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What I love about BattleBit isn't that it's fun. It's not that it's tactical, either, and I don't find it particularly compelling as a platform for teamwork. As much as I like sticking it to the man, my admiration also doesn't stem from it being a cheaper, more approachable version of Battlefield.

BattleBit makes dying a therapeutic form of art.

All too often, I find death in these games frustrating. You're pulled in by the punchiness of the guns, the gorgeous vistas, and the hard-hitting combat. But all too often, that realism compounds frustration. I want to be immersed in the world in front of me, but I can't because I'm stupid, part of my disability is a reduction in motor capability, and I have this constant, nagging feeling that I'm worse off than the others around me.

What BattleBit does to address this is three-fold: its dedication to a simplistic art style means you take it less seriously, everyone is as vulnerable as you are, and toxicity is actually dealt with. I wrote in my review for Unturned over a year ago that one of the key features of a blocky art style is that it's inherently goofy. It's a flavor of minimalism that favors a more tongue-in-cheek approach, whether or not that was the intent. And it works a lot here! Roblox comparisons are inevitable, and as long as they're welcome, I'll say that this reminds me of the string of really fun First Person Shooters on the platform before it became a shamelessly commercial enterprise. BattleBit might not have the originality of Framed! or Very Important Person, but it's far more polished than either of those ever were and doesn't need to rely on any Freemium trappings to get the job done. If I were to make a serious comparison to any of the games on Roblox now, the obvious candidate is Phantom Forces. I don't find the movement to be as smooth here, but what BattleBit manages to smooth over is a lot of the frustrating aspects of Phantom Forces. Phantom Forces is a game where, roughly eight times out of ten, the optimal strategy I find myself using is to pull an automatic shotgun with a twenty-round drum and unload. It doesn't work to the degree that a sniper would, but still manages to be lots of fun to use. While that's entertaining to a degree, it doesn't fix the fact that Phantom isn't the most balanced of games. You'll have rounds where that strategy can do wonders for you, but you'll also have games where you're always just absolutely being stomped on by players who have had hundreds of hours more experience than you have. It's to BattleBit's benefit that the first time I decided to snipe, somebody from halfway across the map got me. If anyone wanted to do the same to them, they could without hesitation. While, in theory, this sounds ridiculously frustrating, I find that the larger servers create an entirely different beast. Death is not an exception that good soldiers dodge, it's the expectation. You're not playing to win or to even see if you can, but to see how far you can push yourself before something gets you. In that sense, the rules of the game fade into the background. Winning or losing just kind of happens; everything else around them may fade into a blur at some point, but generally speaking, it's kind of a relaxing experience overall. It's super strange to say that about a game whose overwhelmingly chaotic nature will turn anyone expecting a fast-paced, Call of Duty-like arcade experience at the gate. But genuinely, I find losing to be fun here. And I think what reinforces that is that, at least at a cursory glance, the developers seem to be aware of what these kinds of games devolve into. Before entering any of the official servers, you pretty much have to click on an agreement where you promise to be a civilized little gamer and comfortably enjoy your time playing without needing to take casually trash-talk too far. The Steam forums are, predictably, not happy about this. But the people who frequent those have an unhealthy relationship with the word Woke that borders on limerent, so I don't care.

If you really don't care for multiplayer shooters, this isn't going to do much to change your mind. But otherwise, I highly recommend this.

saying fuck it and giving this a 4.5 now.

I've been playing the play test of this game here and there and now it's finally out. I tell you this is THE PERFECT battlefield game. It's got massive multiplayer maps and player counts, large arsenals of weapons and gadgets, deep customization, SIX classes, vehicles galore, VOIP, solid gun play, clean animations, highly destructible environments, I mean seriously this game HAS IT ALL.

It's literally the perfect battlefield but just with shitty graphics, and that's OK. If you're a fan of multiplayer FPS games like Battlefield, you've gotta to try out this game ASAP.

Pretty solid low-poly Battlefield clone. Given the status of older BF game servers and ease of accessibility, this might just be the best modern option if you are looking for that experience. Player counts and maps make battles a clusterfuck, but that is also exactly what you need from a BF-like experience with squads, vehicles, and classes.

Definitely scratches the old school battlefield itch. War is hell.

I'm sorry, but briefly playing this game made me remember that running across an enormous map and then dying to an enemy I couldn't see from hundreds of feet away is why I never played a Battlefield game in my life. Or a battle royale shooter, for that matter.

"Roblox Battlefield, But A Bit More Interesting"

I've been playing "BattleBit" for a little while now, at least since earlier this Spring when its playtesting was starting to pick up in popularity. It's an interesting game full of crazy setpiece moments, hilarious push-to-talk shenanigans, and some pretty tight gunplay. As a low-end version of "Battlefield", it actually does quite a good job at mimicking the series' best traits while adding in a few nice aspects that make this game more original. However, the game's fun can be faltered by some weird design choices, a shaky level of quality to its maps, balancing issues, and the general bugginess of early access.

