Reviews from

in the past

Love the idea, difficult for me to play for long periods of time.

This game is sick as heck. A Zelda rhythm game with a chef's kiss soundtrack; what's not to love? We NEED more Nintendo/indie crossovers please!

Absolute banger classic. I do NOT replay games, and I replayed Cadence of Hyrule. Improves on Crypt of the Necrodancer in everyway, incorporating geniously a top-tier IP. I cannot praise this game enough.

Still kinda crazy that this crossover even happened. It's a solid game, although I think og Crypt is much better overall.

this was SO GOOD but it is pretty difficult. love that it's co-op, and love having a rhythm game that goes along to zelda music. the zelda theme was a big seller for me.

I had a great time with this incredibly unique game. This game takes the classic Legend of Zelda soundtrack and remixes it in a modern way that stays faithful and makes it work with the combat of the game. The combat was extremely satisfying as well. The weapon variety provides a lot of replayability and changes the way you approach situations in a very significant way. The story was pretty basic, but it didn't really need a super in-depth story, since the game is pretty short. The first DLC is fine and is pretty much the base game again with a new weapon and a new boss, which are both good. The real star is the skull kid DLC which is a bit smaller than the original game but increases the difficulty, adds new basic enemies, and 3 incredibly unique bosses. The skull kid DLC felt like a fitting climax for this game, and rounded out this whole game to be pretty great.

Can be infuriating to play at first, the minute you get everything down though it's a super satisfying rhythm game, with very charming graphics and a great OST

The worst Zelda game, with the best Zelda music. It's a crying shame that this seemingly cute and bubbly take on the franchise has nothing but frustration and confusion inside.

Amazing soundtrack. Typical Zelda riddles and dungeon gameplay are fused with the CotND formula in a wonderful way.

As stated in my Necrodancer review, I have always found rhythm games fall short of their diegetic potential for lovers of both arts as a combined gesture. Not this one. While Necrodancer is a barebones roguelike with an incredible concept, CoD is an full game with that same idea at its core. It is as challenging as it is satisfying to learn and master. The music is of course splendid, justifiably so, and randomised world layouts as well as multiple fun characters provide immense replay potential.

I only wish it was not a zelda spin off game, as cool as that is. I believe if it had the confidence to stand on its own and have even more original ideas, the scope for what it could achieve would be far wider and I would love it a great deal more. It does not do much to particularly subvert the expectations of this series or challenge it by adding much of anything new, other than placing Necrodancers core gameplay at its heart and adding one mildly interesting anti-hero character.

As it stands, the quality of this is on par with the majority of mainline Zelda titles, even surpassing many 2D and 3D entries. Its just unfortunate I have to compare it to them at all, it could've been something truly awe inspiring.

Menuda barbaridad de juego, que bonito y que musicote

Much like the original, this game is neat and fun, but also kind of limited. I had a good time playing, but it got old somewhat quickly. I feel like it would be better not at a roguelike. I do like what this game could mean for the furture of nintendo's IPs.

This is a fantastic game based off another great game as well. While I already love rhythm games, this one truly stands out for me and I constantly see myself returning to it just so I can experience it once more. It never felt repetitive, and always felt fun.

That was nice! It felt like a heavily abbreviated 2D Zelda campaign with fun rhythm gameplay twists. I particularly enjoyed the boss battles that were classic Zelda enemies but with musical theming. Maybe a little on the easy side and I don’t know if I want to play the DLC right now, but I had a good time.

this game is so cool. i liked crypt of the necrodancer but mashing it up with zelda was such a genius idea. despite the layout of the world being randomly generated it is still fun to play through every time and the music, oh the music. filled with banger remix after banger remix. nintendo doesn't normally let things like this happen and im really happy they did because this game rules

I found this game very fun. Because I am pretty tone-deaf, I turned the rhythm part off and played it like a strategy game, and I loved it. The best part of the game though is the music, and I found that it might be one of the best soundtracks ever released. I also loved the different pixel art with the characters. I loved the boss fights as well as the rogue-lite nature.

