Reviews from

in the past

FFX is a refreshing reminder that JRPGs used to be the weird kids at the lunch table. A story with a head-spinning amount proper nouns and rich with allegory is complemented by a script for our main cast that feels as if it covers more ground than many like it, while simultaneously being far more focused than those that attempt to cover less, which shows the pristine craftsmanship on display. The HD remaster offers a revitalized soundtrack that elevates the experience in ways remasters often don’t, even if the uncanny nature of character’s faces didn’t perfectly translate onto modern graphics technology and high resolutions.

FFX’s combat elements are handled extraordinarily well compared to shit-at-the-wall approach that other JRPGs can devolve into. The sphere grid offers unique ways to customize and grant meaningful power to party members. Level ups are very frequent while maintaining a challenging but fair level curve, and random encounters often feel more akin to mini-bosses with less fluffy, grindy nonsense even when the map layouts can resemble straight lines. FFX’s biggest detractor is that it unfortunately does not escape the JRPG curse of sluggish third acts. Multiple, lengthy, consecutive puzzle segments, division of the party, and story elements that feel inconsequential or could use a trim; FFX is yet another in a long line of games that kill their momentum a tad as soon as the going gets good. That being said, FFX is a flourish of talent, passion and competence not often seen by the genre.

"I want my pilgrimage to be full of laughter."

I can definitely say I see why this game is so beloved. Going through these trials with this cast was such a good time. Wakka and Auron are two I'd say are on my all-time list now. I felt a great connection with them, and the story overall hit hard.

The fantastic music only enhanced my experience, and the combat was mostly enjoyable.

Most of the things I had issues with can be chalked up to age. I found a lot of the puzzles to be overly tedious and the grid system to be a bit dated, but I appreciate what they were going for.

The final stretch is one of the best I've experienced. Great game.

Could have been a "perfect" game a la Chrono Trigger if not for a few major flaws. Although some of the digital "acting" is a bit stilted, the writing and voice acting convey a compelling narrative and I formed a strong connection to each character. The battle and leveling systems are tactically engaging without being overly granular. Many of the boss battles are masterfully crafted, and most of the major setpieces hold up very well. Unfortunately much of the game is plagued by dated and clunky JRPG mechanisms like obscure missables, frequent random encounters, and impossibly-hard minigames. The cloister puzzles are so tedious (even with a walkthrough on-hand) that it truly boggles the mind that they were included in the final product. I stopped shortly before the final boss because a generic enemy wiped my over-leveled party at full HP with a dying attack, setting me back almost an hour's progress. I will watch the final hours online and definitely try out FFX-2, but I really hope some of the above issues are addressed.

Jogo fantástico
Fazia muito tempo que queria jogar, e valeu a pena a expectativa
Gosto muito de todo esse setting de peregrinação, combinado com o design linear do jogo, que apesar de épico do meio pro fim, sempre é bem fechado na relação entre os personagens e na jornada deles
Curti muito o sistema do sphere grid, queria que mais jogos usassem algo parecido

Pra mim, é o melhor Final Fantasy. Com sobras. A versão da Steam tem alguns problemas, mas nada que seja impossível de contornar. O jogo é fantástico.

Final Fantasy X would mark the franchises first foray onto the PlayStation 2 and the leaps made from the previous entries is immediately present. Breathtaking FMVs that still hold up today serve as one of the main cinematic storytelling elements. The in-game cutscenes are equally as high of quality, though at some times jarring when blended with the FMVs. The story is slow to start, but once it gets going it is hard to put it down. This is a somber story that reflects largely on the meaning of death, free choice versus fulfilling our perceived duty, and the relationships we share with our family, our friends, and ourselves.

just a better version of an alread good game

Excels on a lot of aspect but I really hate the minigames or side activities which is also necessary for getting the ultimate weapons also the cloister of trials are a pain and not fun at all

I went into this game with so many great expectations, this game is praised so much, some even say it's the "Best RPG of all time" while I simply think it isn't entirely true. But I can understand where they are coming from, it's a heartfelt journey with a really well done love story.

Is the Story good : Yes I think it was amazing, the connection the characters had, the journey they endured together, it was awesome. Especially the Underwater Date Scene

Is the Music good : Of course it is, the music reflects well on areas, characters, and story moments.

Is the Gameplay good : HONESTLY it was not that great, they even added Boosters and Cheat Unlocks in the Menu, it just shows how grindy this game is, it has the outdated RPG gameplay with random encounters and inflated enemy HP bars. So don't go into this game expecting exciting gameplay.

