Reviews from

in the past

This game while technically impressive, falls flat on the gameplay side of things. Repetitive missions, dull graphics, and malaria galore. Makes this game not fun to play, and I abandoned it. It was impressive back in 2008, but the sequels left this game to bite the African dust trail.

what a piece of crap. This is somehow worse than far cry 1. Its maleria, driving, walking, gun jam simulator. The map is massive but you are restricted to the main roads, both factions hate you and are both objectively evil. At every main junction there will be patrol cars that are faster than you that will shoot your car once to make it stop working, hence walking simulator. Your maleria will randomly act up and get u killed if you dont get lucky and have maleria quests that on completion give you 2-3 pills (not a lot). The voice acting is terrible as it sounds like everyone is talking 8000 miles a minute and they cut each other off. Its complete garbage that somehow makes far cry 1 tolerable because at least i could put up with it enough to beat it. Plot is non existent based off of the first 6 main missions i did before giving up on the game. I see why no one talks about any game before far cry 3. This has been 2, not just misses, but terrible experiences in a row. I hope to god far cry 3 is good

A solid entry in the Far Cry franchise, especially given it's age. It was a bit ahead of it's time, but not without it's faults. It also ran great on my Steam Deck. Solid 60 FPS with high settings.

The game had some unique gameplay elements (for the time), but it was plagued with Ubisoft's 2008 design choices. The first Assassin's Creed had similar issues and it got overly repetitive and grindy. The story was decent, but the acting and dialogue left something to be desired. Combat could be satisfying and almost everything can catch on fire leaving you with some pretty fun engagements. However, enemies spawn out of nowhere quite often and will run you over before you know they are there.

The setting is amazing and probably one of, if not my absolute favorites. The world felt like a war torn country and had some diverse settings (desert, jungle, wetlands), and the dynamic weather was pretty great too. The limited fast travel was nice as you couldn't just fast travel to every location instantly(though more bus stops would have been nice). The minimap and navigation (GPS and sign post highlighting) immersed you more in the world. The freedom you have to tackle missions, collectibles, and just exploring was awesome for the time.

Overall a solid entry in the series with some solid elements, but the grindy/repetitive missions have not held up as well . If you are a fan of the series it is definitely worth a shot.

A very cool open-world FPS with a bleak, lonely atmosphere and some impressive attention to detail that's held-back a bit by some annoying infinite enemy spawns, repetitive gameplay mechanics, and awful bugs (most of which are luckily fixed in the PC version).

rodava no meu pc batata e eu me divertia

para 2008 é muito bom mas jogando no pc no ano de 2023 esta mto mas mto bugado e são bugs que atrapalham demais fora que o jogo é muito longo para aguentar com esses bugs em media de 17 horas

У игры прикольная и даже уникальная атмосфера. Я больше не припомню ни одного более менее крупного проекта в таком же сеттинге. Дополнительных баллов накидывает внимание к деталям, начиная с анимации и заканчивая физикой. Первый час игры заходит на ура.

Но потом игра начинает жестко душить тебя как дальнобой душит дешевую шлюху с трассы. Самая большая претензия - блок посты. На кой хуй мне их зачищать, если буквально через метров 100 они ресетнутся и меня снова будут долбить в очко? Причем проскочить мимо них тоже бывает не просто, твою тачку быстро выводят из строя и вот ты сидишь в блядском ведре как конченный дебил, пока куча сами поняли кого играют с тобой в тупака или хххтентасьона. По этой же причине нет никакого желания заниматься побочками, вроде задания оружейника или звонков с вышки. Обычное задание в стиле "сходи туда и убей того" превращается в марафон говна с блокпостами и патрулями.

Несколько раз пытался начать и добить - каждый раз бросаю на переходе на вторую локацию. У игры был мощный потенциал, но конкретные неудачные решения ван-шотят её. Как-то так.

A solid far cry game with a realistic environment.

Tem coisas ótimas, e detalhes incríveis até hoje, que são ofuscados por quão massante e repetitivo é esse game, e a história totalmente esquecível não contribui muito.

