Reviews from

in the past

O designer desse jogo é um sádico masoquista escroto do caralho. Beira o injogável sem um save state.

It may be pure skill issue but I don't find fun or incentive to play a game which relies solely on making you waste quarters endlessly, not only with its horrible enemy placement, but with movement bugs, sound glitches and unpreditable enemy AI.

- 88 W. 58 H. 90 -
Desde un inicio quede enamorado de su arte, ya siendo un poco más grande por fin pude terminarlo hace 1año y me encantó lo difícil que puede ser su gameplay que en todo momento te puede castigar, la variedad de enemigos es muy buena.
Tal vez lo único malo sería que para el final real tienes que cruzar otra vez todo el juego para poder vencer definitivamente al rey demonio.

Decent game, but you can get softlooked in the 5th level if you select the axe which is bs

This game reeks. Easily one of the worst games I’ve ever had the displeasure of experiencing.

First off, this game looks and sounds horrible, even by NES standards. Not only will you be watching smeared slop on your screen, you’ll be hearing what I can only describe as the digitized sounds of babies being microwaved.

Then there’s the gameplay. Arthur feels very stiff to control, but the weapons can somehow feel even worse. The only worthwhile weapon is the damn knife, but you’re still gonna need to use the crappy ass lance with it’s terrible firing rate as well as the shield and it’s range of approximately 2 inches.

Speaking of the shield, it’s required to beat the goddamn game. Why? Cause this game is the quarter muncher among quarter munchers. Enemies either have way too much health or irritating attack patterns, sometimes both, like with the Red Arremer. The level design is terrible too, often combining the horrible enemies with set pieces that’ll make you want to put a hole through a wall. All of that combined with Arthur’s controls and the terrible weapon pool and you got yourself one of the most unfair games on the console.

Oh yeah, you have to play the game twice to see the true ending. Don’t play the game twice.

Please do not play this, even with save states. Watching paint dry is a better investment of your time.

Played the arcade version on Capcom Arcade Stadium (which was provided as a bonus for owning Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection), as well as the NES version on Nintendo Entertainment System - Nintendo Switch Online. This game is too difficult for me, I failed to clear the second stage in either version. Resurrection taught me that this series is not for me, so I do not intend to make a return.

Not the most interesting or satisfying difficult game I've played but it does have a fun cycle of finding a section complete BS then learning there's actually a pretty easy way of getting through it, just wish the game was slightly more consistent as sometimes a good method of getting through an area either becomes harder or impossible if the enemy ai decides to screw you over
This game would be a 0/10 if I had to actually spend money for continues cus I'd be broke after beating it

The original "Ending that made players want to drop a third bomb on Japan" video game

The hardest game of all time.

Ghosts ‘n Goblins is the absolute nadir of “arcade difficulty”, a game that shuns any idea of fairness or good level design in favor of a grueling experience meant to suck as many quarters out of you as possible before you either run out of money or become too frustrated to continue. Just a real bad time.

Extremely artificially difficult, even if you get the knife...

Ghost and Goblins (1985): Un clásico de su tiempo y quizá el único juego decente de su año (Obviando el brillante Super Mario, claro). Tiene sus cosillas, pero el carisma de sus enemigos y sus toquecitos de humor lo hacen un juego más que sólido (6,80)

Ghosts 'n Goblins is a wildly difficult horror themed side scrolling action game. I played through the first four levels, but it became way too hard for me. I love the theme, character designs, and music, but I am just not elite enough to see it through.

Congraturation! This review is happy end. Thank you. Being the wise and courageour reviewer that you are you feel strongth welling. In your body. Return to home page. Log Again!

This game is fiendishly difficult, but it never felt particularly unfair to me the way a lot of other NES games could do.

Nope. This one is too hard for me. I enjoy difficult games but everyone has their limit and Ghosts 'n Goblins is mine.

The difficulty starts with the movement. The hero of the game, Arthur, has a static jump arc which makes everything, from platforming to avoiding enemies, so difficult. This isn't unusual for a game of this era but the ultimate kick in the teeth is the cruel randomness of Ghosts 'n Goblins. I think that's what sets it apart from Castlevania, Contra et al.

As early as the first few seconds of the game you'll notice the red-haired zombies seem to spawn in random locations, making even the first level impossible to brute force via memorisation. The flying demon enemies are the worst offenders though; they have such a shockingly nefarious attack pattern and feel like a gigantic, undodgeable homing missile. When you combine this unpredictability with Arthur's shockingly stiff jump it makes for an absolute headache of a game where even the simplest of enemies can become an unavoidable hazard.

Playing Ghosts 'n Goblins feels like digital torture and I'm not much of a sadomasochist, so I'll pass.

On the plus side, the music is iconic, elevating the game up a half star in my estimation.

yiğidin harman olduğu yer (nes versiyonunu siktim)

Alot harder than the NES version, but it makes up for that by being really fun. It is a slog at times, and playing it through twice is annoying, but it’s still a really great action platformer. Sad that people usually play the shitty NES version.

It's a vibe bro. But that's about it.

Maybe my favorite action-platformer ever? This game is not for those with short reaction times, really tests your knowledge of video games and the game itself. Unfortunately almost all cabinets have had their buttons broken so I have only ever played this emulated on various home consoles as well as my computer. It's a solid game though I always find myself coming back to. Start of the Makaimura (魔界村) franchise which is Tokuro Fujiwara's best work (other than being the producer for Rockman) in my opinion.

controlling this game is fun and satisfying, especially with that music, but the level design and enemy placement make it borderline unplayable

Way too hard, never beat it, but had fun banging my head against it

It's merciless because it wants your quarters, but with the benefit of hindsight and versions of the game that don't set your money on fire, it was pretty solid on its merits as a game. The visuals, music and sound effects were state of the art at the time, while the level design felt varied enough.

I've played so many hard games, but this is hands down the hardest game I've ever played... And I don't mean in the fun way. This game is completely utter bullshit in every aspect of it's design, and was pretty much made to swallow your quarters back in the day. Today, you can safely play this in the comfort of your own home with save states... But even that's not enough to save this from its cheap bullshit. Beating this game gave me no sense of relief like a Fromsoft or a Contra game does. Just that I was so glad to beat this so I can move onto the (so called) much better sequels. F The only points I give this game is for the iconic designs it brought into Capcom's mascot-sphere.

It's kinda bullshit, but oddly compelling bullshit. The game makes you cautious of every step you take, the satisfaction of really nailing a section that seemed almost impossible before is incredibly satisfying. Ended up setting up a savestate at each checkpoint to make the game a lot more tolerable but also not totally trivialise it.

I've heard of this game considered as one of the hardest video games of all time, and oh boy people where not kidding.

It only takes two hits die, enemies can spawn randomly and right up in your face, and some take too many hits to kill before they kill you. It's insane.

I only got up to stage 2 before I accidentally selected "new game" instead of continue, losing all of my progress. I couldn't stomach going through stage 1 all over again, so I decided to drop it.

Screw that area full of goblin, ladders, platforms, and crows. I hope the SNES version is more palatable than this.

For a 1985 pre-Super Mario Bros game it’s amazing — vibrant, fluid, and instantly iconic. Movement is still a little stiff but it feels better than most arcade platformers before it. Unfortunately the difficulty is a barrier to enjoyment, but burning credits in GnG never feels terrible.