Reviews from

in the past

A valuable part of the game. Great new location, story, and abilities. Definitely a worthwhile experience just as good as the base game

I like this DLC. The new setting is actually pretty interesting and new enemies are fun to fight. The characters are also pretty cool. The story gives some new and interesting story points to think about. I also enjoy the new quests added.

This expansion certainly was a step in the right direction with the new area and different creatures to take down and new armors to acquire. A more interesting little story to go with it too. I still need to play burning shores one of these days and I hope that one turns out as decent as this one did if not better.

New machines provide a tough challenge, interesting story about a whole new section of the world, unexpected difficulty spike.

Great content addition to the main game, I always love snow "levels"

A fantastic DLC for a fantastic game. It adds a full story and entire new area to the main game. There's new skills, new enemies and the story is good. Worth every penny if you like the main game.

A very Solid expansion of an amazing game. The story was fun to play through but nothing special. The new weapons, while fun, where not special enough to change my playstyle.

A pretty solid DLC for a pretty solid game, that was a bit more interesting to me than the base game side-quests, but not quite as compelling as the original main story. The new enemies were interesting enough, but not that distinct. The snowy setting is cool, but honestly it's a little sad because it just isn't as visually dazzling as the rest of the world. Effectively just HZD boiled down into a smaller experience.

A pretty short story. Some interesting characters and a few new enemies. Pretty cool overall.

Well, it's pretty short and rather empty considering that short length. The good things here are the same things that are good in the main game. But it doesn't bring anything new.

I struggled in the main game when I started grinding side missions, digging for more interesting content (e.g. new challenges/compelling characters or narratives) that wasn't there and this just felt like more of that.

There was very little here to excite me and the things that did turned out less interesting than I hoped they would. So if I could go back I probably wouldn't play this again - those few good moments don't justify the length and emptiness here.

Gelungenes Spin-Off, das die Schwierigkeit deutlich anzieht. Bringt die Geschichte zwar nicht wirklich weiter, aber es ist schön in die neue verschneite Welt einzutauchen.

I did the Horizion DLC, The Frozen Wilds. This new area is super fun to explore and you can see they put a lot of effort into it, especially with how the snow works, new character animations, how the music is used. Really atmospheric and cool. Really substantial add on.

Played as part of the Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition. Link to my review here:

The Frozen Wilds takes place in a (presumably) unused section of the vanilla map; an icy wasteland known as the Cut where the vicarial Banuk reside. I’ll confess upfront that frost-based settings have always been a personal love of mine, and so I was immediately smitten by the depiction of the tundra Guerilla Games provided here.

Entering the location yields different dialogue depending on when you do it; however, Aloy’s purpose remains the same: to uncover more information about the Banuk. There, the story sharply takes a turn into Shakespearean territory as the heroine is caught up in an inter-tribal conflict arisen from the impending eruption of an adjacent volcano. What do the two have in common and why are there so many rogue machines? It’s up to you to figure that out.

Despite the seamless accessibility, it’s impossible not to see an uptick in graphical quality from the OG game. (Mostly) gone are the snap cuts and static NPCs who would barely move when conversing 1-on-1: there’s so much more life now, as though their performances were individually acted-out over being rendered by a baseline algorithm, with the camera capturing this anima perfectly. And while I didn’t have strong objections to the countenance animations of HZD, facial expressions are unmistakably improven as well. A final enhancement I caught was the generation of footprints in the snow. In Horizon, it was very haphazard as to whether or not they would even form, and your mount flat-out produced zero. It couldn’t be more opposite here. Enjoy leaving trails in the flurry banks, the snow having that shimmering aesthetic sighted at certain times of day.

Sound is much pretty much the same, with the music’s exploratory leitmotifs seeing a greater dip in caliber. However, courtesy of the aforementioned performance excellence, voice acting is a lot more consistent than before.

Gameplay, too, is largely equidistant. Frozen Wilds introduces some sweet meteorological particle projectors, but they don’t shake things up much. At the end of the day, you’re still going to be using your bow-and-arrow. A few new machine classes have been fashioned (two of them modeled after grizzly bears!), and I’d be lying if I said they didn’t pack a punch- you’re going to need to prepare before walking into these fights.

All those technical aspects aside, is the plot worth it? The answer is absolutely. Frozen Wilds tells a small scale story - it’s not that it doesn’t relate to your overarching odyssey, but more-so that it’s about personal relationships and less about macro events. The Banuk being organized into Weraks that emphasize adoption over bloodlines makes their openness to Aloy more organic, and Aloy exhibits a lot more spunk this time around, making her less of a follower when objectives need to be completed. Personalities, most notably that of Aratak and Ourea, are fleshed out, and it gives the undercurrents to everything real meat when conflicts arise. The momentum and mystery never drop, pacing is solid, and the resolution feels earned. By the end, I felt I understood the Banuk culture more-so than any of the game’s other tribes, its pros and cons included.

