Reviews from

in the past

This shit is actually really fun I just got tired because it rlly is just kind of a silly minigame collection, i think ill pick it up and beat the rest in a later date when I want some time to kill

i got up to the minigame where you have to repeat the robber's song with the pig or something and my emulator softlocked whenever it started so i took it as a sign to stop playing. shame cuz the ska and presentation was fun but at least i only had to play that awful titanic minigame once!

they really had the balls to have you do the damn Titanic minigame three times

It has some charm with its over the top and zany tone, but its really held back by its structure and a good chunk of the minigames being really reliant on mashing or asking you to be unreasonably precise.

The mashing is limited or something so you have to have to find a rhythm on the mash segments instead of being able to do the vibrate thing with your arm, which fucking sucks

Minigame collections live and die on the overall hit and miss ratio of their games and oh boy Incredible Crisis really drops the ball more often than not. The wacky storyline that flicks between the main leads is fun but none of the matters when the core games feel buggy, boring or even at times physically painful to complete.

And I said complete and this is probably this game's biggest sin. Theres no skip options, theres no way to pick and choose games. Instead its do or die the entire game with a limited life and continue system and this just is nasty, especially when some of the games I REALLY hated decide to re-appear multiple times (such as the boat sinking game).

Its a shame because theres a few games that do shine and you cant help but like some of the 'Lol zany' Japan theme but overall its just too much of a mess to persevere with for too long.

This is a very bizarre japanese game, I'm surprised it was even localized at all. It has a lot of personality and I personally love the humour. I like how the stories of all family members connect with each other though this game is tough af and sometimes borderline unfair.

Massive respect to whoever had the fucking nerve to localise this game officially to the west. Some people in the 90's probably got some well-earned culture shock by the way this localisation makes no attempt to flatten out the Japanese quirks at a time when publishers loved doing so. Is this particularly good? No. It's a cutscene-first minigame anthology where the minigames feel like an afterthought. Generally they're just a bit baffling (not necessarily in the fun Warioware microgames way) and just a tad overlong. Do people who only play "good" games appreciate the finer things in life? No. Sometimes on your pursuit for Gaming Idyll you have to do the Titanic minigame three times. Much to love here, the fun ska soundtrack and general attention variety on top of weaving the character's arcs together in the clumsiest funniest way possible. We have the number one mum in gaming right here. Button Mashing is a tool of sustenance that must be regarded with the same historical reverence as the plow. It's like an hour long too, nice nice nice.

A less-than-2-hour romp through a range of mini-games that can be anywhere from creative to derivative to broken to excruciating, propped up by visual charm, a ska soundtrack, and a madcap story devised by the founder of Love-de-lic. Plus, so many Western pop culture references (of which many were NOT added in localization) that this game may as well be called "I Can't Believe It's Not A Shitty Fox Kids Cartoon from 1994 That No One Likes But Got 5 Seasons Anyway". Exactly the kind of game that deserves several more eyes on it, and a second shot on modern consoles with improved design choices. Frustrating, but a fun thing to whoosh through on a bored night or two, preferably with frequent save states and pausing to give your fingers a rest (a LOT of button mashing - the final mini-game requires you mash X and TRIANGLE, even).

the minigames suck and having limited lives is terrible but I like the fun japanese ska aesthetic

You (almost) can't say majestic without ska.