Reviews from

in the past

Si este juego no es perfecto es por los pequeños niveles de plataformas, son una aberración. El resto podría serlo, si algún día sale el 3 será de lo mejor que la humanidad podrá ver

The art, the music! What a beautiful game with such a unique look, and to contrast that with a classic JRPG battle system works so well! I hope everyone in the world plays this game! Although, i despise the platformer sections. I am not good at platformers. It was hard. At least Xeno Arcadia, one of my favorite songs on the soundtrack, plays there. And sometimes, we need adversity to be able to truly feel satisfied. Or something.

if you like jrpgs but wish you could jump, boy do i have good news for you

La saga Hylics, como pocas, comparte su corriente artística surrealista con otros títulos como Yume Nikki o el aclamado Earthbound. ¿A qué debe este título su excentricidad? La mano de Mason Lindroth, y no hablo únicamente en un sentido figurado. Comenzando ya nuestra primera batalla, nos percatamos de un curioso detalle: los ataques se realizan a través de la animación de una mano, la misma de quien le dió vida a la saga y a sus carismáticos protagonistas.

Más allá de esto, es imposible que su estilo gráfico pase desapercibido, pues se trata de arcilla digitalizada. Nuevamente, la mano de Lindroth, quien ya establecido como artista, decide llevar al plano digital su trabajo, y no contento con eso, dotarlo de una ambientación musical digna de influencias como Pink Floyd o Frank Zappa.

Si bien Hylics 1 instauró la esencia de la saga, el trabajo de un solo hombre no fue suficiente, y gracias a la psicodelia y maestría de Chuck Salamone, Hylics 2 vio la luz. Ya no hablamos solo de un grandioso y novedoso concepto artístico, sino de una jugabilidad pulida, exploración y mecánicas divertidas, "minijuegos" con referencias a títulos clásicos que suponen un verdadero desafío y, cómo no, una renovación en el aspecto artístico acompañado de una nueva mano, la que da vida a, me atrevo a decir, las más extrañas y deleitables sonoridades de la industria de los indies hasta la fecha.

Finalmente, retomar el concepto de la carne: con ésta subimos nuestros puntos de habilidad, se nos desprende de la piel escalofriantemente al morir, y dará paso a una de las batallas estratégicas más alocadas del mundo de los RPG indie actuales.

Sin duda, un título que, si te interesa la experimentación, la abstracción y el bizarrismo, no puedes dejar pasar.

This is a fantastic sequel. It almost fixes absolutely everything wrong with the original while tripling down on what made it great in the first place. This game goes in directions I genuinely didn't expect and I loved every minute.

We need Hylics 3.

Started replaying this, it’s pretty excellent especially visually although a lot of the gameplay isn’t as strong as the visual style. The combat in this game is excellent

Insane, une ambiance unique et un gameplay qui marche bien. Dommage que les combats soient si exigeants.

wish it had more substance, pretty shallow once you are used to the artstyle, also the artstyle loses some of its effectiveness by being made almost exclusively of random blobs that mesh together and leave no impression and feel almost lazy, but it gets points for its unique gameplay, the extremely well made animation and art, and its very weird and unique way of handling battles (very hard encounters, never lets you feel powerful, no easy encounters at all, but no consequences for failure and almost always a complete restoration right after)

(also the games consumable balance is bad, spells almost always do more then consumables, and while consumables make up for in better numbers, those better numbers are mostly not needed, only time i used consumables was in the crazy batshit last fight)

eu sinceramente acho que esse jogo deve ser jogado com algum alucinógeno. da pra jogar sem? obvio. eu joguei. mas com uns cogumelinho deve ficar do caralho.

Not a direct recommendation, but @moschidae recommended a lot of RPG maker games a while ago. I looked at some of them but this one caught my eye the most (I know it's not made in RPG maker, the first one was, but this looked way more up my alley. Plus moschidae gave this a good review, sooooo I'll credit her still.)

Winner of the award for "Best Face Melting Animation"

And winner of the "Best Cookie Deployment Animation", and "Best Hands", among many others. The most appealing thing of Hylics 2 is most apparent just by looking at it. The use of claymation for characters, environments, and the enemies would be one thing; but to then go off-the-rails into the surreal and make everything so otherworldly. No other game looks quite like this, not even other games that utilize claymation. Just watch these enemies yourself from the Steam store page, words can't do this game justice. (
I'd often find myself just staring at the enemies during combat, just trying to process what in the sweet Hell am I looking at. And I love how to help with the uncanniness, most enemies don't move at the same framerate. Some are far more choppier then others, snapping from one pose to the next with seemingly little rhyme or reason. But it doesn't end there, every single spell (called gestures) and item used has their own unique animations. No game needs this much effort in using a burrito with how it rotates, opens, crumbles and warps into nothingness. Gestures meanwhile are somehow vague in what they do, yet you stare at them and think "Yeah it makes sense why that'd cause you to bleed (called "Leaking" here)" Even the less extravagant animations still have flair and a great sense if impact. Pongorma's Lightning gesture has a great "One, Two... THREE!" motion with flick of the hand casting the spell, causing the final impact to feel much more powerful.
The cherry on top is the solid turn based combat, though not without a few snags here or there. It's a moderately challenging game with how on top you have to be with buffs and status effects. Every enemy can cause at least one status effect that range from minor damage overtime to "Deal zero damage now!". Does share that issue with a lot of other RPGs where the beginning can sometimes feel harder then the late game. You learn more spells and find better equipment by the mid game, so it helps accommodate for the statistically stronger enemies; whereas early on your strap for consumables and you have so little Will (your MP equivalent for spells) that every gesture is a commitment. The encounter design also doesn't mess around. Fighting four or more enemies is the norm, and solid "Hit-All" attacks are rare for your party. Yet, for me at least, I never got messed up too badly. Some encounter were tense yes, but I never felt I couldn't make a come-back from a bad situation. Grinding isn't even a potential solution for two reasons: 1). Enemies never respond, and 2). There's no experience but instead meat. Meat is used to increase your party's flesh, which is your health in case there's any confusion. Yes having more health helps, but it almost always comes down to better strategy, item usage, and equipment to make the ride smoother. Items especially. You're a bit limited at the beginning, but you exponentially get a ton of them later on. Use them whenever, it'll make life so much easier. Lastly I wanted to comment on the party and how simple they are. Every party member has just one unique gesture and different starting stats, and apart from that they're the same. If you told me that before I played this game, I would've been under the impression that "That seems pretty boring". Yet every spell has important roles and usage, especially the exclusive gestures. It instead makes the party surprisingly moldable for any composition you want... just like clay oH FU-
I hate using this word, but exploring Hylics 2 really is a "vibe". The soft, melancholic surfer rock soundtrack paired with surprisingly expansive movement for a turn based RPG makes exploring very soothing yet fun. The iso perspective could've made platforming a pain, but there's a handy marker for where you player character is going to land at all times. Also helps that this game isn't terribly long, so you never get fully use to the weirdness and you're continuously surprised by interesting design after interesting design. You become very accepting of the strange and just go with the flow. Even the main battle theme isn't overly energetic, but does invoke a bit more tension. That said, the final boss theme goes pretty hard and is fantastic, even if the fight itself was pretty easy.

