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Video game royalty in terms of movie tie-in games, the 007 films have spawned a surprising amount of great shooters, with Night-fire, Secret Agent and Goldeneye being some of my favourites. Unfortunately, after the 360 generation, the fairly constant stream of 007 game releases seems to have dried up, so these 360 releases are some of the most recent games for Bond fans. This one is based on the movie of the same name, which I barely remember, featuring the likenesses of Bond and I presume all the other characters. I have to admit I wasn't really interested in the story, I was mainly looking for a nice short FPS campaign, and that is exactly what I got. QoS is not going to blow you away, but it is a very decent shooter. It has a nice variety of detailed levels and a story to move the action along and explain what you are doing in each location. The gameplay itself is really fun. It blends first person shooting with some third person cover action and the good level of difficulty and decent AI make it work well. There are some collectables here and there but it isn't too complicated. It gives off a nice and simple Night-fire style feel and is a nice change from modern games without feeling dated or archaic. My only major complaint is the controls, which were unresponsive and a little frustrating but didn't ruin the fun. This one is a great shout for FPS fans, bond fans and in general people who enjoy a nice short linear campaign with a decent story. Grab it.

Honestly, this was surprisingly a lot of fun. I don't even like James Bond and barely watched the movies, but this just works as a great COD clone. It's just long and varied enough to entertain through it's entire playthrough, the story and storytelling leave a lot to be desired, though.

If you want to hear more about this game, check out my video review

Tytuł z końcówki okresu gdy każdy większy film akcji musiał mieć swoją grową adaptację. Pamiętam, że gdy miałem w okolicach premiery demo na PC to nawet mi się podobało, ale wtedy pasowała mi każda strzelanka. ;) Dzisiaj to już niezły potworek, fabularnie to tak naprawdę adaptacja nie tylko Quantum of Solace, ale też Casino Royale, tylko tak beznadziejnie poskładana, że gdybym nie oglądał niedawno filmów to ni cholery bym nie wiedział o co chodzi, z kim walczę, po co itd. Kto to wymyślił by zaczynać od końcówki Casino Royale, potem misja ze środka Quantum of Solace i znowu pościg z samego początku Casino? :D Rozwiązali to jakoś dziwnie, że tak naprawdę to M i jakiś jej tajniak przeglądają akta spraw Bonda i czasami sobie z dupy ktoś powie "wait, lets go back to the beginning" albo "skip ahead" i bam, odgrywamy coś co miało miejsce kiedy indziej. Po co przeglądali te akta, czy jakiś jest w tym cel - mnie nie pytajcie. W którymś momencie po prostu pojawiły się napisy końcowe i tyle mnie widzieli.
Graficznie niektóre miejscówki wyglądają okropnie, a inne ok, gdy są intensywniejsze momenty to klatki ostro spadają, większość misji nudnych, podobało mi się tylko gdy była chociaż namiastka skradania i jedna sekwencja pościgu. Śmieszne są porozrzucane telefony komórkowe tu służące za znajdźki, w nich są jakże cenne wskazówki jak to, że czerwone beczki wybuchają, a wielki błyszczący się jak psu jajca żyrandol na środku sali można spuścić na wrogów strzałem. Szukając plusów to strzelanie i ukrywanie się za osłonami działa dobrze, da się ustawić w miarę współczesne sterowanie (strzelanie pod triggerami) i podoba mi się sam model Daniela Craiga, jego animacje są już dzisiaj mocno drętwe, niemniej fajnie jest się w niego wcielić i zawsze lubiłem ten motyw jak w Kronikach Riddicka, że strzelamy się w fpp, ale są sytuacje gdy kamera przeskakuje na trzecią osobę.
Może to dziwne, ale mimo że gra jest słaba to bawiłem się całkiem dobrze. :D Bo akurat tego potrzebowałem, jakąś strzelankę, krótką i liniową. I to dostałem.

Average FPS with enemies with above average aim. Not worth going back to.