"BattleBit's" gunplay is fairly tight for a low-poly shooter, and it's likely the main reason players keep coming back. The sound design plays a big part, with it being on par with "Battlefield's" chunkiness and depth at times. Weapon feedback is very good, and each gun feels distinct and powerful in its own ways. This helps during hectic firefights where buildings are collapsing, helicopters are crashing into the surroundings, and people are screaming all around you. It's an immersive experience, and the proximity voice chat that is implemented is clear, crisp, and easy to access, making the game feel much more alive than "Battlefield".

This can be for better or worse sometimes, since you still have people who scream obscenities and racist remarks, but OkiGames has a solid anti-abuse system in place for their voice/text chat that seems to get rid of offenders fairly fast. You can still cuss, but spewing discrimination isn't really something the developers seem to allow, which is a really good thing. The fact that audio recordings are saved is a bit fishy, but since I have no proof it's been used in a negative way, it's not something I find too bothersome.

"BattleBit" is in early access, so there are still a lot of kinks to work through. I'll leave a list of current issues that I believe hurt the experience for myself:

- I personally think the map design needs a lot of work, with many maps feeling not only too similar visually, but play far too similarly each round. The feedback system that exists for these maps is present, but I haven't seen anything large scale being implemented.

- Personally, I think there needs to be the ability to parachute, at least for a specific class. This can be done by sacrificing your gadgets or tweaking something with your armor, but "Battlefield's" best moments come from its generally more dynamic movement system at times (thinking more along the lines of BF4 and 2042 rather than the more boots to the ground ones).

- Vehicles are too strong and/or anti-vehicle tools are too weak. I think vehicle speed needs to be lowered, or the time it takes to fire rockets needs to be a bit faster. Working as a team can get the job done, but this will always be a game where people don't work together because, well, that's multiplayer in a nutshell these days.

- General UI improvements and bugfixes. The game's presentation through menus is very poor, and there's not even menu music. You also need to be able to customize classes outside of a game. There are still many EA bugs, but I'm sure this will be fixed in due time - as it stands, the game is fairly polished, but there are visual, audio, and movement bugs still present.

- There needs to be an adjustment to spawning (relay beacons in particular), as well as the way maps play out. There is far too many instances of back flag captures that make the action feel fragmented, and if you get bad squad luck, it feels like you get locked out of actually going anywhere on the map. This can be improved by adjusting the spawning locations in base to have multiple set points, or by increasing the base radius to discourage spawn camping. This is also a problem in "Battlefield", so I don't expect any huge changes here, but it would be nice to see the developers tackle this issue.

"BattleBit" is likely the best "Battlefield" clone to date, but in order to have a long AND influential lifespan, it still needs to shore up some of its issues. I like playing it for now, but there is potential down the line where I get tired of some of the game's problems (map design, spawning, and low QOL features), and I could see myself taking a break only to never return. I hope the developers use early access as a tool to really improve this game, but I guess time will tell what happens with "BattleBit". For now, it's a cheap way to experience some of the best aspects of "Battlefield" without giving Electronic Arts any money, especially since this developer team actually seems to care about their product.

Final Verdict: 8/10 (Great)

Jogar esse jogo no lançamento definitivamente foi uma experiência melhor que Cod/BF

uma versão imersiva do filme "Em Busca do Soldado Ryan" (1998), a diferença é que eu não estou em busca de ninguém e o Ryan está horny.

It's just a really solid shooter, which I can hop onto solo or with a friend whenever I want to. Battlefield games may have more immersion and "epic gamer moments," but this game takes up only 2 GB of my disc in comparison to 50+ GB of BF4 or BF5, so it's an obvious choice for me when I want to casually blast some people.
Just remember that not a lot of people use voice chat anymore and the updates are very lacklustre for an early access title, so the playerbase may go dead sooner than I would like to :(

There's that meme image with Sonic in it, that says "I want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less and I'm not kidding," and this game feels like we are all trying to make that a reality.

Super polished and incredibly fun simulation shooter on a mega value size scale. The open mic communication elements rival some of the best real-time interactions I've had in games like DayZ and Garry's Mod. Tight and fun shooting mechanics make kills feel rewarding and earned. The only knock I would give on it is the steep progression system. Why are the funny guns unlocked level 125 lol?

the emergent communal roleplay experience i've been craving

there is beauty in watching grown adults play Army Men like they're schoolchildren on a playground

For a battlefield clone it's pretty fun. Not a big fan of the gun progression system. It takes too long and you're forced to play with shit weapons while players with better guns and experience just roll you.

Pretty much just Battlefield but uggo. Was fun for a while but I barely play multiplayer shooters so I kinda regret buying it on impulse.

Oh you play Battlebit? How about you get some BattleBitches for once.