Overall, if you are an avid Final Fantasy Fan, or want to get into the series & experience a great story, then you should play this game for sure! Probably will cut down your playtime if you disable random encounters.

After 111 hours of playtime and all achievements completed I think this is it, it's finally it... I think this is the greatest turn-based RPG I have ever played, Ya?

Now before anyone gets startled by what I first said I'm talking about the gameplay and not the overall story, I think this is one of the most fun turn-based RPGs to play.

For the sake of getting this review organized, I'm gonna separate each main topic into multiple categories.

The story

Now here's a tough one, I honestly think in all of Final Fantasy X this is its weakest point but it's not as bad as it sounds. I think the way Final Fantasy X tells its story works well because it overall just feels like a pretty basic adventure tale but is filled with charming characters making the whole experience really chill. I think this word would be best to qualify most of Final Fantasy X, I think this game is really chill, it never really gets tense or anything like that it's just a very sweet tale that feels more like a romance story if anything. The characters all fit together since they all share a common goal and the only way to reach it is to work together but even though they have to work together they all happily do it without any hassle since in the end, they are all Yuna's guardians and their main goal is to protect her on her journey. I think the main end goal is alright it's just about defeating the big bad guy who terrorizes the world, though, of course, it's much more complicated than that with the twist the story provides. I think the story is enough to drive you to the end of the game without getting too much if you only care about the story, it's definitely not as novel as how Final Fantasy 7 was but X's story is still great nonetheless. Do I recommend the game for its story alone? Sure I think this story has a lot to appreciate and it mostly comes from the characters themselves. I think each of the characters feels unique enough, I mean at this point it's kind of a Final Fantasy trademark to have rememberable characters now. I do like Tidus even though it's Tidus and he's not really for everyone... I actually don't know who is supposed to relate to Tidus since usually game protagonists are supposed to be slightly relatable to but Tidus? But Tidus is just a fun character and I like him that way. Yuna is great she's just a lovable girl that only wants to make others happy even if she has to sacrifice herself in the process, I find it interesting that Yuna even though considered a "Secondary main character" most of the story rolls around her and isn't really about Tidus's story at all. They both have interesting arcs which rely on each other with both looking to be as great as their fathers. Wakka is honestly one of my favorite "Bro"
trope he's just really fun and has a really silly talking quirk that doesn't get annoying like most talking quirks. I love my little Wakka even though he's a tiny bit racist toward Al Bheds. I think Lulu and Kimahri are the most forgettable characters of the party, I think it's mostly because they don't really talk much. I feel like they kind of become irrelevant once Rikku and Auron join the party. Though I do not dislike them I think Lulu has a great relationship with Yuna making her more like her mother so it's fair if she's a little more serious than the others. But Kimahri I can't help but not care about him, unfortunately, he barely speaks and his only development is when his brothers attack him in Mt. Gagazet but other than that he's just the silent bodyguard. Rikku is fine, I think she could've been a lot better but the way they reintroduced her into the story felt way too rushed like she just instantly meets up with Tidus and the party and joins it with no issues, and then she acts as if she has always been part of the party I think it's kind of odd. But other than that she's just a sweet girl and I find her adorable even though she doesn't really bring anything to the story. And my personal favorite, Auron. God he's so badass the very first moment he appeared I knew he was the coolest, his design is so good and he actually matters in the plot he's cool! Though he's kind of just the average trope of a "mysterious guy that knows everything but only reveals important info at the end" which is more common than you may think.
Overall like I previously said the whole party and story are just very chill and they all work together, this game feels like a real adventure with friends and that's what a lot of Final Fantasy titles are but this one does it really well.

The graphics

Like I previously said I played the HD remaster so it definitely looks better than the original on PS2 but I think both have charm so the HD version doesn't really replace the original but it's still a way better experience. So based on the HD remaster graphics I think the game looks really nice, it really has that early 2000 vibes and I think this is the most Tetsuya Nomura art style ever. I don't think there's a lot to say about the graphics themselves other than some models definitely looks a bit dated but design wise this game rules.

