Reviews from

in the past

I loved DBZ at the time and this game was great. Very small roster which was a bummer but games after solved that issue.

Nice fighting game that was able to nicely put the storyline in front.

Bem mais ou menos. A modelagem é feia demais, fazer combo e os golpes era chato demais.

The gameplay is YIKES even when it came out. Super unbalanced but hey.
This game made my childhood a good childhood. The cutscenes, the voice acting, the secret characters. And for most importantly, THE MUSIC. OMFG the music is THE BEST imo in all of the Dragonball games to ever exist. I dont give a shit if it was plagiarized, every song was GOATED, they never made another Dragonball game that ever cane close to this soundtrack.

a friend from primary school used to come to my house at weekends and one weekend brought this gem of a game, being a dbz fan since I could mutter words, finding out dbz games were a thing at a young age was a gamechanger

Ahora que tengo nueva pantalla, me apetecía jugar algo a lo que no prestarle mucha atención mientras la usaba. Como siempre un juego que con el paso del tiempo envejece tal y como lo recordaba.

After nearly two decades, I picked this one up again. Surprisingly, I was impressed by how competent the story mode is as a recap of the Saiyan-Cell Sagas, with a lot more cutscenes than I remembered. The combat is good but not great, and there's a decent amount to get out of the game through the World Tournament mode and unlocking everything, but I didn't have to motivation to do it all 20 years ago, and I sure don't now!

Either way, it's a completely fine DBZ game, and it's a lot better than most of its predecessors from the previous console generation. It's very simple, but I was having enough fun that I finished the story mode and did a handful of World Tournaments. The weird inconsistencies that really irritated me as a 13-year-old (yellow Spirit Bomb and Kamehameha, Cell's voice doesn't change mid-fight when he changes forms, etc.) felt more charming than annoying now, but that's probably because I've played better DBZ games since, and at the time this was the best we had. I wouldn't recommend anyone go out of their way to play this unless they're trying to go through every Dragonball game. It's fine!

Loved it as a kid and it followed the story the best out of all of them but at the end of the day i wouldn't return to this one after the sequels

Definitely some iconic moments in DBZ gaming, but still pretty bad

I never owned this one but would always play at my neighbors house. We weren't allowed to watch anime or play fighting games back in the day lol


The 1st good DBZ game I remember playing. Was disappointing to not see Buu Saga characters included but hey, it got us buying the next game.

this game was pretty hard as a kid

A basic fighting game that is still fun to go back and play for a bit. Yeah, I have some nostalgia bias on it, shutup.

Pretty good fighting game by Atari and Bandai. Pretty fun, but not many characters in this installment. The story mode is the best of all of the Budokai games, this one being the most faithful story wise. Includes fucking awesome Legend Of Hercule unlockable which puts Hercule against the Z-fighters from the cell saga. GameCube version is supposedly better because it came out after the PS2 version, thus making the graphics better supposedly. Sequel is on GameCube as well. Also on PS2 (but no cel-shading), with an HD version of it through the Budokai HD Collection on PS3/360.


This game deserves some respect because of how much it pioneered the fighting game genre, and propelled the Dragon Ball Z franchise forward; but when you really look at any mechanic or feature, they’re all executed in the worst possible ways. I’m not the biggest fan of fighting games, I’d even go as far as to say I fucking hate them—mostly because I completely suck at every single one I try… but I still wanted to give this trilogy a shot because I remember all three so fondly.

The story is a mixed bag. Its simplicity can be commended, as it streamlines the story of the anime in an approachable and understandable way; but it can also be criticized for skipping a ton of epic fights and moments, in favor of implementing multiple—repetitive mainline battles. Gohan fights Perfect Cell four times… and each one is largely the same except now, you have two health bars instead of three! It’s boring. So many story moments are completely ruined, with a few hits immediately resulting in you losing your transformation which ruins the spectacle of the fight. It’s also worth noting that the music is terrible, and nowhere near the quality of the show—or even some of the other games. It barely resembles the anime, and sounds like a poor imitation that is unbelievably generic. When all of these issues are weighing down the experience, it’s hard for me to care or feel invested in this version of the story—although I will say that the locations are instantly recognizable so it deserves some points for that. Oh, and the bonus chapters are cool! Vegeta turning into a Super Saiyan before Goku will always be dope.

