Reviews from

in the past

You cant really go wrong with this bad boy, You load in, absolutely obliterate demons with all kinda firepower and some some beast metal in the background. The story carries itself enough that you can easily be intrigued. It's simple and fun.

First played on Switch, then again on Linux PC

I remember getting this on Switch because I was impressed with the graphics, and how it ran on such a small device. Then it became my favorite game, and also stress relief for my life's problems in upper middle school. I think the game meant too much for me, I looked too deep into it. I later on became a fan for more... normal reasons.

It's a really good FPS campaign. It revived DOOM. What more do I need to say. It really got me into boomer shooters too.

Blood pumping and visceral. Gets you really excited and is a great game when you are in the mood to paint your monitor red. Where it lost me was the story and map UI. Which is a bit of a shame because the level design and details are amazing. Like you can take pics of any section of the map and it could feel atmospheric. Pair in the amazing music, and you'll have an epic time.

pew pew pew GUTS BLOOD GORE


I don't remember a single plot point, but who gives a fuck while you're slaying demons from hell to Mick Gordon.

A great modernization of Doom that aims to be a fun action game first and foremost.
I do prefer the exploration in the older games, and the combat here does get a bit repetitive towards the end, but this is still more then worthy of the Doom title.

Miglior doom della saga ,non ho niente da dire se non VI SQUARTO TUTTI BRUTTE MERDE

Beyninizi bir süreliğine kapatın ve tüm vahşetiniz ile gördüğünüz her şeyin beynini patlatın.

İşte bu: DOOM!

Really successful reboot of the grandfather of the FPS genre, not much else to say.

A badass reboot!

Doom is one of the original first-person shooter games from the early 90s that became an instant classic getting multiple sequels and even a movie so of course they were gonna do a hard remake of this game again and at a time when it seems like everything is either getting a remake or sequel this remake feels amazing reinventing a franchise while also holding true to what it is and what makes it so great.

Gameplay: This is a first-person shooter game where you play as Doom Guy fighting demons on Mars. The game is loaded with very fun and over the top modern and futuristic guns that you can find upgrades for that change how the gun works or how strong it is. You can do these epic glory kills on enemies which are these melee moves that rip demons apart with your bare hands. There are special weapons like the BFG and the chainsaw and a shit load of cool collectibles and hidden areas scattered around the maps of each level. Everything you do in the game has replay value and gives you some sort of unlockable. You can do trials and get rewards you can then upgrade to make you even stronger. You have different kill objectives to help progress your upgrades and of course suit upgrades and so much more. All of which makes for some satisfying gameplay that never gets old. I will say though, the harder difficulties get pretty hard with some annoying checkpoints and as smooth as the movement, combat and action is there are still moments where if you aren't careful, you can soft lock yourself on the higher difficulties, but this game tries hard to not let this happen by giving you a lot of ammo and health per area. If you are careful and good at timing glory kills and build your kit a certain way you can get regenerative armor and ammo to help you push though challenges like this. The levels, secret areas and unique enemies are all fantastic and make for some very entertaining battles and interactions. It's a great game and though I did run into a few minor glitches and a few crashes the gameplay is superb. Another really cool feature in this game is the multi-player and custom forge style mode that is probably one of the most in-depth custom gameplay modes I've ever seen. The multi-player looks cool, and I've heard good things about it but in all honesty never tried any of those modes, but I did play a bunch of the custom game modes and man the stuff people made is incredible. People made their own 5 nights at Freddie's with demons in a custom map that even had cameras just like FNAF. Another memorable one was an extremely in depth and almost 100% accurate recreation of a call of duty zombie’s map. It had perks, the mystery box, Easter eggs, a story and everything. It was just incredibly done, and I wish every game came with a build able mode like this. I usually love to create custom game modes, but I never got around to it this time but the amount of detail you can use in it is fantastic.

Graphics, music and voice acting: The graphics look fantastic, and the level of gore is phenomenal. You go from destroyed Mars labs and facilities to gore filled blood drenched rooms with satanic altars and get to travel to hell itself a few times in the game. Hell looks exactly like how you'd expect hell to look but that doesn't mean it's bad. The details are perfect, and it looks like a place Dante from Devil May Cry might run though in one of his games. The music in Doom is probably one of my favorite parts Mick Gordon KILLED IT with the soundtrack in this game. Amazing metal instrument sound design!! As for the voice acting, well there really isn't much in this game. There are characters that talk, and the demons sometimes do and all of that is well done but there aren't any groundbreaking voice acting segments in this game but as a Doom game it really doesn't need that because it's all about mindless action.

