Reviews from

in the past

Enjoyable edgy Halo knockoff that's pretty serviceable and fun but definitely loses focus as it progresses. Some of the late game level design is awful, the controls aren't great, and that final boss sucked to fight. Somehow every enemy feels identical, and that also goes for the weapons aside from the rocket launcher and the club. The edgy stuff gets truly very funny - the corny sex scene? The fucking spiky crushers killing tied up women in the final boss arena? Absolute gold, truly comical and ridiculous in a campy way and what makes it extra enjoyable is the game is 100% genuine and unironic about it, it doesn't realize how silly it is and that makes it all very charming. It isn't amazing, but it IS co-op vampire cowboy wackiness, so it's still a pretty fun time.

lucian velho oeste.

esse jogo eh pica.

Esse jogo simplesmente mistura velho oeste com um design gótico, só a ideia já faz o jogo ser ótimo

Weak combat, awful movement, broken hitboxes, lazy encounter design, rudimentary level design, ridiculously paced parody of a story. Low budget and uninspired. And all of it is multiplied by being a gamepad shooter. There are better shooters on ps1 and n64.
If you want to see a more competent action spin on demonic wild west play Evil West.

This isn't a ground breaking game, neither its a generation defining title.
However this game is in fact, a lot of fun. Having played this when I was young and coming back to it all these years later, I'm surprised how well it stands up. Powers mostly fun, admitedly a bit underwhelming at times, physics are fun, all the guns are awesome and useful and despite most of enemies being fodder, their quantity and agressiveness will keep you on your toes.
the story is also a bit forgetable but it works well enough as an excuse to keep the game going.
I think its strongest point however are the vibes, the soundtrack, both original and licensed music are well used and help a lot with the immersion.
Overall fun experience that was definitivelly worth my time.

simplemente un juegardo, con un amigo es mas entretenido

Parabéns darkwatch, você é um jogo legal, pena que quanto mais eu avanço, menos divertido fica, não se preocupe, algum dia darei uma nova chance pra você, mas até lá, você é um jogo médio, que acaba piorando durante a experiência. (Sinto muito fãs de darkwatch)

Um Halo só que situado no Velho Oeste e com vampiros.

By the way eu sou completamente apaixonado pelo design das armas desse Game.

um jogo bem ok. a historia não é lá essas coisas, a gameplay é boa tirando a parte de movimentação da câmera que achei bem ruim(Sendo meio Travada), que pode dificultar a mirar.

não tenho muito mais oque falar sobre o game, ele é um jogo não fede e não cheira, um remake/Remaster seria interessante.

the bad to the bone riff in video game form

O puro creme do Playstation 2

Lembro de zerar Coop esse jogo no play 2, e tbm tem o modo versus desse jogo que rolava até aposta por aqui kksksksk. Muito bom

the aiming sucks and the hit detection is god awful but that vampussy had me acting unwise

I would probably fuck with this if I could play this on mouse and keyboard! I like the vibe but it didn't really pull me in in the first 50 minutes and it's kind of annoying to have to whip around on a controller so I just wont.

I don't think anything could have prepared me for how much this game is a knockoff of Halo. I only played it because it has a vampire cowboy with two guns on the cover.

Pretty cool low budget shooter though.

I got to the train section which I believe was the very beginning of the game. Then I didn't know how to continue.


Yeah much like others said its got that Halo feel with the physics but with a vampire western twist. Very fun game and while nothing inherently special, you do get powers and the ones you get depend on your in game choice. I played the game on an Xbox 360 since its backwards compatible and it runs and looks great. Tip: If you press A while jumping you can land at will.

Lista de coisas que esse jogo faz melhor que Halo:

Fim da lista.

Pretty decent Halo clone with a little Red Dead Revolver and other shooters thrown in there for good measure. It's not nearly as good as Halo, of course, but it's pretty fun and inoffensive overall. I enjoyed the atmosphere and licensed soundtrack, though it did take itself a little too seriously. The story was okay, though the good ending was kind of lame because you get no hoes. There are some good levels, and some pretty awful sections of the game like the mission where you are in the sun and your powers are nerfed beyond belief, or the mission where you drive a knockoff warthog from Halo that controls like complete garbage. The suicide bomber enemies are also fairly annoying because they can spawn right on top of you, the jumping is extremely floaty and difficult to control, and the bosses kind of suck because you only get the worst guns in the game to fight them and Jericho moves frustratingly slow in reaction to their moves.

Darkwatch é bem maneiro, toda a temática de vampiros no velho-oeste e a estética sombria. Zerei a mt tempo e talvez algum dia eu volte a jogar dnv, minha parte favorita era fugir das banshee voando.

>> Prós
• JOGABILIDADE : É só sair dando tiro nos inimigos.
• MULTIPLAYER : Se fosse um jogo lançado hj em dia n teria essa opção então é realmente um ponto positivo de jogar com seu amigo.

