Reviews from

in the past

I don't get this game at all or why it has good reviews. I'm about 15 hours in, bored to tears. Nothing happens at night besides a guy or two creeps in. I have all these items that nobody cares about. People say there's a story? There's like 2-3 people who talk to me, and it's just random tidbits. I have probably 10 code locked doors I can't open, with supposed RNG or game file things you need to look online to open. Many of the quests seemingly don't have the prerequisite spawning in whatever seed of the game I'm in.. there's no survival really. I die sometimes at night, I die sometimes at day. Ok, go pick my stuff up and move on. Night time is by far the most boring unimaginative part of the game. Making my house all safe leads to me just sitting in a room waiting, and I shoot whatever comes in the face. The end. It's not tense. I've spent like an hour I think "doing" anything, and about 14 hours running around horribly slow. I'm honestly baffled why this has good reviews - it's terrible. I think there could have been a good game here, or maybe I just got the most awful seed possible. I had no troubles and found the game pretty easy, for the "l2p" crowd. I am very disappointed, waiting for the game to become fun or something to happen. On my way to rush and finish it now I guess after scouring the map and having almost nothing happen whatsoever. Just middling and terrible. Good art and music I guess?

Ambientação muito bem regida para transformar algumas horas de jogatina em uma verdadeira experiência de survival horror que, para mim, não coube muito bem em meu paladar a transição de terror para sobrevivência durantes as noites, embora eu realmente tenha achado bem feitinho.

Mas puta merda, é a trilha sonora, as criaturas, as pessoas, tudo naquele lugar joga contra ti, e a forma como tudo vai afunilando durante o passar do tempo é do caralho. Até mesmo as escolhas morais, que praticamente não influenciam em nada, complementam nessa ideia de tirar qualquer traço de humanidade que ainda pode-se manter em um lugar como aquela floresta.

Darkwood was a fantastic horror game that delivered an unforgettable experience full of immersion, mystery, and pure dread. At a glance, the unusual top down perspective and the simple, pixelated art style didn’t seem very effective for the genre. However, this game showed me that the artistry of horror games was not in the graphics or in any particular camera perspective, but in its fluid mastery over atmosphere and tension.

From beginning to end, tension in Darkwood never really simmered down. From my first day in the cursed Polish woods I was scrambling to survive and prepare for the coming onslaught of spirits and monsters at night. Acid Wizard’s impeccably eerie sound design cast a sinister mood onto even the most tranquil of golden meadows, and indeed as I delved further into the forest, the beauty of nature gave way to reveal hidden nightmares in the shadows. At night, these nightmares launched full on attacks at my ramshackle cabin, and the desperate struggle to remain alive for one more minute, one more second, praying for the salvation of sunrise was more compelling than any horror set piece in higher budget games.

The world building of Darkwood often reminded me of Jeff Vendermeer’s Annihilation, a novel about a strange alien force that gradually refracts and assimilates all organic matter within its range to create illogical, monstrous, yet sometimes beautiful new creatures. It was a terrifying concept, and I loved exploring it again in Darkwood as well. My only gripe with the lore was that too much of it was obfuscated. I think I managed to piece together about 30% of the game’s full story. Most of my appreciation for Darkwood’s deep lore came from reading other people’s interpretations, and I wished these fascinating details had been more apparent during my playthrough.

I think having a more concrete story and gradual unraveling of the game’s mysteries would’ve helped immensely in the latter half of Darkwood. This game was a lot longer than I had expected it to be, and while the excellent gameplay and atmosphere stayed engaging for 20 hours or so, it became increasingly stretched and frayed past that mark. Gathering loot all day to prepare for another night in the woods was starting to feel like a chore, and I had long given up trying to look for any answers in the story. When I finally reached what looked like an ending I felt relieved and glad to finally let this amazing but overlong adventure conclude.

O jogo é bom pra caralho, não precisa de jumpscare pra te assustar, te prende em uma atmosfera extremamente maçante que te faz sentir pequeno e exposto a qualquer coisa.
Vale muito apena jogar esse jogo pois a história dele é muito boa, as mecânicas são faceis de se entender mas complicadas de administrar, tornando o jogo desafiador.
Uma obra de arte.

Canço rápido desse tipo de jogo de crafting, mas ele é muito bom.

Darkwood nos convida para mergulhar profundamente nos recantos mais obscuros da mente humana.

Começo dizendo que uma boa parte dos jogos de terror que já vi/joguei são em primeira pessoa, com jumpscares nada surpreendentes, intrometidos e que sempre chegam em um ponto em que as coisas se tornam banalizadas, tentando ao máximo garantir que o jogo seja emocionante.

