Reviews from

in the past

Doom 3 is slower-paced and more horror-focused than the other Doom games. I liked the unsettling soundtrack and the dark environments, it really added to the horror aspect of the game. The guns in the game are good except for the terrible shotgun.

Game kicked ass. I didn't think I'd like it as much as I had.

Omg la merde absolue.
C'est une exploit d'avoir remonté la pente avec DOOM 2016.
Super les OST du jeu ! (yen a pas)

A reimaginação de Doom.

Após Doom II encerrar a franquia, a ID Software aposta em uma reimaginação do clássico aclamado, uma aposta inusitada, para o novo jogo da franquia.
Doom 3 é a tentativa de um novo rumo, tentando uma nova abordagem e se distanciando das raízes dos dois primeiros jogos, querendo ser um terror de sobrevivência no espaço, Doom 3 consegue ser o jogo que queria. Direção, level design, design de som, direção de arte, narrativa, gameplay e etc. são competentes e são boas para o que buscaram ser. Um ponto que gosto: a linearidade dos níveis. Isso é muito bom para o jogador continuar a sua jogatina, a progressão é bem satisfatória e o jogador não sofrerá mais com níveis diabólicos, iguais existem em Doom e Doom II, onde o jogador passa por poucas e boas, indo e vindo, procurando feito um louco a maneira de como terminar o nível. Mesmo que você não saiba para onde ir exatamente a gameplay irá te levar ao lugar certo, simples assim.
A ID Software merece elogios por sua tentativa bem sucedida, no entanto, é preciso falar isso: valeu a tentativa, mas Doom não pode se distanciar do que é, não funciona. Em muitos momentos eu só queria sair matando os inimigos feito um louco com algum metal pesado tocando como música de fundo, pois eu já estava entediado com o jogo. Eu entendo porque esse jogo é chamado de ovelha negra, é entendivel ser chamado assim pelos fãs, e eles não estão errados. Doom 3 é, para sua infelicidade, por ser o sucessor de uma franquia com sua identidade já muito estabelecida e que dificilmente poderá tomar novos rumos, um jogo que não faz jus ao nome que carrega. É como um filho que sempre irá viver na sombra do pai, não por ser ruim, incompetente, ou medíocre, e sim por suceder algo que ele nunca poderá ser.
Em resumo, o jogo respeita e trata respeitosamente o que Doom e Doom II deixou. Apenas não funciona, e que bom não ter funcionado.

(campanha principal, expansão A Ressureição do Mal e expansão A Missão Perdida zerados)

qué puto mierdón me cago en todo

I‘m deaf and this game got no subtitles, which is ass.

I can see why some would like this, but it was really not for me.
Story never gave me any reason to care, the horror kinda just falls flat, and gameplay-wise it's kinda just a generic space shooter, level design is OK but super forgettable

I remember watching my stepdad play this when it came out and being absolutely blown away by the way it looked, I still think it looks great. For the first half I was loving it but by the end I was getting frustrated with the repetitive levels, annoying enemies, small magazine sizes and weak guns.

I still think it's worth it just to play a nice DOOM horror game.

There should have been more mazes in this one

This review contains spoilers

Amazing sequel and a great entry to the series.

Doom 3 is amazing. It is the long awaited sequel from its 2D predecessors to the new 3D era. And it did exceptionally well. I enjoyed every minute of it and it marks the beginning for my modern age gaming, because of the enormous upgrade in graphics.

In Doom 3 you play as the good old Doom Guy that we know and love. You did not get a name to keep the mysterious character of “Doom Guy” intact. You arrive on Mars as a soldier, ready to join the military there. You already have been given an secret assignment and need to see your superior, Sergeant Kelly to discus further details. But once there, all hell breaks lose and your arch nemesis attack the base. You get your trusty shotgun and start killing your way to the Mars station to clean up the infestation and, when possible, try to rescue your fellow humans stationed on Mars.

All the classic enemies from Doom I and II are there. The Imps are ready to throw their annoying fireballs at you once again, the zombie soldiers point their rifles at you and the Revenant is just as overpowered as he was in the previous games. They added some new enemies and they are well done. I have to say that the baby-mermaid-fly abominations really creeped me out the first time I encountered them. They came out of the blue and took me by surprise.

Doom 3 has some unique features, especially for its time. You interact with a lot of monitors and displays without entering an overlay GUI and use those screens for opening doors, read lore and information about the station on Mars or just to play a nice game of Turkey puncher. The use of your PDA is also a very nice feature to keep all your lore, weapon information, quests and map in one place. It is organized and I like it very much.

The AI in Doom 3 is also incredibly decent. They react to your movement and when you stare too long at their computer screens, they get annoyed and let you know. Later, the possessed zombie soldiers use cover and actually use tactics and care when attacking you.

The graphical upgrade from the previous installments is legendary in contrast. It looks really beautiful, while still maintaining that classic dark corridor theme from earlier installments. The new weapon models, enemies and environments was, and still, is amazing for its time. I especially like the really clear and sharp text that is displayed on TV screens and computers and many times you can interact with it.

