Reviews from

in the past

um jogo que infelizmente teve pouco tempo de vida. a câmera era totalmente disfuncional, os personagens eram sem carisma algum e, pra piorar, os combates se resumiam em spamar ataques até que os inimigos morressem. um baita potencial jogado fora

I liked it, but it got old pretty quick.

Right, I forgot that I played this game.


Interesting concept, poor execution. Never had any desire to return after completing all achievements.

Quero deixar meu protesto aqui, joguei o tutorial, gostei das mecânicas, hyper pra começar E... NÃO TEM NGM JOGANDO, NGM, ABSOLUTAMENTE NGM, MATAM O JOGO, PARABÉNS A PÉSSIMA ADMINISTRAÇÃO DO GAME E POR MATAR ELE

Played this game day one when it came out and it was fairly fun to the point I went for all the achievements. The issue is that the game felt like it lacked content fairly quickly and no additional content was released soon after launch. However, for what it's worth I enjoyed it and put over 20 hours.

Gameplay was fun at times but the game was pretty much DOA.

vamos a hacer un moba en 2020 que sea todo a melee, que todos los ataques se sientan completamente inconsecuentes y flojos, que los diseños de personaje sean lo menos appealing posibles (ojo, a mi me gustan, pero es normal que la gente los considere "feos") y vamos a sacarlo a 30 pavos de salida. Sounds Like a Great Idea!

had potential but just ended up being horrible

Sleep well my sweet prince.

O mundo n estava preparado para ti.

I'm so bummed this game turned out to be dogshit, dude.

Could theoretically be really good in a few months, assuming it's still active. When you're in the middle of teamfights and everyone's letting abilities fly, it's fun, but we've still got a ways to go before everyone figures out how all the characters work. A few more modes wouldn't hurt either.

I'll admit it was actually kinda fun for what it was but fucking hell it would take five or more minutes just to find a match, and that was two to three years ago, I imagine it's gotten worse.

Remember when everyone tried making overwatch clones? It almost never went well. This is an example of how poorly it went.

It looked cool and was cool for about 15 minutes.


Testei os tutoriais e o game até que pareceu ser atraente pois os comandos responderam de uma forma ótima, porém não dá pra jogar, já que não tem ngm online. Eu estava esperando que seria difícil de achar partida, por isso deixei procurando e fui mexer no celular, ficou procurando por mais de 10 minutos e nada, infelizmente não vou dar outra chance ou procurar em fóruns para saber se alguém ainda joga e tentar achar partida em um outro horário, vejo isso como muito trabalhoso para uma possibilidade alta de pouca diversão.

Esse jogo tem potencial pra caralho

gameplay was fun and i loved the characters and the artstyle sm just wish this had been supported more

Esse jogo é uma merda. Apesar de abordar uma idéia interessante pra um jogo multiplayer, tudo é descartado quando o balanceamento e falta de conteúdo é lembrado.

Few studios are as singular and widespread as Ninja Theory. While it mainly produces experiences in the character action genre, those hack and slash games cover a variety of tones and series. Bleeding Edge is the team’s foray into multiplayer, bringing its stylistic flair and melee fundamentals to the online space. Some of those qualities carry over, but end up getting overwritten by the game’s questionable design.

Read the full review here:

It has wicked potential but its so empty as it stands. possibly a cash in on the hero shooter craze, maybe one day itll be something special