Reviews from

in the past

The only good thing about this game is it's difficulty!
It's a 1986 game, fine for it's era, but compare it to Super Mario or Zelda, it's not that great.

I like the 8 bit renditions of the music but other than that this is a terrible port of the arcade game which you should play instead

Il est vraiment super le niveau 1

Damn this game is hard I like it somewhat though I actually prefer the one on sega genesis over this and the snes one.

One of the unfairly difficult games in the NES line, thanks to the fact that they used to port games from arcade machines, which used to be done by throwing quarters to get lives. It’s a personal nightmare when the game forces you to play through the game again at the end, you see, you haven’t been fully tortured. It is a Capcom classic, for which it receives the “swearing but no boobs” medal.

Одна из несправедливых сложных игр в линейке NES, благодаря тому, что раньше переносили игры с аркадных автоматов, которые раньше проходилось закидыванием четвертаков для получения жизней. Личный кошмар, когда игра заставляет пройти игру еще раз в конце, видите ли, вы не до конца намучились. Является классикой Capcom, за что получает медаль "матюки, но без сисек"

This game is so brutal. You can only take two hits and the enemies are extremely obnoxious. It's not even worth suffering through because it's nothing special. Also, the music is awful.

This game is unfairly difficult. I always think about playing it again, then realize that I don't want to be angry. I don't have the skills to beat it any more.

A skillful game for skillful gamers.

Such skill to get around the terrible and gimped crouching that doesn't register your thumb naturally rolling on the dpad to begin immediately moving so you can evade the erratic patterns of the enemies!

I can't believe you got the alignment of Saturn's rings just right so that the ghosts don't spawn directly on top of you! Yowie wowie! A leprechaun must've jaywalked near your house, because the big guys decided not to constantly take a massive shit on the ladders and camp your ass! WOAH WOAH WOAH! What a fantastic god-fearing moment you had saying your prayers so the Arremers wouldn't swoop at impossible angles! Deary me! The Unicorn bosses didn't decide to charge you constantly?! How much did you pay them?! YA-YA-YOWZA! I commend your ability at kindly asking the jarheaded zombies to not pickpocket your lance and replace it with a torch! GODDAMN! You already knew the dragon in stage 3 was immune to the lance and grabbed the torch prior?! SKILLFUL ARTHUR! CONGRATURATIONS TO YOU ON YOUR ABILITY TO POWER CYCLE THE CONSOLE CORRECTLY!

rolls three dice

YIPPIE YAY! I rolled three sixes! I just beat Ghosts n' Goblins on Nintendo! What a great classic for the system!

turns into bongo cat and slaps the end of the table for the next hour

Btw, the Famicom version doesn't have continues unless you cheat code, Transformers Convoy no Nazo moment. Good fuckin' game. Glad I played three days in a row with a different experience each time. sips chocolate milx of quality

This game is hard and very unforgiving
Even tho the game is really short you will use hours banging your head against the wall trying to complete these levels
That could have been really unfair, but luckily this game is extremly forgiving when it comes to continues. Even if you get a game over you will start at the checkpoint on the stage you died on and with your weapon.
This makes the game playable and its fun to master after hours of playing!

There are 6 levels in the game, but you will need to complete them 2 time to get the true ending. The second time around all the enemies are faster, so its quite more difficult. I didn't use that much more time on my second run cause I had learned almost all the enemies patterns.
I say almost cause the one thing that really drags this game is the rng. Some enemies have different patterns depending on the cycle which is decided when you die.
So sometimes you can get a really bad cycle and just die
Some of the enemies also spawn in random locations and can spawn inside you, so you can't do anything about it
It can be frustration sometimes, but short levels makes it so you can feel progress at all times

The game doesn't look that great and the music is ok. I imagine people will hate these songs after a while tho.

Overall a decent game that I will only recommend if you want a good challenge and are ready to die alot
Glad I completed it
I give it 2.5/5

I got 3 levels in and the difficulty in this is straight up bullshit which makes it a boring a miserable experience, it controls like shit too, even for NES standards.

Due yourself a favor a play Castlevania instead.

Another NES game that’s fairly solid, but once again is troubled with blatantly unfair game design. The true ending of the game is also an absolute dreadful experience to get to as well…

You've somehow managed to complete this devilish game twice to see its true ending --- as a reward you get stuff like "Congraturations", "Courageour", "Strongth". Whoever translated this was smoking some strong shit...

Dear fucking god, this game is absolutely terrible. It’s one of the few games I have played that I can barely complement at all. Maybe the music is nice compositionally but it did not transfer over to the NES well at all. The game looks like shit, it controls like shit, the level design and enemy placement are shit, it runs like shit, everything about this game is complete ass. Nothing to appreciate, no reason to ever pick up again, NOTHING. I got 5 levels in before I had to step back and ask myself “is this REALLY worth finishing?” The answer is no. I’ve beaten Mega Man X7 twice. I will never beat this game and I don’t care because this game does not deserve my fucks. “Git gud” my ass.

Ugh, Ghosts 'n Goblins. That knight Arthur can't catch a break – one hit and he's down to his boxers! Looks kinda cool, but this game just wants to torture you. It makes me want to throw my controller!

It's difficult, yes, but it's just so damn fun for some reason. Very addicting for some odd reason. Difficult and a bit unfair, sure, but worth it if you want to beat it.

You have to look at this in 2 different ways. In terms of actual design, it's a 2.5/5. However, if I based it on my enjoyment, it's probably a 3.5/5, maybe even a 4.

It's very difficult for me to rank, but I'll go with what my gut tells me.

Arthur has to be the most desperate mf of all time, he really went through all this just for some pussy

What kind of armor is Arthur even wearing? It breaks after one hit!

The jumps are janky and the difficulty doesn't need any presentation: it's brutal as hell. Play with save states and rewind if you really care to finish it. Like I did.

Oh yea, this is fucking me up good.

Is there a lore reason why Arthur decided to wear the most brittle armor known to mankind? Is he stupid?

Hard in an unfair way. Imagine getting to the end as a kid and being told that you have to do it all over again.

this is truly a hell. for the CREDIT SCREEN you need to get through all both quests and then on end screen enter the code. wtf capcom??
not only that but this is very hard, unforgiving and truly a hell. you can say that on any hard games but the thing about the hard games that it motivate you to go, this game in my opinion is clearly do not do that thing.
and yes, the infamous "you need a 🛡️" screen. and there is one single question that comes in your mind, why? even tho the game is trash enough to replay it, i enter the stage select code and defeat the final boss with lance, there is no such a REASON FOR THAT SHIELD, WHY THEY MADE IT

Classic 8-bit dark fantasy-themed sidescroller that was innovative for its time, paving the way for many more classic Capcom games like Mega Man...'s also one hard motherfucker. Don't be ashamed of using save states or cheats, and I won't blame you if you can't be fucked to complete a second playthrough to get the real ending.

i was wondering why the final boss was so easy

Absolute garbage videogame, ugly colours, unfair enemy placement, unengaging combat etc. Yet somehow the worst thing about it is the music.

Extreme difficulty led by a heavy gameplay and deliberately broken movements (strange start-up frame before being able to move horizontally). The knockback on the loss of armour prevents it from being used as a sacrificial tool to effectively pass an opponent. The very tight dives of demons can be extremely frustrating, as can the amount of hit points of ghouls. Thus, inertia usually works against the player and a bad shot can be lethal, as only two projectiles can be displayed on the screen at the same time.

Very tough and took me a while to beat. Pretty awful and unfair game.