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Una versión light de The Case of the Golden Idol pero con una dificultad modo dios. Resolver todo esto nos ha hecho sentir genial, sin duda costaba. Lo que más me ha fascinado es como contribuye este DLC con todo el Idol-verso, por llamarlo de alguna forma. Este juego y su modo de contar y revelar las cosas no dejarán de sorprenderme.

Although The Case of the Golden Idol: Spider of Lanka provides a lovely shift in setting and shows some fun backstory for the origins of the characters of the main game, matching names to faces/places in this DLC is too confusing in my opinion (especially in the second chapter). However, in conjunction to the second DLC, it is a must-play.

I can't explain how good the Golden Idol games are. The closest something could get to the feeling of Return of the Obra Dinn.

More brilliantly fun deductive storytelling around the Golden Idol. The new songs are great, simultaneously matching the vibe of the original soundtrack while also reflecting the DLC’s shift in setting. Only three levels for an expositional narrative arc feels slightly rushed, like it could have used one or two more, but what is here is great and illuminates the larger mythos and world-building around the Golden Idol, plus the usual trove of fascinating interpersonal quirks seeded throughout each scene.

Solid expansion on both the lore and puzzle solving goodness of the base game.

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Still a perfect couch coop, with puzzles that always have a click moment. But it hasn't found a way of elevating itself yet.

I didn't think to log this, but I should, because I played it, and it was just the best. I tried to limit myself to one case a day, and I was able to with this entry.

It's more of the same, just not that much more... The puzzles felt great, it itched my brain just right, and made me feel so smart without making it look too easy, and the story it told slid right into the main narrative perfectly.

Even when the levels are a bit less strong than the main game ones, this game is still an absolute blast.

Everything is a joy to figure out, the eurekas keep coming and the added sprinkles of animation and art direction really elevate what was already present in the base game. The music is just delightful as well.

A must play for those who liked the previous levels.

A great addition to the main game with fantastic music and difficult scenarios. Could have used another case though to get more accustomed to some of the characters.

Perfectly serviceable addon to the original game. Some of the puzzles can be circumvented through pure guesswork and aren't solid or relevant enough to work on their own though.

Não é tão legal quanto o jogo principal e é mto pequeno
Mas foi divertido

Started it at an airport waiting for my flight and finished it on the flight in about 3 hours. Probably could have used another few levels but for being like $4 on sale this was worth it. Very fun stuff!

Bem mais curto que o jogo base, mas ainda uma história super interessante e bem complexa de resolver. A música e cenários aqui são incríveis tho. No geral achei a vibe bem mais interessante, inclusive. Recomendo jogar tudo junto!

being only 3 levels, it is not able to create that webbed narrative that the original campaign has.
however, it is still cool to see how albert and oberon managed to get their hands on the golden idol

This has my favorite case in the game. What a plot.

El misterio no es tan interesante como Lemurian Vampire pero jugablemente este es más disfrutable en cuanto a puzles.

Der erste DLC für mein Lieblingsspiel des Jahres 2022 bietet drei neue Level zum schmalen Preis, die die Vorgeschichte des titelgebenden Artefakts erzählen. Wieder erkundet man je eine eingefrorene Szene, die meistens aus mehreren Bildschirmen besteht, um Morde aufzuklären. Dabei muss man auf Details achten, Rätsel lösen und kombinieren. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist gewohnt anspruchsvoll, ohne frustrierend zu sein - wobei der zweite Level heraussticht. Hier muss man nicht nur viele verschiedene Hinweise sammeln, sondern für die Lösung habe ich zum ersten mal einen Tipp gebraucht, weil ich nicht weiter kam. Im nachhinein war aber auch hier alles logisch aufgebaut. Die beiden anderen Level bieten ebenfalls einfallsreiche Herausfordeungen, ließen sich aber schneller lösen. Nebenbei macht es einfach Spaß, mehr in diese Welt einzutauchen, und deshalb freue ich mich schon auf den zweiten DLC und das Sequel.

Loved that additional content is available for such a special game. These 3 cases felt a little looser in their construction, logic wise & the unfamiliar character naming did add some difficulty to their solutions

jogo continua com a mesma fórmula mas pessoalmente não achei tão uaaaau quanto o jogo base, talvez a segunda dlc seja mas essa eu achei paia, porém a arte é bonita.

more case of the golden idol is more than alright with me

Fun time, not as good as the base game though

Intriguing and fun additions to the story. But I must've gotten dumber becuase I couldn't solve the last puzzle without help.

Short but excellent like the main game. Highly recommended to anyone looking for more.

Enjoyed the three new cases, would absolutely recommend if you enjoyed the main game, but I've come away feeling like they were a bit underbaked.

Lots of intriguing new characters and backstory although without much time to sit with the characters or really invest in the locations. Overall it came across quite rushed. I'd have loved to see the story spread across maybe another 2-3 cases, even if just for pacing's sake.

The clues themselves were not up to quite the same standard as the main game. Much less subtle, much more "puzzley", and often with an overwhelming amount of little boxes to fill in. The places this game truly shines for me are when I'm solving a puzzle that's really embedded in the world, but a big chunk of the DLC ones (especially those picture clues in the third act) felt like more abstract puzzle-game-puzzles rather than detective-game-puzzles.

Still a great way to spend a couple of hours and I'll absolutely pick up any future cases, but perhaps with slightly lower expectations.

Great set of cases, a bit short. The third case felt a bit scattered and felt a little unsatisfying in the end it really feels like there should have been a 4th chapter somewhere earlier in the timeline to make the ending a bit more clear. Music was phenomenal. Would gladly buy and play a dozen more games like this.

Super short but really strong that 2nd case really stumped me

A solid expansion, but a few of the deductions here are a bit opaque compared to the original. Hoping to see more DLC soon.

Acts as a prequel of the original game. Basically more of the same, if you enjoyed the original you will enjoy this.

Complete playthrough. This first DLC for The Case of the Golden Idol provides three new (prequel) chapters in very much the same style as the base game. Pleasingly, they're all quite challenging, but once again nothing's out of reach with a bit of thought and detective-work. The short length inevitably means that there's less of a wide-ranging web of complexity, but that can't detract from more of the wonderfully satisfying investigation and deduction formula.