Just a bad cover-based shooter. Nothing here worth recommending

Finished it on Xbox360 last year, and it was very amazing, the graphics were well designed, this game was made by Treyarch and had the same engine as Call of Duty: World at War, the third/first person gameplay and combat was awesome, the background designs are cool, the M16 introduction in Every level of the game is very well-designed, this has to be one of my favorite First person james bond games ever next to NightFire & Goldeneye, this game is so underrated as well like every 007 game that's not goldeneye, Activision cooked very well on this game alongside Blood Stone before the 007 Legends's disastrous launch and MGM license expiration, if you're looking for a good James bond game for Xbox360 that's an FPS game, this game is perfect for you.

A under cooked Call of Duty & Gears of War hybrid that can be finished quickly.

Back when Treyarch made super mid-games like this and World at War.

"I loved how this game feature both casino royale and
Quantum of Solace. It was really cool to see them tie both
stories together and turn it into an amazing fps."

I enjoyed this is a kid, wasn't anything ground-breaking but it was an ok early 7th gen shooter.

A bit buggy and cheap, but with soul.
Unexpectedly, the game based on the film turned out to be a good shooter for the 1 evening. Good weapons and location designs (Shotgun is absolutely incredible).
Yes, you don't feel shots here, bad physics, too big aiming assistance, often things pass through each other, there is no animation of hand movement in a calm state, but it`s played nicely, and the James Bond films themselves have never been something outstanding, just such an action to relax. Here's also cool opening.

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Кривовато, но с душой.
Неожиданно игра по фильму вышла неплохим шутерком на вечерок. Неплохие дизайны оружий и локаций (Дробовик вообще невероятен).
Да, тут не чувствуется выстрелов, плохая физика, слишком сильная помощь в прицеливании, часто вещи проходят сквозь друг друга, нет анимации движения рук в спокойном состоянии, но играется приятно, да и сами фильмы про Джеймса Бонда никогда не были чем-то выдающимися, просто такой боевичок отдохнуть. Тут ещё заставка прикольная.

Fun. Over in a few hours. Better than I expected.

I haven't even seen the movie why did I have this?

claramente inacabado, esse jogo lembra muito a versão de ps3/360 do homem-aranha 3, gráficos toscos, gameplay que não funciona direito nem em primeira nem em terceira pessoa, simplesmente fundiram o casino royale com o quantum of solace e contaram os dois filmes igual o rabo, ainda cortaram diversos trechos e outros viraram simplesmente uma série de quick time events ridiculamente fáceis, o próprio jogo é facílimo, dificilmente vc vai morrer enquanto joga. por fim, não tem como dar alt+tab na versão pc durante a gameplay pq o jogo simplesmente crasha, mas se vc salvar e voltar pro menu, o jogo te deixa dar alt+tab. pelo menos é mais divertido jogar isso do que ver o filme do quantum of solace

This review contains spoilers

With the Bond license now going to Activision, they gave Treyarch the task of creating a new film tie-in alongside making Call of Duty: World at War. Naturally, this involved using the Call of Duty game engine, focusing on shooting with very little in the way of gadgets – that said, Daniel Craig’s Bond was less about gadgets anyway.

Starting out at the end of Casino Royale, with Bond trying to kidnap Mr. White and you get thrown straigt into the action. It’s a first person shooter that feels a lot like Call of Duty 4, but also has a cover system that turns into a third person perspective. It’s a surprisingly intuitive system, and the core shooting mechanics are enjoyable.

In this level, you have to get around the gardens to find another way into Mr. White’s house, gathering intel and then having to escape as a bomb sets the building on fire – this game has some good set pieces.

After kidnapping Mr. White, the car chase that follows is unfortunately not a mission – it’s all shooting in this game. However, instead of using the opening credits from the film, the game has its own really good opening using that car chase – and it has a much better song than the film, too.

When questioning Mr. White, M’s bodyguard betrays MI6 and you need to chase him through some ancient sewers and then above rooftops. If you didn’t figure it out yourself in the first level, this introduces the melee mechanic – run up to them, hit and then perform a quick time event to knock them out. This involves moving over a reticule and hitting the fire button, so it’s not as annoying as the random button kind. The boss fights, unfortunately, just use this mechanic.

