Reviews from

in the past

A grind fest! I love myself those metroidvanias were you can see your progress with every level up and every new attack. Castlevania is still alive but it's called Bloodstained!

Apesar de um gameplay refinado e mecânicas sólidas, o jogo vive na sombra de Castlevania, não há nenhum elemento que o destaque dentro do gênero ou que possa diferencia-lo da franquia Castlevania.

I'd venture to say this game is a borderline masterpiece, the amount of content is insane.. its actually fun and doesn't feel padded out.. The multiple endings, the secrets, the crossovers.. the combat and exploration is top tier.. I'm so glad i gave this game a second try..

An excellent Symphony of the Night clone that's only really let down by the ho-hum 2.5D visuals.

it's a lot of rpg elements to it dat makes it more complicated than i like </3

Where it Shines:
Vanialike - 10/10
Gameplay - 8/10
Replayability - 7/10

The Good:
Bloodstained: RotN is a great successor to Castelvania SoTN and although not nearly as good, still comes pretty close. The shards are a great mechanic and allow for tons of variety in gameplay. The vast variety of weapons and techniques also makes for the potential of different playthroughs.
There's also a great little character customizer where you can do cosmetic changes to your character, including skin/hair color, which is very appreciated.
This was my second playthrough, and I think I enjoyed it even more than the first having a NG+ and more things unlocked.

The Bad:
It's definitely got some flaws. The graphics, particularly the character animations and cutscenes, feel very early 2000's flash like.
The music, although good mostly, has a lot of very...uh...lets say "similar" melodies to SotN. Aside from a few banger tracks, there really is a feeling of sort of "meh" to the music, which is unfortunate because it shows it's potential in some tracks and falls so bland in others.
There's also a lot of grind in this game. The recipes, the shards, the weapons, it's all very RNG based and it can be so tedious getting everything. Some of it feels fair, but some of it feels obtuse just for the sake of it, particularly the recipes.

Overall, it's a fantastic game especially for a KS backed project. I'd love to see a sequel that has more support more time in the oven; it's been a while since this came out and I think it can only get better if they make more.
TL;DR - What if Alucard was a girl?

Note on my ratings:

Treat my stars like Michelin Stars - just having one means the game is worth playing in some way.

1/2 ⭐: hot trash garbage, since you can't do zero stars here
⭐: below average, needs work
⭐⭐: average
⭐⭐⭐: pretty good
⭐⭐⭐⭐: excellent
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: all time favourite

This game took me A LONG TIME to get into. Having never played a game of this style, the game really didn't have a lot of instruction and most of it I figured out through trial and error (lots of error). I just felt like for a long time that I was just REALLY bad at this game and it was really discouraging to say the least. It felt clunky and I just couldn't get used to the controls for the life of me, but once I got them down and unlocked more useful shards and weapons, the whole game was easier to navigate. This game really isn't forgiving and save rooms are few and far between so when you fuck up, it feels worse than usual. Once I was about 50% done with the game I started to get hooked and had my own shard formula that worked very well for my playstyle. The bosses for the most part were very challenging and I had a lot of fun with them but I must admit, they were glitchy. The two bosses that my game glitched out for were the twin dragons and the doppelganger. For the twin dragons fight, I randomly fell through the walkway and fell 2 levels down and saw the dragons from behind (they don't have full tails by the way; fun fact) and the doppelganger got stuck in the wall at some point and wouldn't come out. It just felt like for the boss fights, there should be little room for glitches to happen and they still do. Overall this game doesn't have a lot of replay value (at least to me) but I do feel like I got a full experience and am able to form a solid opinion on it.

É... a primeira metade do jogo é sensacional, tudo que um bom Castlevania deveria ter. Agora a segunda metade é infestada de áreas chatas pra caralho, tendo uma que considero uma das piores áreas que já vi num Metroidvania.

A trilha sonora é bacana, o gráfico é funcional apesar de ter alguns cenários bem legais de vez em quando, enfim, é um jogo maneiro. Antigamente eu gostava bem mais dele, fico triste que o mesmo sentimento não prevaleceu nesse replay.

I’ve never played a Castlevania title, but from what I hear this is pretty much as close to you can get to one without being a part of the franchise, in which case I should probably give them a shot!

I really enjoyed the gameplay loop of traversing the game’s various areas and amassing a wealth of different weapons, armor, spells, etc. to completely customize my build. There’s a lot of freedom to how you want to tackle combat in the game and it’s just challenging enough to where you’re incentivized to experiment every time you find something new.

