Reviews from

in the past

just play 2 player super mario bros and then watch the flash animation where luigi gets killed by bowser and mario has to avenge him if you want a sad brothers story in games

Enjoyment - 8/10
Difficulty - 3/10

Two boys on an adventure to cure their dad. The journeying of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons makes you want to explore the world to see all its wonders.

So I finish this game and a remake announcement appears out of thin air?? We are so back!! Their mom isn't though lolololol.

At first glance, this game looks stupid, but it's pretty gruesome (and stupid). The main gimmick is two characters for one controller but I summoned a bestie again through remote play and so here we are. We actually plowed through without ever talking, so that's another neat thing, and the game is piss easy so it was a good call to spice it up, even though we didnt, huh, call or anything as mentioned before. I'll look at the remakes' cutscene because there are a few i look forward to, I don't see the point in replaying it for slightly better graphics / different art direction. We will not be replaying.

A arte em sua forma mais pura

Foi o que consegui pensar pra resumir essa pedrada aqui, Brothers é um jogo bem cinemático com uma narrativa não verbal, aquelas estilo Tom e Jerry e Pantera cor de rosa nos desenhos, são poucos os jogos que existem que arriscam meter esse estilo de narração, por isso tiro meu chapéu pra Brothers, pois ele aplicou essa maneira de contar a história muito bem.

Sua história é um tanto profunda, cheia de características únicas e reviravoltas de fato inesperadas. Apesar de nenhum dos personagens falarem algo entendível, pelos gestos e expressões você consegue sentir empatia por cada um deles, e é isso que eu acho genial nessas narrativas.

Sua gameplay é o único ponto que eu achei um tanto.. meh sabe, confusa, você usa as alavancas pra controlar os dois personagens e os gatilhos para as ações de cada um deles, achei que eu iria me acostumar com esse controle mas ele é bem complicadinho mesmo, finalizei o jogo e não consegui pegar a manha dele direito, não sei se essa foi a melhor opção pra um jogo em que controla simultaneamente dois personagens, foi funcional, mas poderia ter sido melhor.

Seus puzzles são um tanto fáceis, afinal eu que sou um burro consegui resolver maioria deles, só prestar atenção direitinho em cada fase que tu vai descobrir bem rápido, eu que não sou tão fã de jogo puzzle, amei os quebra cabeça desse aqui serem de uma dificuldade menor, pois geralmente não tenho nenhuma paciência com isso.

Já sobre os gráficos, eu joguei a versão de PS3 então não foi la na melhor experiência de gráfico possível desse jogo, mas não foi uma experiência ruim sendo sincero, as sombras e luzes são bem agradáveis aos olhos e suas cores pouco incomoda, pra mim, eles combinaram perfeitamente pra contar essa história do jeito que ela é.

This was such a great game. I had no idea going into this game I'd love it so much. My Brain wasn't braining for the most part trying to control two characters at the same time but what an outstanding game it was.

This is the kind of game that warms and breaks your heart at the same time

An amazing game, but the thing that cativated me the most was the soundtrack. It takes my breath easily! I just have no words for the ambience, I swear. I like games that have this kind of art too, It's cool

The story is simple, don't wait for anything complex, but that doesn't mean It's bad; It's quite the contrary. It almost took me to tears! The gameplay is the same, It is simple but not poor, the narrative affects it. The puzzles won't be insanely hard, but that's alright cause controlling both the brothers is challenging enough.

Another thing that made me love it was: detail. During your journey you can stop and help other animals, a grieving husband/dad and also pet a sheep. Also stop, sit on a bench and see the breathtaking landscapes

I took half a star out cause I feel the controls could be better, mainly on keyboard. Some people also complain about having to share a controller with someone to play instead of playing with two. I don't know if they did that on purpose, but I assure you It's not something that will ruin your experience or make you abandon it

I once read, regarding story length in any medium, that your tale should not be too long or just the right length, but ideally too short - keeping the story churning in the mind of the player. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons does exactly this. I wanted to learn more about several areas you journey through; the game shows a lot but tells very little, leading you to imagine your own lore. One of the most delightful and beautiful games I've played in a while.

ft @cellerepe
A simples mas efetiva história e jogabilidade permite que esses elementos se intercalem criando uma bela cinestesia num mundo fantástico, onde falta brilho. A estreia de Josef Fares dá vislumbres de genialidade, mas a aventura falhou em me marcar além dos momentos mais sombrios.

