Reviews from

in the past

In my sophomore year of high school, my homeroom tried to play this once. We got the ending where you jump off a building and die at the start of the game and then never touched it again.

So if nothing else, it was funny.

Netflix be doing wtv they want man

[A falta de Black Mirror en Letterboxd, escribo la review de la serie acá]
Hoy terminó la tortura autoimpuesta de ver al completo esta serie. Vi la primer temporada cuando salió y sin parecerme la gran cosa, no me había disgustado. De hecho, le doy crédito al tercer capitulo (el que la gente puede revivir sus recuerdos con tecnología ocular y un hombre descubre que su mujer lo engañaba) por haber logrado cautivarme. Es el único capitulo de toda la serie donde la crítica a la tecnología me hizo pensar un poquito aunque sea. La serie generalmente trata sobre como el avance tecnológico nos hace alejarnos unos de otros. Y justamente este capítulo que menciono, logra hacerme ver el conflicto que hay entre nuestros instintos básicos y lo que pasa si nos dan servido algo para suplirlos. Como se puede caer en la ambición de conocimiento, la paranoia, el alejarse lo máximo posible de la ingenuidad.
Este capítulo es la excepción. Fue una carnada que cerró la temporada y quedó en el recuerdo durante muchos años. Haciéndome creer que, en efecto, Black Mirror era una buena serie. Al ver las 5 temporadas restantes, la realidad pisó como un tren.
En Black Mirror todo lo que pueda salir mal, va a salir mal. No existe un capítulo donde no haya un degenerado, un asesino, un psicópata, un trastornado sexual. No confía en el futuro, en la humanidad, en el bien. Es cinismo puro.
En un episodio se crea una atracción donde le borran la memoria todos los días a una asesina y hacen un show donde unos cazadores la quieren matar. El público (incluídos niños menores y gente cotidiana), disfruta y graba todo con sus celulares. Nadie se para a pensar en la moralidad, en las leyes. Todo sólo pasa y la sociedad, como es estúpida, se ríe, sigue el juego y graba.
Todo esto sin contar que los mensajitos que nos da la serie, cuando nos llegan, vienen ya desactualizadísimos y son cosas que tenemos requete mascadas. Mención honorífica a Shut Up and Dance, el capítulo dedicado a hackers trolls. Donde al final directamente spamean trollfaces a todos las personas que trollearon. Ver esa porquería me dio una sensación en el cuerpo indescriptible.
La serie es tan reiterativa, tan de mal gusto, que en cuanto arranca un capítulo y ves la premisa, ya sabes como va a terminar. Es imposible no pensar que va a pasar lo peor. Tal va a volverse loco y va a terminar matando a todos. Esta tecnología va a salir mal y el personaje va a terminar aislado de la sociedad. Es todo así, sin excepción... ¿o no?
Hay dos capítulos de la serie que van en contra del mensaje típico del resto de episodios. San Junipero y Hang the DJ. Estos dos capítulos, si bien tienen humor y cinismo impregnado, logran destacar por demostrar que la tecnología no siempre es mala. Como la unión y confianza en el otro puede llegar a ser bueno, gracias a, o en contra de la propia tecnología. Pero con positividad ante todo.
Como extra, dejo un enlace a todos los capítulos rankeados, por si a alguno le interesa cuál me gusta más y cuál menos

Not enough putting people's consciousness inside a piece of technology for the thousandth time to prove a "technology bad" point and get critics saying "man, this is deep".

Great concept and episode, I loved Black Mirror, now the series is a bit questionable with the direction they are taking. This interactive episode was a great idea and fit the concept of the tv show well, great story for the episode too.

Netflix and Black Mirror discover the concept of FMV games, 35 years after Dragon's Lair came out.

Bandersnatch, as a film, is a 5-star near-masterpiece, but as a game it considerably lacks. Bandersnatch as a game nearly falls under the same genre as Detroit Become Human and Heavy Rain, because it's not quite a point-and-click but it is a decision-based game. It's a lot closer to Erica, which I did a review on recently, however arguable Erica does better than Bandersnatch as a game because it embraces the fact it is a game, whilst Bandersnatch does the opposite and embraces the fact it's a movie. No matter how you think about it though, Bandersnatch is wonderfully acted, brilliantly puzzling, and looks and sounds incredible. The fact that certain playthroughs don't simply end but subtly carry over to the next is a really nice touch. I especially love the references to other Black Mirror media, like Metalhead and Nohzdyve (Nosedive). As said, as a game it lacks, especially in terms of the number of different choices, with only a maximum of 3 at one time, but this is likely entirely due to Netflix not wanting to take risks.

this is a movie, i dont care

Best experience I'm probably going to have with Black Mirror, the way they use the medium to tell this story makes this really unique. The game hits all the vibes it needs to and is a perfect period piece. The narrative was pretty strong, Colin and Stefan were incredibly fascination characters.

I only wish there was more to it, which if anything, is more of a praise than a criticism. Anyone looking for an interesting meta narrative experience should try Bandersnatch. Especially if they're into the period of gaming portrayed here.

If we’re really going to put films on backloggd then put Pirate Baby’s Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006 on backloggd too, you cowards

bottom of the barrel garbage made for people who have never played a single game

Supongo que tiene algo de sentido que este en esta pagina.
igual terrible cosa rancia y más XD que solo tiene un final interesante.

Coffee got spilt on the computer and they called it an ending so I quit.

I don't think it's count a video game...

crazy that this is on here but I guess it kinda makes sense?

anyways the only ending I remember is throwing myself off the balcony and being like "nah, it isn't real tho" and he fucking dies for real and you start over


Kinda simple but very elegant in the trick it pulls - and while Im reticent to give Netflix any credit, there (used) to be something to be said about making a game accessible to anyone with a remote (personal interest of mine)

decent concept, terrible episode

My life is being controlled by something called Backloggd

Pretty neat choose your own adventure thing, and probably one of the best outings Black Mirror has to offer. Some of the ideas here were really cool, and I love the exploration and deconstruction of choose your own adventure games. personally i felt like it was missing another ending or so.. leaving the experience to feel a bit incomplete. i suppose all it is that i wanted more of it, at the end of the day, so i'd say it's pretty alright. it's nice to see a semi-accurate representation of video games in something like this... i really respect the dedication to the presentation and immersion of this story, considering it's set back in the 80's. if nothing else, it's worth a watch for some of the concepts it presents, but i feel the conclusion was a bit hollow on the face of it, and it didn't really have much to say beyond the deconstruction.

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Had to "play" it for a uni lecture and it was kinda whatever.

Also you can commit fratricide, for whatever that's worth.

bottom of the barrel garbage made for people who have never played a single game

kek why is this here?

I "played" this when it came out. I guess the interactive concept was ok (not really as innovative as people though when it came out) but man, everything about this film (aesthetic, writing, etc) was so poor. Music was the only good thing i guess.

It would be interesting to see another interactive film with this budget, but it would definitely need a better execution.

An amazing concept. Wish there was more than just 5 hours of film and had more choices and content. Hope they do another one of these

oh i get it like my phone screen