Tracking down Mr. White to the very impressive looking Bregenz Opera House. This is a fantastic level that has a wonderful atmosphere throughout due to the opera music accompanying the soundtrack. This level encourages you to be stealthy, making headshots, knocking out enemies and disabling cameras. There’s no game over for failing – but you will have to deal with armoured guards if you get spotted.

In one section, you have to climb across part of the moving stage as you get a camera view from the point of the snipers, it looks very snazzy and these parts are stylish, even if they’re simple. After spying in on the meeting (finding out about a man called Greene and a British advisor called Haines), you have to do a bit of sniping (which is very satisfying) before escaping. This is a great level.

From the best level to the worst – the game skips forward to a sinkhole, with Bond already teamed up with Camille (who has previously not been mentioned). It’s a very drab looking level, shooting enemies and helicopters then an extended stationary turret section. At the end of the level, Camille explains that she wants revenge on a general, and asks Bond why he’s invested, this brings us to the main part of the game. You see, this isn’t just a Quantum of Solace game – in fact, the Quantum of Solace parts make up less than a third of the game.

This is mainly a Casino Royale game in disguise, the flashback starts off with the opening scene of Casino Royale with two levels of Bond chasing a bombmaker. The first level has the bomber being protected by waves of henchmen to fight through, but is still a lot of fun, while the second is a parkour chase through the construction site, which works surprisingly well for a game like this.

After disposing of the bomber (off screen), Bond discovers a contact in Miami and tracks him down to the science centre. If you turn around here, you’ll see a massive billboard for some gum – this game has plenty of product placement (mainly Sony Ericsson phones and VAIO laptops). You have to take out some snipers before sneaking around the building.

Once you get in, you have to make your way down from the roof before a large fight in the main hall, destroying the exhibits inside, including a replica of Da Vinci’s flying machine

Bond discovers a bomb threat intended for Miami Airport, and when he gets there finds out that it has been taken over by hostiles. This is another fun mission where you can be stealthy, or just go in all guns blazing if you prefer. There are plenty of objects that you can shoot to kill, blind or stun enemies, all highlighted with a slight glimmer.

A train level – it’s always oddly satisfying to fight on a train. In this mission, a drug deal is happening as you need to take the dealer out, creating a great set piece with you jumping between trains – it’s not quite Uncharted 2’s train level, but that game wasn’t out yet. This is another really fun level.

Unfortunately, you don’t get to play poker at Casino Royale (even a few rounds and an optional mini game would have been nice), so it skips forward to mid-game where Le Chiffre gets taken by Obanno. Bond chases them through the hotels – including through the stunning looking spa.

Another nice thing about this game is the damage to the environment – chunks fall off pillars and other objects break apart, some cover can also get destroyed. Some objects can be shot to take out enemies – a bit like “Bond moments” in previous games, but they feel more natural.

Next up is the shortest level in the game, but one that was a very nice inclusion and I would have liked to have seen some more non-combat moments. Bond gets poisoned and has to make his way to the car while dealing with the effects of it.

After being rescued, we get told that Bond wins the game, but Vesper is kidnapped, and Bond also gets kidnapped on route to rescue her.

As Bond frees himself, he heads to a barge and has to to a bit of sniping to protest Vesper, which is kind of annoying. After this, you assault the barge, setting off huge explosions along the way. I died a lot, but checkpoints are frequent and it’s quick to back in the action, so I didn’t mind much at all. The resolution with Le Chiffre pretty much happens off screen.

In Venice – which still looks really nice – Bond has to tail Vesper as she heads to a meeting. There’s a few nice quiet parts of this level, which are mixed with plenty of action in between. You have to make your way up a house as it sinks before finding a trapped Vesper and using a nail gun to fight off the final enemy of this section. After Vesper dies, it’s time to head back to Quantum of Solace.

We get a very brief rundown of the rest of the film before we start the final level – yes, there’s only one more level after the Casino Royale “flashback”. Fighting your way through the eco hotel, you end up saving Camille before a final confrontation with Greene and rushing out of the building before it collapses.

