Reviews from

in the past

Jogo bonito, mecânica interessante mas esse troço de dialeto próprio tira um pouco o interesse

Cute, heartfelt game, especially fun if you play it with a loved one, each of you holding one side of the controller to each control one of the brothers! That's how i played and it was great, made everything more fun and impactful. Pretty short game tbh, but not too short for the story I'd say.

honestly very nice, the visuals are greeeaaat
i love the atmosphere and the art
just wasnt something super amazing but its very nice

Um dos jogos que zerei mais rápido! História incrível!

Enjoyed this one, tricky control scheme where you are operating each chapter at the same time with your separate joystick and bumper, which took a little getting used to, but clever and fun to play.

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Bros before hoes

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Really cute and sad game. I enjoyed the experience for most of it. How the two brothers interacted differently with various characters and objects in the world was a cool way of showing their differences. There was lots of great environmental storytelling, this is a really fucked up world. I loved the valley of dead giants and frozen village in particular. I liked that it was more of an experience, and touches like the spider getting weaker as the fight progressed was a nice way of showing that.

What I want to talk about most though is the ending. I played this over a day and didn't take many breaks in between, so I got used to the unconventional controls. When the older brother died, my left hand felt useless. I'm not sure if that was intentional or not, but it was a very cool felling when I recognised that. Performing actions like swimming and pulling a lever that the younger brother needed help on earlier was a little cheesy, but I liked it. I found my left thumb moving in the same way as my right after the swimming, sort of like controlling a katamari, which was another great realisation, that made the story being told more impactful in a way only a video game can be. I think the griffin being alive at the end after being seemingly dead was a nice way of showing that the mother and older brother would live on through the father and younger brother.

Also the director commentary included was really cool.

I finally got around to playing this one, just in time before the remake is released, and boy, this was an incredibly short but extremely powerful emotional rollercoaster. It started out as a fairy tale with even some cheerful moments and funny characters - and then turned into a gory, heartbreaking and downright cruel dark fantasy. I was actually surprised how fast they changed the tone, and went from 'PG-13' to 'R' in a matter of minutes basically (and now I know where they got the inspiration from for A Plague Tale).

The two protagonists were great, and so was the whole world and atmosphere, and I liked the unique control system, although it definitely took some time to get used to it. Graphics and music were also amazing, but I ran into two game-breaking bugs, unfortunately. Reloading the last checkpoints solved those issues, though. Maybe they could add some properly voiced dialogues and a few more hours of playtime in the remake.

Videoherní severská pohádka, která i navzdory tomu, že je do morku kostí smutná, tak pohladí po duši. Sice nepřiznaná, ale o to věrnější herní adaptace Lindgreniných Bratrů Lví srdce. Zajímavé je, že ač textů i dialogů prosté, tak to funguje a citlivější povahy z toho budou (právem) naměkko. Vše od pohádkové audiovizuální stylizace až po sychravou atmosféru odpovídá Andersenem nastavenému kurzu pohádek „pro děti". Není mnoho her, které by nabídly tak čarokrásné výjevy, jaké jsou tu na denním pořádku.

Z herního hlediska jde o platformovku kříženou s puzzly, ale zamýšlet se tu není třeba. Vždy je vše jasné a hráč tak má zametenou cestičku od startu až po cíl; což nelze vyčíst, jelikož tvůrcům jde především o to abyste si vytvořili vztah k ústřednímu bratrskému duu, na čemž stojí a padá celkový emocionální prožitek. Dělají pro to vše; dokonce kvůli tomu přišli s originálním a nápaditým (ne-li přímo revolučním) ovládáním. Jde o „solo kooperaci", kdy ovládáte oba bratry najednou (žádné přepínání) a ke kterému je třeba hrát na gamepadu s vibrační odezvou. To se sice dá ošulit klávesnicí, ale byla by to velká chyba, jelikož právě na tomto ovládání a vibrační odezvě stojí „pointa" a emocionálně jeden z nejsilnějších momentů, se kterým jsem se ve hrách dosud setkal (modří vědí).

Jediným záporem by mohla být délka a takové dvě kapitoly navíc by nesporně nebyly k zahození, ale... Rozhodně nezůstane po dohrání pachuť, že byste za své peníze nedostali adekvátní porci zábavy, jen je to taková radost hrát, že ty cca čtyři hodiny utečou rychleji než by bylo záhodno.

This was either overhyped or I'm devoid of emotion. A neat semi co-op platform puzzler with a fairytale setting. I can imagine the story hitting hard for some, but given how much I've heard about this game over the last 10 years I was bound to be disappointed.

