Reviews from

in the past

Used to think the hub world was cool wubdika

What a weird situation. I've always heard complaints about the game but they weren't exactly what I expected. What I expected was that the gameplay was a step down but I genuinely this there was passion behind the game. The level designs are new and unique, and they have some decent new gimmicks. The problem is that the main game feels pretty bad and that means that even within the spattering of gimmicks, when it doesn't hit, you can't brush it off. Nearly every level allows you to walk around any enemy, the abilities seem to break most of the game or on the flipside are so unnecessary, I would forget about them. and even if I thought the ball levels were fun, I think every other gimmick was bad or worse then it's predecessors.

They were close but still so far off. If models were larger, maybe this would be more fondly remembered

Ainda é Crash, mas não é Crash

É engraçado escrever esse titulo, pois por mais que o jogo tenha o nome, personagens, estética e tudo que você encontra nos primeiros 3 títulos, principalmente no último já que esse aqui é quase que uma cópia descarada, ele ainda sim passa toda a sensação de não ser um Crash, mas sim isso, uma cópia vazia e sem alma.

Os gráficos são interessantes, a trilha sonora é bem boa, mas a essência do que fez a franquia ser o que é que são com boas fases, jogabilidade complicada porém justa e inovações de gameplay, não se fazem presentes aqui, já que em termos de história podemos passar adiante pois isso nunca foi o forte mesmo.

TWC entrega fases genéricas e com level design muuuito aquém do que foi feito anteriormente, basta pensar que nos jogos anteriores, você ia tendo uma crescente de dificuldade a cada warp room e tendo uma "lógica" em termos da estética delas, aqui isso não acontece, pois ele cisma em entregar fases que não dialogam entre si e que não possuem o apelo para engajar na jogatina, principalmente pela quantidade exorbitante de fases com veículos que se no 3 já enchiam o saco, aqui então...

Falando sobre o desafio do game como um todo, vários inimigos são desnecessários. Antes você tinha que ter, mesmo que simples, uma estratégia para não morrer ou perder um Aku Aku, aqui em vários momentos os inimigos não representam uma ameaça e você pode simplesmente contorna-los sem nenhuma dificuldade. Sobre os bosses, esses são tão sem graça e chatos de enfrentar quanto assistir 40 minutos de uma preguiça dormindo.

Por fim, acredito que tudo isso passaria de boas se a jogabilidade não fosse tão travada e lenta. Em muitos pulos ou sequências que demandam isso, parece que o Crash comeu uma feijoada e está com um pouco de gravidade, pois ele é lento para pular e lento para cair, mas vou fazer uma ressalva sobre esse item pois eu não lembro se o os anteriores eram assim também, pois minha memoria está muito mais atrelada aos remakes recentes. De qualquer modo, a jogabilidade nesse game aqui não é das melhores e envelheceu mal.

Resumindo: é Crash, mas não é Crash. Tem seu valor por ser a primeira entrada da franquia na era do PS2, mas não inovou em absolutamente nada. Talvez por ser também o primeiro titulo fora das mãos da Naughty Dog e como o último foi sucesso, repetiram a fórmula. Mas se pensarmos bem, talvez foi esse jogo aqui que decretou que esse estilo que o Crash vinha tendo, não era mais tão interessante de seguir, pois não foi um sucesso aclamado igual os outros, mas não pq a formula é ruim e sim o produto. Então, nota 2,5 que no meu modo de julgar significa o meio termo, que não fede, nem cheira.

Completed this for the first time yesterday with 106%, though I did not get platinum relics in every stage, too many gimmicky stages for me to go for that.

I'm happy to have finally completed this one, as it's one of the first games I remember playing on my PS2 nearly 20 years ago, though I think the furthest I had ever gotten was a few levels into the second set of stages.

Playing it today, it feels like the game has taken a LOT of inspiration from Crash 3, with the constant shift in gameplay styles, Crash's unlockable abilities, the hub world, and having Coco playable, now properly on foot for some stages. I'm not the biggest fan of Crash 3, as I feel many of the vehicle stages in that game just aren't especially enjoyable to play, like the boat and bike levels. It's a shame that WoC doubles down on gimmicks because many of the vehicle levels are easily the worst in this game, and far worse than the worst of Crash 3. The submarine levels in particular are absolutely god awful, it moves at a snail's pace and you will constantly die from objects you could not predict and some shoddy hitboxes.

