Reviews from

in the past

I got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy down in my heart. WHERE?
Narrative: 3.5
Gameplay: 3
Visuals: 2.5
X-Factor: 3
LISA: The Joyful is a good game that unfortunatly is a sequel to a fantastic game. LISA: The Painful manages to balance unique, nuanced stories with the hilarity of its characters. Compared to the original, this game fails to capture the same Joy. By limiting the scope of the game to focus more intensely on one character rather than the party-based system in the first game, Lisa: The Joyful's combat sufferers greatly. One of the best aspects of the original is how deeply connected the story and characters are expressed in combat. That simply is missing in this game.

I think the best way to enjoy Lisa: The Painful is to think of it as a bonus mode of the original game. While still a good experience, temper your expectations as the game does not attempt to achieve the same feats as the original.

As a story continuation of Painful its really good but actually playing it is a chore. Cant say I hated it.

Here we have the conclusion of the Lisa trilogy. In this one you play as Buddy from the second game and it mostly revolves around her and what she wants to do with her life. It's a pretty good story and wraps things up for the character and the larger world stuff decently enough.

The game is a lot more straightforward than Lisa the Painful. In this, you mostly just play as buddy and having a companion is more of a story thing than actually integral to the gameplay. You just play as Buddy and she's fuckin done with choices being made for her and she's out to kill EVERYONE to make a name for herself. Buddy mostly attacks with a sword with skills that you have to time a button press just right to do deadly precision damage. It seems kinda weird at first but there's a skill she has that allows her to flash enemies which temporarily leaves them dumbfounded because she's the only female anyone has seen in decades so it kinda works. More importantly that and her deadly attacks tie into her ruthlessness as a character who is on a path of violence and will do whatever she can to forge ahead. I think it works ultimately.

The story mostly is about Buddy finding The List of warlords who rule sections of Olathe and how she intends to rule it all by killing them and taking her spot on top. She has a bit of a messiah complex after the events of the last game and everyone telling her how she's humanity's savior since she's the last woman and all. So in that way it's all fairly simple. There's some other worldbuilding stuff that gets expanded on and, much to my enjoyment, characters whose arcs get fleshed out more and resolved. Part of what bugged me in the last game was how the story really only focused on Brad. It was fine but I wanted more from the characters introduced that CLEARLY had more to show and this game delivers. What's more important is that the stuff regarding other characters fits in with Buddy's story and doesn't really feel tacked on thanks to both her importance in the grand scheme of things and other character's ties to her in the last game.

I don't really want to say much more than that. I think this is a solid series that deserves to be played and experienced yourself. The final game is a fitting conclusion though I do think it loses some of the charm and humor of the last game in favor of telling a more brutal and slightly more serious story. I really enjoyed it though and enjoyed the shorter no-nonsense notions of Buddy. Definitely recommend the whole trilogy.

Not as good as its predecessor. Worth checking out if you liked LISA: The Painful and want more of it - don't expect the same amount of quality, but be ready for a pretty good time.

The Last Of Us Part 2 if it was good

i think i actually hate this

the ending of the game feels random as hell but the game otherwise is fantastic. worth playing if you really liked the painful

This is how feminism was born

Idk how I didn't log it earlier
LISA genocide route or something honestly wish there was more to it
Also tooley deserved more I wish he was recruitable

the only reason you people like this game is because you get to play as a girl who kills people. 666 kill chop deluxe is genuinely the only good thing here

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The not-so-great follow-up to my favorite game. Not a bad game by any means, but definitely a bit of a headscratcher. Has some very damningly sad moments, but falls flat of the original game's oomph.

Picks up directly after the end of Painful, following Buddy instead of Brad. The game is very shallow in the gameplay department, featuring mainly Buddy for the majority of combats whilst following a bewildering story of Buddy's spiral into wishing to become the ultimate dictator of Olathe.

The game is heavily nuanced, and still features an interesting albeit disappointing end, but is far from a bad experience. It is a very short-lived experience regardless, but one I feel like sticks.

