Reviews from

in the past

Absolutely beautiful and genius in its simplicity. By giving you involvement in this passive game, it makes you really feel connected to these little encounters so much more than if you were just given the in-game dialogue. When the game moves back and forth effortlessly, folks will open up to you more easily, letting you in on glimpses of their lives, their dreams, their troubles. Despite them never being seen together or outside of the park, a web begins to form between these characters, with your games of catch allowing them a space to talk through their feelings and make decisions about their own lives.

As much as I have a desire for the game to delve further into the lives of these people, I know at the same time that its restraint is a lot of what makes it so endearing. You play as an observer, and in its best moments nothing is said at all.

Hi, I'm Joey.

Sorry, it's been a while since I played catch.

So you'll have to forgive me if my aim is off.

Nice throw!

You want to know how I've been?

I haven't been great lately.

I know we only started playing, but I can't pretend things are fine.

I should be honest, I haven't been great for a while.

Watching that ball pierce the air, I thought I should break the silence.

Maybe that was inappropriate, I'm sorry.

Good one!

What's that?

You don't mind?

I appreciate that, thank you.

It can be hard to get others to lend you an ear when you need it.

Why am I down?

Good question, I don't fully know.

For a while I thought it was missed medications.

Something tangible and real I could blame it on.

But I'm starting to think that's not the case.

You really don't mind talking about this?

If you'd rather just play catch that's okay too...

Okay, if you're sure...

I suppose it's fitting to have a heart to heart while we play catch.

We're taking turns.

Allowing each other space and time until we're called upon.

Sorry, just a silly thought.

I don't think it's the medication though.

At least, not anymore.

It feels more and more like a part of me is missing.

Maybe it always was, maybe I was just made aware of it...


Maybe what I'm missing is people.

It feels like people come and go a lot in my life these past few years.

I don't blame them, of course, things don't last forever.

But I still miss them.

Some were in real life. People move. People change.

I guess that's true online, too.

I'm guilty of coming and going myself.

It feels harsh in retrospect, but sometimes I feel so afraid and trapped and I have to run.

I'm sure it's that way for others, too.

I wonder if they know I miss them?

I wonder if they miss me, too.


Maybe what I'm missing is time.

Since graduating university and the whole COVID thing, time doesn't seem the same.

I always have too much, but too little.

But when I feel like I have too much, it's nice to while it away.

Like we're doing now.

Thanks for playing with me, by the way.

I know you could be spending your own time in other ways.

With other people.

It's nice to be able to just talk.

When I feel I have too little time, I again become scared.

I fear I've spread myself too thin, made too many promises.

Like I'm trying to do too much.

And so much of it feels fruitless. Like the only one who cares is me.

Or worse, that not even I care.

Maybe that's a sign I shouldn't do the things I don't care about.

But that abandonment hurts as much as the slipping of time does.


Maybe what I'm missing is myself.

It feels all the time like I'm living a lie.

Like I'll break kayfabe at some point, and the old me will show itself.

But I know the old me is the same me as the me I am now.

Sorry, that was a marble-mouthed way to put it.

Still, it's as if I've given parts of myself to others.

And to the things I make and do.

Without giving myself time to regenerate those parts.

It's as if I'm letting genies out of bottles and hurriedly trying to shove them back in.

Like I'm scared of the consequences of my own actions.

I think I'm scared that I am who I am.

That my relationships, my life, simply are the way they are.

And sometimes things go great, we get to go a little longer.

Just like when one of us catches or throws perfectly.

We get to keep things going a tiny bit longer.

Just like when we reach a new level.

We get a deeper bond, a sense of fulfillment, and get to keep going.

Only I've been missing too many throws, fumbling more catches than I make.

And I know that one of these times, I'll turn to grab the ball.

Pleading that things can continue a bit longer.

Only to turn around, and see another person I'm playing catch with leave.

See another piece of myself leave.


I'm sorry, I don't mean to cry.

This is supposed to be a nice game of catch.

And you were so nice to let me talk about myself.

And I've gone and ruined it.

Things always end up like this.

Maybe that's why I try not to get close to others.

I end up hurting them just as I hurt myself.

I end up needing more and more affirmation and validation.

I take and I take without giving back.

I'm making things worse, aren't I?

I just know when this is over, I'll have to go back to pretending things are fine.

And they just aren't.


If it's alright with you, I'd like to stop playing catch for now.

Thanks for letting me talk your ear off.

Despite the tears, I really enjoyed this.

And I really hope you'll play with me again.

Maybe next time I won't be so sad.

But maybe I will.

And maybe it won't matter.

Uhmm... I know this might be silly.

And that we don't really know each other that well.

But I hope I get to see you again.

Get to hear your voice again.

And until the next time, I hope with all my heart that things go well for you.

Or get better for you.

And until the next time, I will miss you tremendously.

Not because I'm sad you're gone.

But because I was so happy you were here.

minus points some expected motion control jank

can't believe this game about playing catch made me cry twice

I honestly was expecting this to be a crappy wiiware game to tie-in with let's tap, seeing as the games have cross-save compatibility, but I was actually rather pleasantly surprised by this game. This game consists of you playing catch with various characters. That's it. The gameplay loop involves you flickin the wiimote to throw and timing an A and B press to catch properly. There's actually an amount of focus you have to put into the game to score well, as you only have a limited number of throws that can be expanded by perfectly timing your button press or perfectly throwing the ball to your partner, so it's not an entirely braindead game despite the extremely basic premise. However, the actual core gameplay loop is not at all whatsoever where the substance of this game lies. Catch is a social game played with another person, so each of the various characters has things to say to you about their life as you play, and each character has their own unique woes that I genuinely got invested in, and the game doesn't shy away from more heavy topics such as dealing with loss or heartbreak. Considering the fact that this is a wiiware title, there's not really any way to legitimately play this anymore, but if you know how to load it on your wii regardless, I'd definitely suggest giving this a try. I mostly played this due to the co-relation to its sister game, let's tap, and honestly this game has significantly more heart put into it than that to the point where I'd say it's personally completely overshadowed it, which is funny considering this is the budget wiiware game and not the retail physical game.

Prope created a game that touches on the daily struggles of people, their flaws as individuals, and their desire to become better, but is uplifted by inspiring stories and progress made by the player. Adore the cartoony art-style, catchy soundtrack, excellent sound design to each type of catch, and surprisingly entertaining side modes for single or multiplayer. Sometimes, a simple game of catch is enough to change the lives of many!

a great simulation of your friend traumadumping with catch instead of randomly during smash bros

Beneath a fading silver sky, I found myself locked in a timeless dance of catch with a stranger.

Good +30

Our hands connected across the expansive field through the shared rhythm of a baseball's flight, while our hearts bridged the chasm of anonymity with every gentle toss.

Good +30

Amidst the soft thud of the catch, we listened heartfully to stories that spilled like fragments of a soul's journey.

Normal +20

Each throw, a moment shared, a piece of the intricate mosaic of their life.

Perfect! +50

This was honestly a pleasant surprise. It's very relaxed, but there's actually a kind of emotional storyline at the core of the game. It makes it worth sticking with for its short length.

it is so nice to be heard. it is so nice to be understood. the fact that somebody would purposefully take a moment out of their day, a moment they will never get back, to listen to you - that action itself saying "your experiences matter, your joys matter, your sorrows matter, the fact you are here right now is such a wonderful thing", even before the conversation that comes out of it - is the most compassionate of actions. it is love. i feel like I'm overrating this and I fucked my wrist up playing it but. wow. wow.

Oddly melancholic and earnest game about listening to people's problems.