The aerial levels don't fare much better, Tornado Alley is a poor second level with annoying sound effects and dull gameplay, and That Sinking Feeling is even worse with a frustrating lock-on system and clustered level design. Not a fan of the Crashteroids level either. The Atlasphere levels were generally enjoyable, and I didn't mind the mech suit either, aside from the lack of attack options. The jeep and copter are present, but these I'm probably the most indifferent about, they're just there.

As for the platforming stages, they were the most consistently fun to play, and while I don't think they reach the heights of the best stages in the original trilogy, there were still some memorable and inventive levels here that I had a lot of fun with, like any of the Nightmare Castle or Space Station stages. I also enjoyed the Coco stages, her moveset is weirdly very lacking, but her stages were generally fun and pretty well designed.

I wasn't a huge fan of a majority of the boss fights, as they felt way too gimmicky aside from the second fight which was a decent test of platforming reflexes, and the final boss was also pretty solid in this regard. The other three, especially the plane boss, I found quite irritating to play.

I will say that the game was clearly rushed, and feels less polished than either Crash 2 or 3, with a ton of questionable hitboxes, slippery platforming that doesn't feel that tight, and an overall sense that the game just needed more time in the oven.

It has a solid soundtrack with a couple of really great tunes, and some decent voice acting as well, including the always entertaining Clancy Brown as Cortex and Uka Uka. Some cool cameos from R. Lee Ermey and Mark Hamil as the elemental masks also.

Visually the game looks alright, not among the best looking games from 2001 but the environments look decent and most character models look okay. The GameCube version certainly isn't great, with a lot of frame-rate issues and it looks a little rougher visually compared to the PS2 version. Strange as this version released almost a full year after the original release. Not the best port from Eurocom, a shame as I have enjoyed some of their output, like Sphinx and the Goldeneye remake.

Certainly not the best game in the series, and the low points here are genuinely terrible, but there's enough here that I enjoyed that I can still give this game a light recommendation. Just barely 3 stars for me. If you do want to play it, the Platinum/Greatest Hits PS2 or Xbox release would be a preferable option to the GameCube version.

I think this game is just ok. Some of the missions can be fun but then there are some others where it is just annoying and boring, like the plane levels. It can also get pretty difficult at times.

This game is so cozy to me

hard as shit and never got past the ice stages but my god i loved this game

Overhated. Se não fosse pelos problemas na fase da água, controles bugados na fase voo, power up chato de andar devagar, gráficos estranhos para os personagens e entre outros, até dava pra ser o meu favorito da série. As novidades que eu mais gostei foi poder jogar com a Coco a pé e as fases em que o Crash anda dentro de uma bola. Também curti as mascaras que representam os elementos.

this game beat me into the ground as a kid and taught me not to give up on a game.

Okay so let me start of with what I like about this game.
-Introduced me to the rest of the series and became my favorite game franchise for many years
-some of the levels are honestly some of the best the crash games have to offer
-A lot of gameplay variety so you wont get bored.
-Relaxing sort of mood within many levels

Here is what I didn't like.
-Ugly character designs for the villans
-Only one character as a boss

This game is weird because it isn't all that bad really, it just has a lot of little things that start to add up. I personally dont mind vehicle levels in platformers and find them to be a mostly nice change of pace, but here EVERY OTHER LEVEL IS A VEHICLE STAGE. A lot of it feels wasted because some of these cool vehicles are only used once or twice in the entire game and some of them are just not fun at all like the mech or minecart. The levels where you are actually playing as crash and coco are extremely satisfying though, and some of the best levels the series has to offer. Not really bad, but I cant really call it a great game either due to the lack of direction.

traditional crash levels are fun, the rest varies

This one is weird, visually the 3d models are acceptable but are still strange. Gameplay is again acceptable but not the same. Also something about the levels just aren't right, don't know how to explain it really. 3/5 game or probably lower honestly.

it’s games like these where I ask myself “do I want to invest more time into this game than I feel it deserves?”
the answer is no, by the way.