The Gameplay

Here's the most important part of the game, the gameplay. I think Final Fantasy X has the Turn Based RPG gameplay I have ever played and I'll explain why it works so well. First of all, I think the difficulty is on point throughout the game it never gets too hard or too easy, you might get some random difficulty spikes during gimmick bosses but other than that most of the game is kind of a cakewalk. I think it works so well due to how some of the fights work especially in the early game which definitely inspired Final Fantasy XIII's combat, I'm talking about the puzzles combat where almost all characters have unique abilities to defeat each type of enemy. This might sound confusing if you haven't played the game but if you did you know what I'm talking about, for example, Auron is great at dealing damage to characters with high defense so you'll make him attack them, and Wakka has a better aim so he's gonna attack flying characters, Lulu can deal magic damage so she's gonna deal with element enemies and so on. I think the way this game makes use of all characters is wonderful especially when the party is filled with 7 characters most normal players just play with one main party but this game forces you to switch characters and it's just great. Overall the only two characters in the party that ends up useless are Rikku and Kimahri since Kimahri's main gimmick is to be able to work off other's ability but it quickly gets useless once I'll be talking about the skill tree, and Rikku's damage output is just too weak when you first get her so I didn't bother maxing her stats till the very end of the post-game, her only quirk towards enemies is that she can instantly kill Al Bhed robots with her steal attack which definitely comes in handy from time to time.
Begone basic RPG levels said Yoshinori Kitase and introduced the weird at first but really cool at the end type of leveling stats called the sphere grid. This is why I think Final Fantasy X has one of the best Turn Based RPG gameplay ever, it's the ability to freely edit your character's stats and pretty much lets you be whatever the hell you want on any character. With this system, any character can become Healer, Fast DPS, Tank, Magic damage dealer, and whatnot, completing the sphere grid for each character is no easy task though it requires insane post-game grinding but if you want 99,999 damage output on each character? Go for it!
As for the combat in general this game I personally think is as smooth as it can be and I never thought it was too awkward to navigate through menus or anything like that.

And in good Final Fantasy fashion, this game has summons called Aeons and the only person able to use them is Yuna since she is a summoner. They are fully controllable and just serve as over-the-top beasts which are great to deal damage to bosses. We have the common Bahamut, Shiva, and others but the new ones this time are Anime which is my favorite one, Yojimbo with one of the most interesting hidden mechanics in Turn-based combats, and the Magus Sisters which are just weird I never bothered using them. Though the last three are new they are only obtainable at the end of the game and are pretty much just extra Aeons you can unlock.

What about world exploration? I think it works great even though 90% of the game is linear. Final Fantasy X is an examplar game in the way it tells its linear story, it is somewhat similar to how older JRPGs did it where you just walk forward and find a new city and location without the ability to go back, well not until the very end of the game but you get my point. I have seen people comparing both Final Fantasy X's story pacing with XIII saying that people were too harsh on XIII's story when X's pacing was similar. I will not tolerate this X's slander especially when XIII is incapable to create a sense of discovery when all of its stages are linear roads with no NPCs whatsoever and it all feels like a cover shooter. In X I feel like I'm exploring a world and I'm going to my destination, In XIII I feel like I'm going through a string of bad stages with barely anything linking them together.

One last this game offers are the temples where Yuna gets new Aeons to fight with, they are unlocked after doing weird puzzles about the sphere and whatever the hell it wants. It's honestly weird and doesn't really serve anything, they are not awful or pace breakers but it's just odd to have them here, if they remade the game and decided to cut them out of the game I wouldn't give a damn.

The 100% Completion

My god, this is... this is something else and it ruined my life. I think the true way to fully appreciate this game is to complete it to 100% or at least complete all super bosses and get all celestial weapons and fully upgrade them. The 100% completion is a road full of bullshit grinding and balls-shattering minigames, but even with all of that, I think it was worth it and I actually recommend it, completing this game is definitely a gaming achievement on its own. I'm gonna talk about each celestial weapon and then talk about the super bosses.

Wakka's celestial weapon is probably the longest one to get since you need to know how to play Blitzball, actually, you need to learn Blitzball because I doubt any human would want to play Blitzball after the forced match from the story. It takes about 24 Blitzball matches to get the sigil and the three unique overdrives for Wakka. This ruined so many hours of my life and I thought the 100% couldn't get any tougher and dear god I was so wrong about that.

Tidus's celestial weapon is quite tough to get with the Chocobo racing minigame, it's an unfair race with weird controls and you need to get to the finish line without taking damage and picking up enough balloons to reduce your score to 0:0 and it requires a perfect run and a bunch of RNG. It sounds awful and it is but it's far from the toughest one.

Yuna's celestial weapon is pretty easy to get, that is if you bothered to do the destruction sphere minigame in the temples, otherwise you'll have to go back to each temple and do them. The only issue with this is that you have to defeat Dark Valefort which appears once you reach the town in Besaid. Dark Aeons are secret bosses found in the post-game, there's a Dark Aeon for each Aeons in the game and they are really tough boss fights that are often referred to as super bosses in the Final Fantasy Franchise. They are only recommended to fight once you are done statsmaxing your party.

