Reviews from

in the past

It's funny 'cause altough I am a great fan of the GoW franchise, I had never really played the game that started it all, God of War (2005), 'cause frankly, at this point the plot is so well-known that I never really felt the need to play it myself; but since I decided to sell my PS3, I wanted to finally try this one, and boy oh boy.
The game starts bad, gets good after it, gets REALLY good in the middle, and becomes atrocious in the final segment (slightly before acquiring Pandora's box, and until the end). It feels as if the game is extremely afraid to keep you entertained, like, combat is by far the best mechanic of the game, it has aged like wine, but whenever I start getting enjoyment from it, the game breaks the flow with some boring ass puzzle (some are great, and well-thought, but mostly of them are just trash and non-intuitive), or platforming session (really, WHO thought of that???). Feels like the devs were too afraid to just be fun and simple, guess people thought it would just be a Devil May Cry rip-off back then.
In conclusion, I never really felt comfortable playing this game, not because it's hard or something, but because I knew that whenever things were just too fun, something horrendous was about to come, such as the Desert of Lost Souls, or the Rings of Pandora. And also, most sub-weapons are useless, I think I've used the Blade of Arthemis twice lol

Master Piece, só não tem 5 estrelas pq o GOW2 conseguiu ser melhor ainda, mas ainda assim esse jogo é lendário

”Let the rage of the gods drive your blades, Kratos”

Despite owning both a PS2 and PS3 and loving the PSP games, I’ve never touched the original God of War series, beyond playing III Remastered when it was free on PS+ a few years ago. Finally playing the original God of War nearly 20 years after its release, I find myself far more impressed with it than I am with GoW 2018 and Ragnarok. Don’t get me wrong, this game is worse in several respects that I will get into and I don’t mean to turn this into and an ‘old vs new’ thing, but I guess what I’m trying to say here is that I just respect this game’s ambitions more.

The new God of War games are one of the few things I’ll readily call pretentious, cloaking themselves in an air of maturity and prestige that comes across like a child wearing his father’s clothes. The original God of War series, on the other hand, is famously very juvenile, but also feels much more honest. It knows what kind of game and story it is and doesn’t pretend to be anything more than that. The narrative here isn’t exactly one of the greatest gaming has to offer, but it’s effective and I do like the way Kratos is portrayed here. He’s a compelling protagonist with sympathetic qualities, but he’s also not a good person and the game doesn’t even try to convince you otherwise. Kratos puts the ‘anti’ in ‘anti-hero’; he’s at best ambivalent towards the suffering of others and at his worst will readily sacrifice others to achieve his goals without a second thought or any hint of remorse. You can see a clear line from the anti-hero he is here to the straight up villain he becomes in III.

Where the game falls flat is unfortunately in the combat, it’s meat and potatoes. The actual combat system is great, the blades of chaos are tons of fun. The real problem is how the enemy encounters are designed. Fights drag on for way too long, each one feeling like it should’ve ended 3-5 enemies ago. There were so many instances where I was begging the game to just wrap it up already. This wouldn’t be such a problem if the enemies weren’t such damage sponges. Even the weakest most basic enemies feel like they take 10 too many hits to kill. Sure, using your magic abilities alleviate this a bit, but your magic bad drains quick and again, there are way too many enemies in each fight.

Unfortunately the combat isn’t where the frustrations end, as the team at Santa Monica had some really funny ideas of what constituted an enjoyable challenge when it came to puzzles and platforming. Many of the puzzle/platforming sections are much longer than they need to be and offer such little room for error that it makes them not just difficult, but frustrating. There’s one section where you have to slowly push a box uphill while enemies infinitely spawn around you and I refuse to believe anyone played that and thought it was fun. My own personal hell is just being forced to play the Challenge of Hades for all of eternity.

God of War is clearly a very rough game and while I can’t say my enjoyment outweighed my frustration, I’m glad I played it, if only so I could have the full context of the series’ roots. This was clearly the work of a team, with the next generation of gaming on the horizon, trying to squeeze absolutely everything they can out of the PS2 while they still can, and that’s very admirable.

segue sendo gigante mesmo dando uma cãibra do caralho e fazendo de tudo pra quebrar o meu controle

idolo marcou gerações a gen z te ama kratos

A fun and satisfying gameplay loop that hard carries literally everything else.

Who the hell wrote this...? This game feels like it was made by a middle schooler who hated that girls thought he was weird. It's so awkward and clunky from the gameplay, to the cutscenes, to the level design. This may actually be the worst one in the series, spinoffs included. Even with context of the Norse games, this is still really bad.

Not to mention, they completely ripped off the most iconic scene from Devil May Cry 2 but did it way worse.

goat literalmente o melhor hack'n slash ocidental

esse careca é bem gostoso viu

Não lembro de porr nenhuma mas é nostálgico

Inicio de uma grande saga e o 3º jogo da cornologia, onde um general da cidade Esparta, após perder seu cabelo, serviu os deuses por 10 anos em busca do transplante divino, vendo que não alcançou o seu desejo ele decide se matar, assim como todos os seus objetivos até então, ele falha.

Esse jogo é uma obra prima trágica

É o suprassumo do smash button, não é à toa que é praticamente o título que popularizou o hack and slash. A história é boa e, com o passar do tempo, você aprende a compactuar com as atrocidades que o Kratos faz durante a jogatina (o que pode ser um pouco preocupante haha).

Um combate tão bom que ainda hoje impressiona (deve ter sido revolucionário na época), acompanhado por uma trilha sonora excelente e uma das aberturas mais incríveis que um jogo poderia ter.

very ahead of its time, and is still very fun to play

This game is really fun, had its poor moments (family fight) but overall a stellar time with it. I did feel like there were WAY too many enemies sometimes tho, and not like, "oh this is hard" but as a, "okay this is getting old" kind. Pretty solid game.

Até hoje eu lembro da primeira experiencia com esse jogo, e da primeira vez que vi o careca albina matando a hydra do começo eu fiquei caralho como isso é possível?

This game was alright. Kinda feels wrong putting it this far down, but considering every other main GoW entry being really great, this game does stick out. However, few moments in this series has reached me like the “ARES” scene.

This game might need a replay when I totally finish the GoW series


A história mais redondinha da franquia, possui começo, meio e fim bem estabelecidos. Embora muitos não vejam dessa maneira, esse jogo possui uma profundidade grande no protagonista, que infelizmente foi deixada mais de lado no terceiro jogo e no Chains of Olympus.

uma das introduções mais fodas da história para uma das franquias mais grandiosas da história, revolucionário. o contexto também é interessante, o jeito que a mitologia grega é usada no jogo é única e torna a ambientação muito melhor.

Breaking Bad mas o Walter matou a Skyler e a Holly

The fight against Ares was really cool :3