Reviews from

in the past

This afternoon, I sat in bed holding a handheld emulator, and I beat the final boss of the Gamera rail shooter.
And It's just as great as you've heard.

Every level is fast and filled with Kaiju to conquer. The levels where you shoot on Speeder Bikes might be even better than flying with gamera! they were all so damn fun. Infinite continues and a save feature + 9 stages (not a hard game until the end) + Big Highlight Bosses = an arcade treat for niche geeks.

Gamer Tip:
Hold the O button to charge Gamera's spinning attack. Very effective on Boss fights and those annoying flying enemies. Tho sometimes Gamera won't be flying around for you

you’ve heard of the 7/10 that’s actually a 10/10? bear witness to the mythical 2/10 that’s actually a 10/10.

discount panzer dragoon with a good final boss

The Tonka Truck version of Panzer Dragoon.

Necessary for rail shooter heads.

absolute fire.

p.s. watch the heisei gamera trilogy.

flying in a fighter jet with gamera as your wingman, a banger soundtrack, fmv cutscenes, weird monsters modeled beautifully, explosions of pixelated green blood???

[Played via the MiSTer Project's PSX core]

You literally get to fight alongside Gamera and get to sonic spin charge his shell at giant monsters. What a game.

The FMV scenes and acting included in this game are cheesy in the best of ways. More people should honestly know about this.

Some mad man saw Panzer Dragoon and thought that it could be better if it had more Gamera and a soundtrack by Zuntata, and they were totally right.

I did not expect to have as much fun with this shooter as I did. It's so damn wacky and unpolished, but damn it is also memorable, charming and good. I like.

Não sei o porquê de existir um rail shooter com o nome Gamera 2000, em que, ao invés de pilotar o Gamera, você pilota uma nave enquanto o Gamera fica só de assistente e nem aparece em todas as fases, com fmv de atores americanos falando em inglês com legenda em japonês (o jogo só tá no japão). Eu não sei mesmo, mas fico feliz em saber que isso existe.

Big turtle go pew pew. The game.

After months of swearing off buying more PS1 games to catch up on shit and to avoid the current state of retro prices, you fuckers persuaded me with your praise and I came into this with little information. This shit better be worth the seventy didgeridoos I threw at an ebay seller.

an hour later

Y'all got lucky.

Men will literally build a spaceship with alien DNA to follow Gamera through Neo Hong Kong instead of going to therapy smdh.