Doom 3 has one of the best sound designs that I experienced in games so far. The effects for loading your weapons, shooting your weapons, bullet impact, enemy hits and the screams and death rattles of your foes is just epic. You can almost feel the impact of your shotgun, blasting an Imp into oblivion and the scream it makes afterwards lets you know: “Oh yeah, I murdered your ass”. There is almost no ambient music, so you are left with your own thoughts and the creepy unexplained sounds in the distance.

The DLC, Resurrection of Evil is a nice add-on to the game. In this DLC your adventure continues with six new levels, some new enemy types like the Hunter and some new weapons.

In Resurrection of Evil, you play as an unknown marine that has been send on a mission to retrieve a very important artifact. You need to secure it before the invading aliens confiscate it. When found, you need to teleport the artifact (and hopefully yourself) back to Phobos Labs. Of course, this is not that easy.

You get the Artifact eventually, which lets you bend time so everything around you goes in slow motion while you walk around freely. You also get a gravity gun to push, pull and reflect stuff and the best of all: Your trusty double barred shotgun from Doom II.

The Lost Mission DLC added a new campaign with eight new maps, while retaining the weapons and enemies from the orignal game. I really enjoyed this one, altough I tought ROE was better.

The overall upgrade of Doom 3 from Doom I and II is just great. It is fresh and new, while still remaining faithful to the original series.

the definition of mediocre

at least the menu theme is a banger though.
fuck the shotgun btw

It's very mid, far inferior to Doom 2016 and it has the second worst shotgun in any game I've ever seen.

Still, it has a cool atmosphere in a lot of ways, but it can get quite boring after a while.

é uma boa mistura de doom e half life, o problema é que mais pro final fica extremamente repetitivo já q o jogo se resume a matar trocentos inimigos e ir atrás de credenciais em cadáveres durante 8 horas com uma história nem um pouco interessante, de resto o visual dos inimigos e os gráficos são muito bem feitos pra época

Gets too much hate. Didn't play multiplayer but I don't know who would even play it.

How can you fuck up the game so badly. Shooting is bad, horror elements are bad. I have a question for Mr. Carmack, why did you try to make a game clearly out of your skill level. Why there is a story in this game if according to you "Story is as important in games as it is in porn" or something like that? And then put massive amounts of lore expositions I didn't care for a second because it was so bad and repetitive. Why every wall in ever level can just disappear and tons of enemies appear to "spook" me. Why why why.... The best thing you can do with this game is play doom 1 and 2, have a great time, and then delete the game from the disk and never return to Doom 3. Thank you.

If you like shotguns that use banana peels and toenail clippings as ammo, this is the game for you.

while definitely doesn't feel like a doom game, i still found the game pretty decent! the atmosphere is creepy, the designs for the demons are more horror-like, and them main menu theme sounds badass! check it out if you're interested

I'm a huge fan of DOOM 3's somewhat aged design. Those stencil shadows are timeless, and I'm in love with the enemy roster and weapons.

I believed I finished it in two sittings every time I played, it just hooks me in. Hard to describe exactly why. The pacing just moves on and it's "snappy"

questionably easier, and looking better yet uglier.

It's a large departure from the formula of DOOM1 & 2, and I think it achieves most of it's goal of giving more of a horror experience rather than action, but it struggles since it can't really find a perfect balance of the two. The shadows and lighting are great even today, if a bit sharper than you would expect, and I feel like part of the horror is lost with the mounted flashlight. The abysmal shotgun seems like a result of the much smaller enemy counts compared to DOOM 1 & 2 and Quake 1 & 2, which is mostly negated by the assault rifle you get early on. The game definitely can catch you off guard if you let it, and the restricted lighting can make you nervous since your line of sight is usually very obscured. The level design isn't very memorable and can feel repetitive, but it does a great job giving the impression of a futuristic space station. Combat feels very weak, and can be frustrating due to the damage causing the screen to shake, and the weapons are a mixed bag, the chaingun and rocket launcher definitely feel as powerful as they should be, but the plasma rifle and BFG feel lacking. The whole game feels like a mixed bag, which I enjoyed though the repetitive level design made the game feel like it was dragging on.

I played both expansions, thought both of them were alright, more combat focused, not that long, if you didn't like the main campaign that much I wouldn't bother.

Acho que joguei a versão mais paia de Doom 3

Pega tudo de ruim dos Dooms antigos e transforme em uma experiência de quase 10 horas, depois pega tudo do qual as pessoas gostam dos jogos antigos e faz pior.

I mean this is alright but just play the original, you can mod that if you want HD and all that crap

Makes a boring bad game into a boring bad, and also un-interesting game

its just doom 3 with a few bells and whistles. negative brownie points for creating the worst fucking shotgun in a game

This game was the definition of underwhelming and I'll leave the review at that, so it can be just as underwhelming and boring as this game was

Doom 3 is a weird game. It tries to be a horror title, but it is Doom at its core. So you are an unstoppable killing machine with a shitty flashlight that doesn't work half of the time, and this game can get really, really dark (talking exclusively about lighting here). Gunplay is not the greatest in the series and I personally don't enjoy this game's shotgun all that much. Other than that, it is a perfectly serviceable shooter.

Lil Bro wanna be System Shock 2

One of my favorite Dooms, stellar first act but once you get some decent equipment the game just becomes a mediocre shooter. And yes the shotgun sucks.