A trilha sonora éIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiimuito boa

tell me what other game lets u ride goats with ur brother. dont worry, ill wait

this game means childhood, though i never got the chance to complete it until now that im older. short game and pretty sad too, a little tedious at times but still fine.

Wie so oft kann ich auch nur immer wieder sagen:
Wer Spiele heutzutage nicht als Kunstform ansieht, dem ist echt nicht mehr zu helfen.
Selten konnte mich ein Entertainmentgebiet so viel Mitgefühl spüren lassen.

Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons erzählt die Geschichte über 2 Brüder, die auf der Suche nach einem Heilmittel für ihren Vater immer wieder auf Leben und Tot treffen.

Ich habe knapp drei Stunden für das Spiel gebraucht...
Aber diese drei Stunden waren voller lachen, weinen und staunen!
Verbunden mit einer wunderschönen Grafik und toller (wenn leider auch manchmal bisschen ZU theatralisch) Musikuntermalung.
Ich kann das Spiel echt nur wärmstens empfehlen!
Aber bitte denkt dran, es ist ein Story-getriebenes Spiel und ganz klar nichts für Leute, die auf CoD, oder Fortnite-Gameplay stehen!

Short, sweet and moving little story game with a nice little mechanic of controlling one brother with each stick. It's a clever way to bond you to them. I remember the world being nice to look at, and the levels and puzzles being easy enough to get through. Might be one to replay one day.

The gameplay may be seen as pretty simplistic and controlling 2 separate characters requires some getting used to, but this game shines in a lot of regards.
It has a charming presentation. From the graphics to the overall atmosphere.
For a short game (3-4 hours) it takes you on a journey which seems longer and I don't mean that in a bad way.
The entire story being told through the actions of the characters rather than through dialogue feels like a breath of fresh air and adds a lot to the overall immersion.

Mecanicas interessantes, apesar do jogo de cameras as vezes ser um pouco ruim de controlar. Personagens legais, historia emocionante, boa trilha sonora, visuais lindos

i think the funniest part about this game is how you need to actively keep the triggers held to sit down on benches. you need to put strain on your fingers in order to make the characters relax. true video game ludonarrative harmony.

Eu gosto muito de histórias assim, jornadas de irmãos. É tudo muito simples aqui mas bem feito. A história é uma fórmula simples que já vimos aos montes por aí e o gimmick do jogo é simples mas não vejo tantos por aí.

No fim não tem muito o que criticar, o jogo não tem grandes ambições e faz bem o que se propõe, além de ter uma direção de arte bem competente.

The Limbo/Ico influences are all present, but Brothers stands up perfectly well as its own emotional rollercoaster.
The main attraction here is the ability to control both of our heroes at the same time. I can't speak for PC users but this mechanic is perfect for console thumbsticks: the instinctive gamer's left hand (playing the older brother) leads the right hand (the younger one) - resultingly the gameplay reflects their relationship and the need to cooperate as one.
As you guide your titular twosome through a hazardous fantasy realm to find an elixir for their dying father, you encounter creatures both friendly and not so much - giant birds, giant turtles, giant giants. Most surprising is the way the game takes drastic u-turns between fun, meditative adventure and moments of horror and utter bleakness.
Brothers is not afraid to play against your expectations, even if the results are pointlessly soul crushing.

⌚ Time to finish - 5h (100% complete - one trophy was a little tricky and i did not understand it the first time so I "wasted" 45 minutes trying it a 2nd time)
🤬Difficulty - easy.
🔊 Soundtrack - pleasant.
🌄Graphics – Nice nothing to write home about
🌦 Atmosphere – great.
📚 Main Story / Characters – Not ground breaking but its a sweet touching tale of love and bond between a family. Definitely worth hearing.
🤺 Combat – none
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration –Definitely worth exploring to 100%. They add to the story and the world and I thought were very fitting except for one, which I think went against the main brothers personality. Its at the beginning.
🚗 Movement/Physics –no issues. Some puzzles were cool how the brothers worked together. Nothing ground breaking. It does take a while to control 2 chars at once. However if you keep left char on left side of screen, right char on right screen its easier.
📣 Voice acting – They made up their own language for this game but they perfectly convey everything on screen. BONUS! Watch the hour long developer playthrough, he adds so much commentary that helps you appreciate the behind the scenes. The main dev did all the voices and motion cap cuz they had no $$.
🥇 Best thing about the game - A touching story.

💡Final Thoughts:

Play it if you want a nice small game coming off a larger game and need a break. If you miss it its probably ok, but I will still suggest you play it. Especially if you plat it its a nice achievement.

