Reviews from

in the past

Görsellik hoşuma gitmedi, bir karmaşıklık var. Oynamak eğlenceli değil, vuruş hissiyatı zayıf. Hikaye olarak oldukça basit ve sıradan. Görevler şuraya git, şunları topla, şunları öldür gel kafasında. Çıkarken çokça reklamı yapılıp hemen unutuldu. Nedenini şimdi anlıyorum.

Visual é incrivel mas parece q só isso o combate consegui me divertir dps de mto tempo tentando entender

Entra fenomenal por los ojos; el apartado artístico y visual luce más como su punto fuerte que el resto de aspectos. Los componentes de looter y online pesan demasiado y chocan con el single player y parecen desbalanceados. Junto a la combinación de hack and slash y RPG, no termina de funcionar; su universo y trasfondo comienzan con una presentación sólida, pero el impacto se termina diluyendo y resultando muy poco desarrollado ni aprovechado; una campaña demasiado breve en comparación con el contenido alternativo, que además abusa de la repetición y tareas monótonas. Apenas vale la pena incluso en compañía.

This is kinda like those fake video games you see in American TV shows.

This game is so generic and boring.
While playing this, I just felt nothing and almost fell asleep.

To be fair, I played the game a long time a go and not really long.

Mash together Dark Souls, Warframe, and Borderlands into a heap of sprouting chunky potatoes, and this is what you get.

The game is just..mid. I only gave it an hour or so, and I kinda want my hour back. Thankfully I didn't play anymore than that, because somehow the game makes me feel more empty than I usually do.
The plot was painfully basic, the gameplay was okay, the sound, VA, visuals, all just. Fine. The game's systems seemed kinda deep, but I'm not sure who would invest enough time to know whether that's true or not.

I dunno man. Save yourself the time. There are much better titles that can do every aspect of this one, but better.

For what it is, Godfall is great. The melee is like a Warframe like with a very satisfying combat making gameplay superb. Graphics in this game are stunning. Visually the whole game looks very good. The story itself falls flat though. Especially the ending. It was just meh. I don’t think they should have labeled it a looter and focused more on being a action adventure like devil may cry.

Godfall is certainly a playable game with good graphics. That's also all it is. One of the worst plots I've ever seen takes center stage, where I had more fun imagining the writing team making paper airplanes and picking their noses before farting out a first draft in 1 hour.

Some of the most generic, faceless characters you'l ever see, have paragraphs of lore written for them and copious amounts of dialogue. Luckily, the combat in Godfall is just about good to make up for it. It's easy to learn, with large parry windows, and there's enough weapon variety, but it's just not satisfying.

There's no big hits, as your attacks just bounce off enemies and they hit you while winding up a heavy attack. It's no fun.

I don't really know why I played Godfall. Something co-op without FOMO or microtransactions? It looked good at a State of Play show. But the game itself just gets old way too quickly, as the combat spark dies shortly after the credits roll.

Which is a bummer as the developers expect the fun part to be grinding up loot for hours to make a build that feels the exact same as level 1, just with more particles. Power creep in these loot games kind of kills my desire to give a shit about endgame. Nobody is going to play this for 200 hours.

Final score is a fine out of 10. The story is the only actual bad part, and it's decent co-op fun in the vein of Outriders or Back 4 Blood. Godfall is happy with a C-.

Love the Artwork, the Design of the World, the bosses and the amour. But… I think it is okay that the playtime is not that long 😅

It has a bad story and the characters aren't very cool, but the gameplay is very fun, with the different weapons and stuff. The armors look cool. Overall, it could've a better game but I didn't hate it.

I usually don't have problems with stories being bad, or unsatisfying - but this is probably one of the few games where I have to agree that the story is a bit lackluster. It's very simple, and you don't really get any feels for any of the characters.

HOWEVER, the gameplay is quite fun. The combat is good once you get into it, the different armors and different builds you can have is really cool. I liked the visuals, I liked the music, I liked the sounds - I'm quite sad I didn't play it until now, if I had played it back when it was new, I would probably spend a lot of time in it doing the extra stuff that you can do (which is A LOT).

Glad I did play it tho', been sitting on my shelf for way too long!