Sidequests continue the main game’s trend of being better than simple fetch tasks. They tend to dig deeper into Banuk lore, and the terrific performances ingrain that interlocution with memorability.

Tl;dr - Frozen Wilds is a great DLC.

I enjoyed the base game enough to want to check out this DLC, and it didn't disappoint.

The Frozen Wilds took place in a new region called the Cut, its storyline revolving around the Yellowstone Caldera and rogue AI. My impressions were positive—I loved Zero Dawn dearly, and the expansion was just more of that, with a manageable amount of activities to complete. It also had the most powerful weapons of the game to deal with the challenging enemy variants, and taking those into new game plus was totally worth it.

i think the new weapons were fun and the new story was fun. honestly it's more horizon zero dawn and i like horizon zero dawn so i enjoyed this.

The story is predictable but it's really sound. I liked this more than the actual main game lmao

Very good addition to the main game, interesting new map, weapons and outfits.

Story is kinda predictable and already seen in a main game.

Last mission was great.

finished Frozen Wilds side quest, and some errands. Few errands left. Would have finished the same day I started but no electricity and no time. The Banuk are the coolest. At 87hrs rn. Finished base game around 60-70hrs. Did a lot of map unlocking, collectible hunting and side quests till about 75hrs. Actual dlc took maybe 9hrs.

Very good expansion, improves on everything the original did wrong and then some, and makes an experience that I remembered more fondly than the entirety of Horizon Zero Dawn. I played on PC and had some technical issues, crashing for no reason at a very specific area, as well as some odd visual glitches during certain cutscenes. The story is okay, but the real star of the show are the sidequests, which have entirely new life breathed into them through the stories they tell and the incredible live performance work in all of the cutscenes, ditching the procedurally generated lip flaps and canned animations of Zero Dawn for something much more quality.

This review contains spoilers

That WHOLE conversations with CYAN was the best thing in this Frozen Wilds!
That's what I care, also I am glad I left this DLC for later and started it when I finished 3/4 of the main game so I had more topics to talk with her
You know the sad things was reading old ones' stories
Especially unfinished love story
Actually those were the only fun parts other than great atmosphere for me
I couldn't care less about main story in the DLC
I still don't like the combat and try to avoid it as much as possible
And main story was bland unfortunately
Graphics were still incredible though
I love snow environments in games
Also faces were definetely improvement. And side quests were a tad better here I guess.
Overall, it was still fun I guess. This franchise is interesting to me because I don't love it and I'm sure of this but at the same time it gives me a kind of satisfaction. I guess it has to do with my completionist side to a degree.
It is still above average. And again: that winter atmosphere

The side quests in this were more compelling than the base game's. More vibrant and memorable characters as well throughout. Hell, Gildun alone carries it I love that guy lmao

Lack of truly new machines was the one disappointing aspect - scorchers and fire/frostclaws didn't feel all that different from standard base game fare. But HZD combat is still pretty fun so

Pretty good DLC from what i remember of it (not much honestly). More of what made the main game great.

Eben alle Trophäen geholt! Frozen Wilds war im Prinzip more of the same, hat aber insgesamt Spaß gemacht. Viele der neuen Gegner waren leider nervig und Damage Sponges, aber overall war’s schön, wieder mit Aloy auf die Jagd zu gehen.

beautiful and fun DLC, i really like it
except the new strong robots, those are horrible to fight

Note: This is a smaller review as it is only an extension of the main game which I reviewed seperately.

The Frozen Wilds should be an instant pick up for ANYONE who played the main game.

As far as DLC's go, this game nailed it. Aloy ventures up North of the mao to this area where you will gain access to the Frozen Wilds, a gorgeous snowy landscape where you will find yourself helping a snowy tribe, whilst also getting some niche rewards in return.

Whilst playing the Frozen Wilds you can earn special types of weapons by collecting Bluegleam and other resources (which is used to buy these extremely powerful bows).

You don't have to complete the story to unlock this place but get far enough where it won't spoil the main game.

I can't recommend it enough, as it literally comes with the complete edition, and should be an instant pick up to anyone who didn't get the complete edition as well. Great story, great world, and amazing characters, and I would almost say that aspects of this are BETTER than the main game?!

some improvements compared to the main campaign but this game is just so meh in almost every aspect

Very interesting DLC. I loved the setting and the story, the new machines are great, and it brings many new things to the game. I really liked how it is a self contained area and they can do some interesting things, I recommend playing thru this if you're playing the main game.