Reviews from

in the past

TNT: Started good but ended bad
Plutonia: A pain in the ass

didn't really bring anything new to the formula nor tweak something that could've been wayyy more fun,instead it's Doom but more now even worse than II cuz at least with II they added something even if it's still the same Doom we all know and love but something about Final Doom just doesn't really stick with me even though it's still the same formula i loved,the two new maps were fine obvious i prefer one over the other,in this case it's TNT over Plutonia tho both of em by the time i was in the latter portion i was so done playing it.

A nice package if you want more Doom in your life, but nowhere near the same quality as the real ID stuff

not really ranking this high cause its basically DLC, but I actually really enjoyed the difficulty the maps brought.

This is a contender for the worst game I've ever played

I can't do it. The Casalis have broken me.

quem diz que o tnt é melhor é pq é ruim no jogo pau no cu

-entre na fase já tomando tiro
-mate 50 inimigos de chaingun e ative um botão
-fique perdido por 30 minutos
-ache a porta q foi aberta e ative outro botão
-imediatamente todas as paredes descem com 100 archviles
-morra sem conseguir fazer nada

Isso é Final Doom. Um CU

This game will remain abandoned for me until i find a way to dodge all the chaingunners and archviles from plutonia

Plutonia is classic.

Eviloution is mid tho

Plutonia is great. TNT not so much

Não apresenta nenhuma inovação ou mecânica de gameplay nova, o que eu entendo, afinal esse jogo é uma coletânea de dois WADS feito por fãs do jogo, porém a ID Software pegou esses dois jogos e vendeu como se fosse um jogo inteiramente novo.

Parei de jogar pela dificuldade e falta de inovação, aspectos que não me prendem ao jogo ou me motivam a jogar mais, sendo esse o terceiro pior jogo que eu ja joguei na vida. Mas novamente, isso não é culpa dos desenvolvedores, que são apenas fãs da franquia, e sim da empresa cocô estragado dona da série dos jogos de DOOM.

Cool for the time, I respect that they took fan levels and gave them an official release, but GOD this isn't fun.

Plutonia has scared me forever and I will never play TNT

bem mediano, o plutonia tem alguns pontos legais apesar das armadilhas mas o tnt não tem nada que se salve, as fases são enormes e tediantes

plutonia é meio paia
tnt é foda

A repack of publicly available WADs at the time.

One of the map makers for TNT Evilution went on to work at Valve and helped make Half Life, so, that's something

Prolly the most challenging campaigns with some very unique map designs for the time.

Final Doom is not an essential work in the franchise. Nonetheless, there's plenty to enjoy for the completionists and hardcore Doom players which resides (mainly in Plutonia) throughout these 64 levels.

TNT: Evilution is more consistent in its quality than the Master Levels, yet this consistency comes at the cost of uniqueness or creativity the latter expansion contained. At 32 levels long (way, way too long), most of the maps blur together. The fairness of their design in comparison does make them altogether preferable, but I doubt I'd ever replay these whereas I'd play some of the Master Levels again. "Caribbean" was a delightful super secret level though.

Where TNT bores in its overall competency, The Plutonia Experiment surpasses the lesser half of Final Doom through sheer challenge and occasional brutality (regardless of how much one save scums) in more inspired enemy placements and an incredibly difficult super secret level (fuck arch-viles). There's still a distance from what makes the original games' levels usually superior to these, but Plutonia showcases more of what Doom can be for the hardcore base that no other official piece of content can match at the point of Final Doom's release.

This review contains spoilers

TNT Evilution: it was fine, albeit a bit too easy? Lots of levels that feel like they're just too big for the number of enemies they contain.

The Plutonia Experiment: hilariously hard, and I don't particularly enjoy playing it. That being said, the reason for its difficulty stems from a thorough understanding of how to use a lot of the enemies effectively. like with the Archviles resurrecting the seemingly infinite number of chaingunners to ruin your day. I have to respect that.

This was my first introduction to the DOOM universe and my personal favorite. It was creepy and the sound design only added to that. Not to mention how good the weapons sound. Lengthy and difficult (not so)FINAL DOOM is what ignited my love for the series.

My thoughts on the individual expansions exist on the pages of those expansions. For Final Doom as a whole, I am unimpressed. Evilution offered interesting puzzles and level layouts, but bad enemy encounters, and Plutonia is nothing but a series of 32 annoying gauntlets by people who for some reason have a huge crush on the Archvile. I feel this game exists so iD could one more time put Doom on store shelves and milk it for all it was worth at that point. This game should not exist. If there is one positive from playing through Final Doom, it is that I will never feel the need to play through it again.

I have many a qualm with this game. The first thing you are greeted with upon opening this game is a message telling you to insert a finger into one of the USB ports on your computer. That's all fine and dandy, I understand that technology has advanced since I was a child. What isn't fine or dandy is what happens after you lodge an appendage in the port. The USB port clamped down on my poor phalange and inserted some piece of technological horror into my bloodstream. Minutes later, my mind felt different. I felt lighter, stronger. Felt like a god, and it felt good for a while. Day in day out I finally found happiness in my new body- that is until one day the US army knocks on my door and seizes me. Blindfold, gag, tied my hands- the works. An indeterminable amount of time passed before I was awoken with a loud midi sound piercing through my ears into the very center of my brain. I open my eyes to see myself in a virtual world. I see my hands, pixelated and beyond any horror 20s writers could fathom to imagine. I can not speak, merely grunt. No matter how hard I try to scream I can't make a noise louder than a brief hrppmh. My eyes welt up with tears then widen with fear as a terror from beyond approaches me. Before it has the chance to touch me I hear a voice- a human voice. "you can't say here solider, run out the exit and grab the first gun you see!" is all I heard before I was following the first order- run. I ran until my stamina had far outrun its course and I panted for breath. Pain and confusion were combined to make me more dangerous then I have ever felt before. Then, at the climax of my rage born of confusion and blood curdling fear, I see a shotgun at my feet. I follow my captors instructions and grab it. As I pick it up, another hellish monstrosity approaches me making noises I can only describe as dissonance. What was it my captor told me? I would need this gun... To kill, right? Sweat drenches my forehead as I set the aim on the demon, now looking upon me in sorrow. Kill. After I pull the trigger and slay the beast, I see black. My ears ring as I pass out and fall to the floor. Time passes and after what had to have been hours, I wake up to the sent of rotting meat. I am real again. A tear falls down my cheek in glee as a realize it was all just a dream- until I sit up. A dead Pakistani mother with a child in her arms, recently deceased. Death due to shotgun wound. Thanks a lot, video games!