Reviews from

in the past

Довольно неплохая РПГ. Не самая плохая сюжетная завязка и веселая боевая система

man, what a mess. this game has been drained of any fairy tale atmosphere in favor of being a fantasy novel about kings and politics, but not one that is good, and one that seems to have many scenes missing.

the world is less colorful, and there are far fewer interesting sightlines. the zones have gotten a little too big, to the point that it's a pain to walk across them, so you relate to much of the game through the map, devaluing the spaces further.

every weapon being unique is cool at first until you realize that they all have boring augments and augment objectives. it ends up ultimately feeling like less weapon variety than previous games, especially since they all handle the same.

every combat encounter is just an enormous swarm of guys that you spend forever cutting through. there's not even a little pressure to any of the choices because you are drowning in real estate money. they really wanted to make "ben finn" happen but he's just an annoying guy.

occasionally that fable charm still shines through. fashion is fun. there are some really creative quests. good demon door zones. the aurora section really works. i remember liking this a lot more in 2010, but now i very much understand why this is the worst fable

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Really big downgrade in my opinion the story is pretty good till the part where you become a king and everything that made Fable II great got downgraded to nothing. It does have some cool ideas that it tries to pull off but they either dont work or barely work

Il gioco è bello fino a che non diventi Re.
Gli dò comunque 4 stelle perché in generale è un gioco bello da giocare e molte cose non ci sono nemmeno in giochi moderni, però la fase finale dove fai il re è proprio una palla incessante.

its okay that there aren't better gay options in this one because i can make the cuntiest looking hero ever with all the customization options. downside is that the game is a mixed bag, with lots of great ideas and terrible executions.

upside is that i get to become the king/anti-landlord and set everyone's rent to 0 while I bake pies for the rest of my life in order to pay for everyone's living costs~

It has a cool concept along with some interesting ideas, but their implementation was done in a subpar way, leaving much to be desired and made the game feel pretty mediocre.

You "technically" don't have a pause menu, an inventory, and an equipment system. When you press start, it sends you to a place called "The Sanctuary", which is where you can do these things, with the addition of stuff like fast travelling and buying some upgrades like increased melee, magic and gun damage. You have to teleport to a separate room where you have to run around for a bit at times in the search for a certain upgrade for the weapons, along with other things you may be interested in.
It's cool the first few times, but it makes what should be a simple process unnecessary monotonous and long. Sticking to a much simpler equipment, inventory, and upgrade system wouldn't have resulted in the game losing anything and made it much more appealing.

Combat felt ok at best. You have your melee weapon, gun and a few magics you unlock over time.
Enemies mostly felt like something you had to go through rather than an engaging part of the game. The encounters were pretty easy and most of them felt like they could be beaten through button mashing with occasional blocking.
If you find yourself overwhelmed, you can just stall a battle by running around since you don't have a health bar and could just wait for your health to regenerate.

The concept of gaining people's support towards reaching your ultimate goal sounds cool in concept, but the quests you have to do (for the most part) to achieve that are rather boring. Not to mention there don't seem to even be save files, so if you feel like you want to go back and try something different, you can't.
And without spoiling too much, the game takes a sharp turn in the 2nd half which made it feel like it was developed without a unified vision in mind.

Overall, the game tries to be original, but it doesn't work out well. Had less time been spent on trying to implement unique systems where they weren't needed and that effort was invested in other areas, they could've made a much better game.

No me acuerdo de nada de este juego mas que que lo he jugado

Not without clunk, but a really fun adventure game that occasionally takes itself too seriously.

I did enjoy my time killing fantasy fascists for eight hours, but then with absolutely zero introduction there's Lovecraftian themes, a management sim and a morality system, all of it badly implemented and nothing coming together in any meaningful way.

I had high hopes coming back to this game. When I played it on launch, I remember getting so engrossed I finished it in a night.

This time, I went through actual hell. This game is bad in almost every way an RPG can be bad. Shallow story, shallow interactions with characters, maybe a grand total of six enemy types, lack of any challenge beyond throwing dozens of enemies at you at once, no real consequence of dying.

I'm almost terrified to try and get Fable 2 working on an emulator and ruin memories of that game too.

A complete mess. Another bloated, expensive Gen 7 pile of wank. So much money spent just so i can hear John Cleese try to sell me Black hair DLC.

The game is laughably easy, combat pretty much just boils down to pressing one button, with loads of slow-mo kill cam bollocks.

Main villain just kind of pops up out of nowhere, and the final boss is just a sword fight much like every other fight in the game.

The ruling as king section flies by in like 10 minutes or something. And so much of your moral choices boil down to comically stupid things like WILL YOU BURN DOWN THE ORPHANAGE or GIVE PUPPIES TO THE DYING, and ultimately it just comes down to you pressing one button or the other.

