Reviews from

in the past

This game was a fairly competent TF2 clone from what I remember... but you could just play TF2 instead.

Oh my god please give this game a second shot please I remember it being really fun

Las pibas con una máquina del tiempo mati volvamos por favor
Los pibes tengo que detener a Warner antes de que cierre Gotham city impostors

too bad this game is dead its better than some cods

Someone bring back this or a sequel for the love of God. It was "coke".

Unfortunate what happened to it. This multiplayer experience had quite a riveting pace with very satisfying gameplay. Just wish there was a bit more customization and content, which would've been the crutch it needed to live a little longer.

i want to know what the pitch for this game was

i bought this 1 day before it went free to play and it annoyed me so much i took a 2 year break from playing it

Hot Take: It's Team Fortress 2 but more fun

Honestly a great idea for a game. I remember loving using the grapple gun, I though it was the coolest thing ever lol. Died so fast tho.

It was simple and it was fun. Graphics were whatever, the gameplay was repetitive (as all shooters were in the 2010 so this isn't a negative) classes were imbalanced and many more flaws. However, I believe the hidden gem here was the customization that tuned a bad character into a good one and vice versa. Each class offered a fixed play-style that drastically altered to change the gameplay. I have vivid memories of my friends and I all using heavy-weight characters (big health bars but slow mobility) while wearing roller blades (big dudes now move fast). Did our new builds work? Who cares, it was simple dumb fun

This game should've came out in 2020

After watching both Marvel's Avengers and Kill the Justice League fall flat on their faces within years of each other trying to monetize superhero characters and microtransaction costumes, I think they had the winning formula here in 2012. If this game came out today as a cheap or free to play game I think it'd do insanely well.

A great CoD knock off with some really fun gadgets. Now that I think about it shares a lot of gameplay with The Finals which got a lot of praise when it released last year. I don't think it's possible to play this online anymore which is a shame.

I think the most annoying thing about normie-farming big business is that its actively incapable of promoting good things. This game is 1. an incredibly fun, zany 2. COD knockoff 3. focused on cosmetics of 4. two of the most popular DC characters ever, and its dead in the water cuz it came out in 2012 instead of 2022.

Like, cmon man. Were gonna make drek like Suicide Squad but not cash in on Gotham City Imposters, especially when its the kind of thing on paper they would cash in on? Can there be absolutely no justice in the world? Not even a smidge? A crumb?

Comic-con at night be like

this is the shit for any child that couldnt play CoD in front of their parents

this game was gas back in the day

It's nice to see what happens during the Arkham games. This game is canon.

I did not expect the batman call of duty clone to be THIS good. I spent hours and hours in lobbies. I wish this got revived somehow- but I just know the microtransactions would run rampant.

This was the hip thing to play for 3 days then people just never got back on without a second thought.

I miss you my sweet child.
This will always be my favorite competitive online game. The PC version is terrible and it's the only one still up. A modern tragedy.

It was fun… but flawed… and it died.

Gotham City Imposters was a call of duty clone, first person shooter with some grapple mechanics. This game worked much like regular call of duty where you’d play as people dressed as batman and people dressed as joker and shoot at each other in game modes like Team Death Match or Capture the Flag. There wasn’t much of a story to this game nor a point really other than to be a humorous DC universe FPS game. The base gameplay wasn’t terrible and actually pretty easy and fun, but it had some pretty horrendous match making problems where my friends and I would get separated often or put against people that were noobs and much lower levels than us (not that we were crazy high-level players we didn’t play this very long) and sometimes the game lobby would just crash. We got bored with this game fast considering it had limited game modes and no single player or co-op stuff to do and I think that’s what happened to a vast majority of people who tried this free to play game because this game was shut down a few years later. Weird games like this feel like something I dreamed up and not like an actual real game, like who green lit this and why did it get made? Who was this for? What Target audience? I guess kids that like DC but also play call of duty? A very strange idea that ultimately failed but it wasn’t terrible, if it had better match making id say its about an average multiplayer experience but in the state I played it in which was a month or so after launch id give it a 4.5/10