Reviews from

in the past

City Trial is probably the most universally loved game mode in any game ever

5 minutes of Kirby Air Ride is all I ask for, and it is what I deserve

This is the blueprint to basically every Sakurai game past this one and he was really cooking something when he said "you only need one button"

whoever gets the jewel cart wins

Had fun with the splitscreen freeplay mode.

Anyone who tells you that you need more than one button to make a good video game is an absolute buffoon.

Here's the thing, normally this game is like a 6/10

City Trial with 4 players and the checklist exist.
so it's a 8/10 instead.

do be warned though, if you don't got friends for city trial, the game is a little shallow and simple

The game hides its shallow side with a fantastic presentation. The music, the visuals- this game looks like magic. It's candy for the senses. Like any kirby game, it is extremely simple and easy to get into- but the challenge and completion requirements are exhausting.

It feels like my score for this game gets lower every time I revisit it.

City Trial was really unique! Collecting parts and powerups to prepare for a competitive minigame is a very novel concept. The game's streamlined button layout is a blessing and a curse. Having to rely on waggling the stick at the right time to avoid damage/deal damage feels a tad random and the "A" button being used for break AND using items results in some unfortunate overlap.
It feels like 90% of the vehicles were pranks by the developers. Top-Ride is not engaging enough to be 1/3rd of the total experience. The Air Ride racing mode is unfortunately pretty underwhelming by comparison. With races appearing in City Trial, using stock vehicles in a stand-alone mode is not as exciting. The checklist has some really goofy requirements. You'll NEED luck and 4 controllers. I don't think forcing a completion percentage behind multiplayer is a very strong idea.

Game is fun to pop in every now and again and I do wish they revisited the concept to expand on it.

excellent as long as you don't go anywhere near the obvious afterthought that is allegedly the main game

i'd 100% put city trial up against ANY party game in terms of all-time best couch multiplayer experiences one can have

vs dedede can suck me

this is what it's all about

there's...a lot missing from this game, but it makes up for it with incredibly fun multiplayer and dynamic track layouts. good times

My sister and I used to love just running around the multiplayer courses

I really wanted this to be a secret masterpiece, but I just wasn't feeling it. I'm just not a huge kart racer fan. The City Trial mode is a cool idea, but it's too chaotic to really be fun.

the amount of squandered potential is insane here- especially with city trial- which could have been as good as everyone actually said it was if it had a more detailed map

City Trial was the best mode by far

A great casual game to just pick up and play whenever. Well worth a play

not a huge fan of it, it's not horrible but just pretty boring

probably will edit after I replay it sometime

I don't think the "only one button" approach works for me here :/ maybe I am just bad, but even City Trial never excited me with how strange it was to drive all of these vehicles.

I think I’m like the only person who does not like this game. Other than the multiplayer I have no reason to play it again. There’s barely any tracks, city trial is the only mode with good content, and the missions don’t add much when I’m not having fun anyways

The checklists are super fun to chip away at. The racing itself is pretty shallow but it's a lot of fun to just unlock stuff or play City Trial with friends.

People claim the game is very simple, but I usually have to explain how to play it whenever I try to start it at parties. City Trial is the best multiplayer mode made ever tho

This is absolutely one of the games I've ever played. A friend got me to give it a whirl and we played for about an hour before I got tired of it. I don't really get the hype but I'm glad people can enjoy it.

Great, but it could have been so much more. The City Trial mode especially felt either incomplete or rushed. There was a lot of missed potential here. Still a super fun game regardless

I want to play this game with the DK bongos one day

They should totally do a City Trial Battle Royale.

city trial is amazing and I will die on this hill

Pretty fun but wish it had more replayability outside of achievements. No Grand Prix either. Multiplayer prolly slaps.