Very good game. Very important game. Sparked a lot of discussion that was very positive to gaming at large. Resides in my head in the same spot as Limbo and Journey. All these smaller games are deceptively influential when it comes to modern gaming discourse. You can see the development of setpiece design by playing these three. How certain ideas become increasingly commodified by bigger titles, which is very cool.

It's certainly a less exciting game compared to the others of its time, as we were already tapping into these sensibilities in a more refined way, but by utilizing a gimmick of controlling both brothers at once it tapped into a unique idea that is very well explored. This is some people's biggest gripe: the controls. I don't really get it, the game doesn't require their mastery or anything, it's not challenging and the punishment is miniscule (except the glider, I guess, that's definitely just too buggy).

But I personally love weirdo control schemes, and the way the final moments work with it. I don't know how that doesn't make up for maybe a total of a minute of lost time as compared to having standardized controls. Not that anyone has to be emotionally invested at that point or anything, I wasn't, but even without it it's just a very nifty little moment that was and still is an interesting talking point in game design. Worth the 3 hours.

+Einzigartige Steuerung
+Auch heute noch schön anzusehen
+Immersion durch Gameplay
+tolles Environmental Storytelling

Brothers is an incredibly emotional experience that left me in complete shock after the credits rolled. The art style is beautiful and there’s a distinct charm to the brothers and the world itself. The gameplay doesn’t quite hit the high mark of the storytelling, but this is an experience that’s still well worth your time.

Sometimes less is more, but more often than less, less is less. Less dialogue, less coherency, less plot and less exposition. It is for that reason I am less likely to recommend this game.

The mechanics are unique and at first a bit of a brain teaser to get accustomed to as it requires you to multitask in the truest sense of the word. It’s how I imagine drummers feel when they first learn how to play.

Fantastic game that is really innovative with the control scheme. Walking two characters around at the same time with dual sticks is surprisingly challenging, especially when they cross paths! But beyond that, there's an amazing world here that the game has built, and in just a few hours they had me genuinely caring about the characters, even without any (discernible) dialog. The puzzles are fun and never frustrating. It's an amazing accomplishment and gets a huge recommendation from me.

Simples e encantador!

Uma deliciosa jornada nórdica que mescla puzzle com ação e aventura apresentando uma mecânica inovadora, ao controlar 2 personagens ao mesmo tempo, proporcionando uma gameplay criativa e prazerosa.

Lurking beneath the bright and beautiful art style of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is a much darker fairy tale containing the trademarks of all great fantasy—giants, rivers of blood, and supernatural nature! The game’s title pretty well summarizes its plot, and the novel gameplay mechanic of controlling one brother with each hand frustrates at first, but eventually becomes integral to the story. This game journeyed far beyond my imagination of what its narrative would be based on the prologue, conveying emotional depth with simple grunts and panta-miming; the affect cut deep for me. Nevertheless, I’m not sure how much of this game will stick with me in the long haul as its puzzles never engaged my mind enough to make it memorable.

a ideia do jogo é legal, mas a historia é muito perdida pois não existe diálogos que sejam capazes de entender, os puzzles são bons mas acabam sendo sempre a mesma coisa, os cenários são bem feitos mas não compensa a falta de um bom enredo; e por ser um jogo coop os controles podiam ser muito melhores, isso faz a gameplay ser extremamente maçante na minha opinião

This review contains spoilers

What I thought would be a fun little puzzle solver about two brothers ended being a dramatic and wholesome tale that put in the feels by the end.

The gameplay is unique in the way you control both brothers at once; that made for some unique and interesting puzzles. Though the puzzles were not necessarily hard, it was something I’ve never experienced before and I appreciate the game for that. The novelty might’ve worn off if the game was longer, but thankfully it was short enough to where it never felt stale.

The visuals were mostly fantastic and hold up to this day. The only thing that felt slightly dated was the character facial expressions.

Lurking beneath the bright and beautiful art style of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is a much darker fairy tale containing the trademarks of all great fantasy—giants, rivers of blood, and supernatural nature! The game’s title pretty well summarizes its plot, and the novel gameplay mechanic of controlling one brother with each hand frustrates at first, but eventually becomes integral to the story. This game journeyed far beyond my imagination of what its narrative would be based on the prologue, conveying emotional depth with simple grunts and panta-miming; the affect cut deep for me. Nevertheless, I’m not sure how much of this game will stick with me in the long haul as its puzzles never engaged my mind enough to make it memorable.