Makes me excited to see the artist behind this game, Mason Lindroth, is making another Hylics game and it's looking just as creative as this game. Big recommendation.
The main villain being named Gibby fucks me up more then it should.

Essa turminha é foda hein
Mas sério pau no cu desse Gibby aí muito otário filho

Mas falando sério esse jogo tem um modo de realidade aumentada secreto muito foda que chama LSD, só usar e aproveitar o jogo mesmo com o pc desligado

One of those amazing games you can't recommend to everyone. Not even in a pompous way--it took me a bit to force myself to get through the hurdle of exploring and understanding the game, but once I did I enjoyed it very much.

The Hylem-xylem hotly resists a Hyelm-xylem

A very surreal and artistically grounded experience, there is very little bad you can say about Hylics 2. This is the kind of game you grieve finishing, for its short length Hylics impresses a lot on the audience with its evocative dialogue and scenery. There are very few games that manage to fully utalize the medium as well as Hylics does, the art is inseparable from the game and the game feels inseperable from the world built around it. It is the kind of thing that is clearly made with love and is wholly one of a kind.

Other than the obvious things Hylics is known for like its clay animation and the fantastic music, i was very happy with the amount of options the game had to prevent you from struggling or becoming annoyed. Nothing lasts longer than it has to, and for an rpg that is very important. Minigames like the lil' wayne sections had various difficulty modes, and enemy encounters are a once-time thing with no respawning foes. Fights are visually engaging and you are always finding new techniques (as long as you explore) so battles dont ever feel dull, and the game is so short that the player will likely always feel like theyre progressing, there is no need for grinding or anything like that.

The one issue Hylics 2 has is sometimes, it lacks direction. There is very little hand-holding, which fits the game well, but i found myself lost a few times trying to find the Sage's coins and especially during that first person dungeon-crawling segment. There are also a few areas that arent really obvious you're supposed to interact with, or lead to a new part of the game. I think tutorials wouldnt really mesh well with how Hylics functions, but some more visual cues would of been welcome.

Hylics 2 is a once in a lifetime game that doesnt seem to get as much admiration as it should. Looking at it, if it seems like it would appeal to you then i would absolutely recommend going for it as youre never going to see something else similar to this again.


man I wanted to a play a turn based rpg not a platformer

one of the coolest games ever in terms of art direction, but the gameplay is like generic RPG shit. maybe ill finish it up at some point, but a pretty face only can do so much...

me gusta mucho mas el primero muy a mi pesar el combate es un poco bushyasta en este

Somehow one of the most memorable and enjoyable RPGs I've ever seen. Manages to polish the originals art to perfection and creates a unique progression loop without exp. Keeps combat interesting with odd skills and it's really fun to learn how to exploit the game. Then out of nowhere turns into like 3 other games. Everyone should play these 2 games to really understand how incredible they are.

You know when you wake up with a huge hang over after trying a new drug and tell yourself "Uggh I'm never doing that shit again".

And then the next week you buy it a second time. Thats Hylics 2

A huge step up from the original Hylics, everything having a significant boost in quality from the animations, music and models to the general vibe of the game being much more relaxed. This game and the first paint a wonderfully confusing picture of a cyclical world that confuses me the more I look into it. I can't wait for whatever Mason Lindroth puts out next.

Wayne: shapeshifts into a 22 feet snail for no apparent reason
Guy whose name is some shit like Pindamonhangaba:
"Hoooooly moooly that body of yours is absurd" joins your party

This game is a lot more Approachable compared to the first game which makes me harbor a slight bit of resentment since I liked the surreal ambiguous weirdness more, but this is still a very solid game with genuine improvements in pacing and overall gameplay.

How many y’all like











I adore the art style, though I ended up dropping it. Game just lost my interest after a couple hours

Delightful as ever, but disappointing. Hate platforming.

days like these you could really use an organ fort.

i love this game dearly, but it's hard to recommend to people because it's very much carried off of its art style. it has a truly absolutely spellbinding art style with some of the most fascinating animation you will ever see, but beyond that it's just a very basic RPG with wonky overworld controls and annoying minigames. i strongly recommend using a gamepad for this title
the megaman-style platformer is particularly egregious, when every attack causes knockback and moving platforms completely break the game's physics