Reviews from

in the past

A slow paced and not very fun kart racer. There's a whole single player campaign of tracks to go through, but why you would want to do that is left an exercise to the player. The tracks there are pretty mediocre, and unexciting. Custom tracks can be a bit more interesting, since people can remake tracks from better games such as any Mario Kart, but the game is so slow that 3 laps on the same track is unbearable even if it is Waluigi Pinball. It takes forever. Really really bad!

Track-maker was nice but all that’s left now is a middling kart-racer

I had this game and I DON'T KNOW WHERE IT WENT

It was a lot of fun though. Wish the greebles didn't take my copy

A serviceable kart racer slathered in LBP charm. That's as far as the compliments go. Drifting feels pointless and incredibly fiddly like a cheap iOS game and items feel like they're balanced for Battle Mode far more than the kart racing mode, which therefore makes them far too powerful and unfair in standard races (the green and red shell equivalents stun you for far too long, also most items are homing).

Customisation and creation online was obviously the name of the game here, but with the servers offline for years now and the game being locked behind an online pass when it was new to block preowned sales (ew), this game withered on the vine and therefore most of the intended functionality and replayability has been lost in subsequent years.

Play only if you're making your way through the LBP series, don't bother for any other reason.

Entirely inoffensive kart racer at the time with a pretty cool track maker, but now that's offline I honestly wouldn't bother with this one

This game feels absolutely gutted now that the servers are down and you can't access other players' created tracks. Sure, you still have the single player mode - and once you get used to the floaty physics in this game, it's fun enough - but it's nothing compared to how it felt playing this game in its heyday.

Now, playing this game gives off the same impression as visiting the abandoned remains of an amusement park from your childhood. It doesn't help that the collectibles in this game are all materials for the Create Mode but now the Create Mode is offline only and there's just something fundamentally sad about spending hours building a creation that you're unable to share with the outside world.

Not into racers, but this one is too meh

From the developers of Sleeping Dogs comes LittleBigPlanet Karting! I shit you not; both games were released in the same year by the same developer. This is mostly just Modnation Racers but with a LittleBigPlanet skin and a campaign to play around in. Ten years later, it has the same issue Modnation Racers has: the online component of this game is arguably its selling point, so there's no reason to go back to it without it. But unlike Modnation Racers, LittleBigPlanet Karting gives you more tools to play around with.

I'll say this: for as meh as the actual racing part of this racing game is, there's a pretty solid arena mode in there with weapons that you can create yourself. I remember creating insanely unbalanced weapons back in the day, and that was always the highlight of this game for me. But other than that, the developers did a pretty admirable job emulating the look and feel of LBP, and I respect that.

mais um jogo de corrida estilo mario kart

It may not be as good as ModNation Racers, but it's still a great time. Story tracks are really solid and the controls, while a tad floaty, are really smooth once you get the hang of it. I wish I played this while the servers were still online.

This game had potential, not only that but was good already. The story was a fun thing to have in a Kart racer and the creation aspect was fun to play with. The levels people made were amazing but the lack of community for this game killed it in the end. Eventually having the servers shut down was the end of it's life. Maybe a sequel could come of it but highly unlikely.

Little Big Planet Karting es un juego con un concepto que estamos cansados de ver. Porque sacan una versión de autos de todo? Más allá de eso, un juego que "safa"