Reviews from

in the past

-Groove -
logre jugarlo antes de que el juego se fuera totalmente a la basura y que lastima de juego fue. graficamente estaba muy bueno y tenia cosas que si hubieran sido de un juego sigleplayer hubieran sido muy valoradas.
lastimosamente su server estaba raro, las partidas en solo eran duras y el enfrentarte a un equipo de 4 era muy cabron.
ojala regrese otro jeugo de Evil dead pero ahora en singleplayer, esta saga merece mejores cosas que lo esto.

I was so excited to play this game that I bought it for several of my friends. The experience, even in the height of it's playerbase, was so miserable that we returned to the arms of Dead By Daylight like it was an ex lover.

Univers intérressant qui pouvait etre adapté sur plusieurs angle différent et sa a était fait de la manière la moins intérressante, que se soit pour un jeu multi ou solo. Des idées sont la, les map sont belle, mais je n'ai pas l'impression que le jeu est fini. Il manque un truc pour que se soit passable. Le jeu est a moitié mort avec une grosse baisse de la playerbase.

Some day there might be a cool Evil Dead game

RIP, sweet prince. Saber didn't deserve you.

I love the concept and good fanservice. When you get down to the actual, janky melee combat and trap setting, there's some fundamental lack of finesse to the design.

Trying to love this game more than I do, but the Devs just don't listen. :(

I absolutely love how faithful this game is with the Evil Dead series since I am a huge fan of iconic horror franchise from its over-the-top gore to the groovy one-liners the game didn't disappoint delivering them!

The Game excels in delivering a fun and chaotic multiplayer experience, it falls short when it comes to providing a robust campaign for solo players.

While the game offers various objectives and challenges, the lack of a compelling narrative or meaningful character development can make the solo campaign feel somewhat shallow.

It would have been great to see a more fleshed-out storyline that truly captures the essence of the Evil Dead universe, allowing solo players to fully immerse themselves in the horror and adventure.

Great for fans of the franchise and genre, passable at best otherwise. The atmosphere and mood of the game is intense and immerses you into Evil Dead with a pretty large roster and an exhilarating campaign. Gameplay is cruel and unforgiving, but also rewarding. Through my time playing this, I'm shocked at how frequently it's managed to scare me. The only issues I have with it are a number of seemingly obvious QoL features missing (like tapping to pickup, seeing the roles of characters you don't own, ping options missing from the game that are common in other games) and the fact that the game can often feel very sluggish in pace - both, in and out of combat. Overall, solid fun game.

More fun to play than Dead by Daylight - but insanely repetitive. In desperate need of some new modes or something, and it gets docked major points for blocking trophies on private matches - like come on, man. I can't go for trophies organically with friends because you're afraid of a few boosters? Anyway, surreal to be able to play as (multiple versions of) Bruce Campbell in a video game, it rules. The environmental graphics are also pretty appealing, and I love how strongly this acknowledges the underrated 2013 remake. Great tribute to the franchise. But I am begging - nay - PLEADING modern games to stop defaulting to L3 as sprint. It doesn't feel good, it doesn't ever feel good to use on any controller past the PS3. I want to know the people who keep demanding it, I have sanded down too many fucking analog sticks because of this one specific shitty control that always pops up in games now. What was wrong with like an L1/R1 sprint? Even an old PS2-era button-tapping sprint would be better than this crap.

have to edit my review - game confirmed to come to steam. fun multiplayer game and hope it takes off like F13, way more fun than DBD and now it's finally coming to steam

Os gráficos e a atmosfera são bons

A gameplay é interessante, mas eu acho que ficaria repetitiva muito rápido por ter quase nenhuma dinâmica, além de ser meio entediante pra mim

easily the most fun of the asymmetrical multiplayer horror game genre that won't go the fuck away in recent years, for the lone fact that the servers are fucking reasonable.

also it's pretty fun

Pretty fun game, prefer it over Dead by Daylight, maybe because of bias. It captures the charm and feel of the franchise really well and is pretty fun to play with friends. Some minor issues with the combat mechanics not being too polished or complex, but that isn't a big deal if you're having fun.

What looked to be an awesome entry into the evil dead franchise turned out to be a disappointment. With how harsh the original killer gameplay used to be in this game, and the ability to spam-spawn deadites that occurred in the first few months of its life, it went from a silly game with friends to a letdown.

Ed Getley is the only saving grace, the only reason this even gets a star.

Too many elements to this one for me to enjoy

Un univers riche et bon pour un jeu mauvais. Le jeu a des bonnes ambitions est de bonnes choses à donner avec un gameplay riche et variés (Pour un jeu de ce genre). Graphiquement rien à dire le jeu est beaux , les animations sont excellentes. Donc pourquoi ce jeu est mauvais ? Surement dû au traitement qu'il a reçu l'équilibrage est clairement du côté tueurs ce qui donnes clairement 0,00001% aux survivants de survivre, certaines choses aux niveaux du gameplay sont chiantes comme par exemple la peur je comprends l'utilité, mais à subir c'est chiant d'avoir un écran remplie de screameurs à la suite, c'est pas agréables. Après ça les joueurs avaient déjà fui dû à l'équilibrage, mais un autre point à fait que le jeu à creuser ça tombes et c'est clairement le manque de contenues clairement je crois je suis retournés sur le jeu 3 mois après sa sortie et aucunes nouveautés. Bref un jeu avec un bon potentiel pour finalement mourir au bout de quelques semaines

I entered this game thinking it would be GROOVY
But they ended up sticking the Boomstick up my ass

The first 2 hours were fun, then after that is just got repetitive and boring. This game is groovy and meh, I loved the films but this game isn't it. Just play DBD. ezpz.

It's alright in the first couple of hours if you're playing with friends and have some knowledge of the franchise, but then the boredom sets in as you get stuck in a constant loop.

I would love to see my favorite franchises get survival-horror singleplayer games (or even a beat-em-up in this case) instead of the usual DBD clones or third-person wave-shooters.

This could be really good, but it’s not really

fun with friends and honestly the best asymmetrical horror game but like all the games in the genre, lotta bullshit.

paying for skins illegal please?

Good game , devs actually listen . They might make mistakes but they will rectify em . Overall , an alright game . This game is dying however , thats what you get for making this game exclusive to the chinese store .

é um jogo bem legal, o único que conseguiu trazer pelo menos um pouco da experiência do sexta feira 13, o melhor jogo de terror assimétrico