Reviews from

in the past

My God does this game have clunky gameplay. Even for 2000's standards this might be bad. Halo reigns king!

Guys what if we went to the Killzone mall together?

This is fine? It feels generally pretty good and the Helghast design is still cool along with some other aesthetic stuff but that's all given a ton more personality in its sequel. The checkpoints are fairly far apart as well which adds some fun intensity but apart from that there's not much in particular I can point to and say "I like this", it's just an ok enough fps game. Maybe that's all it needed to be since the PS2 didn't have a lot of fps games but this it does have that "it'll do" feeling.

As part of PS3 Collection I remember beating this game, I remember getting the Platinum for this game. & I remember it looking rough even for a remaster. Nothing much to say about this one. Skip it and go straight to 2 (the much better game) if you’re pressed for time.

Killzone 1 is a game. It's creative but it only really serves as the foundation of the frachise so it's alright.

O FPS que mais me deu alegria nessa vida.

There's a high level of challenge, cool world-building and character selection, and fun weapons that all have an alternate fire mode. It feels like a lot more variety than there really is considering all you do is shoot clones in the helmet

Black Ops é amassado por esse game

This game was way too ambitious so it has a lot of technical problems. I will get back to this at some point.

Quanta saudade eu tenho. É mal-feito, mas era tão bom.

Aburridísimo, cuando lo termine y deje el joystick, sentí que solté un ladrillo.

Muito a frente do seu tempo, era de ouro do Play2 só saia perolas.

El "Halo Killer". La única razón por la que ponía el disco era para ver su intro prerrenderizada. Un juego gris, feo y aburrido.

I always thought that the nazi-looking Helghast were the protagonists of the game with how they’re the face of the franchise

this game is better than most of sony recent entries

This game is too boring for its own good.

I got the most enjoyment out of this via its multi-player. My brother and I would put a lot of hours into it, and it had its fair share of variety to keep us entertained. Despite that, this is one of those "Games That Don't Exist" at this point in history. I beat this game, can't remember a damn thing about the narrative. The franchise itself seems to have been abandoned by Sony. It had some decent dystopian sci-fi elements to it that I'd be interested to revisit, if it ever rises from the grave.

A pretty basic shooter. It's got a cool lore to it and the Helghast visually look sick but it's nothing remarkable. The combat feels very blasé and the weapons for the most part feel very underpowered. The frame rate is also ass in this like seriously it's nauseating and borders on unplayable at times. You get to play as 4 characters but I mainly just stuck with Rico because his minigun is easily the best weapon in the game.

It was dubbed as a "Halo killer" but yeah it's nowhere near as good as the first couple of Halo games.

Shooter divertido para jugarlo en coop.

Gostava apenas do coop e dos modos de jogo multiplayer mas oh gameplay péssima

I feel like the game controls were actively beating the shit out of me as I played.

Very meh console first person shooter.

It may not have aged well, but it was amazing at the time. One of my favourite games as a child. Killzone felt like it could launch a really good franchise, but having moved to xbox after the ps3 server outages (for 3 months) I haven't really experienced Killzone beyond this edition. However, I haven't heard good things about the series beyond, so I have to assume this was the highlight. An incredible story and fantastic game at the time.