The game kinda looks ugly too, so much bloom and light shafts and this weird brown filter over everything. And that stupid god damn sparkly light that tells you where to go that keeps breaking all the time.

Not to mention the worst in game menu ever devised.

a saga fable é razoável e esse jogo não sai longe disso, mas a gameplay tá bem mais divertida que o antecessor.

Man, I'm still looking for a similar game with current graphics, one of the games I've had the most fun playing...

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Quando zerei esse jogo a primeira vez, eu era pequeno, devia ter uns 10 ou 12 anos, e também joguei com meu irmão, que também afeta a experiência, e eu não achava ruim como diziam, agora mais de 7 anos depois, começo a entender, em comparação com os 2 primeiros jogos, o especial o 2 que é muito mais parecido pra comparar, ele perde muita coisa, sistema de interação, emotes, não existe metamorfose da alinhamento do karma (bom ou mal), além de várias coisas adicionadas no jogo com boas ideias, mas sua grande maioria mal executada, se você for fã de fable assim como eu ou tem debito com a franquia porque jogou na infância e nunca terminou, provável que você consiga jogar esse jogo tranquilamente, mas se for alguem novo começando na trilogia provavelmente irá dropar o jogo, agora vou tentar falar os pontos positivos do jogo, muito dele é relacionado a historia e seus personagens, muitos são carismaticos, nem o vilão final nem o antagonista do inicio (seu irmão) são tão legais, sempre fica aquela comparação com Jack, mas a razão do logan é legal, gosto do sistema de relacionamento de familia desse jogo, pegar a mão de sua esposa, amiga ou paquera, levar pra onde quiser, poder ter maior interação com eles, tocar, e com seu filho, isso é legal, gosto do sistema de metamorfose das armas quando upa elas, mas acho que meus elogios acabam por ai, ele é fable II com mais boas ideias, mas tudo nele é igual ou pior, o jogo tem 4 trabalhos a menos, menos variedades em outras coisas, até se analisar bem a historia ele se apoia muito no segundo jogo, e no nosso antigo héroi, sparrow héroi de bower lake, na duvida jogo ele depois do lost chapters/1 aniversario e dps que terminar o 3 jogue o 2, não tem muito spoiler do passado além de que sparrow vira rei e vive no castelo de bowerstone (o antigo castelo de fairfax), toda a atmosfera de fable se perdeu aqui.

Recuerdo jugarlo en la infancia y recuerdo que habia muchas cosas que hacer y que tus decisiones tienen algunas consecuencias, algun dia debo rejugarlo porque mis memorias son vagas del juego

não dava nada pelo jogo, mas hoje em dia amo

First fable game, pretty good story and multiple ways to end the game

Peguei pra jogar logo após o 2, eu ja tinha jogado a anos atrás então resolvi fazer a run maligna.
Cara eu gosto. Denovo o combate fantástico de fable, só que dessa vez ta mais fácil pelo que parece, então perde pouco da graça. A customização tambem da uma caída em relação ao 2.
Pra ser franco, ele é inferior ao Fable 2, mas pela historia mais marcante e sentir que suas escolhas afetam mesmo seu personagem e mundo ao redor, fora que é uma boa campanha, não incrível, nem ok, mas sim boa.
Gostei que i quanto mais mal vc vai ficando, mais seu personagem fica feio, com verrugas, rugas e as pessoas também, com o rumo do reino indo full industrial vc ve a qualidade de vida e felicidade indo embora da atmosfera aos poucos. Quando vc vê tudo o que vc fez pra chegar até o final da o ar de "Será que foi necessário? Será que valeu a pena?"
Não é tudo isso mas é 4 estrelas, ainda achando esse jogo inferior ao 2.

Worse than II but still fun nonetheless.

People give it shit for being ugly and watered-down, but I unironically think it's better than Fable I. Still clunky af, but at least it's bearable. And there are some fun mechanics to mess around with.

When I asked myself "When does the tutorial end?", the game was over

This was, for the longest time, the worst game I had ever played. It was beat, but it's still shit.

Very weird game. This game is like a fever dream for me as I don’t really remember it.

O tanto de vezes que eu joguei esse jogo não está escrito, provavelmente ele foi o RPG que eu mais joguei e rejoguei, o combate eu lembro de ser satisfatório, a história tbm, o fato do vilão fazer oq faz é interessante, e dependendo de como você age, você pode acabar tomando o mesmo caminho dele, enfim, eu quero rejogar esse jogo mais uma vez, pq ele vale uma review melhor.

Fable III failed to capture what made its predecessor a great game and while I still had a lot of fun playing the third installment it just was a big let down in comparison. I still recommend giving it a play through.