Reviews from

in the past

Solid graphics, most of the characters are pre-rendered and look pretty good besides the main character, Woody; he looks kinda crap. Possibly having too many animations meant his resolution had to be lowered for memory reasons, idk. There are the occasional actual 3D graphics in the background to give it a bit of an edge.

I like that there are objectives you have to complete to finish the level instead of just being the typical get from left of screen to right of screen platformer. Wish I could get a recap of those objectives in the pause menu as well, but it's a licensed SNES title, we can't get too crazy

Disney's Toy Story on the SNES is a nostalgic trip and a great example of early movie tie-in games done right. It captures the feel of the film perfectly, the graphics were impressive for the time, and the gameplay remains surprisingly fun! It's a platformer with unique level designs based on scenes from the movie. Sure, it's got some tricky parts and dated mechanics, but if you loved Toy Story as a kid or enjoy retro platformers, it's still plenty enjoyable.

Eu tinha esse jogo e me lembro de passar algumas tardes tentando passar por suas fases malucas. Memórias.

Cleared on March 14th, 2024 (SEGA Genesis Challenge: 55/160)

Developed by Traveler's Tale, the game takes on the ambitious task of translating the 1995 CGi phenomenon onto the 16 bit consoles, and it really managed to deliver. Not so much that it's that amazing of a game. In fact, it's got a lot of problems that I have with it, but when you look at the game from a presentation perspective, it's not a game like any other on the system. The graphics are really well-detailed to the point where it practically looks reminiscent of the actual movie. It's still 16 bit and pixelated, sure enough, but if you were to put it on a 32 bit system and say that the game can only run on that system, I would've believed you. And I have to give the game props for having absolutely no slowdown in the process. And on top of that, the music in this game sounds really good that it practically defies what the system is capable of delivering a "four channel PCM music". If you want more details on how they did it, here's a video from Gamehut, who is involved in the game's development.

As for everything else, the plot follows the movie although it has some odd skips and even a weird addition where there's an entire level dedicated to helping Rex across the room because he's afraid of conflict and then decides to help you leave the room. It's been a long time since I've watched this movie and before yesterday, I haven't watched it in 10 years or so, but even I would know that never happened. The plot skips make it feel weirdly paced, but whatever, it's a retro licensed game from the 90s, I shouldn't expect much.

The gameplay is interesting as it takes on different styles. The game's core is that it is a 2D platformer where you play as Woody. You can jump around and whip your enemies which does not kill them, but it merely stuns them for a few seconds allowing you to pass them. You can also swing at hooks using the whip to cross larger gaps. One thing that I don't like about the mechanics is that the game has a delay before you can duck and whip which makes hitting smaller enemies difficult. And the game as a whole is really hard especially when you get to Sid's room. Side note: Props to him for putting out explosives that shoot fireballs. Surely that won't set his house on fire.

The game also shifts between different gameplay styles often across different levels, and this could be seen as bothersome to some people, but I'm usually adaptive enough that I don't really mind. You have an auto-scroller 2D racer, an over-head racer, a 3D racer at one point, a level where sneak around Pizza Planet with a cup, and even a first person search level. There are also a few boss battles in the game which are rather difficult. The claw was really annoying because you have to fling those squeaky aliens onto the claw as it is picking up Buzz. If you do it too late, it will miss. If you do it too early, it will hit the claw but it won't drop Buzz. You also have to do it 5 consecutive times without fail.

But the thing that really makes this game brutal in its difficulty is that you do not heal in-between levels. If you have 1 health left when you complete one level, you will still have 1 health left when you go to the next level, and you have a limited amount of lives. It's already a difficult enough game as is in classic Sega Genesis fashion, but talk about overkill.

The game does capture the movie's ambition and it ended up being alright, but the movie is still a lot better.

I remember the car levels being impossible at first try with those weird ass controls. Graphically it was impressive. I mean: a CGI movie like Toy Story on my Super Nintendo?! It was possible? Holy hell.

But then I remember that console has the Donkey Kong Country trilogy.

this game is amazing in that you really do every little scene from the movie in the game.

