Reviews from

in the past

I couldn't figure out how to get off the dang horse and walk alongside it so I quit this game for several years before picking it up again and actually learning how to play it

Oddly comforting, it's definitely the kind of licensed game you'd come across on the GBA, with 3D visuals and a shovelware look. Isometric GBA Spyro-esque, with controls that are a bit unwieldy at first, but do work, the more you grasp them. Has this otherworldly vibe, like entering horse racing purgatory, especially with the music that plays on the title screen. Yet the menu/in-game music has this heavenly sound, that makes me want to sleep to it, doesn't help that the game's animations run at a slow pace, like it's in rhythm to the music. For its odd qualities I do think it's worth giving a try.

I only played it on a dare. I could feel myself losing my sanity after just 15 minutes. Something about the music, the controls, and the graphics make it seem like it was a creepypasta and not an actual game meant for children.

this game feels barbie and her horse died in some sort of accident before the game started, and now they get to ride around in purgatory forever,unaware that they have died. and i love it for this.

the sparse, boards-of-canada-like 2 song bgm perfectly compliments this weird little isolinear adventure game and it's pixelized horse. it's short and sweet, with little joys in the dress up section and the european village background and the easy mini-games. i would have loved a strand-type mode though: take the map from the final race and make it explorable with no timer. ^^

Something about the music and the way everything looks makes this feel more like a Silent Hill game.

Something about this game is sinister