But obviously, the main draw of the Budokai franchise is the fighting. And… uhm, it’s crap. Like I said before, I’m not the biggest fan of this genre, so I’m not going to pretend like I know what I’m talking about when it comes to the abundance of mechanics in these games; but there’s not all that many here? And it’s very strange how if you’re playing on anything but easy, the AI will be the most aggressive, annoying piece of shits you’ve ever played against. I can’t get an attack in because they won’t stop spamming, so it leaves no room for me to do anything; and yeah, I know, I know… I should just “git gud”, and that’s fair. But it’s still annoying nonetheless. The choreography isn’t fluid either, with attacks looking the slowest they’ve ever looked in a fighting game, it’s almost like it’s in slow-mo. Most of these things can be summed up as the game being outdated, you can see this with the art style—as it's missing that iconic cel shaded look. I still like the simplicity of it though. But something I won’t forgive is some of the special moves looking completely wrong, why is the kamehameha yellow? How can you possibly get that wrong? There must be a reason, I don’t know though. In conclusion, bad game. Hopefully the sequels improve.

Playtime: 3.4 hours

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
Dragon Ball Z - Ranked
2002 - Ranked

Amazing in retrospect

A standard fighting game with an interesting mechanic of picking your attacks. This game pioneered a lot of what we see in modern DBZ fighting games, and of all the games in its direct series, this one has the best story mode. Gimmicks and twists are added to the fights to emulate that feeling of the show rather than just giving you a checklist of opponents to beat for cutscenes. Sprinkled between some fights are minigames/challenges that relive some parts of the anime and adds a nice flavorful touch. Some bonus gamemodes that can be played solo or with a group makes this one of the better in the fighting game genre. It’s only real flaw is it’s limited roster and dated graphics, but can easily be overlooked understanding when it came out

Depois de abandoná-lo fui obrigado a completá-lo como uma forma de desafio e digo que minha impressão sobre ele melhorou um poquinho só.

O jogo é feio e datado mas é acostumavel depois de 1 hora de gameplay;

A música é horrorosa e a abertura é tão ruim que fica boa se olharmos ela como um meme;

A jogabilidade é cruel, o soco dos bonecos é curto, parece que estou usando um dinossauro, a hitbox é cagada e a cpu é desbalanceada até mesmo no normal, gerando situações onde ela prevê os seus movimentos ou faz combos absurdos quando você menos espera. Por falar em combos, pra usar os golpes especiais é só apertando uma sequência impossível de botões, criando momentos onde soltar um simples kamehameha é um ritual (que quase nunca da certo porque o bot consegue se defender no meio dos combos);

A história é bem... Dragon Ball, né? Então não tem muito o que discutir, só tem um diferencial é que ao contrário dos demais esse aqui vai somente até o fim da Saga Cell, isso ocorre porque na tv americana o anime estava nessa saga ainda e pra não spoilarem eles decidiram fazer só até aí.

-O kamehameha de todos os personagens é amarelo com excessão do Cell (não faço a mínima ideia do porquê).
-Existe uma forma exclusiva do Cell onde ele absorve o Kuririn onde a aparência dele é basicamente um Cell Jr. laranja com o símbolo da tartaruga no peito.
-O jogo tem alguns minigames interessantes durante a história, o meu favorito é o primeiro onde você tem que girar o analógico pra ficar na reta do makankosapo.

Gameplay: 1/10
Gráficos: 4/10
Música: 3/10
História: Dragon Ball

Considerações finais:

Dragon! Dragon! Rock the Dragon!
Dragon Ball Z!
Dragon! Dragon! Rock the Dragon!
Come get me!

Dragon Ball Z!

Dragon! Dragon! Rock the Dragon!
Dragon Ball Z!
Dragon! Dragon! Rock the Dragon!
Come get me!
Dragon! Dragon! Rock the Dragon!
Dragon Ball Z!
Dragon! Dragon! Rock the Dragon!
Come, a-come get me!

Dragon Ball Z!
Dragon Ball Z!

Probably the first good Dragonball Z game (dont hold me to that) but definitely the game that demonstrated how good Dragonball Z would be as a fighting game. (Kinda duh)

O jogo é até divertido e a base sólida para toda a franquia que se tornou, bem divertidinho e curto. Muita as vezes os bonecos parecem de massinha, não é um ponto positivo e nem negativo, é apenas um ponto. Não vejo motivos para ser rejogado, visto que os próximos são muito melhores,

A big part of why I liked this one over Budokai 2 and 3 was the fact they re-did scenes from the show with the models and its neat. Gameplay and visuals definitely improve in later entries, but this one has a specific charm to it that I prefer it.

mal lembro mas ja amassei esse jogo

isso é somente uma escada para oque vira...