One of the worst PSN+ games ever. This is nothing but a shallow loot game

Is it even possibly for GearBox to make a good game, like seriously Randy I really need to know because this was quite possibly one of the boring hack and slashers I've ever played.

I was really looking forward to this game as a looter shooter with character action game combat. I enjoyed the main campaign a lot, but I can't get into the endgame content.

The endgame content is sort of a rogue like mode, which I think would be great, but it's way too difficult in the beginning. The attributes on the gear vary widely and synergies between gear are so important that the game feels totally unbalanced. If I had better gear, I would be literally one shotting these endgame bosses, but I can't get better gear without beating these bosses that are balanced against builds that can one shot them.

Has cool moth armour in it, Hell yeah

A short yet beautiful love story featuring a lovely soundtrack and a few excellent emotional high points. It won’t take you more than an hour to finish it, but the way Florence conveys its story solely through its music and charming visuals is well done.

Full Review:

Comecei com muito hype pelo jogo ser bonito e gameplay começou muito gostosa. Mas 9 horas e nada mudou mesmo com uma variedade de inimigos legal simplesmente o jogo não tem gás pra continuar animado até chegar no endgame. fico genuinamente triste pq tem muita ideia boa e uma direção de arte bem legal (Tirando o HUD).

The story is unavailable for Challenger Edition players. I got the game for free from Epic Games, so I guess it's not the games fault. BUT ALSO IT FUCKING IS FOR HAVING SUCH A DUMB DOGSHIT EDITION THAT DOESN'T LET YOU PLAY THE FUCKING STORY FROM LEVEL 1. HOW FUCKING DUMB DO YOU HAVE TO BE? HONESTLY.

It's fun, not the most unique game, pretty much the same formula of God of War. But I did find it a fun game to sit back and relax to, not to mention for the time I was playing it at, the graphics were stunning and really felt like it was next gen.

Played till level 58 and then forgot about this game lol.

Godfall falls short of its divine aspirations, ending up more like a clumsy mortal.

This "looter-slasher" lacks depth and fails to offer a truly engaging experience. Its flashy visuals and satisfying combat can't save it from repetitive gameplay, a lackluster story, and a painfully generic world. It's a forgettable dance with disappointment that feels more like a clunky cash-grab than a polished gaming experience.

Played on PS5
Playtime: 20 Hours(Prediction)
Completion Date: June 21 2022
No Spoilers

Godfall is an action adventure looter brawler developed by Counterplay Games and published by Gearbox. It's the first PS5 game ever announced, no it's not Miles Morales. Godfall was announced in December 2019 during TGA 2019 so it's an historically important game.

It's also a launch title for PS5. Unfortunately, the game is not great. It's not even good. It's actually pretty bad. Here is why. The story is about two brothers. Orin and Macros. They are fighting, I don't know why. But Macros is winning and if he wins, he will be a god.

So we, Orin and a few friends tries to stop him and his lieutenants before he becomes a god. And I don't know why that is bad. The story is very very very bad. It tells nothing about this universe, it has pretty much no characters.

Nothing is important and most of the time, I didn't know why I was doing what I was doing. Looter genre continues to have horrible stories and unfortunately, Godfall is another continuation of that tradition.

But, just because the story is good and it has pretty much no important characters doesn't mean that the game is bad, right? Well, technically yes but in Godfall's case, no.

There are 2 things we do in this game. Exploring and combat. Starting with the important part, combat. It starts really good. You really feel every swing of the weapon but in the later stages, when there are more enemies and when they are stronger, there is a blocking problem.

And it's this. I can't believe that this is something that really happens. If you start attacking, you can't stop. You need to finish that attack animation. You can NOT cancel it. Which means if an enemy attacks while you attack which is what happens usually, you can't block. You press the block button but nothing happens because your attack animation hasn't finished yet.

This is really really ridiculous. Because of this animation cancelling issue, enemies will hit you. A lot. And you will probably die. A lot. But it's clear that the devs were aware of this because, there are checkpoints, everywhere. Let's say there is an enemy group of 5 people.

You killed 2 and then died. You restarts the checkpoint and the enemies you killed are counted. Now there are 3 more remaining enemies. This is the same for bosses as well. Boss healths has checkpoints. Would this happen if this game had good combat? No it wouldn't.

