Reviews from

in the past

Amazing, iconic. Games that hit when I was in hs and I still think about now. A lot of the issues discussed in 2 are briefly brought up in 1 but the whole focus is on the love story and the friendship dynamics which is fine by me. 11/10 love the one hijabi anime nerd. Felt very seen from that lmao.

Wowe, people weren't kidding when they said this was good!

Very heartfelt and sincere, despite being a lot of jokes about anime culture

somehow hadn't played this before it's very good gay shit

I have actually cried playing this game.

Don't go into this game expecting a deep world with detailed lore and backstories. There are other visual novels for that. This game was made to give people a nice warm feeling and a sense of familiarity.

That being said, this was a lovely kinetic novel about four girls who play baseball, and how their identities and personalities intersect with each other and play into other parts of their lives. It is a love letter to young lesbians and bisexual girls of all backgrounds, and a beautiful one at that.

It's kids and fun and baseball! Simple, heartwarming, what more could you ask from a short visual novel. 3.5 stars, not quite the grand slam, but nevertheless a homerun hit!

Butterfly Soup is the funniest game I've ever played. There's not a moment here that I'm not smiling at the very least. I also can't recall a single game that speaks to the experience of a modern Asian teen, so the representation here is very much appreciated, coming from a former Asian teen! Oh and that cover of that famous romance movie's big ballad is fucking perfect.

Lesbianas y béisbol mis dos cosas favoritas

The humour is fun and cute. Short and sweet game, I'll look forward to the sequel. Level 30 besties can hear my rant about [redacted].

Extremely cute, smashed it out in an evening, would recommend.

Perhaps most notable for its cast, who are so goddamn extra I couldn't help but be endeared to them, even as the humor threatened to swerve into 'wow, so quirky!' That being said, the story they inhabit is woefully disjointed, bouncing between buffooneries and serious subject matter which isn't meaningfully addressed. The resolution of the story is sweet and delightful but left major subplots unaddressed. Even as I yearn for a more balanced narrative featuring these characters, I can still celebrate this game as a product of an independent creator's vision, discussing marginalized intersectional identities. Absolutely still worth checking out.

Visual novel focusing on topics of growing up, gender identity, sexual orientation, anxiety, stereotypical terrible Asian parents, and some baseball. I really didn't like the beginning but liked it more as it went on, it can do a good job bringing up it's subjects. I didn't really like any of the characters but Diya partly from more characterization for her than most of the other three characters, her less overblown ridiculous moments, and focus on her anxiety. I'm not a fan of the more ridiculous moments which basically all come from one character but I think that's equaled out by the enjoyment I get from seeing stories focused on women or groups not usually focused on or my enjoyment of seeing women not date men. It's short with a sudden ending. Choices aren't really necessary. Little time is spent with one of the main characters when it comes to her family, past, or any changes she goes through.

good. awesome. baseball wlws. noelle my beloved. very good use of 3 hours

Butterfly Soup é charmoso, mas podia ser melhor. O jogo conta uma história de 4 garotas asiáticas queer na califórnia, em um time de baseball no seu 1° ano do ensino médio. A parte principal, que é a sua história, tenho sentimentos mistos. A narrativa aborda temas como racismo, abuso infantil e homofobia, mas com uma atitude otimista e carismática, e por mais que eu aprecie abordar tópicos sensíveis sem perder bom humor, não acho que esse jogo faz isso muito bem. A comédia, mesmo me fazendo rir algumas vezes, acaba sendo forçada com as suas tentativas de ser memética e suas referências à cultura pop. Quando resolve abordar tópicos sérios, acaba sendo mal desenvolvido e esses momentos são breves demais pra serem impactantes, além das subtramas envolvendo esses temas serem mal resolvidas. Mesmo com seus momentos de vergonha alheia, admito que as personagens divertem um pouco com as suas interações, mesmo que boa parte dos meus problemas com o humor venham delas. Outra coisa que incomodou, foi na trilha sonora. As músicas são de terceiros e os efeitos sonoros foram pegos de Ace Attorney, mas esse não é o meu problema. As músicas são muito baixas e os efeitos sonoros são inconsistentes, alguns sendo um pouco mais altos que a música e outros absurdamente altos. Mesmo com o seu roteiro fraco e tom inconsistente, ainda respeito Butterfly Soup pelo seu charme e suas boas intenções.

Prós: As personagens conseguem divertir; Os exageros conseguem ser ocasionalmente engraçados; As músicas até são boas (mesmo não sendo originais do jogo); Aprecio que tenham focado numa comunidade asiático americana (apesar de não aprofundarem tanto); Tem opção pra idioma português.
Contras: Os diálogos conseguem ser dignos de vergonha alheia; Força a barra com memes e referências de Cultura Pop; Subtramas e tópicos abordados mal desenvolvidos; Volume mal regulado na trilha sonora.

A group of silly asian-american teenagers messing up, falling in love and joking about racism being over. One of the best games out there

It’s nice to see Butterfly Soup high school nostalgic tale not because it’s more or less accurate (who knows) but because it believes in a teenage ideal where being yourself is accepted and received with love. It’s a letter of hope. Even if the world opposes you, even if your parents oppose you, you can find that group of friends that will understand you. The ideal of Butterfly Soup is not one where all hardships around you magically disappear, but one where the rebellious spirit of Min (and everyone else) is worth fighting for. It’s worth fighting for your truth, for what’s right, it’s worth to be dumb and straightforward and to hear your heart. If made up rules don’t fit who you are, jump over them. Your life’s always ahead and being yourself is a risk you should always take.

it was fine until they had min say "martin luther king didn't do shit!", which ruined the whole game for me especially considering the fact that this game focuses on racism as well.

I tell gay jokes because I'm a gay joke

Very cute, short, simple, and nice visual novel

this was sweet and funny at times but damn those second graders really are wild

you know when you play something and the story is more "experience i want to share" instead of "story i want to tell"? so, butterfly soup for me.

it's very visible this was a personal project but at the end of the day, it was pretty funny even if i didn't enjoy as much as i expected. i'm not american enough for that.

anyways akarsha best girl

adoro comunidade lgbt povo animado

Some of the humor can be a bit cloying (the anime stuff in particular), but it captures the earnest naivety of teen love better than so many of its peers.

Also, shoutout to Sonic Adventure 2, that game rips.

cant say I am a fan of this humor but its cute

I accidentally took a class with my least favorite professor for a second time Spring 2018. I had taken rhetorical studies with him Spring 2017 and it was the worst class of my entire college career. When I arrived in class January 2018 and saw this professor my heart sunk. His classes were boring and unfocused. I played Butterfly Soup during this second class, and it was infinitely better than listening to this professor drone on. I didn't play it with sound on because I was in class, but the game was so good without sound that I didn't feel like I needed it.

about 3 hours long so it won't eat up too much of your time. short but cute!
found it a bit hard to read at times bc 'uwu humor' has aged quite a bit, but I enjoyed it otherwise and don't think I didn't notice the ghost trick sound effects

not a fan of the art style nor the characters, didn't keep me engaged :/

i wanna be a death bagel now.