Lulu's celestial weapon is the infamous Lightning Dodge Minigame where you need to dodge 200 bolts of lightning in a row. This is both physical torture and mental torture as well, whoever thought this was a good idea probably loved the passion of the christ. The idea of forcing us to do a tight button press 200 times in a row with very strict timing actually blows my mind, what made them think it was a good idea? 100 times is already enough so why 200? Doing this is terrifying because you don't want to miss it, it gets tougher and tougher as you keep counting up to 100+ but damn if I wasn't happy when I completed it.

Kimahri's celestial weapon was honestly fairly simple it was just about walking from one point to another while catching the blue butterfly and avoiding the red ones under strict timing. It wasn't fun but it wasn't as unfair as the other ones.

Auron's celestial weapon is about completing some part of the monster arena. The monster arena is something you unlock at the end of the game located in the Calm Plain, it's used to refight certain monsters you captured for a small fee, you capture monsters with weapons that have the "capture" effect on them. This is pretty much obligated if you care about the 100% since the very last super boss is unlocked after capturing each monster 10 times and killing at least one time each special enemy you unlock in the arena. It takes a lot of time especially when you have to work with the random encounter RNG.

And the last one is Rikku's celestial weapon. It's just a dumb hide-and-seek minigame with Cactuars based on cryptic hints. Just use a guide for this one otherwise it would be a pain, it's not hard at all it's just boring.

After getting all of the celestial weapons I started maxing out my stats to become almost invincible to most enemies and able to kick the ass of super bosses. After killing the last Dark Aeon you unlock one last final boss which is strong as Nemesis (the monster arena super boss) and blam you are done with the game. There are a few other noticeable extra achievements such as getting all 5 treasure chests during the Chocobo race at the temple which is really frustrating and my personal least favorite achievements that stole many hours away of my life, Perfect Sphere Master which is about completing the Sphere Grids for all main characters and this is a long and tiresome grind.

The Soundtrack

The soundtrack is amazing in this game, especially the HD remastered soundtrack which pretty much remade the whole soundtrack with real instruments and not weird Playstation 2 Soundfonts. Here are some of my favorite tracks of the game:

- Movement in Green
- Auron's Theme
- The Splendid Performance
- Battle Theme
- Tidus's Theme
- Prelude
- To Zanarkand
- The Trials
- Brass de Chocobo
- Thunder Plains

This review contains spoilers

é um ótimo jogo, personagens bons (exceto wakka), mundo bem construído e diversificado, sistema de batalha divertido e simples de entender e uma historia bem boa mas infelizmente eu dropei no boss final pq mesmo upado aquele filho da puta do jecht n me deixava jogar na segunda fase da batalha e eu ja tava puto com a existência do behemoth king que dava hitkill sempre q eu matava ele então que se foda fiquei sem paciência (e a trilha sonora desse jogo é fantástica fenomenal incrível perfeita

+Combat is fun and strategic
+Using the sphere grid to level up allows for a lot of freedom and flexibility
+Fantastic art direction
+World building is top notch
+Music (for the most part) is phenomenal
+Epic story

-Puzzles are oddly designed and often not fun
-Bosses rely quite a bit on status effects which can be frustrating to deal with
-Dialogue is sometimes cringy (Tidus gets a lot of bad lines and his va goes a little over the top per usual for jrpgs)
-Menus have parts that are badly designed which is bad for a game that uses them so frequently
-Some party members are way more useful than others

Overall: 7/10


A lot of it still holds up really well, love the battle system and sphere grid, the story is thematically rich, the world feels very well considered and alive despite being very linear. Auron hot.

I am choosing to overlook the typically terrible Final Fantasy mini-games.

Did you know Belgemine was Cree Summer??

This game could have been amazing if the voice acting didn't completely screw it over and the writing was absolutely insufferable. I wish I could continue to see how it all ended, but frankly I was only continuing because I was already playing it. This game deserves a proper remake like Final Fantasy VII.

Esse jogo tem o Auron, ele automaticamente já é uma Masterpiece

As part of my attempt to get more into the franchise, I decided to give one of the most acclaimed ones a shot and see how I felt about it. What I got was an enjoyable, yet sometimes tedious adventure with a fun story and a (mostly) solid cast of characters.

