Reviews from

in the past

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We held a tournament to see who's the strongest Incredibles character. Woody won.

Fato é fato, esse jogo é RUIM gente

Kind of a strange entry into the Lego game franchise with only two movies and not much of an extended universe for characters. Starting with Incredibles 2 is a bizarre choice narratively.

The gameplay is still that classic Lego fun, I'm in love with the voice actors all returning and some of the mandatory Player 2 stuff is great, especially Gazerbeam. And I do love that they brought in a bunch of other Pixar characters and references.

After playing nearly every Lego game in the franchise I was not expecting to find my journey a more then pleasant one. But damn did I enjoy the collectathon. I found the pacing of the red bricks rewarding, along with the free world not being too daunting. This paired with the fun challenges made the grind worth the time. Yes it’s Lego so it did get repetitive but didnt hinder my time, making this the 3rd lego game for me to 100%

platinar foi bem doloroso mas fora isso é um dos legos recentes mais carismáticos. As cutscenes são maravilhosas e tem esses pequenos segredinhos e detalhes divertidos em todos os cantos. Nessa parte do jogo teve muito carinho envolvido

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it incredible

Just another alright LEGO game. I played the whole thing in co-op with a friend and had a decent time. I wouldn’t recommend playing this by yourself as I don’t believe it would’ve held my attention for its runtime if not for my friend. Best way I would describe this, is as a poor man’s LEGO City Undercover with superheroes.

The levels were par for the course and the roster felt like mostly filler. I’m really struggling with saying much because this is such a nothing game. It really is one of the videogames of all time. If you want to burn an afternoon or two with a friend then you could do far worse than LEGO The Incredibles.

This game is weird. The phases are kinda rushed and the open world is meh

mais um daqueles jogos da LEGO feitos pra lucrar com o lançamento de um filme da época. não vale a pena, não tem conteúdo, não diverte e os gráficos são piores que os jogos anteriores.

o mundo aberto desse jogo chega a ser uma piada de tão simples e mal feito ele é. além disso, fique esperto: esse jogo NÃO salva seu progresso na nuvem, descobri isso depois de perder todo o meu progresso (tava quase platinando) por formatar meu PC. é o tipo de jogo que não vale a pena ser jogado e nem vale seu dinheiro

Just remember having to deal with my sister who was shit at this game

This game has so much charm.
Plus I love the lego Disney characters wish we were still getting that lego Disney game

starting the game off with the films sequel then going into the original afterwards is crazy odd. Also you get no characters throughout the game who fly so you need to get them post game. Also most impossible to 100% because one of the collectible bricks doesn't appear for 90& of people unless you start a new save.

Never would have thought this would exist but it does and it’s honestly one of the most forgettable lego games with the skywalker saga

Los juegos de Lego tienen un encanto especial para mi, es un momento en el que apagas el cerebro y te dejas llevar. La comedia nunca falla.

I do not understand how people think so lowly of this game, this game is absolutely amazing and so charming, the many disney characters that show up outside of the Incredibles is hilarious and heartwarming, playing this with my younger niece is something I will never forget.

The world itself is amazing to traverse and I absolutely adore every silly little powerup characters have.

Played this purely because one of my favourite YouTubers said he enjoyed it.

Had high hopes for this game as a result someone who is not at all interested in The Incredibles, this was disappointing. Though that's my own fault I guess

Lego Incredibles, now one of my favorite Lego games of all time! The story felt really great, for the context I haven't seen the movies and it was so much fun experiencing these 2 stories. The standard Lego magic made me love it so much and the open world only took me a few hours to complete on 100%. The collectibles in the levels, mini kits aren't very difficult to collect, you just need to use the correct character to collect every mini kit in the levels. The miscellaneous trophies were also really fun and a few references to the story of the game. The only thing I can complain about in this game is that it felt really small and short, I wish it had a few more levels, like instead of 12 levels that it had 16 levels.

