de exploración, en definitiva. Sí me pasó que la exploración a veces se me hacía confusa. Si bien la brújula ayuda mucho y el mapa también, a veces me resultaba poco práctico tener que estar volviendo a medio camino porque me había equivocado. Pero supongo me pasaría lo mismo con un mapa de papel en el medio del bosque.
La música cumple muy bien. Es tranquila y te da ganas de mirar al horizonte en los momentos tranquilos y se pone más turbia cuando el juego lo amerita.
La construcción de la historia me pareció muy buena. Como decía antes, el inicio es el momento más fuerte porque te hace comprometer con el juego muy rápidamente, y quedás enganchado. Más adelante, cuando se va oscureciendo todo un poco, te termina de atrapar probablemente. Me gustó que jugaran con esa supuesta gran conspiración, aunque uno ya sabe que tiene que haber una explicación más lógica, la duda de qué está pasando realmente, queda.
El desenlace creo que es el que tenía que ser. Se trata de una historia personal y cotidiana, diría. No es una historia del héroe que salva al mundo ni se enfrenta a grandísimos peligros, sino del tipo común que se tiene que enfrentar a eso de lo que viene escapando, me parece.
En definitiva, es un juego corto, entretetenido y lindo de jugar. Puede ser repetitivo pero es tan corto que tampoco se hace notorio esto. Tiene cierta rejugabilidad ya que, al menos yo, no creo haber explorado todos los rincones del mapa y seguramente habrá alguna que otra cosa extra que amerite nuevos diálogos o cosas así.