Ubisoft doing what they do best: create amazing worlds and fill them with boring and repetitive activities.
I wanted to love this game so much but it's soooo long, so much time is spent driving vehicules and getting stopped 3 times/travel by a Jeep mounted with an LMG.

Although. It's a decent game. Much worse imo than far cry 1, it has a lot of creepy bugs, like shaking heads, sometimes can't accept missions etc.
The gameplay as well, feels so dry. The missions feel repetitive, no character development, just feels not that right. Excited for far cry 3 tho

Possibly the grungiest game ever made. Everyone hates you, 99% of people want you actively dead, your guns explode in your hands, you're constantly dying of malaria and the few people you can convince to join you are gonna blow your brains out one day if they don't get shot first. Ramming another syrette into the heart of your dying backing man and watching the light fade from his eyes as his heart overloads on adrenaline is surreal. Limping back to a ramshackle town with blood on your hands, ready to be handed an envelope full of rough diamonds worth more than your life or the corpse you left behind. Desolation with no shred of hope. Fascinating that so many enemy AI interactions were never copied until Starfield of all games. Pathologic levels of decay with a flamethrower engulfing everything before your eyes.

This game made me fall in love with the franchise ♥️

great for its time but now has too much competition. just play stalker or something that isnt tedious

my first "buddy" glitched out in dialogue now i can't continue the game. looked promising but fuck it. also it feels so damn lonely. shoulda had more npcs in this game

I can't cap the framerate so I'm getting a glitch where most of the NPC's jump around, which means I can't progress past the first hour or two of the game. It's a shame as while this game isn't anything special, it's decently fun and MUCH improved on the first game.

Many action stories produced by the modern entertainment industry (especially in the United States) follow a specific narrative “mold” where the main character, an individual from the western “civilized” world, is sent to a poor, “uncivilized” country torn by war. The protagonist's goal is to complete a heroic mission, usually consisting of somehow saving the innocent portion of the population from the savage evildoers (who are depicted as solely responsible for the conflict), acting in the interests of both countries and reaching a satisfying, morally unambiguous conclusion. This, of course, serves as wish fulfillment for the country that holds narrative power over the production, as it provides a comfortable fantasy that would justify their actions in the real world. It may not be directly government-funded propaganda, but it reflects how the citizens from these western countries (again, almost exclusively the United States) see themselves: as necessary saviors of foreign nations. The main character's brutal killings are then framed as heroic acts, essential for the population's liberation. "Sugarcoated" is an understatement. This framing completely sanitizes any involvement from the powerful attacker, painting all of it as heroic altruism, a mission to "introduce democracy to the primitive people". In these narratives, the third world and its instability are objectified, turned into a tool to deliver both entertainment and political reaffirmation.

Far Cry 2 completely rejects this notion and offers, in its place, amoral realism. You start the game with the objective to kill an arms dealer, "the bastard who sells guns to both sides", as the game describes him. However, any pretense of morality is completely discarded less than an hour into the playthrough. After a brief introduction, you begin your journey by doing mercenary work, oftentimes war crimes, for both factions behind the conflict. You are not a hero, there are no good intentions here, you're a foreigner murdering Africans for money. As everyone else involved in this war, you maim and kill for selfish gains. Far cry 2 opts for a realistic depiction of the conflicts that are so sanitized by the entertainment industry at large. It doesn't shy away from recognizing the western presence in these countries, too. Half of your bosses are white and have European or North American origins. All of them show the same degree of disdain towards human life. You'll hear their attempts at morally justifying their actions through a simplified rhetoric: "They brought this on themselves", "Some destruction is necessary for the greater good", etc. It’s a reflection of the modern “imperialist” logic. But there is no justification for cutting off water supplies, killing professors and destroying medicine storages.