Great music and the first movie is great but this is a nothing adaption. Great for playing while podcasting but not much else sadly.
Best character flash/frozone.

no soy gran fan de los legos pero me entretuvo mientras hacía multitasking viendo totally spies y winx club así que guay :3 además amo los increíbles así que puedo perdonar que se inventaran algunas cosas de la historia

Like honestyl its just like every other lego, I just have it rated so low because you play the second movie first.

Não joguei quase nada desse jogo, deu preguiça, mas parece ser divertido porque explora vários personagens do universo dos Incríveis.

Gostei muito só não platinei pq o a conquista bugou

chugs on switch. one of the funniest games i've ever played, where else can you play as fucking dory from finding nemo floating about in a water bubble. where else can you pick up and throw your wife off of an oversized power drill with caterpillar tracks. where else can you and your partner turn into a small army of babies while you fight a raccoon


With the release of both LEGO The Incredibles and LEGO DC Super Villains within the same year, it’s clear that TT Games obviously put way more effort into the latter. Everything in LEGO The Incredibles is subpar; whether it’s the levels, the humor, the open world, the visuals, or the noticeably weird lack of charm that used to be the main selling point of this franchise, and ultimately—why people would play them in the first place. Charm is a hard thing to dissect. I don’t exactly know what makes a game… charming. Is it nostalgia? Simplicity? Or is it when you can visibly see the amount of love and care developers put into their game? Probably all three—but this isn’t nostalgic to me, and it pains me to say that it completely fails at the other two. I remember when these games had a formula, but weren’t so obsessed with repeating it every chance they got without adding much of anything new or original. It’s reached a point where it feels like TT Games are emulating their own fucking formula—putting no effort at all into expanding it and making it feel fresh.

The best example of this is the open world. It sucks. It’s a shit attempt at bloating out the game with mindless collectibles that take no effort whatsoever to… you know, collect. I remember the good ol' days of LEGO Marvel Superheroes when each puzzle was engaging and actually stumped you at times—it’s not like they were the hardest thing ever, but the point is… they made you think, even if it was only for 20 seconds. Here, you don’t think. You select a flying character and fly around the world collecting bricks on rooftops and in “hidden” places for four hours, even though you can literally see them on the map. You can get a district done in about 10 minutes just by aimlessly flying around, it’s so dumb. They didn’t even try, there are close to zero actual puzzles in the world; I can only remember one, which was when you had to figure out how to open a locked container in the sea. Apart from that though, there’s nothing, and I honestly had to put on a YouTube video in the background so I wouldn’t be so bored. And when I say that it was mindless, I mean that very literally; this is what my face looked like when I was playing through the open world, it was that bad. Now keep in mind, it wouldn’t be so frustrating if it was only tedious collectibles, but they also implement these activities called crime waves; not only do these become repetitive after the third one… but there’s also 10 of them. And they each contain 2-3 missions within them, so essentially—you’re doing the same shit on repeat. But I think another big reason the open world is so disappointing is that… it just doesn’t look good. It’s small, empty, stretched thin, and has no detail at all. Look at LEGO DC Super Villains for example. The lighting, the reflections, the effects, the small details; it’s all so beautiful to look at and absorb—it's one of the main reasons I love that game so much (and it’s arguably close to the visuals of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga). And I think a huge reason for that is just straightforward… art direction. I don’t see any discernible visual traits that are only in this LEGO game—I mean if anything, it’s direction-less. I honestly prefer the visuals of much older LEGO games like LEGO Batman, LEGO Marvel Superheroes, LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, and plenty of others. I do like the numerous references to other Pixar properties though, building iconic landmarks from those films was really fun and helped solidify my need for a Skywalker Saga-sized Pixar game that selects 10 of their best movies and does a bunch of crazy cool shit with them.

