Reviews from

in the past

i set my menu music to cowboy bebop, my walker sound effect to a silly laser, and the enemy team to look like the joker. a perfect game

A great shooter using the full power of the Source engine

i can't stop playing this game it's so fun

ty jerma for introducing me to this really fun lil wacky game

They made such a big deal about "passing the whiskey", only to remove the option to spawn with Portable Whiskey in a later update. What bullshit is that!?
Whatever, still an alright game.

Um dos primeiros que joguei na Steam.
Jogava com meu primo, um controlava a movimentação e o outro as ações.

This game is honestly pretty good but the ping can get so bad it severely hampers the online experience; that and how mechanically, movement hampers your accuracy and so you have to stand still/crouch to improve it contradicts how lethal the gunplay is, to where you have to move around a lot to avoid gunfire, and it makes for a very confusing experience at times because you're wondering why some shots from near point-blank range don't hit and others do. Just feels very luck-based at times which is when the game feels at its worst. But maybe I'm just an idiot, idk.

BUT when it is working right it's a good time - great sound, reloading is made a strategic choice due to how long it often takes guns to reload, thus effectively selling the tension of the western-gunfight fantasy, and the maps are fun and well designed.

To whoever changed the cover may your whiskeys taste like horse piss

very solid source fps mod. probably my favorite of the bunch.

Perfect one-off game to play with your buddies. Solid FPS deathmatch.

i fuck with cowboys killing each other

Fun game, uses the source engine to its fullest potential considering the one man team. Guns and combat are fun to learn, and can be a bit intimidating for some players who’ve just recently decided to play.

Played this ages ago with some friends and I remember getting so mad playing it cause I was bad at it. Cannot remember if it's actually good or not lol

Great game with friends, lots of fun!

хуета игра мандале мандале топоры ковбои

О том как Родион Раскольков решил нарубить бабок

Better than Read Dead 2 even.

if you are making a game don't try to make a different game, just make a good game
making a good game is different enough.

fun cowboy game i miss the pre-money chest days when u could start with the schofield lol

This game is fun as fuck to play with friends. "I'm gonna pump you full of lead" is part of my daily vocabulary now and it ain't going away for a while. The game isn't too active so if you are going to play it i highly recommend playing with a bunch of friends and just joining a random ass public lobby and fuck around for a few hours in a night.

Wanted to give it a try a few days ago... I love the old West so, yeah, I said what the hell..

And I can honestly say it's not leaving my had drive any time soon.

It's just a fun FPS to play. The sounds of the guns is what gets me. Real western feeling, and when you kill someone is so damn satisfying. Much more satisfying the killing someone on CS definitely.

Recommended son.

the best multiplayer FPS (besides TF2) is a western-themed Source deathmatch game that averages around ~50 players.

people think the problem with multiplayer FPS is hitscan but it's not[ASTERISK]. the problem is hitscan that fires faster than a lever-action rifle, is accurate at range, has ~20-30 round capacity, can kill in 4-5 body shots, and is in game modes/maps/contexts which are decidedly not designed well for it. assault rifles and SMGs and LMGs and many handguns are a plague. good thing a cowboy game doesn't have to have any of them.

you can have loadouts and pickups in the same game/mode; they are not mutually exclusive and combined they can be superior to either individually. just make pickup weapons better than loadout weapons.

i think this is the only FPS where dual wielding (actual dual wielding, not uzis that can only ever be held in pairs) is well implemented. it definitely sucks in the Halo games that have it.

the only criticism I can offer is that handgun style seems to be a largely unnecessary feature.

[ASTERISK]more multiplayer FPS could certainly use projectile weapons that aren't effectively hitscan or instakill explosive launchers, though. of course if they exist alongside assault rifles then assault rifles will beat them in every way.