A minha experiência com Battlebit até o momento pode ser definida em:

Gameplay extremamente divertida
Bastante conteúdo
Mapas muito legais

Nach 20 Stunden Spielzeit kann ich sagen, dieses Spiel ist richtig gut und wird immer besser. Eine inhaltlich sinnvolle Weiterentwicklung der älteren Battlefield-Teile, die zwar graphisch nicht viel her macht, aber dafür umso mehr mit gut durchdachtem Gameplay punktet. Riesige, intensive, unübersichtliche Schlachten mit viel Zerstörung, mit viel Dynamik sorgen für hervorragende Atmosphäre und Runden. Der einzige Makel ist für mich die Geschwindigkeit. Es geht zu schnell, es gibt zuviele Respawnmöglichkeiten und dadurch wird es sehr hektisch und unübersichtlich. Der neue Invasionsmodus hat da ein wenig Linderung geschaffen, aber im großen und ganzen wird dieses Spiel immer einen Ticken zu schnell für mich sein. Ich vermisse die Tage aus BF2 als die Maps größer, dezentraler (außer Karkand) und langsamer waren und man nur beim SL oder an der Flagge respawnen konnte. Das wäre gerade bei dieser großen Menge an Spielern wirklich eine sinnvoller "Rückschritt" zu alten Tugenden. Aber so schlimm wie bei den neuen Battlefield Titeln ist es lange nicht. Unterm Strich macht dieser Shooter einfach unheimlich Spaß.

o pior jogo de todos os tempos ???

It is shocking how good this game is. 127v127 is unheard of in a game like this, and it has destructable maps while running at a consistant framerate of 80 on my midrange PC. In my 100 hours of playing, I have also never had any issues with the servers. It is just insane to me that 3 people were able to make a game that runs this well at this scale, and have an enormous amount of content for only $15. I only have 100 hours in it so far, but I have a feeling that in the next year I will have over 1000 and it will be my favorite FPS title of all time.

these guys are basically milking on what dice had to do for 10 fucking years, prox chat and "modern" weapons, that feel when you spawn in and all you hear is fortunate son and through fire and flames on full blast along with your fellow teammates screaming and channeling their inner generation kill character, 2014 is back, jump on it before the magic ends

edit:sadly the magic ended

Logging this before the year's over. Not sure how much more I'll play/return to it but for what it is, this is a damn good game. It's like Battlefield, except actually fun to play and feature complete. Tons of content, a wayyyy better system for revives/deaths and a funny community in the voice chat. Still not the biggest fan of the BF style of multiplayer, but this is easily my favorite one.

Cool ideas, fun with friends, some pretty good maps. Yeah its roblox looking ass but who cares.

hits that perfect spot between extremely low entry barrier and extremely high potential for nonsense that characterizes most of histories greatest online shoot em ups (quake, tf2, battlefield) - it costs 15 bucks, the servers work, and you can blow everything up. its fascinating how well battlebit creates a sense of War, or at least the cinematic idea of it that most of us sheltered dorks have accepted as reality (hundreds of dudes storming a beach, explosions everywhere, bodies flying). with ~250 player servers things get very heavy very quickly, everybody is screaming over their mics all at once including the dead guys, bullets are whizzing past you, a helicopter just got its tail rotor blown out and the dudes inside are yelling MAYDAY MAYDAY!!! at the top of their lungs while youre screen fills with lens flare and dense particulate. because of these things, the emerging community tends to take itself overly seriously and really get into character, barking out commands and groaning in agony when their little roblox dude gets sniped. just wonderful

certainly one of the best recent experiences ive had with an online shooter and i hope it holds onto this stuff for the foreseeable future. i'll end by sharing the same memory as a billion other reviews which is that it really does bring you back to playing battlefield 2 on your parents yellowed crt monitor in the computer room way past your bedtime. please add the nighttime airport map from the special forces dlc btw

o que pensa que eu sou
se não sou o que pensou
me libera não insista

this feels like a less fun, cheaper battlefield (which is exactly what it is and some people like that ig)

i killed like 15 people in a tank and heard men in their 30s crying about it on mic.

holy peak

never heard of this but I kept seeing someone I follow on twitch stream it and every time i went "is this dude really streaming roblox?" watched 30 minutes of it and purchased immediately.

so refreshing to get the enjoyment of a AAA shooter without having to free up 200 GB and upgrading 3 different PC components just to still be plagued with poor optimization issues. the game is 2.1 GB and runs at over 140 frames, even with a massive 255 player match and destructible environments.

especially love the voip comms. no one has been toxic, everyone is just roleplaying, it owns. i love that when you die it auto triggers your mic and you can let out a death gurgle. good fun.

Good replacement for that Battlefield crave without returning to old Battlefields and not buying new ones.

Tout le monde l'avait vendu comme le FPS de l'année, alors que c'est une merde claquée comme pas possible et faut pas s'étonner que plus personne n'en parlait un mois plus tard