Reviews from

in the past

Without the steam workshop content, this game wouldn't be fun to play. I know it's in open beta, but it really needs more content like side modes, items, and victory screens. Even smash flash 2 had victory screens.

Not great so far. It's still in early access though so hopefully in improves.

one of the best controlling platform fighters out there, just a little undercooked. definitely one to look out for once they get their content pipeline rolling

for a game based on workshop compatibility. they sure chose a really complicated art style to mimic. game felt more like an alpha than a beta.

The game is still early access so I’ll give it another try when it fully releases.
It looks absolutely gorgeous, some of the best pixel art I have seen. I love the assist system (Lea should be playable tho grahhh!). It allows for so many more good games to be represented, shout-outs to Wandersong. The soundtrack is certified playlist material too.
My problems come from the gameplay and lack of content. Coming from Rivals (the other indie plat-fighter), the movement is a little more stiff. I think this is largely because of platform interactions and tap-jump being really finicky. You should be able to drop through platforms out of an initial dash. It feels so good in rivals, and makes platforms more of a movement tool than a obstacle that keeps you in disadvantage.
Lastly, the game also looks too fantastic for its own good. The steam workshop has existed for over 8 months now and there’s still no character mods that quite match the base cast. In Rivals, the workshop mods blend pretty seamlessly into the low-res pixel art style.
I’ll be waiting patiently until some of these issues are ironed out in the future.

A great game that suffers from being released way too early. I look forward to seeing what it will become in the future, but it's pretty disappointing as is.

from my twitter media thread:

i wanted to throw something on my media thread so here's fraymakers. wow! for a game with among us in it, i am...pretty disappointed. rough launch, weird control mapping, and very little substance. the most i can hope for is that it gets better


its been about 9 months since i wrote my initial review and my opinion has honestly gotten WORSE. the game is STILL missing its 6th promised launch character and it seems like the massive roster of characters and assists that we were promised in the kickstarter are nowhere near. i have no clue whatsoever as to why they released the game like this. 9 months post release and they only JUST released ultra fishbunjin? i understand that game development is difficult, but this was just irresponsible release of a game lol

i want to see where this is going

Give this game 3 years and it's a solid 4 stars.

I want this game to be good so badly, obviously since this game is in very early access the game is very bland without downloading workshop characters and stages.

i made sematary in the first week of this game's release with nothing but jpg's and force of will and boredom and i couldn't upload the mod because steam wouldn't let me it leaves a bad taste in my mouth 4ever

this is honestly one of if not the best plat fighters ive played but the playerbase just doesnt exist. the balance of hitstun and endlag is actually perfect and the way you can freestyle combos feels amazing. i hope whenever the game gets finished it gets a consistent playerbase because i need to play more of this.

It has potential, but it's TOO early access right now.

Bonitinho, mas precisa melhorar, e não é pouco.

R$38,0 conto pra: Nenhum golpe ter peso, a camera é uma zona, só tem 4 boneco, os assists são meio sem graça, A ENGINE É TODA BUGADA PESADA E MAL OTIMIZADA. O Early Access do Rivals em 2015 era melhor que isso.


Genre: Indie, Fighting game, 2D fighting
game Cost: $19.99
Platforms: PC, Nintendo Switch
Online/co-op support: present
Development Stage: Early Access

I played a new 2d fighting game with an idea that is taken from the multi versus, brawlhalla and Smash bros. This is a good game and it has a lot to strive for, I think it will be good for playing with friends.

But what do we have now, in early access?

So far, the game is raw, but for this and early access. The game has several maps and playable characters. I want to highlight the presence of a workshop on Steam, where people have already created different characters and you can play with them. In general, so far there is nothing special in the game, you can also go to play brawlhalla or multiverse

5 octodad out of 10.

this game had such huge potential and then got killed by early access :(

Game feel is weirdly better than any other platform fighter I've played but there was exceedingly little content on launch, way worse than even NASB1. This game is pretty clearly in development hell but I still have to rate it accordingly.

Nada que decir, pésimo Early access.