>> Contras
• FALTA SEQUÊNCIA : Li q o jogo iria ter uma continuação mas cancelaram, é uma pena pq o universo de Darkwatch tem um potencial para ser melhor explorado.

>> Perso Favorito = Banshees.

This game goes hard.

A hidden gem even though aiming is iffy, aim assist screws you more than helps and the game overstays its welcome, I still had a ton of fun playing trough this.
It reminds me of Gungrave.

Quando eu joguei no ps2 eu lembro de ser muito dahora.
Co-op bacana XD

Achei a premissa muito criativa, misturar faroeste com vampiros e demônios foi muito legal, a história é ok, mas muito datada. O gameplay é bem divertido e diversificado, tem muitos inimigos diferentes e uma boa variedade de armas e poderes.

Queria ter conhecido esse jogo na época do PS2, teria sido incrível.

They should remake this game in Unreal 5.

Really wondering how this game never got a sequel. I had played a little bit years ago but it got lost in my backlog. Finally picked it back up and restarted the other day and blasted through and I gotta say this is one of the best fps campaigns on Xbox. Cowboy vampire hunters vs the evil dead is such and awesome concept and the game takes advantage of the setting. Cowboys, skeletons, vampires and sexy dead girls galore. It’s just a lot of fun. The shooting feels really tight and enemies arms and heads can be shot off which never stops being satisfying. The guns are pretty typical, revolver, carbine, sniper rifle, rocket launcher, etc but the stand out is an awesome shotgun with a battle axe on the hilt which makes for one of the best melees in an fps. Enemy variety is a little weak but just good enough to keep things fresh. The vampire powers are cool and the binary choice system isn’t deep but can unlock you different powers depending if you choose good or evil. This definitely gives the game some replay value as well as two different endings depending on your choices. Level design varies between tight shootouts on trains and big open arenas that take advantage of both your leaning behind cover and your very floaty vampire double jump. There’s lots of verticality and the game pushes you into decisions of “do I want to take the high ground in the sunlight and lost my powers or push thru low in the darkness thru swarms of enemies?” This is just one example. There are a few meh turret sections and one wannabe Halo warthog section that isn’t outstanding but the main gameplay loop never got boring. The game took about 5-6 hours to clear and flew bye. The story is silly but the lore and aesthetic is what really gives it its charm. My biggest gripe is I wish there wasn’t so much hand holding thru the constant cutscenes showing you what to do and every time enemies spawn in. The make the game feel a bit choppy but they are skippable and they get more tolerable when you get into the flow of the game. I wish the Xbox version had co op but I definitely see myself coming back to this probably on Ps2 with a friend. This game’s definitely a gem

fun game, wish it got a pc port so i could change the fov

Hitbox tenebroso, o que parece uma tendência em jogos mid-budget da sexta geração. Os controles são quase como uma ofensa ao jogador, que já é difícil por si só simplesmente por ser unicamente jogável em joystick. Dito tudo isso, vampiros matando mortos-vivos e armas MUITO daoras, isso basta.

Originally posted here:

When I think of the PlayStation 2, First Person Shooters aren’t the first thing that comes to mind, but despite that, the system did have it’s fair share of really decent FPS games. One of those First Person Shooter’s is Darkwatch, a game developed by Blue Moon Studios (formerly Sammy Studios), and weirdly enough, published by Capcom of all companies in 2005 for the PlayStation 2 and original Xbox.

The game starts with Jericho Cross, an outlaw gunfighter in the late 19th-century American Frontier, doing one last job by robbing a train. Unbeknownst to him, the train belongs to the Darkwatch, an ancient organization committed to destroying supernatural evils. The train is not carrying gold or money, but a vampire lord that he accidentally releases named Lazarus Malkoth, resulting in Jericho getting bitten in the process, slowing turning into a vampire for the rest of the game.

Soon, Jericho is conscripted into the Darkwatch despite the uneasiness of the fellow elite operatives having a vampire join their ranks, and he has to defeat Malkoth with the help of his fellow Darkwatch agent Cassidy Sharp, who was murdered shortly after meeting Jericho, and now guides him as a spiritual voice. From there on, it’s pretty much what you’d expect.

The game has a moral system, or at least tries to have one. Throughout the game, you’re often given a choice to save someone in two different ways. The first are hidden damned souls located around every level, and you can choose to either to damn their soul to eternal torment or save their soul from suffering. The other type of moral choice is several times throughout the game, you’re given the choice to save someone from dying or turning into a zombie or ghoul, or turn them yourself. It doesn’t really add up to much. The only appeal of the moral system is that the choices lead to power ups, with both evil and good having their own exclusive powers, all of which you can use for a short period of time when a meter is fully charged. The only real choice that matters is towards the end of the game, and it’s a pretty obvious one.