The game doesn't explicitly judge your actions, but it presents them without a filter. There isn't a moral bias to exempt your atrocities. It’s clear that you're just a killer, another pawn aiding the continuity of this conflict. What’s unique about Far Cry 2's narrative is that there isn't an active author's voice condemning or congratulating you, things are presented as they are, and you're the one to comprehend the immorality of your actions. However, it isn’t a game without a statement. Several literal elements help paint a clear message. There is a deliberate aura of dread permeating every moment in this experience, effectively enforced through visuals and game design choices, that helps set the tone of utter helplessness in a collapsing society.

The aesthetics of decay and misery are intensely palpable, Far Cry 2’s Africa looks unbearable to inhabit. Outposts are made of metal debris, safehouses are claustrophobic wooden huts, people are dirty and injured. All of this is presented through a dry, overwhelmingly saturated color palette that makes the game uncomfortable to look at (the graphics are quite nice, though).

This visually and narratively decaying world serves as the perfect backdrop to a gameplay loop built to oppress you. Enemies are aggressive, accurate and deal high damage. Guns jam frequently and healing plays a slow animation that locks you in place and cancels itself whenever you’re hit. Outside of the rare safehouses and towns, your safety is never guaranteed, as an enemy vehicle could always be rapidly rushing your position. In my personal experience, I thought the game was a little too forgiving when set to Hardcore difficulty, but too limiting when set to Infamous. While the former allows you to engage in interesting strategies in the middle of a dynamic combat, the latter forces you to find a rock, tree or car, crouch behind it and never leave cover until everyone is dead. That’s boring. I believe Infamous is designed to provide a dynamic and challenging experience to those who are already experienced with the game, which is not my case. A perfect difficulty (for me, at least) would have the higher damage taken and lower ammo count from Infamous with more fragile, less accurate enemies. In this sense, Far Cry 2 doesn’t fully succeed in its oppressive gameplay design. It’s either too easy or too boring. It’d be unfair to call the game unfun, however. Regardless of difficulty, the gameplay is fluid, allowing you multiple approaches to each scenario and providing you with opportunities to plan your actions ahead of time. I found myself making quick, unusual decisions in the middle of combat to maximize safety and resources, such as choosing not to blow up an enemy vehicle so I could steal it later or doing a sudden sideways drift near an enemy outpost in order to use my own car as cover. Your strategies and goals can change in the middle of every encounter, making combat dynamic and entertaining to engage with.

Traversing the environment is often a hassle. No fast travel means you’ll have a map shoved in your face almost every time you’re not shooting people, as if you were playing a very sick, twisted version of Firewatch. The difficulty in traveling is essential for a pure experience, but this aspect could have been implemented with more grace. Two or three additional bus stops scattered around the map would have still made traveling long distances essential (making you vulnerable for long periods of time) while alleviating some of the duller aspects of checking a map every 3 seconds to make sure you’re on the right track. I’m exceptionally awful at spatial localization, though, so that might be a more personal problem.

Your journey is, for the most part, aimless. The story feels static, there is no sense of progression and nothing you do makes any significant difference. Even the ending sequence makes it clear that your efforts came to nothing. It reflects the main character, an emotionless mercenary disconnected from reality who is concerned only with profit and satisfaction. The protagonist serves as a representation of the unthinking player, the type of individual to engage with a game like this from a purely indulgent perspective, fully embracing the role of psychopath murderer assigned to them and never stopping to consider the context surrounding their actions. The main character doesn’t become a villain, he has always operated following the same cynical approach towards existence: It is worth to trade countless human lives in exchange for profit. “I used to be you”, says the Jackal. There are no heroes in Far Cry 2. There are no villains either. Only war remains when you annihilate humanity.

this game goes on forever, 17 hours played and it still isnt NEAR the ending

Probably one of the Very Few ubishit made games. With weapon realism and fires and grand scale map in Africa.

loved it but it was hard for when i played it not sure now though

By no means perfect, however still a very fun and worthwhile playthrough.

yea something about a gun jamming

Something about the setting and mechanics keep me coming back to this game year after year. If there was no malaria system it would be much better.