Reviews from

in the past

It's been so long since i started playing this game, I began almost immediately after finishing FEAR 1 and the expansions because I just love that game so damn much. While it's almost impossible to top the first game I found Project Origin very good, and I enjoyed it thoroughly while it did some things not to my liking. Some of the sound design for the guns were lackluster but overall, the story, characters, environment and gunplay was great. I think FEAR 2 deserves your attention if you want a badass action FPS with horror elements.

I mean, a nude woman trying to chase you, how scary it could be..... jokes aside it's pretty boring and so forgettable, at least first game had its own uniqueness, Fear 2 is trying to be like a call of duty however it has turned into generic fps games of 10s.


Falls short of the dizzying heights of the first F.E.A.R, but still a strong entry in the series and a truly enjoyable experience.

This review contains spoilers

When I make reviews, I usually aim to talk about games I love rather than ones I hate. Today, however, is an exception. 

F.E.A.R. 2 isn't just one of the worst sequels ever made, but it's one of the worst games ever made as well. It's honestly kind of comical how Monolith decided to pretty much abandon everything that made the first game good when making its sequel.

Those well designed levels that worked perfectly in conjunction with the AI? Gone. 

The raw presentation of the first game with its closed, atmospheric, and industrial environments? How gunfights would rip rooms apart with their sheer amount of chaos? The incredible lighting? Gone.

Somehow they even made slow motion lame, something that I didn't even think was possible. Now it has an insane amount of VFX to the point where it honest to god just becomes nauseating.

The difficulty balancing is also a huge issue. With normal mode being too easy, and hard mode being too hard. This became insanely apparent to me in the mech section, where said mech jumps from being Death Megatron 9,000 to a fucking paperweight.

The horror aspect of this game is also just like hilariously bad. The game just turns orange and like every single post processing effect is turned to fifty million with absolutely no build up.

When playing this game, I really can't help but think that Monolith tried to make the most boring and homogenized game to ever exist. It's almost as if they realized that they had a winning formula in the first game and shot themselves in the foot with a SPAS-12 by going completely backwards.

I really could keep going on about stuff I hate in this game, but there's one last thing I wanted to talk about. If you've played the game, you probably already know what it is. If you haven't, don't worry, because I saved the worst for last.

In order to keep their game from being completely forgettable, Monolith decided to include a scene where the player gets sexually assaulted for nothing other than sheer shock value. Not only that, but they had the gall to include what is one of the worst lines I've ever heard in reference to it.

"You're like free pizza at an anime convention. She can smell you. And she wants to consume you."

Misses the cold subdued atmosphere of the first game, gameplay has been streamlined to adhere to console trends at the time which makes the game less tactical

the scary lady rides u like a cruise at the end

half-baked sequel of an timeless FPS, Monolith absolutely butchered everything that made the first game and it's expansions so good notably the gunplay effects, physics, sound-design and many other features such as leaning on corners or even dual wielding pistols.

the horror segments can be a bit terrifying sequences like in the Wade Elementary chapter but the actual atmosphere is not as good like it was before.

the AI that made the first game notable at the time was not heavily downgraded though, they still display dynamic reactions with pulling out shelves for cover or jumping into windows to ambush you and they still make gunfight sequences fun for the most part.

the shooting is also not bad but certainly did not feel as GOOD like in the predecessor.

overall it's an okay game, the combat can be fun for console centered shooters standars, the AI behaviour is mostly intact and the enviroments are varied in comparison to F.E.A.R 1 but that's about it and in the end of the day it is an forgettable sequel that essentially throws away everything that made the predecessor so great, still worth an play if you are looking for an decent enough shooter or just playing through the series but do not expect the perfection of FPS combat like in the previous game.

um jogo de acão bem divertido com elemetos de terror

A heavily consolized sequel that loses most of the charm of the first, inevitable consequence of much of the original staff moving on to other things, most egregiously FPS legend Craig Hubbard, who left single player development almost entirely to try his luck on multiplayer-only games, and was only brought in to consult on F.E.A.R. 2 late in development when it was too late to rebuild it into something the fans would have liked more.

It's by no means a bad game, quite the contrary in fact, but most of what made F.E.A.R. special is lost along the way, like smart AI, spookiness, punchy weapons and moody lighting.

It's essentially the Deus Ex Invisible War of the F.E.A.R. franchise: a game you would have liked a lot more had belonged to a different IP. For maximized enjoyment, play while ignoring what it's a sequel to.

Ziyan olmuş bir oyun. Bulaşmayın.

This is just F.E.A.R. but worse really. It's fine I guess, the low rating is mostly because I have no idea who it's for? The very meaty and sandbox-ish feeling to the shooting in the first game is replaced with something a lot more timid where you peak out, aim down sights and get a quick headshot to win. The horror stuff is also so in your face that it's not scary it's more irritating. I guess it was designed more for consoles but I don't see what about the first's gameplay wouldn't have worked on console.

It's also funny how much this contrasts with Monolith's other sequel from the year before, Condemned 2. That adds bears and clowns and stuff to ruin Condemned 1's quiet atmosphere but I like Condemned 2 as its own thing. This on the other hand just does F.E.A.R. again and I don't really care.

disappointing and middling sequel to otherwise one of the finest first person shooters out there, instead of letting you piece the story together from phone calls like in the first game, the sequel is overly cinematic and relies Heavily on shock content to mask how shallow and pointless the actual plot is, level design and actual shooting being Much weaker not helping the matter at all

FEAR 2 é definitivamente uma das piores sequências que eu já joguei e olha que minha expectativa estava bem baixa graças a todos os comentários de colegas que já haviam finalizado a franquia.