It has all the aspects you’d want out of a Metroidvania with areas expanding as you progress and get new abilities allowing you to revisit and explore parts that were previously inaccessible, a sense of power scaling that gives you a sense of gradually getting stronger, and interesting map design that interconnects allowing the player to easily traverse and progress however they see fit until they reach a given objective.

Combat is simple but enjoyable, and allows you to get fairly strong once you find combinations of weapons and spells that suit your play style. Miriam (the protagonist) is given options to alter her appearance at a certain point and also changes based on the gear she has equipped at any given point which makes for an added level of customization as well.

Overall, this isn’t the greatest Metroidvania out there but it’s certainly a solid one and I’d recommend it to anyone into the genre.

Enjoyment - 7/10
Difficulty - 5/10

If you like Castlevania you will probably like this! Starts slow but gradually gets more exciting. Getting 100% was a bit tedious and the platinum trophy is a hard sell. When you lock into the game and you like the game's grind, fully completing it is pretty cool.

L’ennesima chance che diedi a un metroidvania

excellent gameplay, however the story leaves a lot to be desired, in addition to the platinum being dull and extremely unpleasant. Still, if you just consider the gameplay and progression, which is what really matters, it's worth it.

Cópia barata de castelvania

Cool game and all but has a real problem of scale - as soon as you leave the first area you start getting bombarded with its unwelcome progression systems that include:
- more than a hundred spells that somehow manage to barely change your playstyle
- huge ass crafting system with 10 weapon types with 15 variants each that don't feel like they're changing much
- and of all this depending on a luck% drop-focused gameplay that is pretty much the pillar of the game. I'm not a tryhard but if you try to engage even a little with what the game's offering beyond the "walk into rooms and kill dudes" you are going to find yourself resetting rooms and killing those dudes over and over. Why the fuck are we still doing this in games?
- all this with a pretty shit UI. not good sorting options and it's just text, you can't do anything quickly.
I don't know how the original SOTN was, but all this grinding/drop rate/number go up stuff just makes the game feel like a thin veil of graphics (that get from beautiful art direction to very ugly the more you progress) holding up together a bunch of numbers and skills that don't change how you play. You are eventually going to just hope it ends - It starts to mean nothing after some hours.
Still a cool game because metroidvanias are pretty awesome, and at the midgame I was having fun (the super obscure way of progressing the game past 12 hours in was kinda stupid but I get it) . And grinders would love this, obviously. They're the only people capable of getting more than a ~20h pasttime with little meaning but fun buttons from this.

While it may not be the most graphically impressive game, the sheer amount of abilities and weapons this game gives you more than makes up for that.
Locking progression behind a shard from some obscure underwater enemy was pretty fucked up though.

Eu achava que odiava Metroidvania até conhecer esse jogo. Eu sei que ele não é perfeito e tem diversos problemas em questão de ritmo, dificuldade e até mesmo cenários que não conversam com a atmosfera que nos é apresentada, mas aqui a diversão é garantida

Living proof that Koji Igarashi knows how to do nothing but recreate his failed 1997 game over and over and over again.

تحفة فنية، باستثناء القصة السيئة.
غالبًا بتحتاج دليل بعد ما تنهي 40-45% من اللعبة، لأن الأمور بتصير غير واضحة نوعًا ما.

Sometimes better than the actual castlevania games

Enjoyable metroidvania game.

Feels closer to SOTN than some of the DS and GBA Castlevanias. As great as those Castlevanias are, this gives Bloodstained the edge over them in my eyes.

The entire experience was made in the image of a god game - Symphony of The Night.
Its strongest virtues and shortcomings are synonymous with those of a good JRPG:
On one hand, you have the creative, yet grotesque designs of the demons, the soundtrack, invoking this incredible feeling of energetic magnificence, and the gigantic map, sprawling with curious locations.
On the other hand though, most quests are of my favourite kind - the fetch kind, with no impact on the story whatsoever. That and the wonky balance / difficulty spikes being "fixed" by grinding for EXP and crafting materials (which is the opposite of fun) sour the taste of the game for me.

part of the journey that made me realize i don't like metroidvanias

Great game. Some achievements were tedious, but overall had a fun time playing through the story.

There is a Benjamin and a Dominique in this one.