Reviews from

in the past

Fable II still holds a special place in my heart. It's got that classic fairytale charm, and your choices actually shape the world around you – get ripped fighting bandits and the townsfolk fear you! The combat is a bit simple, and the story fizzles out at the end, but exploring Albion, buying up property, and even starting a family is just so much fun. Definitely a product of its time but still holds up surprisingly well!

At first, I didn’t know what to make of Fable II. But the more I played it, the more I couldn’t get enough of its bizarre hybrid of lite-RPG mechanics and life sim leanings. It’s a classic RPG hero’s story in wide shot that lets you shape huge swathes of the world. Or you can just hurl lightning bolts at strangers and fart in their eyes. There’s really nothing quite like it.

I gave everything to get my dog back. I'd do it again right now.

A series bogged down by the weight of Peter Molyneux's lies Fable 2 stands out as the most complete version of the vision we were sold back in the early 2000s. Restrictive and frequent loading screens take away a lot of the ambiance and sense of exploration that the landscape provides, the story is decent if not standard revenge plot with some interesting side characters. The gameplay is enjoyable but as you progress in the story you will find little challenge as will is completely overpowered reducing most fights to simply holding the B button to charge up your tier 5 will ability. Personally Fable 2 will always be one of my most beloved games and a great little RPG adventure. However the passage of time has not been kind for this game and playing it today you will 100% feel like playing a game from 2008 the frequent loading screens and corridor like open world outside of major towns are hard to ignore.

the villain gives some monologue but you can just shoot him dead in the middle of it. this makes this game awesome.

Some of my fondest gaming memories are with Fable II. The plot spans much of your character's life as you age, go on adventures, and the world changes around you. You can play fetch with your dog and shit yourself in public until a crowd forms. This game taught me about condoms and may have been my first look into where babies really come from. Forever a classic.

Great game, not many like it, a lot of fun to explore and interact with the world. The key flaw of Fable II is endgame combat, where maxing out stats makes your character too overpowered, encouraging you to deliberately hoard XP.

Timless classic, systemic gameplay leads to the game feeling like an interactive world instead of a static and sterile one.

moins bien que Dragon Age mais meilleur que BALDUR'S GATE 3

All I remember about fable 2 is my character going bald and how I made the very poor decision to sell my Wii+games just to get a 360 to play something that quite frankly I thought was less than mid. On of the worst financial choices I ever made

Played entirely in coop. The game is pretty great, but the coop system is abyssmal.

-Mom can I have fantasy medieval RPG?
-To kill monsters and do quests?
Actually creates a real estate monopoly controlling the national economy like a boss

I don't know what it is about this game, it just pushes all the right buttons for me. I consider this to be the best game in the Fable franchise, and despite its janky nature I think that only adds to the charm.

This is one of those games where my love of this game overshadows the rest of the missteps in the series. Very fond memories of this game.

I jumped into the series here, and I think that was the right choice. I love how every decision in this game affects future outcomes. I also just love how free this game feels without being too overwhelming. Never did I think I would sit and chop wood for half an hour in a video game.

I wasn't impressed. Fable II doesn't fix any of the issues I had with the first game.

The combat is shallow and button-mashy. Everything can be killed by spamming X. The nonexistent difficulty means that there's no incentive to become stronger, which is part of what makes RPGs compelling. The lack of armor is especially strange. Having to hold down a button to collect XP was a dumb design decision. In what scenario would I not want to receive it?

The glowing trails and mandatory treasure-finding dog companion ruins most of the exploration. The gameplay for a lot of the side activities (smithing, woodcutting, etc.) consists of a dull and monotonous minigame.

The morality system is black and white like with most games from this era. You can either be a virtuous hero or cartoonishly evil. There are no interesting/morally grey decisions to make like in The Witcher 3. It's unengaging and artificial. The deeds that I got "evil points" for weren't even that bad. In what world is refusing to marry a random person immoral? You're also punished for looting civilian corpses despite there being no option to return the belongings to their families.

You can interact with NPCs, but it's mostly relegated to a shallow gesture system and they are all are essentially indistinguishable from each other, so why bother?

Character models are less hideous than in Fable Anniversary, but are still ugly. The aggressive use of bloom makes the game look dated visually. It definitely has that early 7th-gen asthetic. At least there's color...

The story and characters are forgettable. The world isn't compelling and I didn't care about what was going on.

My neighbor and I spent the years leading up to this googling, "Fable 2," at least once a day.

Sort of streamlined and skimmed down a lot of the options in the first game. But improved in every other way. A stellar, beautiful world, with tons to do. Tons of callbacks to the first game. Truly the best in the series.

Maior e melhor q o primeiro em tds os sentidos

One of my favorite games growing up, still have fun with it on XBox Cloud