Overall, a pretty enjoyable love letter to the Zelda franchise, but I have to admit that most of its fun originated rather from the TLoZ coating than the actual gameplay style.
The music and the strong focus on exploration were definitely enough to hold me in a state of flow most times, but the rhythm based gameplay mechanics are not deep enough to fully keep me engaged. It's really curious: if the game offers you the possibility to actually turn off its main feature, maybe the rest of the game wasn't designed around it enough in the first place.

Genuinely never thought I'd see the day where Nintendo gives an indie dev the keys to take one of their most beloved properties of all time out for a spin but I'm so glad they did. Cadence of Hyrule fucking owns. Years later and the music is still a part of my regular rotation. One of the best Zelda soundtracks of all time.

This game is way too hard for me and honestly not my kind of game, others may like it, I heard the game its based on has a big fan following so I imagine its a lot of fun for other people.

Really good game. Love roguelikes just has the issue of standing up with the other zelda games.

This game introduced me to professional Otamatone players

fun lil rhythm game. bought thinking it eould be a platformer but was pleasantly surprised...

An interesting experiment, not just in Nintendo licensing their big boy IPs to indie teams, but also in turning the simple short runs of Necrodancer into what is a 4-6 hour adventure. And the initial playthrough is fantastic, if a little easy.

The pixel art and DannyB soundtrack do the heavy lifting, and kept me from tiring out on the simple combat. If there's one huge improvement over Necrodancer, it's the graphics. A ton of care was put into this version of Hyrule, and you see it in every sprite. The developers probably knew fucking this up would mean Nintendo never does this again for anyone.

I wasn't expecting it to be as similar to the original Necrodancer than it was, though. There's no puzzles in the game that I recall, and shielding attacks is more or less here out of it being necessary in a Zelda game. But dungeons are basically 6 Necrodancer levels and a boss. The key difference being that this game is VERY forgiving. The roguelike elements have no real reason to exist because all dying does it make you lose your rupees, shovel and torch. And my lord, do you get showered in all them within a minute of respawning.

I think story mode is there for Zelda fans who might be terrible at rhythm games or roguelikes, but it leads to my key "problem that's not a problem" with the game. It's too long for a roguelike run. After beating it once at 4:30 hours, I'm sure I could do it in 2 next time, but that's too long for my taste, so I probably won't replay this game and stick to the original Necrodancer.

The only other comment I had while playing was; why not make the rhythm the challenge? It being 4/4 quarter notes the whole game means that you could just turn the sound off and still win. Why not add more complex time signatures?

But those are only little things. Cadence of Hyrule is still a fun passion project that combines the two IPs in the best way they could without alienating anyone. (It's also the closest thing Nintendo will do to making a new classic Zelda game on Switch.)

Cool stuff here. A bit short but the questing with a bud was a fun time.

Cadence of Hyrule is a awesome indie mash-up of the roguelike rhythm gameplay of Crypt of the Necrodancer and the beloved world and characters of The Legend of Zelda franchise. I played this with the free trial of NSO and I got to say, it really made me want to buy this game for myself.

The gameplay is easy to pick up but difficult to master, as you move and attack in time with the beat of the music. It’s rather difficult to get used to at first, but the second it clicks (and once you get the 2-ranged weapons) the game flow really starts to work with the player and it just feels fun to master.

The game's pixel art style is gorgeous, with vibrant colors and beautifully detailed pixel art. The character and enemy animations are smooth and expressive, just adding to the charm of the game’s world. The game's soundtrack is spectacular, blending the themes of both Crypt of the Necrodancer and the Legend of Zelda to head-banging tracks that you will immediately want to look up to add to your playlist.

One of the most impressive things about Cadence of Hyrule is how seamlessly it blends the two franchises together. I did not expect the entire world map to be randomly generated, so the roguelike elements did surprise me as I had not previously played Crypt of the Necrodancer, however, I feel this just adds to the experience. I did not expect to like a Legend of Zelda roguelike but here we are.

Overall, Cadence of Hyrule is an absolute gem of a game that's easy to recommend to fans of both the Zelda series and rhythm games. It’s short and sweet but that taste of gameplay will leave you wanting more and more. It's a perfect sweet blend of the franchises and was a great appetizer for the looming Tears of the Kingdom release just around the corner.