Reviews from

in the past

A beautiful classic that I look at entirely through nostalgia goggles. The first cinematic RPG of its kind I owned for myself and sank countless hours into. The adventures of the crew will forever live on in my heart. Damn shame about the slowness of the battles today though

O que dizer dessa obra prima chamada Final Fantasy IX. Bom, pra começo de conversa eu confesso não ter jogado a versão de PS1 dessa obra por não ter tido acesso na época, então minha análise vai ser baseada na primeira experiência que tive com esse jogo maravilhoso.

A sublime work of art, Final Fantasy IX is my personal favourite in the series.

Our story here follows the thief Zidane who opens the game with an unusual heist: he plans to steal away the Alexandrian Princess Garnet from the evil Queen Brahne. The escape gets complicated however, sending the pair, and the rest of the party, on a journey across the world to try and stop her empire building. But that's not all IX is about. IX is a true character drama, one with multiple central points of view, but ultimately it's about humanity and self-realisation. This core message is part of what helps elevate IX above other Final Fantasy games; it's a beautifully explored and expressed sentiment that evolves within our cast fluidly over the course of the game.

I'm also a fan of the return to a traditional fantasy land with IX; our dalliances with more modern settings were fun, but IX feels like a love letter to the series' roots. We're in a lush fantasy world, we've got an evil queen, a slimy wizard, a massive fantasy war, and a princess on the run. What could be more authentically Final Fantasy than that?

Replayed this for the sake of nostalgia and its themes of accepting your own death resonate with me even more now because this account is dying on May 27th, 2024

Man final fantasy just had infinite charm this generation, and IX might be the most charming and heartfelt of the bunch.

VII might be revolutionary one, VIII the misunderstood follow up but IX is probably the best all around of the bunch.

It's also probably aged the most gracefully


História muito boa, trilha sonora foda e um mundo lindo e com uma tematica encantadora. Tomei um pau infinito no combate, mas valeu a jornada.

nota: mago vivi herói nacional.

Peak. So Peak. Game's combat is slower than my nan on a wheelchair powered by snails however.

Literally just the perfect story (the gameplay can be egregious at times but if you psuh through you get to experience literally the most perfect story). Didnt hit me at first but two hours later when I was trying to go to sleep I just started crying

the greatest party in final fantasy with one of the most interesting strories told
gameplay isn't all that great but still has some nice customization to it


The game is good, but the combat is so, so slow, that I had to always use the speed up option, and still it was slow.

This is one of the best JRPGs ever made.

Нет, ФФ9 меня окончательно задолбала.

- Казуальная
- Большая часть музыки либо пиздец посредственная, либо окей, запоминающейся очень мало.
- Изучать локации ОЧЕНЬ скучно, в ФФ7 было куда лучше, блет.
- ОЧЕНЬ затянутые из-за этого облёта камерой
- механика транса очень долго заряжается, из-за чего очень редко получается использовать в отличие от лимитов семёрки. Ну и то, что большинство баффов и дебаффов имеют смысл исключительно на боссах, в то время как любой рядовой противник убивается буквально двумя ударами
- очень недожали с духом сказки, если бы уделили этой атмосфере больше внимания, то я бы может и доиграл
- унылая карточная игра

Понравилось система выучивания способностей, но с оговорками:

- Огромная часть способностей либо слишком имба, которая ваншотает противников, либо только мешает как например автозелье
- Приходится держать старую броню и оружие и качаться пока не заполнишь шкалу навыка, было бы лучше, если бы они позволили с помощью какого-нибудь предмета перекидывать навыки между оружием и бронёй
Часто приходится бывает так, что часть способностей у предмета не может быть открыта у данного персонажа, из-за этого приходится либо надевать тупо из-за статов, либо тупо из-за 1 навыка.

Вообще не понял массовой истерии по этой части. 7-ая = лучше по всем параметрам кроме моделек персонажей вне боя, включая саундтрек, боевую систему, сюжет и исследование локаций

A good game which could be a great game if it didn't have a handful of obnoxious flaws. It's aggravating how close it is to being top-tier.

Piece of Art,. Music, Characters, Lore and villains out of this world, and incredibly graphics and animations for a PS1 Game. However, the trance system is not well developed, it should have worked as Limit Brakes in FF7. The ability system is incredible , but there are abilitys that you don't know where to use, cuz you dont know your enemys abilitys. There are under-developed character like Quina and Amarant but that's fine, all Final Fantasys have useless characters. 9/10.

What to say about this video game.
It is the best JRPG ever created.
The story is deep and mature, the characters are amazing, everyone has a good background and an interesting objective that goes along with the story.
The music is beautiful and the world in which everything unfolds is wonderful. 10/10❤️

reforçando uma frase que vi aqui no backloggd

Vivi herói nacional, guerreiro do povo brasileiro e MvP
Zidane insano MvP, um dos prota que mais gostei dos FF

Difícil falar desse Final Fantasy sem rasgar elogios, mesmo tendo seus problemas internos, nem vale a pena lista-los pois a qualidade e amor nesse projeto se sobressai.
Eu nem tenho BOLAS pra falar do quanto esse jogo é assustadoramente BOM, tipo BOM PRA CARALHO, JOGA LOGO ESSA PORRA.

You´re not Alone e Melodies of Life são um dos momentos (e músicas) mais atípicos que eu já vi nos jogos eletronos, amo todos os envolvidos, menos os chocobos e o ozma.(9,5)

É a fábula da fábula. Tem algo de ingênuo e pueril nesse jogo que preserva um certo encanto místico com relação a série e ao universo desse título, é como se o jogador estivesse envolto por uma névoa de fantasia e a perspectiva juvenil servisse como olhos brilhantes através dos quais essa obra é experienciada. Provavelmente o Final Fantasy mais Final Fantasy de todos

first traditional final fantasy game I beat. felt pretty slow and I never really connected with most of the cast, but overall a good experience I love Vivi and Freya

"Don't call me if you don't need me, Kupo!"
"You're starting to tick me off, Kupo!"
"I'm sharpening my knife, Kupo!"

Funniest shit i've seen in my life.

One of the greatest JRPG’s of all time and the series creator’s favourite entry. FFIX is a pivotal title in the genre and it was a celebration of the series. Iconic characters, epic set pieces, outstanding music, the game has just got so much going for it. I’ve played through it in full 5 or 6 times and it just never gets old.

I went in expecting a great game, but left w/ less than favorable impression. I don't know how you go from 8, allowing so much freedom in the gameplay department to the slowest atb/progress system ever seen. It so bland, I was very close to watching a letsplay.

This is LONG but very much worth it. Characters, theme, music, combat, story.. all fantastic.

muinto bom estou preso no segundo cd mas to com vontade de voutar

THE Fantasy game for me. It's everything I ever wanted in a fantasy-steampunk world, the lovable cast along with the compelling story WILL get you emotionally attached to this game, Trust me.