That being all said; should this game exist? To be honest, yes, but not in its current form. The game could've used some extra time rethinking certain parts of the story such as her motivations, her inner emotions, and not-so-much of the "open for interpretation" writing that comes with lots of scenes (i.e. the final "Brad" fight).

an unneccesary follow up that horribly butchers a lot of the mystery and character the previous game had
doesnt help that the gameplay itself is a slog to get through

So exciting to pop joy like candy after the main game. Played a version where they accidentally left out the final katana, 10/10 challenge run

siri play 666 kill chop deluxe on spotify

shockingly, this DLC that's widely maligned by its own fandom ended up being something i enjoyed more than its base game. i think being shorter helped a bit, there's less room for jorgensen to misstep and make emotional moments that don't work, and the ones in here feel much more earned and impactful. that ending part with buddy coming to terms with brad in particular is a highlight of the entire LISA trilogy, easily.

the problems with this DLC are ultimately that it's very monotonous. i don't think you inherently needed to add party members to this to make it fun, but making the majority of the game be solo encounters basically requires a very turtle-y playstyle that gets very repetitive and boring. it's exacerbated by the fact that like 60% of the encounters in the game are joy mutants that all have roughly the same set of moves, and some of them have an obscene amount of health that makes the fight take like 3x longer than it really should. and while joyful is excessive in how it handles combat, it's honestly too minimal in actual story. i like that this is relatively terse and self-contained, but a 3 hour DLC that's mostly just encounters you could've gotten from the base game feels underwhelming.

still, i find buddy to be more fascinating and groundbreaking of a main character than brad, and i think jorgensen handles her with a shocking amount of tact. buddy feels just as asocial and isolated as someone who lived her life would be. i've seen the sentiment that people feel as though buddy is unlikeable and/or excessively abrasive, but i think telling a story where she acts like a quirky shut-in seeing the world for the first time like elizabeth from bioshock: infinite would not only devalue her character, but it would make the narrative a lot less engaging. she has baggage and trauma, she reacts in uncomfortable and challenging ways, and you don't necessarily have to like it, but you do understand.

on a final note, i really dislike the bits of lore that the epilogues add to the game. they feel unnecessary, and i greatly dislike the framing of "lisa was actually the source of all the darkness in the narrative and influenced buzzo to become a monster", something the game tries to hammer home two separate times. it removes agency from his character while simultaneously demonizing children of abuse as these horrific monsters, another abuse trope that jorgensen probably thinks is way more subversive than it really is.

either way, i enjoyed my time with this expansion and was pleasantly surprised to get more good than bad out of it, especially after the base game. it doesn't stand on its own legs by any means, though, so i doubt i'll ever revisit this considering it'd have to involve revisiting the entire trilogy. i'd rather put this set of games to bed and never come back to it.

I played this immediately after Lisa The Painful so it is basically the same game in my mind.

This is essentially just a dungeon crawler and by no means worth playing, do yourself a favor and watch a youtube summary or read the wiki
anyway I'm satisfied with the true ending wich is as i'd like to consider is the Leave theme ending and tbh have nothing else to say abt this

Need to replay LISA and this DLC.

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a few bad missteps from painful but it's still good. rando is one of my favorite characters ever and it's amazing seeing him fleshed out and explored in this

Honestly kind of lost my attention due to the fact that buddy has plot armor through the entire game. It feels a bit slapdash and very alienated from the experience Painful gave us. I understand it wasn't meant to be a big deal like Painful but it just feels like it could've had way more potential. Not exactly bad, just kinda meh to me.

I cannot speak, love her character, love how she subverts the game itself and wider tropes.

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imagine making one of the titans among the RPG Maker games (or at least i think it is) and then following that up with a half-baked DLC with combat that is incredibly boring compared to the base game, buddy's character throughout is "i want to be VIOLENT!! i want to KILL PEOPLE!!" without any changes or development until the actual last second where the epilogue depending on what ending you chose is a 5 second image. there are only a few scenes that don't throw this game completely out the window like the entire brad hallucination fight, but everything else just does not follow up to what came before the DLC. things like the easy mode room are a clear joke but do not fit AT ALL in a world like Olathe, the joke also pretty much falls flat when the combat is also a joke with the ability to heal yourself over and over and then use a poison bomb or any other move you have because the heal skill is vastly underpriced. the DLC is also incredibly short, it's kind of very easy to tell the DLC was made as an obligation for backers and not as one last hurrah, only play if you really want to see how buddy ends up after the ending of painful and beyond that or look at a gameplay video it doesn't really matter.

3 horas de jogo 2:30 floodando o mesmo combo direto por que esse combate é pífio.
é um final "feliz" pro the painful mas ainda sim é meio paia como gameplay mas a história é bacana