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This random PopCap game is the most subversive critique on the American economy I have ever seen. In this game the rich (big fish) are only able to gobble up the most fish (money) while the small fish (poor people) are only able to gobble up scraps.

Don't even get me started on how they treat hardworking immigrants. In this climate, they are treated unfairly as an invasive species that threatens to take all the resources in the economy. The game even goes so low as to hideously distort the supposed "antagonist" as a hideous creature.

And on top of that, the ruling class sends the little guys out to fight this creature without ever helping out themselves, which harkens to our politicians sending us internationally to fight some war that they will never directly touch themselves.

Therefore, it is my belief that Feeding Frenzy 2 is by a MILE the best simulation about what it's like to a lower working class citizen, and how they are pitted against their fellow man with the tantalizing prospect of one day becoming the ruler themselves. It's a shame that EA bought up PopCap, because otherwise there might be a Feeding Frenzy 3 in which it has a scene where a school of minnows team up on orcas and overthrow their rule. Sadly, the corporate fat cats at EA would never allow it. Sigh. One can only dream.


Broken medal - 0.5 or 1 star - Technical disaster or bad design
Bronze medal - 1.5 or 2 star or 2.5 star - The games not for me/below average/badly aged(nostalgia)
Silver medal - 3 star or 3.5 star - Doing well
Golden medal - 4 star - Above average games
Platin medal - 4.5 star - Might've masterpiece but somethings missing
Diamond medal - 5 star - The Masterpiece or just special for me
---> Medal: Silver
---> My Game Time: 1 hours 46 mins

Definitely a good sequel to the first game.

how come you get to play as all the fish twice EXCEPT the cool ass shark

Started from the bottom now we here

lot of tricky levels but this was still a fun game and i liked how it had a little bit of a plot to it, though i might still prefer the first one. the sound effects in both games are some of the most satisfying that i've heard and you should have been able to eat the pelican.

Popcap games really know how to trigger your dopamine receptors

the drakengard of xbox live arcade fish games

I playeed the crap outta feeding frenzy.

Bro this game is surprisingly addicting.

This shit goes REALLY hard, especially when you play this as a 5-year old.

This is the kind of next gen gaming I got the Series X for.

Played it again just last night because Steam got Spring Sale. Still very fun. Ages surprisingly well.

I remember playing this game as a kid, it was so amazing to learn about fish as a kid, it made me interested and kept coming back for more fish facts! The gameplay isn't the best but it is serviceable for what the game wanted to do. I loved seeing all the cute fish and looking them up in my own time I really learned a lot from this game. Please give us feeding frenzy 3 for the new (and old) generation!

the amount of dopamine that you get when you hear FEEDING FRENZY when you get a mega vore combo is.. well, dopamine inducing.

Childhood classic. Not a lot going on here, but simple and entertaining. Looks good and plays well despite its age. Probably won't hold your attention for more than a couple of hours unless you really care about highscores, or the time attack mode. Surprised at the lack of fish variety compared to Feeding Frenzy 1. Lots of palette swaps and very few fish assets are actually new to this game, pretty disappointing. The combo system is fun, and can encourage you to take risks. I think it would be more effective if there was some sort of meta progression incentive, but ultimately this is an old, small game.

Neat arcade fun aided by the expanded moveset compared to the first game. Unfortunately, it's also quite frustrating due to screen crunch. A huge number of deaths felt like they weren't my fault, but the game fucking me over by vacuuming me straight to an offscreen shark's mouth from like 20 meters away. Other than that, I liked the boss fights and the charming intermission screens. I even felt like I learned a thing or two about marine life. If you liked the first one, give this a shot.

A great little Popcap game with simple mechanics and fun colors and music! Tons of fun content but short enough to not be tedious given the simple concept. Also great multiplayer modes for such a cheap game, absolutely pick this one up!

Simple and repetive. You get what you are advertised.

Perfect couch co-op, a rapidly disappearing genre kept alive only by indie and arcade titles. Feeding Frenzy is addictive, but not cheaply so. It still requires more skill than luck and is a simple yet well-designed little game.

Feeding Frenzy 2 is still good, although it has more frustrating bits than I remember from the first game. Darkness mechanics are not fun, and a lot of the later levels are just annoyingly frustrating. It would help a lot if they drew back the camera more because some of the levels are too big so it pans with you and you just run into something you couldn't see.
Overall though, still Feeding Frenzy