Always made me feel unsettled as a kid.
Growing up I would forget what the game was like completely, find it after a month and get excited to try it out again since I love Toy Story then immediately remember the horrors

These are some bigass character sprites. I never got very far in this as a kid. Nothing super remarkable about it, just a fairly competent licensed game.

a versao de megadrive era insana ta

It's not great, but it's ok for a dumb kid like myself who liked the movie.

passava mal pra zera esse mas e mt pica fdc

This game is so strange. All of the sound effects are these unsettlingly crunchy samples from the movie and the sprites look janky as hell. And for some reason, there's literally NO music anywhere except the levels. So no sound between levels, during the "level complete" screen, in the title menu, or even the CREDITS, it's ALL so eerily silent. Creepypasta-ass game.

Very ambitious honestly and very fun. Took me like hours to beat it even with the invisibility cheat. Oh to be good at video games one day.

This game is painfully middle of the road. It's by no means horrible but there's a lot wrong here like how your health doesn't replenish upon level completion, or how the screen is cropped in a way that makes it hard to see what's coming, or how insane some difficulty spikes get later on. At its core the actual platforming and stuff is fine and functions well but the issues I mentioned hold back the good stuff from being great at all. It's just a passible middle-of-the-road platformer that is easily skipped.


I played this on my family computer in 97-03. It scared me very much (I wasn't older than 5)

It's so visually impressive but damn... it's just a Toy Story game boys, you didn't have to make it this hard.

This is a review for the Game Boy version of this game. Do not play Toy Story for the game boy unless you are interested in seeing what the nadir of video games looks like.

unlike toy story 2, this game is beholden to classic token-munching arcade difficulty, and the artificial length that comes with it- first time i've ever been beaten down enough to resort to game genie codes,, i don't think it would've been anywhere near bearable without them!!
but the graphics for the time are absolutely astounding, and the music is automatically good being composed by dream team Andy Blythe and Marten Joustra (though some of their PC renditions are better IMO!!)
overall it's just an Okay game, but lifted up a little by it's technological marvels and (mostly) fun gimmicks :]

Mais um jogo baseado em filme que uma criança de 6 ou poucos anos jamais conseguiria vencer. Nota-se um padrão pra época. Pelo menos dessa vez a história do jogo de fato faz sentido com o filme.

O jogo usa modelos renderizados 3d e em vários momentos chega a ser bem impressionante mas no geral tudo parece meio cortado no photoshop e sobrou as rebarbas do fundo do png. Ainda dá pro gasto. Uma trilha sonora inspirada pelo filme mas ainda com umas composições originais que são bem nostálgicas pra mim mas ainda assim é tudo bem meh.

O mais interessante é que o jogo mescla muitos estilos. No geral é um jogo de plataforma com leve exploração mas determinadas fases são boss fights, corridas (com os piores controles possíveis), DOOM (POIS É MALUCO), autoscrollers. Dá pra esperar que cada fase seja algo diferente o que achei divertido no geral. Mas o jogo sofre dos mesmos problemas clássicos de jogos de 1h dos anos 90 que é ser impossível de difícil pra não durar só 1h. A porra da primeira fase de corrida é ridícula, você precisa manter o carrinho carregado mas ele "toca" nas paredes e sai quicando pra trás, e ai é impossível pegar as pilhas pra estender o timer. Além disso a hitbox deles é extremamente generosa pra não dizer que ela é só um círculo com o dobro do tamanho de todas as sprites. Você claramente ta longe da parede mas nãããão com certeza você bateu e saiu girando sem controle. É tão ruim que eu lembro vividamente do terror que era chegar nessa fase e perder todas as vidas suadas que eu consegui guardar até ali.

Eu me diverti vendo as fases que nunca tinha alcançado quando criança mas sinceramente... recomendo passar longe.

knocking 1 star for the poor edging on woody

Não gosto. Não é um jogo mal feito, mas me deu mais raiva do que prazer.
O que desanima muito são as fases de carinho. Pro inferno com elas!

as fases que não são de plataforma são pedrada

Criminal ass game with criminal ass level design

Mediocre version (SNES) of mediocre game

Don’t know if this was ever really good or not. I guess kinda impressive graphics for the Super Nintendo, but it really has nothing else going for it besides that.