Muitas pessoas gostam disso, e tá tudo bem, no entanto, Darkwood é uma experiência muito distante da norma.
Darkwood depende de sua escrita, história, criaturas e recursos visuais para perturbar você. E o visual... Ah, o visual.
O visual de Darkwood é um dos mais impressionantes e inspiradores que já vi. Não há nada que Darkwood mostre que você não deva ver, nada que não conte uma história ou deixe claro o horror da floresta, da peste e das forças que a influenciam aquele lugar.

Darkwood é a experiência DEFINITIVA de Survival horror com elementos de suspense fortíssimos.
Sua abordagem meticulosa em criar uma atmosfera sombria, opressiva, desconhecida, aliada à profundidade de seus personagens, eventos e símbolos é realmente de borrar a calcinha.

Dito isso, As Wood são de fato bem Darks.

um dos melhores jogos de terror já feitos

Did someone mention evil toilets...

Pussied out of playing this. Maybe I was too immersed. Got too high-strung, getting through that first night was relief unlike anything else. It's playing to my anxieties expertly. Dreading and looking forward to trying it again.

The quintessential survival horror game. A beautifully horrific mix of excellent survival gameplay with gut-wrenching writting, neatly tied with some of the most morbidly delightful artstyle I've ever seen, AND a atmospheric soundtrack to make you piss yourself if the rest wasn't enough already.

Honestly, I can't help my fromsoftware fanboy-ass rotted mind and I I must compare this game to another classic, Bloodborne. Both games invoke very similar feelings, of constant stress, tension, disgust and of course, the lovely existential dread. Also both start of with you killing dogs, then more mutated dogs.
But at least Bloodborne was kind enough to have a place particularily designed to rest and calm yourself down :). No such privilage in Poland, sorry

There is no escape from this accursed forest, no easy button to press to make everything seem ok. You either choose to live in BLISS, in an endless slumber, or choose to fucking BURN THEM ALL. BURN THE FOREST, BURN THOSE FUCKING CHOMPERS, BURN EVERY SINGLE PLAGUE INFESTED BASTARD THERE IS, which also sadly includes that poor musician(may god rest his soul, if there even is one, or just another 'BEING")

Junto com Amnesia: The Bunker, Darkwood é um dos melhores jogos de terror já feitos na história dos videogames.

I aint playing this scary ass game, giving anxiety and shit, day 2 is too much for me

Style and substance.

One of the most creative horror games out there and it's works so well that is kinda surprising to see.

Oh wow. This really does have to be one of my new all-time favorite indie games. The dark themes, stunning art, immersive story. Just all around amazing. I had such a fantastic experience with this game, to the point that I didn't want the story to end. And I want to get even deeper into the lore!!! I'm completely hooked lol. The only reason I'm hesitant to start a second playthrough is bc of the nighttime segments, which became tiresome just bc of how long and tedious they were. Not even necessarily difficult, just, eugh. I had so many things I wanted to do, and being limited by time just to have to sit there for 10 in-game hours while occasionally fighting a baddie was a bit exhausting. Not really a game design flaw or anything, just a personal preference? I got bored of that fraction of the gameplay loop lol. But overall, would def recommend to any souls-like fans, as weird of a comparison as that may be. This game isn't hard hard, when ur playing on normal at least like I did lol, just a bit unforgiving and it won't hold your hand. Which it does warn abt. The learning curve was rough but once I got competent I stopped dying pretty much entirely and had a blast just experiencing the world.

glad I finally got around to it, had me addicted for a good 2 days

probably one of the best survival horrors I've played with really interesting dark, morbid lore

Amazing game with a stunning atmosphere
There was one part of the game where I sat down to sketch out a physical map of the area to understand where I was and it was such a unique and immersive experience

A personal favorite now in terms of survival horror games. I loved the atmosphere of the game. Has a spooky fairy tale esc story.

"Você não será guiado pela mão. Respeite a floresta."

Namoral, quando eu comecei a jogar isso eu não esperava que ia ser tão foda quanto foi. De longe esse jogo é uma PEROLA entre os jogos de terror, com certeza um dos melhores, se não for o melhor

Esse jogo é uma obra prima em atmosfera mano, mto foda como ele consegue fugir do cliche de outros jogos de terror (jumpscare e etc...) e ainda conseguir passar tanto o sentimento de medo.
A sensação que eu tive foi que o jogo sabe exatamente qual a diferença entre te dar um susto e te deixar com medo, e meu amigo, se tem algo que esse jogo sabe fazer é te deixar em completo estado de PANICO.
O terror do jogo não vem pelo medo de tomar um susto programado pra acontecer naquele momento, e sim pelo medo de ser pego de surpresa por algum bixo fora do seu campo de visão que te senta o cacete, e justamente pela ambientação muito bem feita, a constante sensação de "perigo" é o que mais te causa temor