The game ends with Bond outside of the room containing Mr White and Haines, saying that he’s going in, to kill Mr. White and capture Haines for information. This was the original ending for the film, before they removed it (the deleted scene wasn’t even included on the DVDs).

I was really surprised by the Quantum of Solace game. It’s a lot of fun and the core gameplay is essentially the best era of Call of Duty, with third person cover that works really well. It would have been really nice to have some non-shooting parts, such as driving and poker segments. I also would have preferred a more linear story structure – having Casino Royale as a flashback when it’s so much of the game is just strange. Especially when, with the films, the end of Casino Royale flows straight into the start of Quantum of Solace (personally, I think the film works best as an “extended” version of Casino Royale).

This is my only experience with James Bond ever and it was an average FPS

E se os inimigos dessem hit kill com headshot no jogador e a gente fizesse ele repetir uma seção inteira do zero? The game.

I definitely need to get more into the Bond games, but from what I've played of Quantum of Solace, it's got some fun gun combat and captures the vibe of the early Craig films pretty well.

The opening Casino Royale mission was a welcome surprise!

Much like the film, this is mostly forgettable and gets by based on its connection to Casino Royale.

A good looking bond game but with iffy presentation of the stories that were retold. It would've worked better as full retellings of both stories had there been more time to work on it/if the devs weren't stuck making 3 versions. It looks really good for a 360 game and doesn't fall into the same pitfalls that the Wii version had. Need to complete it someday

multiplayer was surprisingly fun

Just another mediocre licensed title to add to the pile.

If you’re looking for a James Bond game that plays like poor man’s Call of Duty then Quantum of Solace (2008) is the perfect game for you.

The main/seventh-gen (PS3, 360, PC) version of Quantum of Solace uses Infinity Ward’s IW 3.0 engine which was also used for COD4: Modern Warfare and World at War. As a result, the game plays and feels like any modern Call of Duty, including the dreaded aim-assist system that borders on auto-aim, just not as polished.

You’ll spend the vast majority of your time in rectangle-shaped arenas shooting AI enemies that aren’t particularly bright, though occasionally they’ll throw a grenade or two and attempt to rush you to give off an impression of having some resemblance of tactics. The game also features some stealth segments and set pieces. Stealth here is as basic as you can get away with but it’s mostly inoffensive and optional anyway, whist the set pieces feel rather uninspired and cookie-cutter.

The game’s title is also a bit misleading. Despite being based on a Bond movie of the same name, two-thirds of Quantum of Solace’s levels are based on Casino Royale framed as part of a long flashback. That said, it’s not necessarily a bad thing given that Quantum of Solace (the movie) felt like a somewhat dry epilogue to its vastly superior and more action-packed prequel. As a result, you can understand why developers chose to go down this route and, frankly, they made the right choice.

If I had to summarize the entire experience in a single word, it would be “formulaic”. All of the elements present function as intended but they simply don’t stand out on their own and lack the polish of similar segments featured in Call of Duty titles. At the end of the day, it’s a licensed title made quickly and cheaply, published by Activision. What you see is what you get.

While this review has been mostly negative, I actually enjoyed the game for what it is. As long as you know what you’re going into, it’s an inoffensive title to pass the time with. I think the developers did the best they could with the resources allocated to them, knowing how licensed game productions usually go. That said, the game is entirely skippable and you’re probably better off getting your James Bond fix elsewhere, even the PS2 release of Quantum of Solace which is a different game entirely made by a separate development studio. If you're interested in my thoughts on that version, you can find my Backlogged review here:

Note: This review is based solely on the single-player campaign played on normal. Online servers are down and multiplayer is inaccessible through normal means.

Played the Wii version with that Zapper thing. It's not great but was decent as far as movie tie-ins go, and the local multiplayer mode was a lot of fun with friends

A movie tie in game. Not bad though. Fun for a night or two.

Yes, it may be a thinly veiled COD clone right from the source, but admittedly, QoS is an enjoyable game from someone who enjoys the COD mold. Is it going to rival Goldeneye? Hell no. But it's a good title for a rental.

Also has more in common with Casino Royale the movie then it does Quantum of Solace.