The story levels are a mixed bag. You’re immediately thrown into the story of the second movie first, as opposed to starting with the original; and this was a horrible choice. The second movie came out around the same time and I know they were obligated to start with it—so I get why, but I can guarantee that some fans quit the game because they couldn’t be bothered to sit through an adaptation of a much weaker movie. I wasn’t one of them of course, but I will say that the second movie is much, much, much weaker than the first. I don’t like it… almost at all, it’s nowhere near as complex or thought-provoking as the original, not to mention its utterly forgettable villain that can’t hold a candle to Syndrome. My thoughts on the movie inevitably link in with my thoughts on that part of the story mode, so I didn’t really enjoy it. Thankfully, the first movie kind of saves this game (not really though, because it still sucks). It’s a lot funnier (mainly due to Bomb Voyage, he’s hilarious), and the level design is more in tune with older LEGO games, even if it’s still lacking that charming simplicity. But I hate how many scenarios they’ve changed. So in the movie—a lot of the time, characters are alone and hardly ever in pairs. Now, I understand why this doesn’t work for the game, but they change crucial story elements that made the movie… so incredible and unique in the first place (excuse the pun). One of these happens late in the game when a character that was originally killed in the movie isn’t killed in the game—forcing them to join you as a partner for the level, and it rubbed me the wrong way. They could’ve just spawned in another character for co-op, or had—I don’t know, another way of making it a two player level that doesn’t very largely change a huge part of the story. Another change I don’t like is the absence of the guy that attempts to do that thing—okay I really do understand why this wasn’t included—but fuck, it’s such a huge part of the movie’s story that acts as the catalyst for everything that happens to superheroes and their eventual downfall, so I can’t help but feel a little disappointed. They could’ve tackled it like they’ve tackled many other dark aspects of the movies they’ve adapted, but it’s honestly not that big of a deal so I'm giving the game a pass for that. The free play in this one was surprisingly good. It’s fast, and doesn’t aim to waste your time. There aren’t that many invisible walls meaning you can fly straight past huge moments to collect what you need to collect, and it works. This is also complimented by the fact that the pacing is a lot quicker; the animations don’t have long wind-ups, and this makes going through the levels much more enjoyable because it’s not tedious. That’s actually a huge reason why my score isn’t lower; the game isn’t too long and doesn't try to waste your time—and it gets a few bonus points for that.

Oh and the music? I mean shit, it’s Michael Giacchino—can’t get any better than that… bangers after bangers. And playing this after LEGO Jurassic World was a blessing in disguise because this one actually has voice acting! Which was very surprising. The voices aren’t perfect replications, but they don’t have to be… and it’s a lot better than ripping audio straight from the movies, which I think they still do? But I honestly can’t tell, and I keep finding conflicting results online. I haven’t said anything about the character roster yet, and that’s because it’s not very good. This links back to my general point of TT Games picking franchises that don’t translate all that well to their formula, which is the case here too; with the whole—changing scenarios during levels, the open world, and the character roster that has a lot of characters that we’ve never seen in the movies apart from slight mentions. This was clearly not a good pick for a LEGO game… Oh and bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! FUCKING OPTIMIZE YOUR GAMES PLEASE.

Playtime: 14.5 hours

Every Game I’ve Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
Superhero Games - Ranked
LEGO - Ranked
2018 - Ranked

Crazy how the most useable characters in the post game are not any of the Incredibles

Honestly this is a lot better than a lot of recent Lego games. There’s way less bloat here with plenty of collectibles and side content but it never really gets boring.

Levels are also a good length, while most recent lego games have had levels that drag and the Skywalker Saga had tiny levels this seems to strive a balance.

The balance of powers throughout the story is okay, although I think they slow gameplay down too much with the way they interact with the world.

Honestly the main drawback in this game is that customisation is kind of limited. Custom characters are stuck with “batches” of powers, so you can’t fully customise what powers you want for them. Super speed is also limited to Dash only, which is a shame.

Overall an enjoyable experience.