Story/ No spoilers: The original Doom wasn’t exactly known for its story and well neither is this one. Doom isn't about it'd story so much as like I mentioned earlier the point in Doom is to just mindlessly kill Demons but I will say they definitely added to and changed up the story and made a nice little bit of lore in this game and a lot of the collectibles explain the back story of Doom Guy or as he's now known "The Doom Slayer" but ultimately none of it really matters and doesn’t need to. As a player you really only need the basic information to get the idea of what's happening across. Basically, in the far future humans make a Mars colony and use it to open portals to hell and use demonic energy as a renewable power source. It's a silly concept that raises more questions than answers. The Doom Slayer awakens and fights demons helping a cyborg doctor Samuel Haden stop the forces of hell and close the portals. Hell is actually given a bit of a cool back story you can read though collectibles and I mean the rest I'll leave for you to figure out. It's a fun game but if you are a heavy narrative person you might get bored with this game due to its lack of story, but I love narrative driven games and still loved this game and played though it a bunch.

If you love games like Wolfenstein or just first-person shooters with high action in general you will probably love this game.


This is the best shooter I have ever played in my life. It is everything I want in an FPS campaign. It's fast, furious, tight, angry, and psychotic. The platforming and movement are second to none. The Super Shotgun sounds like God shitting thunder. It is one of the most potent power fantasies in a video game, where you feel like you're capable of ripping and tearing demons from Hell to shreds and killing God himself just from pure testosterone-driven rage.

I have very little to say about Doom 2016 because so much of the game speaks for itself. I have no reverence for old Doom games because I did not grow up on them. But Doom 2016 is a masterclass of a video game. It's a smartly designed, well-oiled machine. And unlike Eternal, does not suffer from power creep or bloat in mechanics available to the player (hot take but eat my ass).

It's like 10 bucks on Steam. If you haven't played it, go play it. Now.

This game is really the ultimate remake. Unlike most others it is recreating the feeling of playing the original rather than recreating the original. The 1993 Doom was a huge achievement, for the time, it kicked off First Person Shooters as a genera. Just recreating the 1993 Doom would not give people the same feeling in 2016 that playing Doom in 1993 did. Being that pivotal to the medium means that 23 years later a lot of stuff has iterated on that genera. Recreating the feeling of playing one of the first FPS games isn't just about improving the graphics and controls it requires them to create the synthesis of the original Doom and the entire genera that it spawned. Doom 2016 is as successful in that endeavor as I think it would be possible for it to be.

Just replayed it for the platinum

Amazing game, great music and gameplay. Multiplayer is still active and fun in 2024.

This game is loads of fun and it feels great to play, but the game does get pretty repetitive and I got disappointed when I got the achievement for glory killing all enemy types at like the half way point in the game. I played through a good bit of the original Doom a few years back and I think that style of game was a lot more enjoyable for me than this was, but I'll come to finish the original eventually then I'll do a better comparison. I don't really have much else to say besides I liked it and I am looking forward to playing Doom Eternal.

After playing Eternal all I notice is how lacking in movement this game is, if this is more accurate to older doom games then this is kinda boring.

Pretty good i think but not really my kind of game. I'll play eternal but don't think im gonna delve into this genre much beyond that

Pretty fantastic shoot-em-up game. FPS's are not really my forte to be honest, but this one is pretty mindless fun. The soundtrack makes it so much better too.

DOOMATHON entry #18/20

The marathon starts to come full circle with the game that was unsurprisingly my introduction to the series. Doom 2016 is very funny to me, because it succeeds as a reboot and throwback not by embracing "retro" design tendencies, but by instead discarding most of what contemporary AAA games are lambasted for in favor of focusing on what they're able to do best with a massive team and budget. This game is polished to a mirror sheen, delivering some of the most satisfying combat to ever grace the genre while being nothing short of an audiovisual marvel - although not entirely without being weighed down by decidedly modern design trends.

Classic Doom works as well as it does by seamlessly blending its action and exploration - every moment of gameplay serves to progress you in some way as you familiarize with each maze and make choices based on characteristics of specific weapons in your arsenal and enemies that are placed in ways that give each level a specific identity; the best classic maps are essentially puzzle boxes that lend themselves to organic discovery. 2016, by comparison, is quite starkly segmented into combat arenas and the exploration in between them.

Where Doom 3 chose to emphasize the scares over the shooting, this game leans farther in the opposite direction than the series ever has before within a structural and aesthetic framework that's surprisingly similar. It's hard to imagine that the art direction of this game's realistic Mars facility where nothing but the pickups look out of place and the more fantastical ancient architecture of Hell didn't take cues from its predecessor, which made for a fairly smooth transition when paired with the conspicuous placement of larger encounters. It's in these arenas where the difference comes into play - where Doom 3 encourages you to make every shot count against enemies you can outstep but not outrun, 2016 urges you to RIP AND TEAR unlike any shooter I've played before.