Também tem uma parada muita especial principalmente nas escolhas que o jogo te oferece, a grande maioria delas não tem grande impacto na trajetória do protagonista nem alteram os finais do jogo, mas sim alteram o destino dos outros personagens da história. Isso faz com que as escolhas sejam muito mais sobre ética e sua moral, ja que qualquer passo em falso que você da, pode alterar completamente o destino das pessoas a seu redor, mesmo que isso não traga consequências pra você.
Não tem escolha certa, tudo o que você faz altera a vida de algum personagem pra melhor ou pior, por isso, as escolhas são eticas

Como se tudo isso ja não fosse suficiente, Darkwood é recheado de detalhes. Um simples musgo no meio do nada pode te dar uma puta dica do que ta acontecendo na história. Todo cenario é repleto de pequenos detalhes que revelam muita coisa sobre tudo que ta acontecendo ao seu redor.
Pode ter certeza, se você não prestar atenção em coisas que normalmente você consideraria irrelevante, sem duvida nenhuma você pode deixar de descobrir muitos segredos escondidos.
Até nos finais do jogo, caso você não preste atenção no epilogo, você pode simplesmente nem completar o jogo de verdade

Enfim, darkwood foi meu primeiro contato com o estilo de "horror cósmico" e me deixou completamente apaixonado pela tematica e como nem tudo vai ter uma explicação logica pra acontecer

Pra mim é só bizarro como 3 pessoas conseguiram fazer uma obra prima dessas. Mais uma vez a prova de que as joias de cristal dos jogos vem grande parte das vezes dos indies

This game is actually scary i po-oped my self

boring and lame like its cousin which shall not be named!

Idk maybe my expectations were to high but it didn't click with me. As a horror game it works, the nights can be scary but I couldn't find anything in this game to keep me hooked up. I wasn't interested in the story, the gameplay bored me like few other games did and the world has a cool atmosphere but it's very repetitive even between different zones. I can appreciate how it makes the most of the top-down perspective and I understand why many love this game, but Darkwood is not for me.

Täpselt algust/lõppu ei tea.
Võrratu mäng. 2022 mängisin vist 3h ja see oli väga hea elamus. Mäletan selle esimese ala pikka rohtu oranži päikeseloojangu käes, eriti tuule heliga. Üli hea algus mängul.
Siis juhtus mingi paus ja lõplikult võtsin kätte 2023, sest mul oli jäänud nii sügavad muljed sellest mängust ja ma tahtsin veel seda mängida. Pelusin edasi ja kõik oli enamvähem, aga siis juhtus mul mingi värk, et mul polnud enam võimalik edasi progressida, midagi doktoriga aga täpselt ei mäleta. Sinna paika ma selle ka jätsin.
Mind häiris siin mängus raske ja natuke kohmakas combat, see tegi frustratsiooni. Storyt ka ei teadnud eriti, et mida tegema edasi peab, kuhu minema. Aga noh, ongi raske mäng. Ma tapsin hundimehe ära. Ei tea kas see oli viga.

Storyt ma jälgisin, aga tihti just midagi ei juhtunud. Aga see jutustamise viis ja artstyle olid minu meelt mööda küll.

Selle mängu OST on super, teeb ülihästi uneasy tunde ja samas sobib perfektselt olukorraga ja keskkonnaga. Sound design üldse üks parimaid, mis kuulnud olen.

Alati, kui sellest mängust mõtlen, tuleb sügisene ja septembri/oktoobri tunne ja see tugevneb kui soundtracki kuulata. Minu strava sõit nimega irl Darkwood oli hea selle mängu kehastus päris elus.
Ma ei jõudnud kõike teha, aga vaatasin videotest lõpuni. Kunagi tahaks jälle ette võtta ja algusest lõpuni teha ise. Võibolla metsas olles.
Kokkuvõtteks ongi raske, kohati segane, üli atmospheric ja omamoodi visuaalse stiiliga, hea audioga ning meeldejääv mäng. Ma ei oskagi eriti kirjeldada, mis tundeid see mäng minus tekitab.

uma das melhores ambientações que já presenciei

best survival horror I've ever played as well as the scariest, had me at the edge of my seat from day 1 to day 50, story piques your interest at all points and sound design is some of the best I've ever heard

It's hard to give this one a rating. I mainly started playing this because a friend of mine recommended it to me. It adds up a lot of frustration with many enemies and riddles. I spend most of my time figuring out where to go.

The artistic side is quite appealing. I thought the game would be very simple but it can be quite wonderful at times. The sound-effects are amazing!

If it weren't so difficult it could have definitely been more exciting!

muito assustador, n irei jogar mais

esse jogo é um absurdo do caralho, é um dos meus jogos preferidos e um dos mais sinistros em questão de ambientação e toda a atmosfera dele também, vou ter medo de banshee pra todo o sempre
tirei meia estrela porque buguei e tomei instakill lá no tunel do último sonho, fiquei maluco achei que ia desistir de terminar inclusive


inclusive achei mais sinistro que qualquer coisa o epílogo e o apartamento final serem tão sem esperança e melancólicos quanto todo o resto da floresta