Let's get it out of the way: the minigames in this game often range anywhere from mildly annoying to downright frustrating. I personally didn't care much for Blitzball so I mostly stayed away from it, and the assortment of games aside from that (Chocobo racing, butterfly catching, lightning dodging, etc.) were basically all duds for me. I'd imagine it was a combination of baffling design and old-game syndrome but playing them in a modern gaming content just felt miserable as most felt like they were made specifically to frustrate the player and make it nearly impossible to win until you've given them a fair few attempts.

As for the combat, I think it was mostly solid. Outside of a few encounters (one late game boss in particular was NOT IT) and some various cheap tactics from enemies, I felt like the turn-based battles played out in fun ways and I appreciate the on-the-fly character switching. Having to make sure every character acts in a battle to get AP (the game's experience equivalent) was kind of a drag but I got over it pretty quickly. The Sphere Grid system that enables characters to upgrade stats and learn skills was a bit odd at first but I grew to appreciate what it was going for over the course of the game, with my main complaint being the availability of some of the "lock" spheres needed to unblock paths to some of the more impactful moves the game has to offer.

As I said, this is one of the handful of FF games I've played and as such I felt the story was an overall solid experience. Tidus and Yuna's relationship was fun to see grow (albeit with some rather outdated voice acting/character movements) and I felt the core cast all gelled well with one another. Some got fleshed out less than others (Lulu specifically felt somewhat dry and lacked much of anything interesting plot-wise outside of a sidequest or two) but overall they did well with what they had and the narrative kept me playing and curious to see where everything was headed.

Overall I liked my time with Final Fantasy X and can see why it's such a beloved entry in the series. I had my qualms with it and it's by no means perfect, but as a JRPG fan it's hard to argue that it wasn't influential to games that came after it in the space.

eu poderia escrever um texto com infinitas linhas pra falar o quanto esse jogo é especial, mas vou resumir em duas palavras

I remember thinking as a kid that the beginning of the game was so boring I should just quit. Luckily, it ends up picking up a lot with a pretty decently emotional story, good music, and a crazy mindbending conclusion that I didn't see coming.

Completely expected to hate this going in ("why does his outfit look like that?" was the prevailing thought I had, and a huge deterrent it was) but found myself extremely charmed by the end. Once again found it difficult to want to complete any of the post-game after the credits rolled, and there's not even that much of it.

Still, this is one hallway I would gladly walk down all over again.

Enjoyment - 10/10
Difficulty - 5/10

I first played Final Fantasy X from the Official PlayStation 2 Magazine (Issue 20, May 2002) demo disc. That experience was the first time a demo from a demo disc completely blew me away as a literal child.

Now, I am a grown man who fully completed his cherished childhood PS2 game on his PS4 with platinum trophy and all. No hesitation, 10/10 across the board.

It may have taken me 4+ years but all four years were so worth it this game I'd incredible

I enjoyed my time in Spira. The story and themes got me hooked right off the bat. The characters took a while for me to warm up to, especially Tidus, and some of the gameplay does show its age, which is at no fault of a 20+ year old game but did affect my experience. Overall, I really enjoyed playing this gem and once I got accustomed to the battle system and the sphere grid, I understood why people adore this game.

the good: no ATB
the bad: most of the rest of it

Very good for beginners of the final fantasy verse

Definitely one of the best games I've ever played in my life. Everything here is extremely perfect. From its incredible story that completely immerses you in the world of Spira with all its lore details, to the charismatic characters that it's impossible not to get attached to, and its wonderful OST, there wasn't a single track in this game that I didn't fall in love with... Although I got a little crazy towards the end because I had almost 100 hours of gameplay and couldn't stand dying to extremely overpowered bosses anymore, that doesn't erase the overall incredible experience that was this game... As I said above and I'll say it again here, one of the best games I've ever played in my life and I think everyone should play it.

without a doubt, the best game i have ever played. narrative left me in tears, OST is BANGING and the gameplay is not too shabby either. Tidus and Yuna's story is definitely something i couldn't live without experiencing at least once. also JECHT BABY HES SO COOL HES LIKE THE BEST BLITZBALLER EVER

If cutscenes were skippable it would get that missing half star because I've spent too many hours of my life watching the pre-Yunalesca fight cutscene.

This is the first mainline Final Fantasy game i've completed as im writting this (18/02/2024) and i dare to say that this game is the perfect one to introduce people into the series. it has a more normal turn based combat system compared to other games in the franchise, has memorable characters and a great story that has feels all over it. a masterpiece of a game that everyone should play.