Every game in the series is ultimately about the struggle of optimally dealing and avoiding damage against enemies whose codes you eventually learn to crack, and this entry stays true to that core while fully immersing you in the role of a seemingly immortal force of nature through clever design choices, an arsenal that looks and feels amazing, and a visceral, adrenaline-pumping soundtrack from Mick Gordon. At the heart of it is the Glory Kill systems, epitomizing the two aforementioned pillars of Doom combat by rewarding calculated dealing of damage and careful positioning with extra health and gloriously brutal (sometimes hilarious) execution animations. It's a beautifully realized power fantasy, one that still demands mechanical mastery to exert that power to the fullest.

Such exhilarating action, however, comes at the cost of proportionally understated downtime. This is where 2016 goes from a shining example of what can be accomplished with AAA polish to an example of how even the best games in this space are ultimately beholden to the expectations of modern consumers as exemplified by its large host of upgrades and the checklist nature through which they're acquired. This game has two different mods for each weapon, upgrades for each of those mods followed by a mastery challenge, upgrades for your health, ammo, and shield capacity, and runes which give more specific broadly applicable bonuses. Many of these are tucked away as "secret" collectibles, but the map system turns "discovering" these into a trivial chore that you'll be punished on higher difficulties for ignoring. The Ubisoft brainworms that I've yet to successfully kill compelled me to go for 100% on this replay, and although there was fun to be had with the bite-sized Rune challenges that impose specific restrictions that put your mechanical knowledge to the test, getting all of the collectible upgrades, toys, and text logs was a matter of going through the motions; the mission challenges that I'd neglected to mention until now are no different. This added several hours to what was already one of the longest FPS campaigns I've played, and that's simply too much! This aspect of the game is by no means a grievous misstep, but it's a glaring compromise that clashes with an otherwise super strong creative vision.

As another note on that vision, the storytelling here noticeably takes after Doom 3 as well, which is quite funny given that it has no clear place in the newly revised Doom Slayer saga. There is a narrative here that, unlike the classic games, can't be easily ignored! It's nothing mindblowing and the text logs are bit dry for my liking compared to the often hilarious UAC communications found in its predecessor, but Samuel Hayden is a highly entertaining presence who, as I discovered as I was writing this, is a remnant of Doom 3! While honestly not as much a return to form as it was made out to be, Doom 2016 offers a bold vision for the franchise that could have been nearly perfect here if delivered with a bit more confidence. Even if it doesn't manage to fully escape the creative confines of the industry, it's a staggeringly successful reboot and arguably the single most important shooter of the past decade.

Cross-posted on Twitter:

Really enjoyed the general gameplay loop, yeah it's repetitive but once you're plenty leveled up it's just so dang fun ripping and tearing through demons. One complaint.. the final boss was pretty underwhelming. Disappointing finale to an otherwise great game.

best game to speedrun the 1st level

Fun - less so after having played Doom Eternal

This game singlehandedly tricked me into finishing an FPS campaign

Então, eu nunca fui um jogador de Doom.
Realmente, nunca me atraiu.

Acontece que Doom Eternal tinha lançado, entrou em uma promoção absurda na Steam e eu comprei.

Já tendo o Doom 2016, pensei "bem, vou zerar o primeiro e poder jogar o Eternal, tá aqui na biblioteca pegando poeira, to passando por uma fase difícil, acho que deve ser bom pra desestressar."


Sério, nossa.

Eu finalmente entendi e atualmente (no momento da postagem dessa review) estou vibrando no Eternal.

Não dou nota máxima porquê sinceramente, tem alguns problemas.

- Trocar as armas é simplesmente uma tarefa odiável. As armas vão de 1 à 9 NO TECLADO. SEM ATALHO (Apenas o "Q" pra trocar pra última arma usada)

- Algumas armas acabam sendo ignoradas, e digo isso tendo usado bastante da variedade que o jogo oferece, mas sinceramente algumas você até esquece de usar.

- O mapa é um dos piores que eu já vi, entendo que fazer mapas de jogos mais verticais é difícil, mas jesus, é nojento.

Contudo, os prós são avassaladores quando colocados na equação.

- A trilha sonora é impecável, realmente. (Teve horas em que eu joguei ouvindo S.O.A.D, Metallica e afins pra ajudar a desestressar, mas a maior parte do tempo foi o som do jogo)

- Level design realmente muito gostoso de se movimentar, você prestar atenção aos seus arredores com certeza vai te ajudar a sobreviver no jogo.

- Jogar sem pensar vai provavelmente te travar em algumas partes. Apenas ir pra frente sem pensar é uma atitude absurdamente punitiva, você vai morrer.

- Cortar e dilacerar, até o fim.

There is not much to say: just play it.

It's a perfect adaptation of the original games (and Quake) into the newer generations of gaming. A masterpiece in level design, addictive combat loop and really snappy controls paired with an amazing soundtrack and great visuals.

It runs like a charm too, which makes it even better.

When the action is flowing, it feels really good, but I sometimes feel the action is a little repetitive.