Reviews from

in the past

Great concepts - I am an SCP enjoyer, after all. I find the gameplay not very engaging, however, and couldn't stomach a full playthrough.

i GENUINELY cannot lock in to this game man, i cant
yesod my love tho

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Fell to my knees at day 50.

this is honestly the best game ever, its so satisfying to finish it. A lot of the games tedium and brutality is one of the best examples of "ludo narrative synchroncity" I've seen. The seprhirot, even with their short screen time, are so well written and characterized its jarring to know this game was only written by a few people and its their first work, thank you kim ji-hoon for one of the worst best brutal and mind numbing experiences of all time.

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Honestly this game is close to being fun, managing anomalies or whatever they were called, cultivating power, understanding how to best approach each anomaly, honestly that part was fun. But then my first ordeal shows up and just mops the floor with me, people would probably call this a "casual filter" if it even is supposed to be, I could have just gotten unlucky, but really it's just supremely unfun. Had a lot of potential, maybe one day I'll be able to sit down with someone and they can explain to me what I need to do or how to best approach the issue I'm having, but until that day, this game is just lackluster.

Dude this was so fun for the first 20 hours and the story was so intriguing, but then I remembered I had 80 more hours of this and… no.. i don't think so…..

This game is WAY too repetitive for it to be 100 hours

Absolute peak. Ayin is my favorite character in all of gaming.

I am SO fascinated by this game. Super fun, finicky but fun. This scratches my itch for "unnerving SCP-like monsters that you can collect and analyze." Fun community too!

Very fun concept, buggy as all hell, now that the company has money this game desperately needs a remake

great writing, mechanically its cute and interesting but definitely has some repetition issues. if you dont like banging your head into a wall this is not for you

Me filtro durisimo este juego
Ta buenardo igual
La historia estaba buena tambien.

This is one of the greatest games ever made.

Definitely hate it. (don't ever pick the train)

Game might be hell to play but my god is the story worth it. The hellish gameplay also genuinely adds to the ludonarrative experience of this game.

Holy fuck Ayin you did miracles on me

This game is named that way because it’s so braindead easy

I see Lobotomy being mentioned and see that it's an anomaly management game, so naturally I put it on my list.
When I finally boot it up, it didn't take more than 30 mins to find issues and pet peeves. Like the subpar UI and scaling whether it's the sprites, the text or event box. Plus I'm greeted to a bland environment with doll designs that I didn't really appreciate personally. Although it's criminal how could you fumble an inspiration like the SCP foundation, I've played games with bad characters like neon white before so I didn't think of it a dealbreaker.

I play a few days and find a few questionable design decisions. You can retry workdays as much as you like but if you're soft-locked (due to agent death/gear loss etc..) you can only rollback to specific intervals every 5 or so days. What gives this feature its purpose is how grindy the experience is. Some missions require working for way longer past the daily goalpost due to progress resetting every day.
What compounds this grind even more is that specific anomalies require very specific combinations or measures to be worked on in relative safety. For example, I get an anomaly that requires itself to be off-screen to work successfully, how do they realistically expect players to shy their eyes from their newest anomaly for at-least the first few times they're worked on? How many times am I supposed to realistically retry this workday before giving up and looking up the required measure for it?
I strictly intended to not look up anything to not spoil the fun, but this was too much for my patience.

Was the management cycle even fun enough to bear with those faults? Not really. You can loosely group management into 3 phases/levels. Working is just sending agents to work on the anomalies to generate the prized power source, Countermeasures is when an anomaly escapes or an agent goes frenzy and damage control is needed, and ordeals are random events that trigger once you work on anomalies more than a set figure and is basically a base invasion that you need to fight off.
The management part is boring when things go as intended so you've got contrived perquisites and the invasions to keep you busy. Plus you can get extra screwed if you luck goes south when picking new anomalies.

- The cycle itself isn't that fun and revolves around a grind
- luck is a considerable factor to justify the rouge-lite elements
- Art direction is poor and in 10 hours I've heard like 4 tracks tops
-Writing fails to build intrigue and instead puts the effort on building bland uninteresting characters.

Honestly IDK who should be the audience for such a game. I don't want to say that it's made for crusty weebs who fixate on characters above all else but I'm dumbfounded to mention another type of audience. Didn't want to hold prejudice against a Korean studio but this further proves that Korea is a fake and gay country.

Painful and grindy and absolute suffering and I shouldn't recommend it to anyone but I do. I love micromanagement and I LOVE customizing my nuggets and having them die in terrible scenarios

Listen I love the idea and the story but gameplay is an absolute bummer. Unplayable in my opinion. I'd rather boot up Pathologic

i wanna fuck some of the abnos

this is the worst game ive ever played in my life

peor exper9iencia d mi vida es como pimchaerme caballo en vena

"So, you've met your reflections, the pieces of the mirror?
They must have tried to stop you because their own tomorrows are not on the horizon.
But you gave up the path to stay in those yesterdays with them."

Most accurate depiction of a person who underwent lobotomy

Seriously tho, the game is amazing, the gameplay although extremely tedious is definitely worth suffering through because of the great story and also although having to choose a new abnormality was always a pain the ass, it was still extremely interesting to me to figure out their gimmicks, and a lot them also have pretty dope lore.

never got to any ending but its really fun :3 i love punishing bird

funny awful gameplay solid story

No voy a desarrollar, pero el protagonista es esencialmente Kratos en God of War III. Más allá de eso, está chulo que enhebren ―como parece que hace todo creativo asiático in this day and age― conceptos de psicología analítica con misticismo judío.


Love to see a game that's not afraid to REALLY make you suffer. A true work of ludonarrative excellence (and also just plain narrative excellence). Don't be afraid of the game's purported impossible difficulty, it's not actually that "hard" per se, it's just (deliberately) arbitrary and unfair (the difference being- it doesn't take a lot of skill or a huge brain to beat the game, it just takes the stubbornness to keep retrying). The ultimate goal of the game is to use the meta-progression tools at your disposal to avoid having to deal with the unfair bits.

i love horrors. i'm refraining from playing project moon stuff because the ceo's stupid, but i looooove this game and the horrors

amazing game that really makes you feel like jeff bezos. just get a mod to fix the memory leaks for later days.