Reviews from

in the past

Short and sweet, while I'm not as attached to the story as a lot of others I still like it a lot

she cries so much they are so happy together oh my god
its too cute........

Visual novels continue to be the genre that impresses me the most, and frankly I don't know if it's because I underestimate them or they can just be that surprising. Regardless, Her tears were my light got me thinking about how one can approach these types of games, make it meta within the story, and for the most part, make it work. In a lot of ways, this game is more of a mystery rather than a simple visual novel. The way you go through various routes are there for you to collect pieces of information (memories) and effectively use them to piece together what is really going on.

Her tears were my light doesn't have a big cast nor is this game particularly long, but it uses everything to really grip your emotions in the short time it has you. It gives depth to each character, their motivations, and a conflict that both can put things into perspective and appreciate the hardship everyone goes through. There isn't much else there aside from it's story and gay romance, but there really didn't need to be. It says what it needs to, and it's message still sticks to my heart. If you're looking for a game with some nice emotional payoff, this game will give it to you in record time.

Um dos melhores jogos deles apenas por que beijo lesbicas

such a cute game.. personified abstract concepts who r sapphics amirite

Short, sweet and very cute
Did its theme surprisingly well
Innovative on RenPy's rollback mechanic
And most of all, it's cute as hell

Um dos jogos mais fofos que já joguei. Definitivamente um marco na minha vida. A trilha sonora é excelente apesar do jogo ser bem curto. Para quem curte jogos LGBTQIA+ esse vale muito a pena.

Answers the age old question of "what if Dialga and Palkia were lesbians?"

Brain, please stop associating these characters with v-tubers.

A very precious story with charming art. I refuse to spoil it - it's short, and worth a read.

A soft touching story told with a creative use of the visual novel medium, it's only 40 minutes long and really cheap, great if you're looking for a quick evening read.

i love how this game uses renpy's built-in mechanics in a really original way to create a time loop

A cute, short visual novel with some enjoyable visuals

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Quem diria que a solução para a morte térmica do universo era lesbianismo poliamoroso?

You ever have an existential epiphany while playing a game about the concepts of time and space being lesbians? I have.