Exploration on the other hand is also problematic. There are like 3 maps in the main game. They are not big but definitely not small. Though they are not open world. They have the illusion of an open world but it's just a mix of a bunch of corridors. That's not fun.

And in these maps, there are some collectibles, endlessly repeatable boring missions and enemy patrols. There is no climbing or even jumping. Not on your own at least. The game says when you can do these and you just press a button to do those.

One quick note I forgot about combat. Enemy design. How is it? Well it's not good. The 3 maps in the game are Earth, Water and Air. Some enemies are reskinned for each of these maps so yeah, there are definitely some unique enemy types in each region but there are a ton of reskinned enemies as well.

So combat is bad and exploration pretty much doesn't exist. As you can see from all of this, you should stay away from this game but if you are curious, loot is pretty bad too. There isn't anything interesting. There are 6 weapon types and they feel different but different versions of the same weapon just doesn't feel different.

There are also these suits, valorplates I think they are called. They look really nice and they have different abilities. You might find that very cool. Well, I have bad news on that too. There is a valorplate ability that summons these little tower things and I think they damage the enemies or lock them down, not sure what they do but it's not important.

This ability has a water version, air version and earth version. So 3 of these suits has the same ability with different elements. Awesome right?

Technical state of the game is mixed. It looks really good. And on PS5, it works really well. But there are game breaking mission objective bugs and even if you play single player, you need to be online. If anything happens to your internet or the servers of the game, you will be kicked out of the game and you will need to restart.

There are Dualsense features in Godfall. Haptic feedback especially feels really nice but 3D Audio or Adaptive Triggers doesn't have a lasting impact on the experience.

Godfall is a game you need to avoid. Just forget about it. It doesn't have a story or characters, the combat is broken, level design comes from the PS2 era and thanks to always online, you might be disconnected multiple times or if your internet is so good, there are still game breaking bugs that might need you to restart the level.

Loot is meaningless and while there is endgame content, I don't think you will want to do that. I mean what's the point? There is nothing interesting to grind toward like a raid so all the endgame content is pointless.

No, I don't recommend Godfall, I recommend you to stay away from it in fact. I did a mistake, hope you don't.

Le jeu est sympa, plutôt joli en dépit d'un manque de variété dans les décors (quoique les couleurs finissent par me brûler les yeux tellement elles sont vives), mais je suis bloqué par un bug.
Je dois tuer un "boss", et après l'avoir éradiqué le jeu ne se met pas à jour et me demande encore de le buter, m'empêchant de progresser.

J'ai redémarré deux fois le niveau, sans pour autant me débloquer. Un rapide passage sur Reddit semble démontrer que je ne suis pas le seul touché par ce bug.

À côté de ça c'est quand même pas mal répétitif et le gameplay ne me semble pas suuuuuper profond. Je me contente de spammer les attaques avec un gros marteau que j'ai amélioré au max, entrecoupé par quelques esquives tout aussi spammées. Ca ne m'empêche pas de finir les niveaux en difficulté max sans trop trop forcer. Je pense que s'ils avaient ajouté la possibilité de cancel davantage les coups ça aurait été plus dynamique et peut-être plus fun. En l'état on est obligés d'attendre la fin de l'animation de son coup pour pouvoir enchainer avec une esquive ou de pouvoir se protéger avec le bouclier.

D'ailleurs en parlant du bouclier, un petit truc irritant aussi : si je fais un mouvement et que pendant l'animation de cette action je maintiens la touche du bouclier enfoncée afin de me protéger immédiatement après, bah ça ne fonctionne pas. Il faut vraiment activer le bouclier APRÈS la fin de l'animation. Un petit buffer ça n'aurait fait de mal à personne, d'autant que quand je vois à quel point la fenêtre de parry est large, je pense pas que l'objectif était de rendre ça compliqué.

Bref, je pourrai m'entêter jusqu'à ce que la mission se débloque ou bien en faire d'autres, mais au vu de tous les petits défauts, du fait que je l'ai eu gratos et que mine de rien c'est assez répétitif, je pense que je vais m'arrêter maintenant, avec presque 7 heures de jeu.

This game's pretty good you guys are just mean :(

It looks pretty but i felt nothing while playing this. It so... manufactured and generic

loved the overall design of the game but this is just not good

I love fantasy and monsters but c'mon. I'm never playing this again. There are just so many better choices.