Reviews from

in the past

Very fun fast movement, need smthn better to grind towards I feel like, HOOK ME GAME

tinha MUITO potencial, uma pena

Cool ideas, fun with friends, some pretty good maps. Yeah its roblox looking ass but who cares.

uma versão imersiva do filme "Em Busca do Soldado Ryan" (1998), a diferença é que eu não estou em busca de ninguém e o Ryan está horny.

With graphics like Minecraft and a tiny development team, it just could not become the next big indie shooter. Since the first day it launched, the developer could not make up their mind on whether making it a tactical shooter or an arcade shooter, and the result is a game that is best played like CoD TDM but with visage tactical shooter mechanics. I do hope another bigger team could learn from this game's dedication to destruction, teamwork and communication, and produce a true Battlefield challenger.

Definitely scratches the old school battlefield itch. War is hell.

Everyone bought this just to stick it to AAA dev teams.
I have only 80 mins played. It was fun but honestly you can get the same experience -proxchat on a FREE roblox game. So it kinda made this something you never want to play.

puta jogo que me divirto mesmo sendo horrível nele

So much fun. Anyone yapping about anything more is doing too much

There's something so oddly compelling about massive-scale military shooters like this. I think it's the combination of feeling like you're a part of something big while also being such a small part of that thing that you feel free of the responsibility of having to actually contribute meaningfully.

Tout le monde l'avait vendu comme le FPS de l'année, alors que c'est une merde claquée comme pas possible et faut pas s'étonner que plus personne n'en parlait un mois plus tard

Me diga por que tres caras com 10 dolares de orçamento fizeram algo melhor que a dice com 100 milhoes

Meu primeiro jogo que joguei bem dps de fazer a conta aqui...
Mano, dava nada pro jogo, peguei numa promoção e PLEI.

É um battlefield com grafico de unturned.. e MANO é MUITO divertido, ainda mais se joga com amigos.

Ele ainda tem alguns problemas de inteface e falta de um modo competitivo... mas é legal!


a significantly better version of battlefield 2042 but still fairly unpolished. got a lot better as the development progressed though. maybe i'll check it out again

battlefield mas sem uma corporação mercenária por trás

super duper bland, only thing i like is that its a small game that for a short while overtook triple a slop

Fun movement, fun shooting, looks like roblox

Its everything Battlefield 2042 should've been