This is one of the Many Crash Bandicoot games i grew up with although i didn't beat this one as much as i did the Trilogy!

This Crash Game is a bit different, the controls are a little jankier but roughly the same as the other games, imo it kinda feels like a crash rip off in a way but i find it fun just the same
The worlds are set up like Crash Bandicoot: Warped where each world is split into 5 levels and then the Boss for that area before you're able to go to the next section.

The Levels in this game for me lack the good designs and uniqueness that the Trilogy had although there is underwater levels, running levels, Robot levels and vehicle levels which are missing something but it's still fun in different ways

One thing i wish they changed is that every boss is always Crunch Bandicoot in various scenario's and beating the same dude over and over can get repetitive

One thing i can say this is really good at is the soundtrack which features many tracks i'm sure i've heard in older games and some new to this one which are still catchy and make the game alot more enjoyable when raging in certain area's.

I found the Box Gems Here to be alot easier to get and i don't think any levels are Missable which means you don't HAVE to do the coloured Gem paths (I might be wrong on this) I haven't got any coloured Gems yet but i'm gonna go back for them for sure!

I've never done the Time Trials on this Crash but after unlocking certain Power-ups during the main game that will likely make things a bit easier

It's definitely worth playing this Crash Title, It's not the best in the series but you can play it for a few hours, have some fun and wreck enemies in a Robot suit!

This game is fun to play, which is why I have decided to not rank it any lower. At its core, it is another Crash game that follows the formula of Crash 3 to a tee, which is one of its biggest issues. "Crash 3 but worse" is a pretty apt description. This game has plenty of vehicle levels which are of mixed quality. I genuinely do like the Atlasphere and see it as a positive inclusion. The water levels, jeep level, and mech suit sections all have very questionable controls that have me questioning how much this game was playtested. Some of the hitboxes in this game are just atrocious (ex. nitro crates in Atlasphere, horizontal lasers in Cortex Vortex, sea mines in water levels), and can make achieving platinum relics frustrating for the wrong reasons. The best parts of this game are simply ripped off and I cannot give this game the benefit of the doubt for that reason. As for controls, I do like how Crash controls generally, disregarding some very jank movement occasionally. For some reason, the tornado spin blows in this game and barely lets you glide, which is an interesting feature. Crash has a new power-up, being the nitro sneak shoes which are useless, and frankly insulting as a power-up. Forcing a player to use a boring gimmick is not a power-up. Otherwise, the power-ups are literally recycled from Crash 3. As for graphics and performance, this game looks pretty decent for a PS2 game.. most of the time. Some of the cutscenes and sprites look awful likely due to the development of this game being crunched (haha). I like the lore additions of this game, being Crunch. Overall, this game is another victim of crunch time in video game development, as the developers originally wanted to do something new with the Crash IP as an open world game. Crash would likely be in a completely different place now if that game was made without compromises, and it is certainly an interesting thought. This game is decent, but I would only recommend it to someone who has played the original Crash trilogy, the better games in this formula.

I don’t care if it’s a blatant rip-off of Crash 3, my 5 year old self had no idea about that and had a blast having this as my first video game ever. The nostalgia is so strong with this one, especially the soundtrack which had no business being this good.

Actually pretty decent but the problem is it's BLOATED with vehicle stages

nunca cheguei a terminar, num lembro de ser ruim.

crash games are like a fever dream to me

this game loads more than the amount of time you actually play it

Poucas pessoas conseguem explicar exatamente porque esse jogo é considerado mais fraco do que a trilogia, e eu certamente não vou saber explicar também.
Além de não trazer nada de muito novo em relação ao Crash 2 e 3, um dos grandes problemas para mim é toda a aparência dele. Tudo parece feito de massinha, as caixas são molengas quando pula nelas, alguns efeitos parecem incompletos e as animações sofrem por causa dessa massinha, são travadas e não tem a mesma energia que sempre tiveram

Se eu jogasse quando criança, certamente iria amar, mas infelizmente não foi o caso

It's not very good as a crash game or just a game in general.

I don’t care what anyone says, this game is so amazing. It’s a classic and I enjoy the gameplay, even if it is filthy sometimes.