O enredo e os personagens são péssimos e não fazem sentido ou conexão, o que acaba sendo extremamente confuso para quem veio do primeiro, pois a história principal é quase a mesma coisa. Infelizmente, isso me deixou bem triste já que o meu interesse sempre foi entender mais sobre a antagonista.

A gameplay também nem chega aos pés do primeiro, pois a inteligência artificial que foi tão destacada e elevada como referência se perdeu. Basicamente, você pode entrar em uma sala, ficar na porta e esperar os inimigos chegarem em fila única, ou seja, não existe mais aquele medo de ser preso em uma sala com 5 inimigos vindos de várias direções ou emboscadas extremamente preparadas.

Outro ponto que achei extremamente inferior foi a ambientação que em geral é repetitiva e pouco agradável. Para não ser totalmente negativa, acho que o único local que realmente conseguiu impactar alguma coisa foi a escola, pois existe algumas cenas com Poltergeist que realmente trazem uma diferença.

Acho que o ponto mais grave de todo esse jogo foi a péssima utilização de jumpscares, ação e a quantidade de piscadas e mudanças abruptas enquanto o jogador anda pelo mapa. Sério, teve um momento que eu precisei parar de jogar graças a dor de cabeça que as luzes piscando a todo momento estavam me causando.

No fim, acho que vou fingir nunca ter jogado a continuação de FEAR e imaginar que o jogo acabou daquela forma, assim como aconteceu com NOLF.

Less of a step down, more of a stumble down the elevator shaft straight to hell.

Such a catastrophic drop in quality that it almost defies logic. Reviewing this game is like being Kurt Russell in the Thing walking through the Norwegian base, trying to figure out exactly what went wrong. It seems almost inconceivable that a game as electric as F.E.A.R could produce a sequel that is so middling, preposterous, and a complete fucking bore but the same geniuses at Monolith who produced Blood II cracked their knuckles and got hard at work. I would love to just write "game stinks" and move on, but there is just too much wrong under the hood that we have to make repairs or this car is going to lock up on the highway and get someone killed.

The tragedy is how much effort clearly went into this game. It looked amazing to me back in 2009 and the graphics still produce a post-apocalypse city in some pretty fantastic detail. Weapon animations and enemy animations are still top-notch and there is more variety in levels here than before, but that in itself is a bit of a downgrade. It feels like they missed the forest for the trees in terms of what made F.E.A.R so good. In a way it's almost what made F.E.A.R really not NEED a sequel. It ended in such a perfect J-horror style: Nobody escapes the curse. It's all-consuming. As is the problem with the sequels to Ju-On and Ring, we have to walk back SOME of the curse to ensure this thing keeps printing money.

As much has been said about how incredible the combat in F.E.A.R is, I think an equal amount has been said for how calamitously they fucked up everything in F.E.A.R 2: the jam-like blood, environments get less blown the hell out in firefights, the actual slow-mo has so many bells and whistles on it it makes you kind of sick to use it. In their effort to shoot for the moon they ended up tunneling into the fucking Earth.

Also the ending. oh my GOD the fucking ending. It's SO stupid it defies belief. You almost kind of need to play it just to witness galaxy brained writing like this, even in 2009 as a sweaty teenager I had to replay the final level a couple times to truly grasp what had just happened, it's fucking baffling. It's SUCH a bad idea executed terribly, a legit AVGN "What were they thinking?!" moment. 2 stars.

mech battle in horror-action game? wtf?

Criminally underrated, loses a star for the mech battle.

It's alright. I don't like all of the changes it made to the world of the series because it makes the first game feel as if that didn't matter. But, I tend to care less about story in video games, and so we go to the gameplay. Things I liked the most: making health more scarce and having to plan appropriately for it, the atmosphere, and the feel of the weapons. The things I did not like the most: the weapon design, the world layout, and the fact we have bullet-time again. That last part is important to note because it isn't any better than the first game and shows how much the people making this game couldn't have thought of anything new or creative for this game. It genuinely just feels like worse rehash of the first game.

This bullshit doesn't even deserve any intellectual thought. This shit is just offensively bad!

A totally fine shooter that doesn't really do anything that made the first one good.
The level design very rarely creates exciting encounters, the enemies don't feel "smart" any more.
The melee moves very rarely have a chance to shine.
The story, and particularly the ending, are dreadful.
It's decidedly not scary at any point.

But, for the most part, shooting stuff is fun.

Super mid, definitely inferior to the first game, but I find it hard to hate this game as it is quite competently made.

La segunda parte de esta franquicia de terror evoluciona bastante no solo en su apartado gráfico sino también en historia y calidad de gameplay. Se nota el paso de los años y se nota que los errores del pasado han sido tenidos en cuenta. Ya parece que es una premisa de esta saga el contar la misma historia desde otro punto de vista, o bien, contar una historia que está ocurriendo al mismo tiempo que la historia principal; eso es lo que sucede en Project Origin, y muy lejos de parecerse a los pobres Extraction Point y Perseus Mandate, este título encuentra la forma de contar las peripecias que tiene que realizar un grupo de soldados para sobrevivir a los constantes ataques de Alma Wade. Es un juego que de primer vistazo no asusta demasiado, pero tiene sus secuencias interesantes que harán de nuestro corazón una orquesta de tambores. Un final de lo más interesante aguarda a quienes les interese eliminar a unas cuantas fuerzas demoniacas, en éste interesante FPS de acción que, como bonus, tiene algo de terror que ofrecer.

Guter Shooter. Leider ist der Horror etwas plump aber das Gameplay reißt es raus.

Great game - enemy AI is wicked smart and the game is actually scary.