Fraymakers lamentablemente era un juego que prometía mucho para las personas amantes de los Smashlikes, y por lo mismo creció rápidamente su hype, más aun teniendo en cuenta su relación con los juegos indie con la integración de personajes jugables o asistentes, haciendo de esta forma un espacio bastante grato para quienes conocemos de este mundo, con imágenes tan icónicas como The kid, Crewmate, Lea, y muchos más.
Lamentablemente, en su primer día, el juego dio una pésima expectativa:

Lanzamiento tremendamente tardío, sin ningún tipo de anuncio oficial, haciendo que los usuarios esperaran horas y horas para que la compra se abriera al público, postergando hasta la última hora del día para lanzar el videojuego.
Entiendo perfectamente que es un juego con acceso anticipado, pero me parece ridículo lo verde que está, parece que fuera una versión alpha o incluso más precaria aun; animaciones aun no acabadas e integradas como dibujos/bosquejos/borradores, en la mayoría y/o totalidad de personajes; controles no responsivos del todo, así también como dificultad para presionar botones a la vez, situación más que necesaria para los juegos de pelea de este estilo; mapeado de controles pésimo, que cambia la forma en que se mueve el menú (básicamente mapea tu joystick no para el combate, si no también para las opciones del menú, haciendo confuso absolutamente todo en la interfaz).
Demasiado reducida la cantidad de personajes jugables. Pésima elección lanzar la mayoría de asistentes, pero casi ningún peleador core, dejando 2 para desbloquear y solo 4 para jugar.

Me bastaron 30 minutos de juego para decir que es el peor early access que he jugado, y quizá uno de los que más esperé. Seguramente el juego vaya evolucionando en la marcha; después de todo esa es la intención de un proyecto en acceso anticipado, pero me parece una desfachatez lanzarlo en Steam a un precio como el que está en un estado tan arcaico como el que tiene actualmente.

Por ahora NO recomiendo en absoluto comprar Fraymakers, ni siquiera para probarlo.

the could've been goat got washed on release.............................

Not gonna give it a number rating because it isn’t fully out but they have a good start here. Clean up some weird hitstun issues and give me a training mode like Rivals or RR and I’m a happy guy.

Who was the guy that thought having really fluid animations for characters with a large canvas with each character needing 45+ animations minimum and only a few people ever working on it at one given time was a good idea

Pretty solid foundation, the current characters are pretty fun to play. I am excited to see this when it is finished.

excited to see whats to come

Game launched too early I think.

The foundation for a good game was there, but it launched very clearly unfinished, which can drive the audience away. It also launched with HORRENDOUS online, and this is coming from a Smash player so that's saying something.

A shame because this could have been great, but I don't foresee players ever coming back after that launch.

It has the framework and the staff to do really well. Right now, just a bit early to tell where it will end up, so a 3 for the moment until it gets more content.

This game is early access so right now it's extremely bare-bones. The only thing I would say that makes the game worthwhile is playing steam workshop mods. if there's anything I can give this game, the fighting part of this game is pretty fun. Combos feel pretty satisfying, and the art in this game does look great. But for right now I would not suggest getting this game, especially on Nintendo Switch.

Relies a LOT on the Makers part to make this game special. If only i cared. 0 out of 109.

• Gameplay is very solid. Combos are fun and there's not too many flaws besides simple beta moment stuff. The final release will definitely be great in this regard I think.
• Assists are better implemented than any platform fighter I've played. They're not too overwhelming but not underwhelming either. Choosing one to help you per match just feels right compared to summoning via an item like other games do it.

• The roster is incredibly small. 9 fighters for a final release is underwhelming. Most pay to play platform fighters offer around 20 and there's some free to play that offer around 50 or even more. 9 is even less than the original Smash Bros on 64. A small roster doesn't mean a bad game but there's just not many options.

Custom Content:
This is both a pro and a con. The ability to make custom content easily is really amazing but when custom content becomes equally as good as actual content then there's problems. It shows how easy new content is to make and makes the game's biggest flow even more apparent.