Good powers include the “Silver Bullet”, which increases damage from firing your guns, “Fear”, causing enemies to run off, “Mystic Armor”, which adds an extra layer to your shields, and “Vindicator”, which causes all enemies in the vicinity to be struck with lightening. Bad powers include “Blood Frenzy”, causing your melee powers to increase their damage, “Turn”, which makes your enemies slaves, “Black Shroud”, causing enemies damage whenever they hit you, and “Soul Stealer”, which sucks out your enemies souls from a distance.

Playing through the game, it was pretty obvious that this was one of the first games that was clearly influenced by the first two Halo games that had come out at that point with a few of their design choices. Your character has a Blood Shield that regenerates when you hide behind cover, just like the shield from Halo. There are also Blood Canteens located around levels that act like Health Packs. But these are few and far between, since getting your health back is mostly done through picking up an enemies energy when they die. The energy you pick up from enemies can also be used to power up the energy bar for your special abilities.

The most annoying enemies are the ones holding barrels of TNT that can sneak up on you every now and again and kill you. At least with something like the Headless Kamikaze enemies in the Serious Sam franchise are screaming at the top of their lungs while running at you, making them easy to spot.

If you ever get a little lost, there is a handy feature called “Blood Vision”, that when you click in the right analog stick, your vision changes to red, and enemies, weapons, and other key elements to glow white, all while zooming in a bit so it makes those things easier to spot.

Thankfully the shooting sections are often broken up by a few other types of gameplay. A couple of times you ride a horse throughout the desert. You’re not really riding a horse through an area so much as you’re just shooting enemies as you’re either getting to your destination or catching up to a train in one of those sections. There is also a turret sections. It’s just OK, which is the best you could hope for with a turret section.

At a certain point in the game, you get to choose which mission you’d like to do next out of a list of missions, which is pointless, since you have to do all of them anyway. Maybe there was a section initially planned where you could walk around the Darkwatch base but it was cut out, but who knows. It also doesn’t let you know that much outside of a brief description of what to do, so picking a weapon for said mission is made more difficult, and you have to guess what to use if you’ve never played the mission before.

There is even a small driving section of the game, and it’s features the smoothest gameplay out of the whole game. The vehicle, named the Darkwatch Coyote (“coincidentally” named like an animal, like Halo’s warthog), also comes with a turret that you use to shoot nearby enemies, or you can run them over if you get bored. It’s a shame that it’s only one part of the game.

The game still looks pretty good for a PlayStation 2 and Xbox game. Nothing amazing, but the games artstyle has a really nice aesthetic, combining horror, western, and steampunk, on top the whole game generally looking pretty decent, especially the weapons.

Checkpoints are plentiful throughout the game, so when you die, you’re never sent back too far. And when you die, you don’t have to reload the entire level. The game thankfully just drops you back to the last checkpoint, which makes the game flow much better.

Probably the biggest downside of this game are the controls. The controls have those stiff feeling controls that a lot of PS2 and Xbox games had. It’s not awful, but I can see it turning a lot of people away who are more used to more modern gaming sensibilities. Despite that, all of the guns sound powerful and feel good to use.

You can also shoot off parts of an enemy, including their arms and heads, adding another satisfying layer to the shooting, as well as giving some indication that you’re damaging your enemies. There is also dynamite and a PlayStation 2 exclusive Splitter Grenade that explodes on impact, both sending enemies flying with ragdoll physics.

There are some unlockables that allow for some replayability. The best unlockable is the Gunslinger Mod, in which you can go back and play any of the chapters of the story mode that you’ve unlocked and play as either good or evil Jericho, and try to get high scores, such as the amount of enemies killed and weapon percentage accuracy. Getting good scores will unlock other things such as movies and concept art.

Like a lot of First Person Shooters of the time, Darkwatch came with a multiplayer component. It comes with some standard stuff, like Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Capture the Flag, but it does have a somewhat unique mode called “Soul Hunter” in which you fight to collect Blood Clouds and be the first to to fill your Blood Bar, and “Team Soul Hunter”, which is similar, but you have to fill your teams Blood Bar.

Weirdly enough, each version of the game has a few differences. The Xbox version let you play the game over Xbox live. Unfortunately, the PlayStation 2 version is a bit more limited, only letting you play splitscreen or co-op mode. This was probably because the multiplayer component of the PlayStation 2 was an optional part of the console where as the multiplayer of the Xbox version was already integrated into the console, and was probably easier to develop for.

Back when the game was being released, it had a pretty big promotional campaign and was planned to be the first installment of a new media franchise, but unfortunately its sequel got canceled in 2007, the only thing left is a phone recording of a brief concept trailer, and the planned film adaptation never got released. Which is a shame, because another game on a more modern system could have been neat to see.

I wish that Darkwatch could get a re-release on modern consoles and PC. It’s a really solid First Person Shooter stuck under a few limitations as a result of the time it was released, and smoothing out some of those issues, such as the controls and the multiplayer not being around any more, could really help this game.