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I remember seeing a playthrough of this a while ago but forgot what happened. Going into it blind for the most part I can say that this is one of the better story games I've played in a while, the story is captivating in so many aspects and leaves you with sort of a bittersweet feeling near the end. Although the dialog was in a completely different language to what I am used to in most games, the story did not need dialog due to the amount of expression and movement each character had. Absolutely outstanding.

The definition of "short and sweet", Brothers paints a magical land steeped in Nordic fairy tale traditions, all while providing an emotional connection to the characters rarely experienced in games.
It's a visual and aural feast with a charming art style and a fantastic score that accentuates the sense of adventure and isolation you experience throughout your journey.
It took me 3 hours to complete, but the experience has stuck with me ever since. It's very well priced for what you get.

A ideia é legal, o jogo é fofinho e tudo, porém achei muito curtinho.
Heartbreaking and cute.
Experiência interessante e levemente ansiogênica de controlar os dois personagens hehehe

Gets to be on the list of darlings I just did not vibe with. Maybe a second chance would help but I just don't want to try again

Ugly cried.
And there will be a remake coming at the end of February, I guess I'll ugly cry again.

Una bonita historia y una jugabilidad muy interesante, lastima que no tenga rejugabilidad.

Juegazo de historieta para pasartelo en una tarde

Que jogo lindo, maravilhoso e espetacular, o jogo tem uma história muito envolvente e os puzzles do jogo são perfeitos, esse é It Take Two de 2013, perfeito para jogar com alguém e terá um remaster agora em 2024, espero que várias pessoas se apaixonem por esse jogo assim como eu me apaixonei por ele.

Clunky, couldn't get into it, not for me

Aynı anda iki kardeşi yönettiğimiz ve bulmaca çözdüğümüz bir oyununun beni ağlatacağını hiç düşünmezdim. Josef Fares çok büyük adamsın.

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very happy to see the little kid eventually grew out of being a complete twat

i think about this game every so often. one of my earlier pc game purchases, but it has stuck with me for this entire time.

there's a particular moment near the end of the game is possibly one of the strongest moments of ludo-narative I've ever felt. I can still feel the Brother's bond through that moment, even now. Cross the river with these sons, it's not a story to be missed.

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons can be played in about 3 hours, and that's about how long it'll take to make you cry.

Brothers is a unique game, in that you control two characters at the same time. A frustrating mechanic, as you're using one joystick (or set of directional keys) to control one character, and the other joystick/keys to control the other. It becomes confusing, keeping track of two characters being controlled by one person... but then again, I was never good at piano either. So. Perhaps pianists will have an easier time playing this game.

That all said, the story is incredible. Following two brothers as they search for a cure for their sick father, the game takes the player across a fantasy world inspired by Swedish folklore. Encountering monsters, puzzles, and colorful storybook environments made for a playthrough I won't soon forget.

I played through this on my YouTube channel in two parts, and my full thoughts can be found there:

I'll leave it at that, as I do not want to spoil the game in this log.

A puzzle adventure that requires you to control two characters, sometimes at once. It's meant to be played on controller but I stubbornly used the keyboard. The controls are terrible on keyboard; I do not recommend. I used it thanks to joint pain using a controller for a length of time.

I wish there were options to make the controls easier. Toggle to hold items, instead of holding down three keys on each hand. The controls weren't taught either. I had to check the options screen or mash buttons to figure out what to do.

I did enjoy the fantastical world. It had different folklore creatures that was a treat to see.

This was such a great game. I had no idea going into this game I'd love it so much. My Brain wasn't braining for the most part trying to control two characters at the same time but what an outstanding game it was.

Really good cinematic, narrative-driven experience. It kinda makes me think of cinematic platformers like Another World, though thankfully this lacks the trial-and-error frustration of games like Another World. I did unfortunately had a couple parts of Brothers spoiled for me, years and years ago – but I still ended up really enjoying it, nonetheless; I ended up crying a bunch. The way this game interweaves its storytelling with its game design is incredibly effective; the latter elevates the former, to great effect. Glad I got to finally play it.

Kinda curious now about A Way Out and It Takes Two.

A touching narrative that blends perfectly into the game's controls and gameplay. A shocking and touching ending makes me still remember this game ten years later.

100% Completion Notes: Nothing too special, and can be completed in one quick playthrough. Led me to a couple fun easter eggs/secrets.

A história é boa porém achei um pouco estranho controlar dois personagens ao mesmo tempo.